Operation |
Path Parameters |
Request Parameters |
Response Parameters |
GET /administered/identities/me Returns the identity of the current user. > getAdministeredIdentitiesMe | `` | `` | api, authentication, created, email, enabled, key, lastUsedDashboardAt, mode, name, saml, twoFactor |
GET /administered/identities/me/api/keys List the non-sensitive metadata associated with the API keys that belong to the user > getAdministeredIdentitiesMeApiKeys | `` | `` | createdAt, suffix |
POST /administered/identities/me/api/keys/generate Generates an API key for an identity > generateAdministeredIdentitiesMeApiKeys | `` | `` | key |
POST /administered/identities/me/api/keys/{suffix}/revoke Revokes an identity's API key, using the last four characters of the key > revokeAdministeredIdentitiesMeApiKeys | suffix | `` | `` |
GET /administered/licensing/subscription/entitlements Retrieve the list of purchasable entitlements > getAdministeredLicensingSubscriptionEntitlements | skus | `` | featureTier, isAddOn, name, productClass, productType, sku |
GET /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions List available subscriptions > getAdministeredLicensingSubscriptionSubscriptions | perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, subscriptionIds, organizationIds, statuses, productTypes, name, startDate, endDate | `` | account, assigned, available, counts, description, domain, endDate, enterpriseAgreement, entitlements, id, lastUpdatedAt, limit, name, networks, organizations, productTypes, renewalRequested, seats, sku, smartAccount, startDate, status, subscriptionId, suites, type, webOrderId, webOrderLineId |
POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claim Claim a subscription into an organization. > claimAdministeredLicensingSubscriptionSubscriptions | validate | claimKey, description, name, organizationId | account, assigned, available, counts, description, domain, endDate, enterpriseAgreement, entitlements, id, lastUpdatedAt, limit, name, networks, organizations, productTypes, renewalRequested, seats, sku, smartAccount, startDate, status, subscriptionId, suites, type, webOrderId, webOrderLineId |
POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/claimKey/validate Find a subscription by claim key > validateAdministeredLicensingSubscriptionSubscriptionsClaimKey | `` | claimKey | account, assigned, available, counts, description, domain, endDate, enterpriseAgreement, entitlements, id, lastUpdatedAt, limit, name, networks, organizations, productTypes, renewalRequested, seats, sku, smartAccount, startDate, status, subscriptionId, suites, type, webOrderId, webOrderLineId |
GET /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/compliance/statuses Get compliance status for requested subscriptions > getAdministeredLicensingSubscriptionSubscriptionsComplianceStatuses | organizationIds, subscriptionIds | `` | byProductClass, entitlements, gracePeriodEndsAt, id, missing, name, productClass, quantity, sku, status, subscription, violations |
POST /administered/licensing/subscription/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/bind Bind networks to a subscription > bindAdministeredLicensingSubscriptionSubscription | subscriptionId, validate | networkIds | errors, id, insufficientEntitlements, name, networks, quantity, sku, subscriptionId |
GET /devices/{serial} Return a single device > getDevice | serial | `` | address, beaconIdParams, details, firmware, floorPlanId, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, major, minor, model, name, networkId, notes, serial, tags, uuid, value |
PUT /devices/{serial} Update the attributes of a device > updateDevice | serial | address, floorPlanId, lat, lng, moveMapMarker, name, notes, switchProfileId, tags | address, beaconIdParams, details, firmware, floorPlanId, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, major, minor, model, name, networkId, notes, serial, tags, uuid, value |
GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/dhcp/subnets Return the DHCP subnet information for an appliance > getDeviceApplianceDhcpSubnets | serial | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/performance Return the performance score for a single MX > getDeviceAppliancePerformance | serial, t0, t1, timespan | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/prefixes/delegated Return current delegated IPv6 prefixes on an appliance. > getDeviceAppliancePrefixesDelegated | serial | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/prefixes/delegated/vlanAssignments Return prefixes assigned to all IPv6 enabled VLANs on an appliance. > getDeviceAppliancePrefixesDelegatedVlanAssignments | serial | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/radio/settings Return the radio settings of an appliance > getDeviceApplianceRadioSettings | serial | `` | channel, channelWidth, fiveGhzSettings, rfProfileId, serial, targetPower, twoFourGhzSettings |
PUT /devices/{serial}/appliance/radio/settings Update the radio settings of an appliance > updateDeviceApplianceRadioSettings | serial | channel, channelWidth, fiveGhzSettings, rfProfileId, targetPower, twoFourGhzSettings | channel, channelWidth, fiveGhzSettings, rfProfileId, serial, targetPower, twoFourGhzSettings |
GET /devices/{serial}/appliance/uplinks/settings Return the uplink settings for an MX appliance > getDeviceApplianceUplinksSettings | serial | `` | address, addresses, assignmentMode, authentication, enabled, gateway, interfaces, ipv4, ipv6, nameservers, peerSgtCapable, pppoe, sgt, svis, username, vlanId, vlanTagging, wan1, wan2 |
PUT /devices/{serial}/appliance/uplinks/settings Update the uplink settings for an MX appliance > updateDeviceApplianceUplinksSettings | serial | address, addresses, assignmentMode, authentication, enabled, gateway, interfaces, ipv4, ipv6, nameservers, password, peerSgtCapable, pppoe, sgt, svis, username, vlanId, vlanTagging, wan1, wan2 | address, addresses, assignmentMode, authentication, enabled, gateway, interfaces, ipv4, ipv6, nameservers, peerSgtCapable, pppoe, sgt, svis, username, vlanId, vlanTagging, wan1, wan2 |
POST /devices/{serial}/appliance/vmx/authenticationToken Generate a new vMX authentication token > createDeviceApplianceVmxAuthenticationToken | serial | `` | expiresAt, token |
POST /devices/{serial}/blinkLeds Blink the LEDs on a device (DEPRECATED) > blinkDeviceLeds | serial | duration, duty, period | duration, duty, period |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/live Returns live state from camera analytics zones (DEPRECATED) > getDeviceCameraAnalyticsLive | serial | `` | person, ts, zoneId, zones |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/overview Returns an overview of aggregate analytics data for a timespan (DEPRECATED) > getDeviceCameraAnalyticsOverview | serial, t0, t1, timespan, objectType | `` | averageCount, endTs, entrances, startTs, zoneId |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/recent Returns most recent record for analytics zones (DEPRECATED) > getDeviceCameraAnalyticsRecent | serial, objectType | `` | averageCount, endTs, entrances, startTs, zoneId |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/zones Returns all configured analytic zones for this camera (DEPRECATED) > getDeviceCameraAnalyticsZones | serial | `` | id, label, regionOfInterest, type, x0, x1, y0, y1 |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/zones/{zoneId}/history Return historical records for analytic zones (DEPRECATED) > getDeviceCameraAnalyticsZoneHistory | serial, zoneId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, objectType | `` | averageCount, endTs, entrances, startTs |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/customAnalytics Return custom analytics settings for a camera > getDeviceCameraCustomAnalytics | serial | `` | artifactId, enabled, name, parameters, value |
PUT /devices/{serial}/camera/customAnalytics Update custom analytics settings for a camera > updateDeviceCameraCustomAnalytics | serial | artifactId, enabled, name, parameters, value | artifactId, enabled, name, parameters, value |
POST /devices/{serial}/camera/generateSnapshot Generate a snapshot of what the camera sees at the specified time and return a link to that image. > generateDeviceCameraSnapshot | serial | fullframe, timestamp | expiry, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/qualityAndRetention Returns quality and retention settings for the given camera > getDeviceCameraQualityAndRetention | serial | `` | `` |
PUT /devices/{serial}/camera/qualityAndRetention Update quality and retention settings for the given camera > updateDeviceCameraQualityAndRetention | serial | audioRecordingEnabled, motionBasedRetentionEnabled, motionDetectorVersion, profileId, quality, resolution, restrictedBandwidthModeEnabled | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/sense Returns sense settings for a given camera > getDeviceCameraSense | serial | `` | `` |
PUT /devices/{serial}/camera/sense Update sense settings for the given camera > updateDeviceCameraSense | serial | audioDetection, detectionModelId, enabled, mqttBrokerId, senseEnabled | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/sense/objectDetectionModels Returns the MV Sense object detection model list for the given camera > getDeviceCameraSenseObjectDetectionModels | serial | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/video/settings Returns video settings for the given camera > getDeviceCameraVideoSettings | serial | `` | externalRtspEnabled, rtspUrl |
PUT /devices/{serial}/camera/video/settings Update video settings for the given camera > updateDeviceCameraVideoSettings | serial | externalRtspEnabled | externalRtspEnabled, rtspUrl |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/videoLink Returns video link to the specified camera > getDeviceCameraVideoLink | serial, timestamp | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/camera/wirelessProfiles Returns wireless profile assigned to the given camera > getDeviceCameraWirelessProfiles | serial | `` | `` |
PUT /devices/{serial}/camera/wirelessProfiles Assign wireless profiles to the given camera > updateDeviceCameraWirelessProfiles | serial | backup, ids, primary, secondary | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/cellular/sims Return the SIM and APN configurations for a cellular device. > getDeviceCellularSims | serial | `` | allowedIpTypes, apns, authentication, enabled, isPrimary, name, password, simFailover, simOrdering, sims, slot, timeout, type, username |
PUT /devices/{serial}/cellular/sims Updates the SIM and APN configurations for a cellular device. > updateDeviceCellularSims | serial | allowedIpTypes, apns, authentication, enabled, isPrimary, name, password, simFailover, simOrder, simOrdering, sims, slot, timeout, type, username | allowedIpTypes, apns, authentication, enabled, isPrimary, name, password, simFailover, simOrdering, sims, slot, timeout, type, username |
GET /devices/{serial}/cellularGateway/lan Show the LAN Settings of a MG > getDeviceCellularGatewayLan | serial | `` | comment, deviceLanIp, deviceName, deviceSubnet, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start |
PUT /devices/{serial}/cellularGateway/lan Update the LAN Settings for a single MG. > updateDeviceCellularGatewayLan | serial | comment, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start | comment, deviceLanIp, deviceName, deviceSubnet, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start |
GET /devices/{serial}/cellularGateway/portForwardingRules Returns the port forwarding rules for a single MG. > getDeviceCellularGatewayPortForwardingRules | serial | `` | access, allowedIps, lanIp, localPort, name, protocol, publicPort, rules |
PUT /devices/{serial}/cellularGateway/portForwardingRules Updates the port forwarding rules for a single MG. > updateDeviceCellularGatewayPortForwardingRules | serial | access, allowedIps, lanIp, localPort, name, protocol, publicPort, rules | access, allowedIps, lanIp, localPort, name, protocol, publicPort, rules |
GET /devices/{serial}/clients List the clients of a device, up to a maximum of a month ago > getDeviceClients | serial, t0, timespan | `` | adaptivePolicyGroup, description, dhcpHostname, id, ip, mac, mdnsName, namedVlan, recv, sent, switchport, usage, user, vlan |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/aclHitCount Enqueue a job to perform an ACL hit count for the device (BETA) > createDeviceLiveToolsAclHitCount | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | aclHitCountId, callback, id, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/aclHitCount/{id} Return an ACL hit count live tool job. (BETA) > getDeviceLiveToolsAclHitCount | serial, id | `` | aclHitCountId, acls, address, counts, destination, error, ipProtocol, ipVersion, ipv4, ipv6, number, objectGroup, operator, policy, port, ports, request, serial, source, status, total, type, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/arpTable Enqueue a job to perform a ARP table request for the device > createDeviceLiveToolsArpTable | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | arpTableId, callback, id, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/arpTable/{arpTableId} Return an ARP table live tool job. > getDeviceLiveToolsArpTable | serial, arpTableId | `` | arpTableId, entries, error, ip, lastUpdatedAt, mac, request, serial, status, url, vlanId |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cableTest Enqueue a job to perform a cable test for the device on the specified ports > createDeviceLiveToolsCableTest | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, ports, sharedSecret, url | cableTestId, callback, id, ports, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cableTest/{id} Return a cable test live tool job. > getDeviceLiveToolsCableTest | serial, id | `` | cableTestId, error, index, lengthMeters, pairs, port, ports, request, results, serial, speedMbps, status, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cyclePort Enqueue a job to perform a cycle port for the device on the specified ports (BETA) > createDeviceLiveToolsCyclePort | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, ports, sharedSecret, url | callback, cyclePortId, id, ports, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/cyclePort/{id} Return a cycle port live tool job. (BETA) > getDeviceLiveToolsCyclePort | serial, id | `` | cyclePortId, error, ports, request, serial, status, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/leds/blink Enqueue a job to blink LEDs on a device > createDeviceLiveToolsLedsBlink | serial | callback, duration, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | callback, duration, error, id, ledsBlinkId, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/leds/blink/{ledsBlinkId} Return a blink LEDs job > getDeviceLiveToolsLedsBlink | serial, ledsBlinkId | `` | duration, error, ledsBlinkId, request, serial, status, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/macTable Enqueue a job to request the MAC table from the device (BETA) > createDeviceLiveToolsMacTable | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | callback, id, macTableId, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/macTable/{macTableId} Return a MAC table live tool job. (BETA) > getDeviceLiveToolsMacTable | serial, macTableId | `` | entries, error, mac, macTableId, port, request, serial, status, url, vlanId |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/ping Enqueue a job to ping a target host from the device > createDeviceLiveToolsPing | serial | callback, count, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, target, url | callback, count, id, pingId, request, serial, status, target, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/ping/{id} Return a ping job > getDeviceLiveToolsPing | serial, id | `` | average, count, latencies, latency, loss, maximum, minimum, percentage, pingId, received, replies, request, results, sent, sequenceId, serial, size, status, target, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/pingDevice Enqueue a job to check connectivity status to the device > createDeviceLiveToolsPingDevice | serial | callback, count, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | callback, count, id, pingId, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/pingDevice/{id} Return a ping device job > getDeviceLiveToolsPingDevice | serial, id | `` | average, callback, count, id, latencies, latency, loss, maximum, minimum, percentage, pingId, received, replies, request, results, sent, sequenceId, serial, size, status, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/routingTable Enqueue a job to perform a routing table request for the device (BETA) > createDeviceLiveToolsRoutingTable | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | callback, id, request, routingTableId, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/routingTable/{id} Return an routing table live tool job. (BETA) > getDeviceLiveToolsRoutingTable | serial, id | `` | entries, error, request, routingTableId, serial, staticGateway, status, subnet, type, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/speedTest Enqueue a job to execute a speed test from a device (BETA) > createDeviceLiveToolsSpeedTest | serial | interface | average, interface, request, results, serial, speedTestId, speeds, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/speedTest/{id} Returns a speed test result in megabits per second (BETA) > getDeviceLiveToolsSpeedTest | serial, id | `` | average, interface, request, results, serial, speedTestId, speeds, status, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/throughputTest Enqueue a job to test a device throughput, the test will run for 10 secs to test throughput > createDeviceLiveToolsThroughputTest | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | callback, downstream, error, id, request, result, serial, speeds, status, throughputTestId, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/throughputTest/{throughputTestId} Return a throughput test job > getDeviceLiveToolsThroughputTest | serial, throughputTestId | `` | downstream, error, request, result, serial, speeds, status, throughputTestId, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/traceRoute Enqueue a job to run trace route in the device (BETA) > createDeviceLiveToolsTraceRoute | serial | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, sourceInterface, target, url | callback, id, request, serial, sourceInterface, status, target, traceRouteId, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/traceRoute/{traceRouteId} Return a trace route job (BETA) > getDeviceLiveToolsTraceRoute | serial, traceRouteId | `` | count, error, hop, ip, request, results, rttAvg, serial, sourceInterface, status, target, traceRouteId, url |
POST /devices/{serial}/liveTools/wakeOnLan Enqueue a job to send a Wake-on-LAN packet from the device > createDeviceLiveToolsWakeOnLan | serial | callback, httpServer, id, mac, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url, vlanId | callback, error, id, mac, request, serial, status, url, vlanId, wakeOnLanId |
GET /devices/{serial}/liveTools/wakeOnLan/{wakeOnLanId} Return a Wake-on-LAN job > getDeviceLiveToolsWakeOnLan | serial, wakeOnLanId | `` | error, mac, request, serial, status, url, vlanId, wakeOnLanId |
GET /devices/{serial}/lldpCdp List LLDP and CDP information for a device > getDeviceLldpCdp | serial | `` | ports, sourceMac |
GET /devices/{serial}/lossAndLatencyHistory Get the uplink loss percentage and latency in milliseconds, and goodput in kilobits per second for MX, MG and Z devices. > getDeviceLossAndLatencyHistory | serial, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, uplink, ip | `` | endTime, goodput, jitter, latencyMs, lossPercent, startTime |
GET /devices/{serial}/managementInterface Return the management interface settings for a device > getDeviceManagementInterface | serial | `` | activeDdnsHostname, ddnsHostnameWan1, ddnsHostnameWan2, ddnsHostnames, staticDns, staticGatewayIp, staticIp, staticSubnetMask, usingStaticIp, vlan, wan1, wan2, wanEnabled |
PUT /devices/{serial}/managementInterface Update the management interface settings for a device > updateDeviceManagementInterface | serial | staticDns, staticGatewayIp, staticIp, staticSubnetMask, usingStaticIp, vlan, wan1, wan2, wanEnabled | activeDdnsHostname, ddnsHostnameWan1, ddnsHostnameWan2, ddnsHostnames, staticDns, staticGatewayIp, staticIp, staticSubnetMask, usingStaticIp, vlan, wan1, wan2, wanEnabled |
POST /devices/{serial}/reboot Reboot a device > rebootDevice | serial | `` | success |
GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands Returns a historical log of all commands > getDeviceSensorCommands | serial, operations, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder, t0, t1, timespan | `` | adminId, commandId, completedAt, createdAt, createdBy, email, errors, name, operation, status |
POST /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands Sends a command to a sensor > createDeviceSensorCommand | serial | arguments, name, operation, value | adminId, commandId, completedAt, createdAt, createdBy, email, errors, name, operation, status |
GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/commands/{commandId} Returns information about the command's execution, including the status > getDeviceSensorCommand | serial, commandId | `` | adminId, commandId, completedAt, createdAt, createdBy, email, errors, name, operation, status |
GET /devices/{serial}/sensor/relationships List the sensor roles for a given sensor or camera device. > getDeviceSensorRelationships | serial | `` | livestream, productType, relatedDevices, serial |
PUT /devices/{serial}/sensor/relationships Assign one or more sensor roles to a given sensor or camera device. > updateDeviceSensorRelationships | serial | livestream, relatedDevices, serial | livestream, productType, relatedDevices, serial |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports List the switch ports for a switch > getDeviceSwitchPorts | serial | `` | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroup, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isDualActiveDetector, isStackWiseVirtualLink, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, linkNegotiationCapabilities, macAllowList, mirror, mode, model, module, name, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, portId, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, schedule, stackwiseVirtual, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan |
POST /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/cycle Cycle a set of switch ports > cycleDeviceSwitchPorts | serial | ports | ports |
PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/mirror Update a port mirror (BETA) > updateDeviceSwitchPortsMirror | serial | comment, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, module, number, port, ports, role, serial, slot, source, tags, type, vlan, vlans | comment, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, id, mirror, module, name, network, number, port, ports, role, serial, slot, source, tags, type, vlan, vlans, warnings |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/statuses Return the status for all the ports of a switch > getDeviceSwitchPortsStatuses | serial, t0, timespan | `` | active, address, allowedVlans, authenticationStatus, capabilities, cdp, chassisId, clientCount, configOverrides, deviceId, duplex, enabled, errors, isAllocated, isUplink, lldp, managementAddress, managementVlan, nativeVlan, platform, poe, portDescription, portId, portVlan, powerUsageInWh, recv, securePort, sent, spanningTree, speed, status, statuses, systemCapabilities, systemDescription, systemName, total, trafficInKbps, type, usageInKb, version, vlan, voiceVlan, vtpManagementDomain, warnings |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/statuses/packets Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch > getDeviceSwitchPortsStatusesPackets | serial, t0, timespan | `` | desc, packets, portId, ratePerSec, recv, sent, total |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/{portId} Return a switch port > getDeviceSwitchPort | serial, portId | `` | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroup, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isDualActiveDetector, isStackWiseVirtualLink, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, linkNegotiationCapabilities, macAllowList, mirror, mode, model, module, name, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, portId, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, schedule, stackwiseVirtual, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan |
PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/ports/{portId} Update a switch port > updateDeviceSwitchPort | serial, portId | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, macAllowList, name, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroup, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isDualActiveDetector, isStackWiseVirtualLink, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, linkNegotiationCapabilities, macAllowList, mirror, mode, model, module, name, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, portId, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, schedule, stackwiseVirtual, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces List layer 3 interfaces for a switch > getDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaces | serial | `` | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
POST /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces Create a layer 3 interface for a switch > createDeviceSwitchRoutingInterface | serial | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, prefix, subnet, vlanId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId} Return a layer 3 interface for a switch > getDeviceSwitchRoutingInterface | serial, interfaceId | `` | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId} Update a layer 3 interface for a switch > updateDeviceSwitchRoutingInterface | serial, interfaceId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, prefix, subnet, vlanId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
DELETE /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId} Delete a layer 3 interface from the switch > deleteDeviceSwitchRoutingInterface | serial, interfaceId | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp Return a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch > getDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaceDhcp | serial, interfaceId | `` | bootFileName, bootNextServer, bootOptionsEnabled, code, comment, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpMode, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameserversOption, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start, type, value |
PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp Update a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch > updateDeviceSwitchRoutingInterfaceDhcp | serial, interfaceId | bootFileName, bootNextServer, bootOptionsEnabled, code, comment, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpMode, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameserversOption, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start, type, value | bootFileName, bootNextServer, bootOptionsEnabled, code, comment, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpMode, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameserversOption, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start, type, value |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes List layer 3 static routes for a switch > getDeviceSwitchRoutingStaticRoutes | serial | `` | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
POST /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes Create a layer 3 static route for a switch > createDeviceSwitchRoutingStaticRoute | serial | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, subnet | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Return a layer 3 static route for a switch > getDeviceSwitchRoutingStaticRoute | serial, staticRouteId | `` | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Update a layer 3 static route for a switch > updateDeviceSwitchRoutingStaticRoute | serial, staticRouteId | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, subnet | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
DELETE /devices/{serial}/switch/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Delete a layer 3 static route for a switch > deleteDeviceSwitchRoutingStaticRoute | serial, staticRouteId | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/switch/warmSpare Return warm spare configuration for a switch > getDeviceSwitchWarmSpare | serial | `` | enabled, primarySerial, spareSerial |
PUT /devices/{serial}/switch/warmSpare Update warm spare configuration for a switch > updateDeviceSwitchWarmSpare | serial | enabled, spareSerial | enabled, primarySerial, spareSerial |
PUT /devices/{serial}/wireless/alternateManagementInterface/ipv6 Update alternate management interface IPv6 address > updateDeviceWirelessAlternateManagementInterfaceIpv6 | serial | address, addresses, assignmentMode, gateway, nameservers, prefix, protocol | address, addresses, assignmentMode, gateway, nameservers, prefix, protocol |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/bluetooth/settings Return the bluetooth settings for a wireless device > getDeviceWirelessBluetoothSettings | serial | `` | major, minor, uuid |
PUT /devices/{serial}/wireless/bluetooth/settings Update the bluetooth settings for a wireless device > updateDeviceWirelessBluetoothSettings | serial | major, minor, uuid | major, minor, uuid |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/connectionStats Aggregated connectivity info for a given AP on this network > getDeviceWirelessConnectionStats | serial, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag | `` | assoc, auth, connectionStats, dhcp, dns, serial, success |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/electronicShelfLabel Return the ESL settings of a device > getDeviceWirelessElectronicShelfLabel | serial | `` | apEslId, channel, enabled, hostname, networkId, provider, serial |
PUT /devices/{serial}/wireless/electronicShelfLabel Update the ESL settings of a device > updateDeviceWirelessElectronicShelfLabel | serial | channel, enabled | apEslId, channel, enabled, hostname, networkId, provider, serial |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/healthScores Fetch the health scores for a given AP on this network (BETA) > getDeviceWirelessHealthScores | serial | `` | device, latest, onboarding, performance, serial |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/latencyStats Aggregated latency info for a given AP on this network > getDeviceWirelessLatencyStats | serial, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag, fields | `` | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/radio/afc/position Return the position for a wireless device (BETA) > getDeviceWirelessRadioAfcPosition | serial | `` | antenna, cableLength, elevation, gps, height, id, name, network, serial, uncertainty |
PUT /devices/{serial}/wireless/radio/afc/position Update the position attributes for this device (BETA) > updateDeviceWirelessRadioAfcPosition | serial | antenna, cableLength, elevation, gps, height, uncertainty | antenna, cableLength, elevation, gps, height, id, name, network, serial, uncertainty |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/radio/afc/powerLimits Return the AFC power limits for a wireless device (BETA) > getDeviceWirelessRadioAfcPowerLimits | serial | `` | byChannel, channel, channelWidth, expiresAt, id, lastSuccessAt, lastUpdatedAt, lat, limit, lng, location, name, network, serial, status, type, uncertainty |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/radio/settings Return the radio settings of a device > getDeviceWirelessRadioSettings | serial | `` | `` |
PUT /devices/{serial}/wireless/radio/settings Update the radio settings of a device > updateDeviceWirelessRadioSettings | serial | channel, channelWidth, fiveGhzSettings, rfProfileId, targetPower, twoFourGhzSettings | `` |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/status Return the SSID statuses of an access point > getDeviceWirelessStatus | serial | `` | band, basicServiceSets, broadcasting, bssid, channel, channelWidth, enabled, power, ssidName, ssidNumber, visible |
POST /devices/{serial}/wireless/zigbee/enrollments Enqueue a job to start enrolling doorlocks on zigbee configured MRs (BETA) > createDeviceWirelessZigbeeEnrollment | serial | `` | enrollmentId, request, serial, status, url |
GET /devices/{serial}/wireless/zigbee/enrollments/{id} Return an enrollment job (BETA) > getDeviceWirelessZigbeeEnrollment | serial, id | `` | doorLockId, doorLocks, enrolledAt, enrollmentId, enrollmentStartedAt, eui64, gateway, id, lastSeenAt, lqi, name, network, request, rssi, serial, shortId, status, url |
GET /networks/{networkId} Return a network > getNetwork | networkId | `` | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
PUT /networks/{networkId} Update a network > updateNetwork | networkId | enrollmentString, name, notes, tags, timeZone | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
DELETE /networks/{networkId} Delete a network > deleteNetwork | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/alerts/history Return the alert history for this network > getNetworkAlertsHistory | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | alertData, alertType, alertTypeId, destinations, device, email, occurredAt, push, sentAt, serial, sms, webhook |
GET /networks/{networkId}/alerts/settings Return the alert configuration for this network > getNetworkAlertsSettings | networkId | `` | alertDestinations, alerts, allAdmins, byPortSchedules, conditions, defaultDestinations, direction, duration, emails, enabled, failureType, filters, httpServerIds, lookbackWindow, minDuration, muting, name, period, priority, regex, selector, serials, smsNumbers, snmp, ssidNum, tag, threshold, timeout, type, unit |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/alerts/settings Update the alert configuration for this network > updateNetworkAlertsSettings | networkId | alertDestinations, alerts, allAdmins, byPortSchedules, conditions, defaultDestinations, direction, duration, emails, enabled, failureType, filters, httpServerIds, lookbackWindow, minDuration, muting, name, period, priority, regex, selector, serials, smsNumbers, snmp, ssidNum, tag, threshold, timeout, type, unit | alertDestinations, alerts, allAdmins, byPortSchedules, conditions, defaultDestinations, direction, duration, emails, enabled, failureType, filters, httpServerIds, lookbackWindow, minDuration, muting, name, period, priority, regex, selector, serials, smsNumbers, snmp, ssidNum, tag, threshold, timeout, type, unit |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/clients/{clientId}/security/events List the security events for a client > getNetworkApplianceClientSecurityEvents | networkId, clientId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/connectivityMonitoringDestinations Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceConnectivityMonitoringDestinations | networkId | `` | default, description, destinations, ip |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/connectivityMonitoringDestinations Update the connectivity testing destinations for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceConnectivityMonitoringDestinations | networkId | default, description, destinations, ip | default, description, destinations, ip |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/contentFiltering Return the content filtering settings for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceContentFiltering | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/contentFiltering Update the content filtering settings for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceContentFiltering | networkId | allowedUrlPatterns, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, urlCategoryListSize | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/contentFiltering/categories List all available content filtering categories for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceContentFilteringCategories | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/cellularFirewallRules Return the cellular firewall rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallCellularFirewallRules | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/cellularFirewallRules Update the cellular firewall rules of an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallCellularFirewallRules | networkId | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogEnabled | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices List the appliance services and their accessibility rules > getNetworkApplianceFirewallFirewalledServices | networkId | `` | access, allowedIps, service |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices/{service} Return the accessibility settings of the given service ('ICMP', 'web', or 'SNMP') > getNetworkApplianceFirewallFirewalledService | networkId, service | `` | access, allowedIps, service |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices/{service} Updates the accessibility settings for the given service ('ICMP', 'web', or 'SNMP') > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallFirewalledService | networkId, service | access, allowedIps | access, allowedIps, service |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundCellularFirewallRules Return the inbound cellular firewall rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallInboundCellularFirewallRules | networkId | `` | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogEnabled |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundCellularFirewallRules Update the inbound cellular firewall rules of an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallInboundCellularFirewallRules | networkId | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogEnabled | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogEnabled |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundFirewallRules Return the inbound firewall rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallInboundFirewallRules | networkId | `` | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogDefaultRule, syslogEnabled |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundFirewallRules Update the inbound firewall rules of an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallInboundFirewallRules | networkId | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogDefaultRule, syslogEnabled | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogDefaultRule, syslogEnabled |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l3FirewallRules Return the L3 firewall rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallL3FirewallRules | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l3FirewallRules Update the L3 firewall rules of an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallL3FirewallRules | networkId | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogDefaultRule, syslogEnabled | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l7FirewallRules List the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallL7FirewallRules | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l7FirewallRules Update the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallL7FirewallRules | networkId | policy, rules, type, value | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l7FirewallRules/applicationCategories Return the L7 firewall application categories and their associated applications for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallL7FirewallRulesApplicationCategories | networkId | `` | applicationCategories, applications, id, name |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/multicastForwarding Update static multicast forward rules for a network (BETA) > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallMulticastForwarding | networkId | address, description, rules, vlanIds | address, description, id, name, network, rules, vlanIds |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/oneToManyNatRules Return the 1:Many NAT mapping rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallOneToManyNatRules | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/oneToManyNatRules Set the 1:Many NAT mapping rules for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallOneToManyNatRules | networkId | allowedIps, localIp, localPort, name, portRules, protocol, publicIp, publicPort, rules, uplink | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/oneToOneNatRules Return the 1:1 NAT mapping rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallOneToOneNatRules | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/oneToOneNatRules Set the 1:1 NAT mapping rules for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallOneToOneNatRules | networkId | allowedInbound, allowedIps, destinationPorts, lanIp, name, protocol, publicIp, rules, uplink | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/portForwardingRules Return the port forwarding rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallPortForwardingRules | networkId | `` | allowedIps, lanIp, localPort, name, protocol, publicPort, rules, uplink |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/portForwardingRules Update the port forwarding rules for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallPortForwardingRules | networkId | allowedIps, lanIp, localPort, name, protocol, publicPort, rules, uplink | allowedIps, lanIp, localPort, name, protocol, publicPort, rules, uplink |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/settings Return the firewall settings for this network > getNetworkApplianceFirewallSettings | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/settings Update the firewall settings for this network > updateNetworkApplianceFirewallSettings | networkId | ipSourceGuard, mode, spoofingProtection | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/ports List per-port VLAN settings for all ports of a MX. > getNetworkAppliancePorts | networkId | `` | accessPolicy, allowedVlans, dropUntaggedTraffic, enabled, number, peerSgtCapable, type, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/ports/{portId} Return per-port VLAN settings for a single MX port. > getNetworkAppliancePort | networkId, portId | `` | accessPolicy, allowedVlans, dropUntaggedTraffic, enabled, number, peerSgtCapable, type, vlan |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/ports/{portId} Update the per-port VLAN settings for a single MX port. > updateNetworkAppliancePort | networkId, portId | accessPolicy, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, dropUntaggedTraffic, enabled, peerSgtCapable, type, vlan | accessPolicy, allowedVlans, dropUntaggedTraffic, enabled, number, peerSgtCapable, type, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/prefixes/delegated/statics List static delegated prefixes for a network > getNetworkAppliancePrefixesDelegatedStatics | networkId | `` | createdAt, description, interfaces, origin, prefix, staticDelegatedPrefixId, type, updatedAt |
POST /networks/{networkId}/appliance/prefixes/delegated/statics Add a static delegated prefix from a network > createNetworkAppliancePrefixesDelegatedStatic | networkId | description, interfaces, origin, prefix, type | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/prefixes/delegated/statics/{staticDelegatedPrefixId} Return a static delegated prefix from a network > getNetworkAppliancePrefixesDelegatedStatic | networkId, staticDelegatedPrefixId | `` | createdAt, description, interfaces, origin, prefix, staticDelegatedPrefixId, type, updatedAt |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/prefixes/delegated/statics/{staticDelegatedPrefixId} Update a static delegated prefix from a network > updateNetworkAppliancePrefixesDelegatedStatic | networkId, staticDelegatedPrefixId | description, interfaces, origin, prefix, type | `` |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/appliance/prefixes/delegated/statics/{staticDelegatedPrefixId} Delete a static delegated prefix from a network > deleteNetworkAppliancePrefixesDelegatedStatic | networkId, staticDelegatedPrefixId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/rfProfiles List the RF profiles for this network > getNetworkApplianceRfProfiles | networkId | `` | 1, 2, 3, 4, assigned, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSteeringEnabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, minBitrate, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, twoFourGhzSettings |
POST /networks/{networkId}/appliance/rfProfiles Creates new RF profile for this network > createNetworkApplianceRfProfile | networkId | 1, 2, 3, 4, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSteeringEnabled, fiveGhzSettings, minBitrate, name, perSsidSettings, twoFourGhzSettings | 1, 2, 3, 4, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSteeringEnabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, minBitrate, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, twoFourGhzSettings |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/rfProfiles/{rfProfileId} Updates specified RF profile for this network > updateNetworkApplianceRfProfile | networkId, rfProfileId | 1, 2, 3, 4, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSteeringEnabled, fiveGhzSettings, minBitrate, name, perSsidSettings, twoFourGhzSettings | 1, 2, 3, 4, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSteeringEnabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, minBitrate, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, twoFourGhzSettings |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/appliance/rfProfiles/{rfProfileId} Delete a RF Profile > deleteNetworkApplianceRfProfile | networkId, rfProfileId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/rfProfiles/{rfProfileId} Return a RF profile > getNetworkApplianceRfProfile | networkId, rfProfileId | `` | 1, 2, 3, 4, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSteeringEnabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, minBitrate, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, twoFourGhzSettings |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/sdwan/internetPolicies Update SDWAN internet traffic preferences for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceSdwanInternetPolicies | networkId | applications, builtinPerformanceClassName, cidr, customPerformanceClassId, destination, failOverCriterion, host, id, name, performanceClass, port, preferredUplink, protocol, source, trafficFilters, type, value, vlan, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences | applications, builtinPerformanceClassName, cidr, customPerformanceClassId, destination, failOverCriterion, host, id, name, performanceClass, port, preferredUplink, protocol, source, trafficFilters, type, value, vlan, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/events List the security events for a network > getNetworkApplianceSecurityEvents | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/intrusion Returns all supported intrusion settings for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceSecurityIntrusion | networkId | `` | excludedCidr, idsRulesets, includedCidr, mode, protectedNetworks, useDefault |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/intrusion Set the supported intrusion settings for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceSecurityIntrusion | networkId | excludedCidr, idsRulesets, includedCidr, mode, protectedNetworks, useDefault | excludedCidr, idsRulesets, includedCidr, mode, protectedNetworks, useDefault |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/malware Returns all supported malware settings for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceSecurityMalware | networkId | `` | allowedFiles, allowedUrls, comment, mode, sha256, url |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/malware Set the supported malware settings for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceSecurityMalware | networkId | allowedFiles, allowedUrls, comment, mode, sha256, url | allowedFiles, allowedUrls, comment, mode, sha256, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/settings Return the appliance settings for a network > getNetworkApplianceSettings | networkId | `` | clientTrackingMethod, deploymentMode, dynamicDns, enabled, prefix, url |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/settings Update the appliance settings for a network > updateNetworkApplianceSettings | networkId | clientTrackingMethod, deploymentMode, dynamicDns, enabled, prefix | clientTrackingMethod, deploymentMode, dynamicDns, enabled, prefix, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/singleLan Return single LAN configuration > getNetworkApplianceSingleLan | networkId | `` | applianceIp, autonomous, enabled, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, origin, prefixAssignments, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, type |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/singleLan Update single LAN configuration > updateNetworkApplianceSingleLan | networkId | applianceIp, autonomous, enabled, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, origin, prefixAssignments, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, type | applianceIp, autonomous, enabled, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, origin, prefixAssignments, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/ssids List the MX SSIDs in a network > getNetworkApplianceSsids | networkId | `` | authMode, defaultVlanId, enabled, encryptionMode, host, name, number, port, radiusServers, visible, wpaEncryptionMode |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/ssids/{number} Return a single MX SSID > getNetworkApplianceSsid | networkId, number | `` | authMode, defaultVlanId, enabled, encryptionMode, host, name, number, port, radiusServers, visible, wpaEncryptionMode |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/ssids/{number} Update the attributes of an MX SSID > updateNetworkApplianceSsid | networkId, number | authMode, defaultVlanId, dhcpEnforcedDeauthentication, dot11w, enabled, encryptionMode, host, name, port, psk, radiusServers, required, secret, visible, wpaEncryptionMode | authMode, defaultVlanId, enabled, encryptionMode, host, name, number, port, radiusServers, visible, wpaEncryptionMode |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes List the static routes for an MX or teleworker network > getNetworkApplianceStaticRoutes | networkId | `` | comment, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, gatewayIp, gatewayVlanId, id, ipVersion, name, networkId, reservedIpRanges, start, subnet |
POST /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes Add a static route for an MX or teleworker network > createNetworkApplianceStaticRoute | networkId | gatewayIp, gatewayVlanId, name, subnet | comment, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, gatewayIp, gatewayVlanId, id, ipVersion, name, networkId, reservedIpRanges, start, subnet |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Return a static route for an MX or teleworker network > getNetworkApplianceStaticRoute | networkId, staticRouteId | `` | comment, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, gatewayIp, gatewayVlanId, id, ipVersion, name, networkId, reservedIpRanges, start, subnet |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Update a static route for an MX or teleworker network > updateNetworkApplianceStaticRoute | networkId, staticRouteId | comment, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, gatewayIp, gatewayVlanId, name, reservedIpRanges, start, subnet | comment, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, gatewayIp, gatewayVlanId, id, ipVersion, name, networkId, reservedIpRanges, start, subnet |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/appliance/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Delete a static route from an MX or teleworker network > deleteNetworkApplianceStaticRoute | networkId, staticRouteId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping Display the traffic shaping settings for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceTrafficShaping | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping Update the traffic shaping settings for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceTrafficShaping | networkId | globalBandwidthLimits, limitDown, limitUp | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses List all custom performance classes for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingCustomPerformanceClasses | networkId | `` | customPerformanceClassId, maxJitter, maxLatency, maxLossPercentage, name |
POST /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses Add a custom performance class for an MX network > createNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingCustomPerformanceClass | networkId | maxJitter, maxLatency, maxLossPercentage, name | customPerformanceClassId, maxJitter, maxLatency, maxLossPercentage, name |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses/{customPerformanceClassId} Return a custom performance class for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingCustomPerformanceClass | networkId, customPerformanceClassId | `` | customPerformanceClassId, maxJitter, maxLatency, maxLossPercentage, name |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses/{customPerformanceClassId} Update a custom performance class for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingCustomPerformanceClass | networkId, customPerformanceClassId | maxJitter, maxLatency, maxLossPercentage, name | customPerformanceClassId, maxJitter, maxLatency, maxLossPercentage, name |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses/{customPerformanceClassId} Delete a custom performance class from an MX network > deleteNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingCustomPerformanceClass | networkId, customPerformanceClassId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/rules Update the traffic shaping settings rules for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingRules | networkId | bandwidthLimits, defaultRulesEnabled, definitions, dscpTagValue, limitDown, limitUp, perClientBandwidthLimits, priority, rules, settings, type, value | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/rules Display the traffic shaping settings rules for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingRules | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkBandwidth Returns the uplink bandwidth limits for your MX network > getNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingUplinkBandwidth | networkId | `` | bandwidthLimits, cellular, limitDown, limitUp, wan1, wan2 |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkBandwidth Updates the uplink bandwidth settings for your MX network. > updateNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingUplinkBandwidth | networkId | bandwidthLimits, cellular, limitDown, limitUp, wan1, wan2 | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkSelection Show uplink selection settings for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingUplinkSelection | networkId | `` | activeActiveAutoVpnEnabled, applications, builtinPerformanceClassName, cidr, customPerformanceClassId, defaultUplink, destination, enabled, failOverCriterion, failoverAndFailback, fqdn, host, id, immediate, loadBalancingEnabled, name, network, performanceClass, port, preferredUplink, protocol, source, trafficFilters, type, value, vlan, vpnTrafficUplinkPreferences, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/uplinkSelection Update uplink selection settings for an MX network > updateNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingUplinkSelection | networkId | activeActiveAutoVpnEnabled, builtinPerformanceClassName, cidr, customPerformanceClassId, defaultUplink, destination, enabled, failOverCriterion, failoverAndFailback, fqdn, host, id, immediate, loadBalancingEnabled, network, performanceClass, port, preferredUplink, protocol, source, trafficFilters, type, value, vlan, vpnTrafficUplinkPreferences, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences | activeActiveAutoVpnEnabled, applications, builtinPerformanceClassName, cidr, customPerformanceClassId, defaultUplink, destination, enabled, failOverCriterion, failoverAndFailback, fqdn, host, id, immediate, loadBalancingEnabled, name, network, performanceClass, port, preferredUplink, protocol, source, trafficFilters, type, value, vlan, vpnTrafficUplinkPreferences, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/vpnExclusions Update VPN exclusion rules for an MX network. > updateNetworkApplianceTrafficShapingVpnExclusions | networkId | custom, destination, id, majorApplications, name, port, protocol | custom, destination, id, majorApplications, name, networkId, networkName, port, protocol |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/uplinks/usageHistory Get the sent and received bytes for each uplink of a network. > getNetworkApplianceUplinksUsageHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans List the VLANs for an MX network > getNetworkApplianceVlans | networkId | `` | applianceIp, autonomous, cidr, code, comment, dhcpBootFilename, dhcpBootNextServer, dhcpBootOptionsEnabled, dhcpHandling, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsNameservers, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, groupPolicyId, id, interfaceId, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, mask, name, origin, prefixAssignments, reservedIpRanges, start, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, templateVlanType, type, value, vpnNatSubnet |
POST /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans Add a VLAN > createNetworkApplianceVlan | networkId | adaptivePolicyGroupId, applianceIp, autonomous, cidr, code, dhcpBootOptionsEnabled, dhcpHandling, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpOptions, enabled, groupPolicyId, id, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, mask, name, origin, prefixAssignments, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, templateVlanType, type, value | applianceIp, autonomous, cidr, enabled, groupPolicyId, id, interfaceId, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, mask, name, origin, prefixAssignments, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, templateVlanType, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/settings Returns the enabled status of VLANs for the network > getNetworkApplianceVlansSettings | networkId | `` | vlansEnabled |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/settings Enable/Disable VLANs for the given network > updateNetworkApplianceVlansSettings | networkId | vlansEnabled | vlansEnabled |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/{vlanId} Return a VLAN > getNetworkApplianceVlan | networkId, vlanId | `` | applianceIp, autonomous, cidr, code, comment, dhcpBootFilename, dhcpBootNextServer, dhcpBootOptionsEnabled, dhcpHandling, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsNameservers, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, groupPolicyId, id, interfaceId, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, mask, name, origin, prefixAssignments, reservedIpRanges, start, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, templateVlanType, type, value, vpnNatSubnet |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/{vlanId} Update a VLAN > updateNetworkApplianceVlan | networkId, vlanId | adaptivePolicyGroupId, applianceIp, autonomous, cidr, code, comment, dhcpBootFilename, dhcpBootNextServer, dhcpBootOptionsEnabled, dhcpHandling, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsNameservers, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, groupPolicyId, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, mask, name, origin, prefixAssignments, reservedIpRanges, start, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, templateVlanType, type, value, vpnNatSubnet | applianceIp, autonomous, cidr, code, comment, dhcpBootFilename, dhcpBootNextServer, dhcpBootOptionsEnabled, dhcpHandling, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsNameservers, enabled, end, fixedIpAssignments, groupPolicyId, id, interfaceId, interfaces, ipv6, mandatoryDhcp, mask, name, origin, prefixAssignments, reservedIpRanges, start, staticApplianceIp6, staticPrefix, subnet, templateVlanType, type, value, vpnNatSubnet |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vlans/{vlanId} Delete a VLAN from a network > deleteNetworkApplianceVlan | networkId, vlanId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vpn/bgp Return a Hub BGP Configuration > getNetworkApplianceVpnBgp | networkId | `` | address, allowTransit, asNumber, authentication, ebgpHoldTimer, ebgpMultihop, enabled, ibgpHoldTimer, ip, ipv6, neighbors, nextHopIp, password, receiveLimit, remoteAsNumber, sourceInterface, ttlSecurity |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vpn/bgp Update a Hub BGP Configuration > updateNetworkApplianceVpnBgp | networkId | address, allowTransit, asNumber, authentication, ebgpHoldTimer, ebgpMultihop, enabled, ibgpHoldTimer, ip, ipv6, neighbors, nextHopIp, password, receiveLimit, remoteAsNumber, sourceInterface, ttlSecurity | address, allowTransit, asNumber, authentication, ebgpHoldTimer, ebgpMultihop, enabled, ibgpHoldTimer, ip, ipv6, neighbors, nextHopIp, password, receiveLimit, remoteAsNumber, sourceInterface, ttlSecurity |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vpn/siteToSiteVpn Return the site-to-site VPN settings of a network > getNetworkApplianceVpnSiteToSiteVpn | networkId | `` | enabled, hubId, hubs, isAllowed, localSubnet, mode, nat, remoteSubnet, subnet, subnets, useDefaultRoute, useVpn |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/vpn/siteToSiteVpn Update the site-to-site VPN settings of a network > updateNetworkApplianceVpnSiteToSiteVpn | networkId | enabled, hubId, hubs, isAllowed, localSubnet, mode, nat, remoteSubnet, subnet, subnets, useDefaultRoute, useVpn | enabled, hubId, hubs, isAllowed, localSubnet, mode, nat, remoteSubnet, subnet, subnets, useDefaultRoute, useVpn |
GET /networks/{networkId}/appliance/warmSpare Return MX warm spare settings > getNetworkApplianceWarmSpare | networkId | `` | enabled, ip, primarySerial, spareSerial, subnet, uplinkMode, wan1, wan2 |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/appliance/warmSpare Update MX warm spare settings > updateNetworkApplianceWarmSpare | networkId | enabled, spareSerial, uplinkMode, virtualIp1, virtualIp2 | enabled, ip, primarySerial, spareSerial, subnet, uplinkMode, wan1, wan2 |
POST /networks/{networkId}/appliance/warmSpare/swap Swap MX primary and warm spare appliances > swapNetworkApplianceWarmSpare | networkId | `` | enabled, ip, primarySerial, spareSerial, subnet, uplinkMode, wan1, wan2 |
POST /networks/{networkId}/bind Bind a network to a template. > bindNetwork | networkId | autoBind, configTemplateId | configTemplateId, enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/bluetoothClients List the Bluetooth clients seen by APs in this network > getNetworkBluetoothClients | networkId, t0, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, includeConnectivityHistory | `` | deviceName, id, inSightAlert, lastSeen, mac, manufacturer, name, networkId, outOfSightAlert, seenByDeviceMac, tags |
GET /networks/{networkId}/bluetoothClients/{bluetoothClientId} Return a Bluetooth client > getNetworkBluetoothClient | networkId, bluetoothClientId, includeConnectivityHistory, connectivityHistoryTimespan | `` | deviceName, id, inSightAlert, lastSeen, mac, manufacturer, name, networkId, outOfSightAlert, seenByDeviceMac, tags |
GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/qualityRetentionProfiles List the quality retention profiles for this network > getNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfiles | networkId | `` | `` |
POST /networks/{networkId}/camera/qualityRetentionProfiles Creates new quality retention profile for this network. > createNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfile | networkId | MV12/MV22/MV72, MV12WE, MV13, MV13M, MV21/MV71, MV22X/MV72X, MV23, MV23M, MV23X, MV32, MV33, MV33M, MV52, MV63, MV63M, MV63X, MV73, MV73M, MV73X, MV93, MV93M, MV93X, audioRecordingEnabled, cloudArchiveEnabled, enabled, maxRetentionDays, motionBasedRetentionEnabled, motionDetectorVersion, name, quality, resolution, restrictedBandwidthModeEnabled, scheduleId, smartRetention, videoSettings | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/qualityRetentionProfiles/{qualityRetentionProfileId} Retrieve a single quality retention profile > getNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfile | networkId, qualityRetentionProfileId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/camera/qualityRetentionProfiles/{qualityRetentionProfileId} Update an existing quality retention profile for this network. > updateNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfile | networkId, qualityRetentionProfileId | MV12/MV22/MV72, MV12WE, MV13, MV13M, MV21/MV71, MV22X/MV72X, MV23, MV23M, MV23X, MV32, MV33, MV33M, MV52, MV63, MV63M, MV63X, MV73, MV73M, MV73X, MV93, MV93M, MV93X, audioRecordingEnabled, cloudArchiveEnabled, enabled, maxRetentionDays, motionBasedRetentionEnabled, motionDetectorVersion, name, quality, resolution, restrictedBandwidthModeEnabled, scheduleId, smartRetention, videoSettings | `` |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/camera/qualityRetentionProfiles/{qualityRetentionProfileId} Delete an existing quality retention profile for this network. > deleteNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfile | networkId, qualityRetentionProfileId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/schedules Returns a list of all camera recording schedules. > getNetworkCameraSchedules | networkId | `` | id, name |
POST /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles Creates a new camera wireless profile for this network. > createNetworkCameraWirelessProfile | networkId | authMode, encryptionMode, identity, name, password, psk, ssid, username | appliedDeviceCount, authMode, encryptionMode, id, identity, name, password, psk, ssid, username |
GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles List the camera wireless profiles for this network. > getNetworkCameraWirelessProfiles | networkId | `` | appliedDeviceCount, authMode, encryptionMode, id, identity, name, password, psk, ssid, username |
GET /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles/{wirelessProfileId} Retrieve a single camera wireless profile. > getNetworkCameraWirelessProfile | networkId, wirelessProfileId | `` | appliedDeviceCount, authMode, encryptionMode, id, identity, name, password, psk, ssid, username |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles/{wirelessProfileId} Update an existing camera wireless profile in this network. > updateNetworkCameraWirelessProfile | networkId, wirelessProfileId | authMode, encryptionMode, identity, name, password, psk, ssid, username | appliedDeviceCount, authMode, encryptionMode, id, identity, name, password, psk, ssid, username |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/camera/wirelessProfiles/{wirelessProfileId} Delete an existing camera wireless profile for this network. > deleteNetworkCameraWirelessProfile | networkId, wirelessProfileId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/connectivityMonitoringDestinations Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MG network > getNetworkCellularGatewayConnectivityMonitoringDestinations | networkId | `` | default, description, destinations, ip |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/connectivityMonitoringDestinations Update the connectivity testing destinations for an MG network > updateNetworkCellularGatewayConnectivityMonitoringDestinations | networkId | default, description, destinations, ip | default, description, destinations, ip |
GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/dhcp List common DHCP settings of MGs > getNetworkCellularGatewayDhcp | networkId | `` | dhcpLeaseTime, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameservers |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/dhcp Update common DHCP settings of MGs > updateNetworkCellularGatewayDhcp | networkId | dhcpLeaseTime, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameservers | dhcpLeaseTime, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameservers |
GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/subnetPool Return the subnet pool and mask configured for MGs in the network. > getNetworkCellularGatewaySubnetPool | networkId | `` | applianceIp, cidr, deploymentMode, mask, name, serial, subnet, subnets |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/subnetPool Update the subnet pool and mask configuration for MGs in the network. > updateNetworkCellularGatewaySubnetPool | networkId | cidr, mask | applianceIp, cidr, deploymentMode, mask, name, serial, subnet, subnets |
GET /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/uplink Returns the uplink settings for your MG network. > getNetworkCellularGatewayUplink | networkId | `` | bandwidthLimits, limitDown, limitUp |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/uplink Updates the uplink settings for your MG network. > updateNetworkCellularGatewayUplink | networkId | bandwidthLimits, limitDown, limitUp | bandwidthLimits, limitDown, limitUp |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients List the clients that have used this network in the timespan > getNetworkClients | networkId, t0, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, statuses, ip, ip6, ip6Local, mac, os, pskGroup, description, vlan, namedVlan, recentDeviceConnections | `` | adaptivePolicyGroup, description, deviceTypePrediction, firstSeen, groupPolicy8021x, id, ip, ip6, ip6Local, lastSeen, mac, manufacturer, namedVlan, notes, os, pskGroup, recentDeviceConnection, recentDeviceMac, recentDeviceName, recentDeviceSerial, recv, sent, smInstalled, ssid, status, switchport, usage, user, vlan, wirelessCapabilities |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/applicationUsage Return the application usage data for clients > getNetworkClientsApplicationUsage | networkId, clients, ssidNumber, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/bandwidthUsageHistory Returns a timeseries of total traffic consumption rates for all clients on a network within a given timespan, in megabits per second. > getNetworkClientsBandwidthUsageHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | downstream, total, ts, upstream |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/overview Return overview statistics for network clients > getNetworkClientsOverview | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution | `` | average, counts, total, usages, withHeavyUsage, withHeavyUsageAverage |
POST /networks/{networkId}/clients/provision Provisions a client with a name and policy > provisionNetworkClients | networkId | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, clients, devicePolicy, groupPolicyId, mac, name, policiesBySecurityAppliance, policiesBySsid | clientId, clients, devicePolicy, groupPolicyId, mac, message, name |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/usageHistories Return the usage histories for clients > getNetworkClientsUsageHistories | networkId, clients, ssidNumber, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId} Return the client associated with the given identifier > getNetworkClient | networkId, clientId | `` | cdp, clientVpnConnections, connectedAt, description, disconnectedAt, firstSeen, id, ip, ip6, lastSeen, lldp, mac, manufacturer, notes, os, recentDeviceConnection, recentDeviceMac, remoteIp, smInstalled, ssid, status, switchport, user, vlan, wirelessCapabilities |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/policy Return the policy assigned to a client on the network > getNetworkClientPolicy | networkId, clientId | `` | devicePolicy, groupPolicyId, mac |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/policy Update the policy assigned to a client on the network > updateNetworkClientPolicy | networkId, clientId | devicePolicy, groupPolicyId | devicePolicy, groupPolicyId, mac |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/splashAuthorizationStatus Return the splash authorization for a client, for each SSID they've associated with through splash > getNetworkClientSplashAuthorizationStatus | networkId, clientId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/splashAuthorizationStatus Update a client's splash authorization > updateNetworkClientSplashAuthorizationStatus | networkId, clientId | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, isAuthorized, ssids | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/trafficHistory Return the client's network traffic data over time > getNetworkClientTrafficHistory | networkId, clientId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | activeSeconds, application, destination, numFlows, port, protocol, recv, sent, ts |
GET /networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}/usageHistory Return the client's daily usage history > getNetworkClientUsageHistory | networkId, clientId | `` | received, sent, ts |
GET /networks/{networkId}/devices List the devices in a network (DEPRECATED) > getNetworkDevices | networkId | `` | address, beaconIdParams, details, firmware, floorPlanId, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, major, minor, model, name, networkId, notes, serial, tags, uuid, value |
POST /networks/{networkId}/devices/claim Claim devices into a network. (Note: for recently claimed devices, it may take a few minutes for API requests against that device to succeed) > claimNetworkDevices | networkId, addAtomically | details, detailsByDevice, name, serial, serials, value | errors, serial, serials |
POST /networks/{networkId}/devices/claim/vmx Claim a vMX into a network > vmxNetworkDevicesClaim | networkId | size | address, details, firmware, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, value |
POST /networks/{networkId}/devices/remove Remove a single device > removeNetworkDevices | networkId | serial | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/events List the events for the network > getNetworkEvents | networkId, productType, includedEventTypes, excludedEventTypes, deviceMac, deviceSerial, deviceName, clientIp, clientMac, clientName, smDeviceMac, smDeviceName, eventDetails, eventSeverity, isCatalyst, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | aid, category, channel, clientDescription, clientId, clientMac, client_ip, client_mac, description, deviceName, deviceSerial, eventData, events, message, networkId, occurredAt, pageEndAt, pageStartAt, radio, rssi, ssidNumber, type, vap |
GET /networks/{networkId}/events/eventTypes List the event type to human-readable description > getNetworkEventsEventTypes | networkId | `` | category, description, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades Get firmware upgrade information for a network > getNetworkFirmwareUpgrades | networkId | `` | appliance, availableVersions, camera, cellularGateway, currentVersion, dayOfWeek, firmware, fromVersion, hourOfDay, id, lastUpgrade, nextUpgrade, participateInNextBetaRelease, products, releaseDate, releaseType, secureConnect, sensor, shortName, switch, time, timezone, toVersion, upgradeStrategy, upgradeWindow, wireless, wirelessController |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades Update firmware upgrade information for a network > updateNetworkFirmwareUpgrades | networkId | appliance, camera, cellularGateway, dayOfWeek, hourOfDay, id, nextUpgrade, participateInNextBetaRelease, products, secureConnect, sensor, switch, switchCatalyst, time, timezone, toVersion, upgradeStrategy, upgradeWindow, wireless, wirelessController | appliance, availableVersions, camera, cellularGateway, currentVersion, dayOfWeek, firmware, fromVersion, hourOfDay, id, lastUpgrade, nextUpgrade, participateInNextBetaRelease, products, releaseDate, releaseType, secureConnect, sensor, shortName, switch, time, timezone, toVersion, upgradeStrategy, upgradeWindow, wireless, wirelessController |
POST /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/rollbacks Rollback a Firmware Upgrade For A Network > createNetworkFirmwareUpgradesRollback | networkId | category, comment, id, product, reasons, time, toVersion | category, comment, firmware, id, product, reasons, releaseDate, releaseType, shortName, status, time, toVersion, upgradeBatchId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/events Get the Staged Upgrade Event from a network > getNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedEvents | networkId | `` | canceledAt, category, comment, completedAt, description, group, id, milestones, name, nextUpgrade, products, reasons, scheduledFor, shortName, stages, startedAt, status, switch, toVersion |
POST /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/events Create a Staged Upgrade Event for a network > createNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedEvent | networkId | group, id, milestones, nextUpgrade, products, scheduledFor, stages, switch, switchCatalyst, toVersion | canceledAt, category, comment, completedAt, description, group, id, milestones, name, nextUpgrade, products, reasons, scheduledFor, shortName, stages, startedAt, status, switch, toVersion |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/events Update the Staged Upgrade Event for a network > updateNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedEvents | networkId | group, id, milestones, scheduledFor, stages | canceledAt, category, comment, completedAt, description, group, id, milestones, name, nextUpgrade, products, reasons, scheduledFor, shortName, stages, startedAt, status, switch, toVersion |
POST /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/events/defer Postpone by 1 week all pending staged upgrade stages for a network > deferNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedEvents | networkId | `` | canceledAt, category, comment, completedAt, description, group, id, milestones, name, nextUpgrade, products, reasons, scheduledFor, shortName, stages, startedAt, status, switch, toVersion |
POST /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/events/rollbacks Rollback a Staged Upgrade Event for a network > rollbacksNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedEvents | networkId | category, comment, group, id, milestones, reasons, scheduledFor, stages | canceledAt, category, comment, completedAt, description, group, id, milestones, name, nextUpgrade, products, reasons, scheduledFor, shortName, stages, startedAt, status, switch, toVersion |
GET /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups List of Staged Upgrade Groups in a network > getNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedGroups | networkId | `` | assignedDevices, description, devices, groupId, id, isDefault, name, serial, switchStacks |
POST /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups Create a Staged Upgrade Group for a network > createNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedGroup | networkId | assignedDevices, description, devices, id, isDefault, name, serial, switchStacks | assignedDevices, description, devices, groupId, id, isDefault, name, serial, switchStacks |
GET /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups/{groupId} Get a Staged Upgrade Group from a network > getNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedGroup | networkId, groupId | `` | assignedDevices, description, devices, groupId, id, isDefault, name, serial, switchStacks |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups/{groupId} Update a Staged Upgrade Group for a network > updateNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedGroup | networkId, groupId | assignedDevices, description, devices, id, isDefault, name, serial, switchStacks | assignedDevices, description, devices, groupId, id, isDefault, name, serial, switchStacks |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups/{groupId} Delete a Staged Upgrade Group > deleteNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedGroup | networkId, groupId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/stages Order of Staged Upgrade Groups in a network > getNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedStages | networkId | `` | description, group, id, name |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/stages Assign Staged Upgrade Group order in the sequence. > updateNetworkFirmwareUpgradesStagedStages | networkId | _json, group, id | description, group, id, name |
GET /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans List the floor plans that belong to your network > getNetworkFloorPlans | networkId | `` | address, bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, details, devices, firmware, floorPlanId, height, imageExtension, imageMd5, imageUrl, imageUrlExpiresAt, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner, value, width |
POST /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans Upload a floor plan > createNetworkFloorPlan | networkId | bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, imageContents, lat, lng, name, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner | address, bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, details, devices, firmware, floorPlanId, height, imageExtension, imageMd5, imageUrl, imageUrlExpiresAt, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner, value, width |
POST /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/autoLocate/jobs/batch Schedule auto locate jobs for one or more floor plans in a network > batchNetworkFloorPlansAutoLocateJobs | networkId | floorPlanId, jobs, refresh, scheduledAt | completed, errors, floorPlanId, gnss, id, jobs, networkId, percentage, ranging, scheduledAt, source, status, type |
POST /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/autoLocate/jobs/{jobId}/cancel Cancel a scheduled or running auto locate job > cancelNetworkFloorPlansAutoLocateJob | networkId, jobId | `` | `` |
POST /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/autoLocate/jobs/{jobId}/publish Update the status of a finished auto locate job to be published, and update device locations > publishNetworkFloorPlansAutoLocateJob | networkId, jobId | autoLocate, devices, isAnchor, lat, lng, serial | success |
POST /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/autoLocate/jobs/{jobId}/recalculate Trigger auto locate recalculation for a job, and optionally set anchors > recalculateNetworkFloorPlansAutoLocateJob | networkId, jobId | autoLocate, devices, isAnchor, lat, lng, serial | success |
POST /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/devices/batchUpdate Update floorplan assignments for a batch of devices > batchNetworkFloorPlansDevicesUpdate | networkId | assignments, floorPlan, id, serial | success |
GET /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/{floorPlanId} Find a floor plan by ID > getNetworkFloorPlan | networkId, floorPlanId | `` | address, bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, details, devices, firmware, floorPlanId, height, imageExtension, imageMd5, imageUrl, imageUrlExpiresAt, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner, value, width |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/{floorPlanId} Update a floor plan's geolocation and other meta data > updateNetworkFloorPlan | networkId, floorPlanId | bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, imageContents, lat, lng, name, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner | address, bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, details, devices, firmware, floorPlanId, height, imageExtension, imageMd5, imageUrl, imageUrlExpiresAt, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner, value, width |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/{floorPlanId} Destroy a floor plan > deleteNetworkFloorPlan | networkId, floorPlanId | `` | address, bottomLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner, center, details, devices, firmware, floorPlanId, height, imageExtension, imageMd5, imageUrl, imageUrlExpiresAt, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, topLeftCorner, topRightCorner, value, width |
GET /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies List the group policies in a network > getNetworkGroupPolicies | networkId | `` | active, allowedUrlPatterns, bandwidth, bandwidthLimits, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, bonjourForwarding, categories, comment, contentFiltering, definitions, description, destCidr, destPort, dscpTagValue, enabled, firewallAndTrafficShaping, friday, from, groupPolicyId, l3FirewallRules, l7FirewallRules, limitDown, limitUp, monday, patterns, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, policy, priority, protocol, rules, saturday, scheduling, services, settings, splashAuthSettings, sunday, thursday, to, trafficShapingRules, tuesday, type, value, vlanId, vlanTagging, wednesday |
POST /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies Create a group policy > createNetworkGroupPolicy | networkId | active, allowedUrlPatterns, bandwidth, bandwidthLimits, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, bonjourForwarding, categories, comment, contentFiltering, definitions, description, destCidr, destPort, dscpTagValue, enabled, firewallAndTrafficShaping, friday, from, l3FirewallRules, l7FirewallRules, limitDown, limitUp, monday, name, patterns, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, policy, priority, protocol, rules, saturday, scheduling, services, settings, splashAuthSettings, sunday, thursday, to, trafficShapingRules, tuesday, type, value, vlanId, vlanTagging, wednesday | active, allowedUrlPatterns, bandwidth, bandwidthLimits, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, bonjourForwarding, categories, comment, contentFiltering, definitions, description, destCidr, destPort, dscpTagValue, enabled, firewallAndTrafficShaping, friday, from, groupPolicyId, l3FirewallRules, l7FirewallRules, limitDown, limitUp, monday, patterns, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, policy, priority, protocol, rules, saturday, scheduling, services, settings, splashAuthSettings, sunday, thursday, to, trafficShapingRules, tuesday, type, value, vlanId, vlanTagging, wednesday |
GET /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies/{groupPolicyId} Display a group policy > getNetworkGroupPolicy | networkId, groupPolicyId | `` | active, allowedUrlPatterns, bandwidth, bandwidthLimits, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, bonjourForwarding, categories, comment, contentFiltering, definitions, description, destCidr, destPort, dscpTagValue, enabled, firewallAndTrafficShaping, friday, from, groupPolicyId, l3FirewallRules, l7FirewallRules, limitDown, limitUp, monday, patterns, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, policy, priority, protocol, rules, saturday, scheduling, services, settings, splashAuthSettings, sunday, thursday, to, trafficShapingRules, tuesday, type, value, vlanId, vlanTagging, wednesday |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies/{groupPolicyId} Update a group policy > updateNetworkGroupPolicy | networkId, groupPolicyId | active, allowedUrlPatterns, bandwidth, bandwidthLimits, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, bonjourForwarding, categories, comment, contentFiltering, definitions, description, destCidr, destPort, dscpTagValue, enabled, firewallAndTrafficShaping, friday, from, l3FirewallRules, l7FirewallRules, limitDown, limitUp, monday, name, patterns, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, policy, priority, protocol, rules, saturday, scheduling, services, settings, splashAuthSettings, sunday, thursday, to, trafficShapingRules, tuesday, type, value, vlanId, vlanTagging, wednesday | active, allowedUrlPatterns, bandwidth, bandwidthLimits, blockedUrlCategories, blockedUrlPatterns, bonjourForwarding, categories, comment, contentFiltering, definitions, description, destCidr, destPort, dscpTagValue, enabled, firewallAndTrafficShaping, friday, from, groupPolicyId, l3FirewallRules, l7FirewallRules, limitDown, limitUp, monday, patterns, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, policy, priority, protocol, rules, saturday, scheduling, services, settings, splashAuthSettings, sunday, thursday, to, trafficShapingRules, tuesday, type, value, vlanId, vlanTagging, wednesday |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies/{groupPolicyId} Delete a group policy > deleteNetworkGroupPolicy | networkId, groupPolicyId, force | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/health/alerts Return all global alerts on this network (DEPRECATED) > getNetworkHealthAlerts | networkId | `` | applications, category, clients, devices, id, lldp, mac, name, network, peers, portId, productType, scope, serial, severity, type, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/insight/applications/{applicationId}/healthByTime Get application health by time > getNetworkInsightApplicationHealthByTime | networkId, applicationId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution | `` | endTs, lanGoodput, lanLatencyMs, lanLossPercent, numClients, recv, responseDuration, sent, startTs, wanGoodput, wanLatencyMs, wanLossPercent |
GET /networks/{networkId}/locationScanning Return scanning API settings (BETA) > getNetworkLocationScanning | networkId | `` | analyticsEnabled, scanningApiEnabled, validator |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/locationScanning Change scanning API settings (BETA) > updateNetworkLocationScanning | networkId | analyticsEnabled, scanningApiEnabled | analyticsEnabled, scanningApiEnabled, validator |
GET /networks/{networkId}/locationScanning/httpServers Return list of scanning API receivers (BETA) > getNetworkLocationScanningHttpServers | networkId | `` | endpoints, errorAt, httpServer, id, name, networkId, postErrors, radioType, scanningApiVersion, sharedSecret, successAt, url, validatedAt, validator |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/locationScanning/httpServers Set the list of scanning API receivers (BETA) > updateNetworkLocationScanningHttpServers | networkId | endpoints, httpServer, radioType, scanningApiVersion, sharedSecret, url | endpoints, errorAt, httpServer, id, name, networkId, postErrors, radioType, scanningApiVersion, sharedSecret, successAt, url, validatedAt, validator |
GET /networks/{networkId}/merakiAuthUsers List the authorized users configured under Meraki Authentication for a network (splash guest or RADIUS users for a wireless network, or client VPN users for a MX network) > getNetworkMerakiAuthUsers | networkId | `` | accountType, authorizations, authorizedByEmail, authorizedByName, authorizedZone, createdAt, email, expiresAt, id, isAdmin, name, ssidNumber |
POST /networks/{networkId}/merakiAuthUsers Authorize a user configured with Meraki Authentication for a network (currently supports 802.1X, splash guest, and client VPN users, and currently, organizations have a 50,000 user cap) > createNetworkMerakiAuthUser | networkId | accountType, authorizations, email, emailPasswordToUser, expiresAt, isAdmin, name, password, ssidNumber | accountType, authorizations, authorizedByEmail, authorizedByName, authorizedZone, createdAt, email, expiresAt, id, isAdmin, name, ssidNumber |
GET /networks/{networkId}/merakiAuthUsers/{merakiAuthUserId} Return the Meraki Auth splash guest, RADIUS, or client VPN user > getNetworkMerakiAuthUser | networkId, merakiAuthUserId | `` | accountType, authorizations, authorizedByEmail, authorizedByName, authorizedZone, createdAt, email, expiresAt, id, isAdmin, name, ssidNumber |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/merakiAuthUsers/{merakiAuthUserId} Delete an 802.1X RADIUS user, or deauthorize and optionally delete a splash guest or client VPN user. > deleteNetworkMerakiAuthUser | networkId, merakiAuthUserId, delete | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/merakiAuthUsers/{merakiAuthUserId} Update a user configured with Meraki Authentication (currently, 802.1X RADIUS, splash guest, and client VPN users can be updated) > updateNetworkMerakiAuthUser | networkId, merakiAuthUserId | authorizations, emailPasswordToUser, expiresAt, name, password, ssidNumber | accountType, authorizations, authorizedByEmail, authorizedByName, authorizedZone, createdAt, email, expiresAt, id, isAdmin, name, ssidNumber |
GET /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers List the MQTT brokers for this network > getNetworkMqttBrokers | networkId | `` | authentication, hasCaCertificate, host, id, mode, name, port, security, tls, username, verifyHostnames |
POST /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers Add an MQTT broker > createNetworkMqttBroker | networkId | authentication, caCertificate, host, mode, name, password, port, security, tls, username, verifyHostnames | authentication, hasCaCertificate, host, id, mode, name, port, security, tls, username, verifyHostnames |
GET /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId} Return an MQTT broker > getNetworkMqttBroker | networkId, mqttBrokerId | `` | authentication, hasCaCertificate, host, id, mode, name, port, security, tls, username, verifyHostnames |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId} Update an MQTT broker > updateNetworkMqttBroker | networkId, mqttBrokerId | authentication, caCertificate, host, mode, name, password, port, security, tls, username, verifyHostnames | authentication, hasCaCertificate, host, id, mode, name, port, security, tls, username, verifyHostnames |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId} Delete an MQTT broker > deleteNetworkMqttBroker | networkId, mqttBrokerId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/netflow Return the NetFlow traffic reporting settings for a network > getNetworkNetflow | networkId | `` | collectorIp, collectorPort, etaDstPort, etaEnabled, reportingEnabled |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/netflow Update the NetFlow traffic reporting settings for a network > updateNetworkNetflow | networkId | collectorIp, collectorPort, etaDstPort, etaEnabled, reportingEnabled | collectorIp, collectorPort, etaDstPort, etaEnabled, reportingEnabled |
GET /networks/{networkId}/networkHealth/channelUtilization Get the channel utilization over each radio for all APs in a network. > getNetworkNetworkHealthChannelUtilization | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | endTime, model, serial, startTime, tags, utilization80211, utilizationNon80211, utilizationTotal, wifi0, wifi1 |
GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/piiKeys List the keys required to access Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a given identifier > getNetworkPiiPiiKeys | networkId, username, email, mac, serial, imei, bluetoothMac | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/requests List the PII requests for this network or organization > getNetworkPiiRequests | networkId | `` | completedAt, createdAt, datasets, id, mac, networkId, organizationWide, status, type |
POST /networks/{networkId}/pii/requests Submit a new delete or restrict processing PII request > createNetworkPiiRequest | networkId | datasets, email, mac, smDeviceId, smUserId, type, username | completedAt, createdAt, datasets, id, mac, networkId, organizationWide, status, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/requests/{requestId} Return a PII request > getNetworkPiiRequest | networkId, requestId | `` | completedAt, createdAt, datasets, id, mac, networkId, organizationWide, status, type |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/pii/requests/{requestId} Delete a restrict processing PII request > deleteNetworkPiiRequest | networkId, requestId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/smDevicesForKey Given a piece of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), return the Systems Manager device ID(s) associated with that identifier > getNetworkPiiSmDevicesForKey | networkId, username, email, mac, serial, imei, bluetoothMac | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/pii/smOwnersForKey Given a piece of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), return the Systems Manager owner ID(s) associated with that identifier > getNetworkPiiSmOwnersForKey | networkId, username, email, mac, serial, imei, bluetoothMac | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/policies/byClient Get policies for all clients with policies > getNetworkPoliciesByClient | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, timespan | `` | assigned, clientId, groupPolicyId, name, ssid, ssidNumber, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/current/overview/byMetric Return an overview of currently alerting sensors by metric > getNetworkSensorAlertsCurrentOverviewByMetric | networkId | `` | ambient, apparentPower, co2, counts, current, door, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, supportedMetrics, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/overview/byMetric Return an overview of alert occurrences over a timespan, by metric > getNetworkSensorAlertsOverviewByMetric | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, interval | `` | ambient, apparentPower, co2, counts, current, door, endTs, frequency, humidity, indoorAirQuality, noise, pm25, powerFactor, realPower, startTs, temperature, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles Lists all sensor alert profiles for a network. > getNetworkSensorAlertsProfiles | networkId | `` | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, conditions, current, direction, door, draw, duration, emails, fahrenheit, frequency, httpServerIds, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, metric, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, profileId, quality, realPower, recipients, relativePercentage, schedule, score, serials, smsNumbers, temperature, threshold, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles Creates a sensor alert profile for a network. > createNetworkSensorAlertsProfile | networkId | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, conditions, current, direction, door, draw, duration, emails, fahrenheit, frequency, httpServerIds, humidity, id, includeSensorLink, indoorAirQuality, level, message, metric, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, quality, realPower, recipients, relativePercentage, schedule, score, serials, smsNumbers, temperature, threshold, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, conditions, current, direction, door, draw, duration, emails, fahrenheit, frequency, httpServerIds, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, metric, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, profileId, quality, realPower, recipients, relativePercentage, schedule, score, serials, smsNumbers, temperature, threshold, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles/{id} Show details of a sensor alert profile for a network. > getNetworkSensorAlertsProfile | networkId, id | `` | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, conditions, current, direction, door, draw, duration, emails, fahrenheit, frequency, httpServerIds, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, metric, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, profileId, quality, realPower, recipients, relativePercentage, schedule, score, serials, smsNumbers, temperature, threshold, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles/{id} Updates a sensor alert profile for a network. > updateNetworkSensorAlertsProfile | networkId, id | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, conditions, current, direction, door, draw, duration, emails, fahrenheit, frequency, httpServerIds, humidity, id, includeSensorLink, indoorAirQuality, level, message, metric, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, quality, realPower, recipients, relativePercentage, schedule, score, serials, smsNumbers, temperature, threshold, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, conditions, current, direction, door, draw, duration, emails, fahrenheit, frequency, httpServerIds, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, metric, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, profileId, quality, realPower, recipients, relativePercentage, schedule, score, serials, smsNumbers, temperature, threshold, tvoc, upstreamPower, voltage, water |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/profiles/{id} Deletes a sensor alert profile from a network. > deleteNetworkSensorAlertsProfile | networkId, id | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/mqttBrokers List the sensor settings of all MQTT brokers for this network > getNetworkSensorMqttBrokers | networkId | `` | enabled, mqttBrokerId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId} Return the sensor settings of an MQTT broker > getNetworkSensorMqttBroker | networkId, mqttBrokerId | `` | enabled, mqttBrokerId |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/sensor/mqttBrokers/{mqttBrokerId} Update the sensor settings of an MQTT broker > updateNetworkSensorMqttBroker | networkId, mqttBrokerId | enabled | enabled, mqttBrokerId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/relationships List the sensor roles for devices in a given network > getNetworkSensorRelationships | networkId | `` | device, livestream, name, productType, relatedDevices, relationships, serial |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sensor/schedules Returns a list of all sensor schedules. (BETA) > getNetworkSensorSchedules | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/settings Return the settings for a network > getNetworkSettings | networkId | `` | authentication, enabled, fips, localStatusPage, localStatusPageEnabled, namedVlans, remoteStatusPageEnabled, securePort, username |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/settings Update the settings for a network > updateNetworkSettings | networkId | authentication, enabled, fips, localStatusPage, localStatusPageEnabled, namedVlans, password, remoteStatusPageEnabled, securePort | authentication, enabled, fips, localStatusPage, localStatusPageEnabled, namedVlans, remoteStatusPageEnabled, securePort, username |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/bypassActivationLockAttempts Bypass activation lock attempt > createNetworkSmBypassActivationLockAttempt | networkId | ids | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/bypassActivationLockAttempts/{attemptId} Bypass activation lock attempt status > getNetworkSmBypassActivationLockAttempt | networkId, attemptId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices List the devices enrolled in an SM network with various specified fields and filters > getNetworkSmDevices | networkId, fields, wifiMacs, serials, ids, uuids, systemTypes, scope, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | id, ip, name, notes, osName, serial, serialNumber, ssid, systemModel, tags, uuid, wifiMac |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/checkin Force check-in a set of devices > checkinNetworkSmDevices | networkId | ids, scope, serials, wifiMacs | ids |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/fields Modify the fields of a device > updateNetworkSmDevicesFields | networkId | deviceFields, id, name, notes, serial, wifiMac | id, name, notes, serial, wifiMac |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/lock Lock a set of devices > lockNetworkSmDevices | networkId | ids, pin, scope, serials, wifiMacs | ids |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/modifyTags Add, delete, or update the tags of a set of devices > modifyNetworkSmDevicesTags | networkId | ids, scope, serials, tags, updateAction, wifiMacs | id, serial, tags, wifiMac |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/move Move a set of devices to a new network > moveNetworkSmDevices | networkId | ids, newNetwork, scope, serials, wifiMacs | ids, newNetwork |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/reboot Reboot a set of endpoints > rebootNetworkSmDevices | networkId | ids, kextPaths, notifyUser, rebuildKernelCache, requestRequiresNetworkTether, scope, serials, wifiMacs | ids |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/shutdown Shutdown a set of endpoints > shutdownNetworkSmDevices | networkId | ids, scope, serials, wifiMacs | ids |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/wipe Wipe a device > wipeNetworkSmDevices | networkId | id, pin, serial, wifiMac | id |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/cellularUsageHistory Return the client's daily cellular data usage history > getNetworkSmDeviceCellularUsageHistory | networkId, deviceId | `` | received, sent, ts |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/certs List the certs on a device > getNetworkSmDeviceCerts | networkId, deviceId | `` | certPem, deviceId, id, issuer, name, notValidAfter, notValidBefore, subject |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/connectivity Returns historical connectivity data (whether a device is regularly checking in to Dashboard). > getNetworkSmDeviceConnectivity | networkId, deviceId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | firstSeenAt, lastSeenAt |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/desktopLogs Return historical records of various Systems Manager network connection details for desktop devices. > getNetworkSmDeviceDesktopLogs | networkId, deviceId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | dhcpServer, dnsServer, gateway, ip, measuredAt, networkDevice, networkDriver, networkMTU, publicIP, subnet, ts, user, wifiAuth, wifiBssid, wifiChannel, wifiNoise, wifiRssi, wifiSsid |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/deviceCommandLogs Return historical records of commands sent to Systems Manager devices > getNetworkSmDeviceDeviceCommandLogs | networkId, deviceId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | action, dashboardUser, details, name, ts |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/deviceProfiles Get the installed profiles associated with a device > getNetworkSmDeviceDeviceProfiles | networkId, deviceId | `` | deviceId, id, isEncrypted, isManaged, name, profileData, profileIdentifier, version |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/installApps Install applications on a device > installNetworkSmDeviceApps | networkId, deviceId | appIds, force | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/networkAdapters List the network adapters of a device > getNetworkSmDeviceNetworkAdapters | networkId, deviceId | `` | dhcpServer, dnsServer, gateway, id, ip, mac, name, subnet |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/performanceHistory Return historical records of various Systems Manager client metrics for desktop devices. > getNetworkSmDevicePerformanceHistory | networkId, deviceId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | c, cpuPercentUsed, diskUsage, memActive, memFree, memInactive, memWired, networkReceived, networkSent, space, swapUsed, ts, used |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/refreshDetails Refresh the details of a device > refreshNetworkSmDeviceDetails | networkId, deviceId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/restrictions List the restrictions on a device > getNetworkSmDeviceRestrictions | networkId, deviceId | `` | profile, restrictions |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/securityCenters List the security centers on a device > getNetworkSmDeviceSecurityCenters | networkId, deviceId | `` | antiVirusName, fireWallName, hasAntiVirus, hasFireWallInstalled, id, isAutoLoginDisabled, isDiskEncrypted, isFireWallEnabled, isRooted, runningProcs |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/softwares Get a list of softwares associated with a device > getNetworkSmDeviceSoftwares | networkId, deviceId | `` | appId, bundleSize, createdAt, deviceId, dynamicSize, id, identifier, installedAt, iosRedemptionCode, isManaged, itunesId, licenseKey, name, path, redemptionCode, shortVersion, status, toInstall, toUninstall, uninstalledAt, updatedAt, vendor, version |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/unenroll Unenroll a device > unenrollNetworkSmDevice | networkId, deviceId | `` | success |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/uninstallApps Uninstall applications on a device > uninstallNetworkSmDeviceApps | networkId, deviceId | appIds | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/wlanLists List the saved SSID names on a device > getNetworkSmDeviceWlanLists | networkId, deviceId | `` | createdAt, id, xml |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/profiles List all profiles in a network > getNetworkSmProfiles | networkId, payloadTypes | `` | description, id, name, payloadTypes, scope, tags |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups List the target groups in this network > getNetworkSmTargetGroups | networkId, withDetails | `` | id, name, scope, tags |
POST /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups Add a target group > createNetworkSmTargetGroup | networkId | name, scope | id, name, scope, tags |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups/{targetGroupId} Return a target group > getNetworkSmTargetGroup | networkId, targetGroupId, withDetails | `` | id, name, scope, tags |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups/{targetGroupId} Update a target group > updateNetworkSmTargetGroup | networkId, targetGroupId | name, scope | id, name, scope, tags |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/sm/targetGroups/{targetGroupId} Delete a target group from a network > deleteNetworkSmTargetGroup | networkId, targetGroupId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/trustedAccessConfigs List Trusted Access Configs > getNetworkSmTrustedAccessConfigs | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | accessEndAt, accessStartAt, additionalEmailText, id, name, notifyTimeBeforeAccessEnds, scope, sendExpirationEmails, ssidName, tags, timeboundType |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/userAccessDevices List User Access Devices and its Trusted Access Connections > getNetworkSmUserAccessDevices | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | downloadedAt, email, id, lastConnectedAt, mac, name, scepCompletedAt, systemType, tags, trustedAccessConfigId, trustedAccessConnections, username |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/sm/userAccessDevices/{userAccessDeviceId} Delete a User Access Device > deleteNetworkSmUserAccessDevice | networkId, userAccessDeviceId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/users List the owners in an SM network with various specified fields and filters > getNetworkSmUsers | networkId, ids, usernames, emails, scope | `` | adGroups, asmGroups, azureAdGroups, displayName, email, fullName, hasIdentityCertificate, hasPassword, id, isExternal, samlGroups, tags, userThumbnail, username |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/users/{userId}/deviceProfiles Get the profiles associated with a user > getNetworkSmUserDeviceProfiles | networkId, userId | `` | deviceId, id, isEncrypted, isManaged, name, profileData, profileIdentifier, version |
GET /networks/{networkId}/sm/users/{userId}/softwares Get a list of softwares associated with a user > getNetworkSmUserSoftwares | networkId, userId | `` | appId, bundleSize, createdAt, deviceId, dynamicSize, id, identifier, installedAt, iosRedemptionCode, isManaged, itunesId, licenseKey, name, path, redemptionCode, shortVersion, status, toInstall, toUninstall, uninstalledAt, updatedAt, vendor, version |
GET /networks/{networkId}/snmp Return the SNMP settings for a network > getNetworkSnmp | networkId | `` | access, communityString, passphrase, username, users |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/snmp Update the SNMP settings for a network > updateNetworkSnmp | networkId | access, communityString, passphrase, username, users | access, communityString, passphrase, username, users |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/snmp/traps Update the SNMP trap configuration for the specified network (BETA) > updateNetworkSnmpTraps | networkId | address, community, mode, name, passphrase, port, receiver, users, v2, v3 | address, community, id, mode, name, network, port, receiver, users, v2, v3 |
GET /networks/{networkId}/splashLoginAttempts List the splash login attempts for a network > getNetworkSplashLoginAttempts | networkId, ssidNumber, loginIdentifier, timespan | `` | authorization, clientId, clientMac, gatewayDeviceMac, login, loginAt, name, ssid |
POST /networks/{networkId}/split Split a combined network into individual networks for each type of device > splitNetwork | networkId | `` | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, resultingNetworks, tags, timeZone, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessControlLists Return the access control lists for a MS network > getNetworkSwitchAccessControlLists | networkId | `` | comment, dstCidr, dstPort, ipVersion, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, vlan |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessControlLists Update the access control lists for a MS network > updateNetworkSwitchAccessControlLists | networkId | comment, dstCidr, dstPort, ipVersion, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, vlan | comment, dstCidr, dstPort, ipVersion, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies List the access policies for a switch network > getNetworkSwitchAccessPolicies | networkId | `` | accessPolicyType, cache, controlDirection, counts, criticalAuth, dataVlanId, dot1x, enabled, failedAuthVlanId, guestPortBouncing, guestVlanId, host, hostMode, increaseAccessSpeed, name, organizationRadiusServerId, port, ports, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusCoaSupportEnabled, radiusGroupAttribute, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, reAuthenticationInterval, serverId, suspendPortBounce, timeout, urlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled, urlRedirectWalledGardenRanges, voiceVlanClients, voiceVlanId, withThisPolicy |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies Create an access policy for a switch network > createNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy | networkId | accessPolicyType, cache, controlDirection, criticalAuth, dataVlanId, dot1x, enabled, failedAuthVlanId, guestPortBouncing, guestVlanId, host, hostMode, increaseAccessSpeed, name, organizationRadiusServerId, port, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusCoaSupportEnabled, radiusGroupAttribute, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, reAuthenticationInterval, secret, suspendPortBounce, timeout, urlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled, urlRedirectWalledGardenRanges, voiceVlanClients, voiceVlanId | accessPolicyType, cache, controlDirection, counts, criticalAuth, dataVlanId, dot1x, enabled, failedAuthVlanId, guestPortBouncing, guestVlanId, host, hostMode, increaseAccessSpeed, name, organizationRadiusServerId, port, ports, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusCoaSupportEnabled, radiusGroupAttribute, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, reAuthenticationInterval, serverId, suspendPortBounce, timeout, urlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled, urlRedirectWalledGardenRanges, voiceVlanClients, voiceVlanId, withThisPolicy |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber} Return a specific access policy for a switch network > getNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy | networkId, accessPolicyNumber | `` | accessPolicyType, cache, controlDirection, counts, criticalAuth, dataVlanId, dot1x, enabled, failedAuthVlanId, guestPortBouncing, guestVlanId, host, hostMode, increaseAccessSpeed, name, organizationRadiusServerId, port, ports, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusCoaSupportEnabled, radiusGroupAttribute, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, reAuthenticationInterval, serverId, suspendPortBounce, timeout, urlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled, urlRedirectWalledGardenRanges, voiceVlanClients, voiceVlanId, withThisPolicy |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber} Update an access policy for a switch network > updateNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy | networkId, accessPolicyNumber | accessPolicyType, cache, controlDirection, criticalAuth, dataVlanId, dot1x, enabled, failedAuthVlanId, guestPortBouncing, guestVlanId, host, hostMode, increaseAccessSpeed, name, organizationRadiusServerId, port, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusCoaSupportEnabled, radiusGroupAttribute, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, reAuthenticationInterval, secret, serverId, suspendPortBounce, timeout, urlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled, urlRedirectWalledGardenRanges, voiceVlanClients, voiceVlanId | accessPolicyType, cache, controlDirection, counts, criticalAuth, dataVlanId, dot1x, enabled, failedAuthVlanId, guestPortBouncing, guestVlanId, host, hostMode, increaseAccessSpeed, name, organizationRadiusServerId, port, ports, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusCoaSupportEnabled, radiusGroupAttribute, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, reAuthenticationInterval, serverId, suspendPortBounce, timeout, urlRedirectWalledGardenEnabled, urlRedirectWalledGardenRanges, voiceVlanClients, voiceVlanId, withThisPolicy |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber} Delete an access policy for a switch network > deleteNetworkSwitchAccessPolicy | networkId, accessPolicyNumber | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/alternateManagementInterface Return the switch alternate management interface for the network > getNetworkSwitchAlternateManagementInterface | networkId | `` | alternateManagementIp, enabled, gateway, protocols, serial, subnetMask, switches, vlanId |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/alternateManagementInterface Update the switch alternate management interface for the network > updateNetworkSwitchAlternateManagementInterface | networkId | alternateManagementIp, enabled, gateway, protocols, serial, subnetMask, switches, vlanId | alternateManagementIp, enabled, gateway, protocols, serial, subnetMask, switches, vlanId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcp/v4/servers/seen Return the network's DHCPv4 servers seen within the selected timeframe (default 1 day) > getNetworkSwitchDhcpV4ServersSeen | networkId, t0, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | address, chaddr, checksum, ciaddr, clientId, destination, device, dscp, ecn, ethernet, fields, flags, gateway, giaddr, headerLength, hlen, hops, htype, id, interface, ip, ipv4, isAllowed, isConfigured, lastAck, lastPacket, lastSeenAt, length, mac, magicCookie, name, op, options, port, protocol, secs, seenBy, serial, siaddr, sname, source, subnet, tag, ts, ttl, type, udp, url, value, version, vlan, xid, yiaddr |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy Return the DHCP server settings > getNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicy | networkId | `` | alerts, allowedServers, arpInspection, blockedServers, defaultPolicy, email, enabled, unsupportedModels |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy Update the DHCP server settings > updateNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicy | networkId | alerts, allowedServers, arpInspection, blockedServers, defaultPolicy, email, enabled | alerts, allowedServers, arpInspection, blockedServers, defaultPolicy, email, enabled, unsupportedModels |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy/arpInspection/trustedServers Return the list of servers trusted by Dynamic ARP Inspection on this network > getNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicyArpInspectionTrustedServers | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | address, ipv4, mac, trustedServerId, vlan |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy/arpInspection/trustedServers Add a server to be trusted by Dynamic ARP Inspection on this network > createNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicyArpInspectionTrustedServer | networkId | address, ipv4, mac, vlan | address, ipv4, mac, trustedServerId, vlan |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy/arpInspection/trustedServers/{trustedServerId} Update a server that is trusted by Dynamic ARP Inspection on this network > updateNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicyArpInspectionTrustedServer | networkId, trustedServerId | address, ipv4, mac, vlan | address, ipv4, mac, trustedServerId, vlan |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy/arpInspection/trustedServers/{trustedServerId} Remove a server from being trusted by Dynamic ARP Inspection on this network > deleteNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicyArpInspectionTrustedServer | networkId, trustedServerId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy/arpInspection/warnings/byDevice Return the devices that have a Dynamic ARP Inspection warning and their warnings > getNetworkSwitchDhcpServerPolicyArpInspectionWarningsByDevice | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | hasTrustedPort, name, serial, supportsInspection, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/dscpToCosMappings Return the DSCP to CoS mappings > getNetworkSwitchDscpToCosMappings | networkId | `` | cos, dscp, mappings, title |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/dscpToCosMappings Update the DSCP to CoS mappings > updateNetworkSwitchDscpToCosMappings | networkId | cos, dscp, mappings, title | cos, dscp, mappings, title |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/linkAggregations List link aggregation groups > getNetworkSwitchLinkAggregations | networkId | `` | id, portId, serial, switchPorts |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/linkAggregations Create a link aggregation group > createNetworkSwitchLinkAggregation | networkId | portId, profile, serial, switchPorts, switchProfilePorts | id, portId, serial, switchPorts |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/linkAggregations/{linkAggregationId} Update a link aggregation group > updateNetworkSwitchLinkAggregation | networkId, linkAggregationId | portId, profile, serial, switchPorts, switchProfilePorts | id, portId, serial, switchPorts |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/linkAggregations/{linkAggregationId} Split a link aggregation group into separate ports > deleteNetworkSwitchLinkAggregation | networkId, linkAggregationId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/mtu Return the MTU configuration > getNetworkSwitchMtu | networkId | `` | defaultMtuSize, mtuSize, overrides, switchProfiles, switches |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/mtu Update the MTU configuration > updateNetworkSwitchMtu | networkId | defaultMtuSize, mtuSize, overrides, switchProfiles, switches | defaultMtuSize, mtuSize, overrides, switchProfiles, switches |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/portSchedules List switch port schedules > getNetworkSwitchPortSchedules | networkId | `` | active, friday, from, id, monday, name, networkId, portSchedule, saturday, sunday, thursday, to, tuesday, wednesday |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/portSchedules Add a switch port schedule > createNetworkSwitchPortSchedule | networkId | active, friday, from, monday, name, portSchedule, saturday, sunday, thursday, to, tuesday, wednesday | active, friday, from, id, monday, name, networkId, portSchedule, saturday, sunday, thursday, to, tuesday, wednesday |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/portSchedules/{portScheduleId} Delete a switch port schedule > deleteNetworkSwitchPortSchedule | networkId, portScheduleId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/portSchedules/{portScheduleId} Update a switch port schedule > updateNetworkSwitchPortSchedule | networkId, portScheduleId | active, friday, from, monday, name, portSchedule, saturday, sunday, thursday, to, tuesday, wednesday | active, friday, from, id, monday, name, networkId, portSchedule, saturday, sunday, thursday, to, tuesday, wednesday |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/ports/profiles List the port profiles in a network (BETA) > getNetworkSwitchPortsProfiles | networkId | `` | access, accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, assignedSwitchports, associatedPorts, associatedSwitches, automations, createdAt, daiTrusted, description, enabled, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, mac, macAllowList, model, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, portId, portIds, portName, portNum, profile, profileId, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, switch, switchId, tags, template, type, udld, updatedAt, values, vlan, voiceVlan |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/ports/profiles Create a port profile in a network (BETA) > createNetworkSwitchPortsProfile | networkId | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, description, isolationEnabled, macAllowList, name, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, rstpEnabled, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan | access, accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, assignedSwitchports, associatedPorts, associatedSwitches, automations, createdAt, daiTrusted, description, enabled, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, mac, macAllowList, model, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, portId, portIds, portName, portNum, profile, profileId, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, switch, switchId, tags, template, type, udld, updatedAt, values, vlan, voiceVlan |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/ports/profiles/{id} Update a port profile in a network (BETA) > updateNetworkSwitchPortsProfile | networkId, id | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, description, isolationEnabled, macAllowList, name, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, rstpEnabled, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan | access, accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, assignedSwitchports, associatedPorts, associatedSwitches, automations, createdAt, daiTrusted, description, enabled, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, mac, macAllowList, model, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, portId, portIds, portName, portNum, profile, profileId, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, switch, switchId, tags, template, type, udld, updatedAt, values, vlan, voiceVlan |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/ports/profiles/{id} Delete a port profile from a network (BETA) > deleteNetworkSwitchPortsProfile | networkId, id | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules List quality of service rules > getNetworkSwitchQosRules | networkId | `` | dscp, dstPort, dstPortRange, id, protocol, srcPort, srcPortRange, vlan |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules Add a quality of service rule > createNetworkSwitchQosRule | networkId | dscp, dstPort, dstPortRange, protocol, srcPort, srcPortRange, vlan | dscp, dstPort, dstPortRange, id, protocol, srcPort, srcPortRange, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules/order Return the quality of service rule IDs by order in which they will be processed by the switch > getNetworkSwitchQosRulesOrder | networkId | `` | ruleIds |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules/order Update the order in which the rules should be processed by the switch > updateNetworkSwitchQosRulesOrder | networkId | ruleIds | ruleIds |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules/{qosRuleId} Return a quality of service rule > getNetworkSwitchQosRule | networkId, qosRuleId | `` | dscp, dstPort, dstPortRange, id, protocol, srcPort, srcPortRange, vlan |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules/{qosRuleId} Delete a quality of service rule > deleteNetworkSwitchQosRule | networkId, qosRuleId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/qosRules/{qosRuleId} Update a quality of service rule > updateNetworkSwitchQosRule | networkId, qosRuleId | dscp, dstPort, dstPortRange, protocol, srcPort, srcPortRange, vlan | dscp, dstPort, dstPortRange, id, protocol, srcPort, srcPortRange, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast Return multicast settings for a network > getNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticast | networkId | `` | defaultSettings, floodUnknownMulticastTrafficEnabled, igmpSnoopingEnabled, overrides, stacks, switchProfiles, switches |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast Update multicast settings for a network > updateNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticast | networkId | defaultSettings, floodUnknownMulticastTrafficEnabled, igmpSnoopingEnabled, overrides, stacks, switchProfiles, switches | defaultSettings, floodUnknownMulticastTrafficEnabled, igmpSnoopingEnabled, overrides, stacks, switchProfiles, switches |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints List multicast rendezvous points > getNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticastRendezvousPoints | networkId | `` | interfaceIp, interfaceName, multicastGroup, rendezvousPointId, serial |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints Create a multicast rendezvous point > createNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticastRendezvousPoint | networkId | interfaceIp, multicastGroup | interfaceIp, interfaceName, multicastGroup, rendezvousPointId, serial |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints/{rendezvousPointId} Return a multicast rendezvous point > getNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticastRendezvousPoint | networkId, rendezvousPointId | `` | interfaceIp, interfaceName, multicastGroup, rendezvousPointId, serial |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints/{rendezvousPointId} Delete a multicast rendezvous point > deleteNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticastRendezvousPoint | networkId, rendezvousPointId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/multicast/rendezvousPoints/{rendezvousPointId} Update a multicast rendezvous point > updateNetworkSwitchRoutingMulticastRendezvousPoint | networkId, rendezvousPointId | interfaceIp, multicastGroup | interfaceIp, interfaceName, multicastGroup, rendezvousPointId, serial |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/ospf Return layer 3 OSPF routing configuration > getNetworkSwitchRoutingOspf | networkId | `` | areaId, areaName, areaType, areas, deadTimerInSeconds, enabled, helloTimerInSeconds, id, md5AuthenticationEnabled, md5AuthenticationKey, passphrase, v3 |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/routing/ospf Update layer 3 OSPF routing configuration > updateNetworkSwitchRoutingOspf | networkId | areaId, areaName, areaType, areas, deadTimerInSeconds, enabled, helloTimerInSeconds, id, md5AuthenticationEnabled, md5AuthenticationKey, passphrase, v3 | areaId, areaName, areaType, areas, deadTimerInSeconds, enabled, helloTimerInSeconds, id, md5AuthenticationEnabled, md5AuthenticationKey, passphrase, v3 |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/settings Returns the switch network settings > getNetworkSwitchSettings | networkId | `` | enabled, macBlocklist, powerExceptions, powerType, serial, uplinkClientSampling, useCombinedPower, vlan |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/settings Update switch network settings > updateNetworkSwitchSettings | networkId | enabled, macBlocklist, powerExceptions, powerType, serial, uplinkClientSampling, useCombinedPower, vlan | enabled, macBlocklist, powerExceptions, powerType, serial, uplinkClientSampling, useCombinedPower, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks List the switch stacks in a network > getNetworkSwitchStacks | networkId | `` | id, isMonitorOnly, mac, members, model, name, role, serial, serials |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks Create a switch stack > createNetworkSwitchStack | networkId | name, serials | id, isMonitorOnly, mac, members, model, name, role, serial, serials |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId} Show a switch stack > getNetworkSwitchStack | networkId, switchStackId | `` | id, isMonitorOnly, mac, members, model, name, role, serial, serials |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId} Delete a stack > deleteNetworkSwitchStack | networkId, switchStackId | `` | `` |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/add Add a switch to a stack > addNetworkSwitchStack | networkId, switchStackId | serial | id, isMonitorOnly, mac, members, model, name, role, serial, serials |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/ports/mirror Update switch port mirrors for switch stacks (BETA) > updateNetworkSwitchStackPortsMirror | networkId, switchStackId | comment, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, module, number, port, ports, role, serial, slot, source, tags, type, vlan, vlans | comment, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, id, mirror, module, name, network, number, port, ports, role, serial, slot, source, switchStackId, tags, type, vlan, vlans, warnings |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/remove Remove a switch from a stack > removeNetworkSwitchStack | networkId, switchStackId | serial | id, isMonitorOnly, mac, members, model, name, role, serial, serials |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces List layer 3 interfaces for a switch stack > getNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterfaces | networkId, switchStackId | `` | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces Create a layer 3 interface for a switch stack > createNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterface | networkId, switchStackId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, vlanId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId} Return a layer 3 interface from a switch stack > getNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterface | networkId, switchStackId, interfaceId | `` | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId} Update a layer 3 interface for a switch stack > updateNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterface | networkId, switchStackId, interfaceId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, defaultGateway, gateway, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, vlanId | address, area, assignmentMode, cost, gateway, interfaceId, interfaceIp, ipv6, isPassiveEnabled, multicastRouting, name, ospfSettings, ospfV3, prefix, subnet, uplinkV4, uplinkV6, vlanId |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId} Delete a layer 3 interface from a switch stack > deleteNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterface | networkId, switchStackId, interfaceId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp Return a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch stack > getNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDhcp | networkId, switchStackId, interfaceId | `` | bootFileName, bootNextServer, bootOptionsEnabled, code, comment, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpMode, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameserversOption, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start, type, value |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp Update a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch stack > updateNetworkSwitchStackRoutingInterfaceDhcp | networkId, switchStackId, interfaceId | bootFileName, bootNextServer, bootOptionsEnabled, code, comment, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpMode, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameserversOption, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start, type, value | bootFileName, bootNextServer, bootOptionsEnabled, code, comment, dhcpLeaseTime, dhcpMode, dhcpOptions, dhcpRelayServerIps, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsNameserversOption, end, fixedIpAssignments, ip, mac, name, reservedIpRanges, start, type, value |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes List layer 3 static routes for a switch stack > getNetworkSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoutes | networkId, switchStackId | `` | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
POST /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes Create a layer 3 static route for a switch stack > createNetworkSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute | networkId, switchStackId | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, subnet | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Return a layer 3 static route for a switch stack > getNetworkSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute | networkId, switchStackId, staticRouteId | `` | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Update a layer 3 static route for a switch stack > updateNetworkSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute | networkId, switchStackId, staticRouteId | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, subnet | advertiseViaOspfEnabled, managementNextHop, name, nextHopIp, preferOverOspfRoutesEnabled, staticRouteId, subnet |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/staticRoutes/{staticRouteId} Delete a layer 3 static route for a switch stack > deleteNetworkSwitchStackRoutingStaticRoute | networkId, switchStackId, staticRouteId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stormControl Return the storm control configuration for a switch network > getNetworkSwitchStormControl | networkId | `` | broadcastThreshold, multicastThreshold, treatTheseTrafficTypesAsOneThreshold, unknownUnicastThreshold |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/stormControl Update the storm control configuration for a switch network > updateNetworkSwitchStormControl | networkId | broadcastThreshold, multicastThreshold, treatTheseTrafficTypesAsOneThreshold, unknownUnicastThreshold | broadcastThreshold, multicastThreshold, treatTheseTrafficTypesAsOneThreshold, unknownUnicastThreshold |
GET /networks/{networkId}/switch/stp Returns STP settings > getNetworkSwitchStp | networkId | `` | rstpEnabled, stacks, stpBridgePriority, stpPriority, switchProfiles, switches |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/switch/stp Updates STP settings > updateNetworkSwitchStp | networkId | rstpEnabled, stacks, stpBridgePriority, stpPriority, switchProfiles, switches | rstpEnabled, stacks, stpBridgePriority, stpPriority, switchProfiles, switches |
GET /networks/{networkId}/syslogServers List the syslog servers for a network > getNetworkSyslogServers | networkId | `` | host, port, roles, servers |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/syslogServers Update the syslog servers for a network > updateNetworkSyslogServers | networkId | host, port, roles, servers | host, port, roles, servers |
GET /networks/{networkId}/topology/linkLayer List the LLDP and CDP information for all discovered devices and connections in a network > getNetworkTopologyLinkLayer | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/traffic Return the traffic analysis data for this network > getNetworkTraffic | networkId, t0, timespan, deviceType | `` | activeTime, application, destination, flows, numClients, port, protocol, recv, sent |
GET /networks/{networkId}/trafficAnalysis Return the traffic analysis settings for a network > getNetworkTrafficAnalysis | networkId | `` | customPieChartItems, mode, name, type, value |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/trafficAnalysis Update the traffic analysis settings for a network > updateNetworkTrafficAnalysis | networkId | customPieChartItems, mode, name, type, value | customPieChartItems, mode, name, type, value |
GET /networks/{networkId}/trafficShaping/applicationCategories Returns the application categories for traffic shaping rules > getNetworkTrafficShapingApplicationCategories | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/trafficShaping/dscpTaggingOptions Returns the available DSCP tagging options for your traffic shaping rules. > getNetworkTrafficShapingDscpTaggingOptions | networkId | `` | `` |
POST /networks/{networkId}/unbind Unbind a network from a template. > unbindNetwork | networkId | retainConfigs | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles List VLAN profiles for a network > getNetworkVlanProfiles | networkId | `` | adaptivePolicyGroup, id, iname, isDefault, name, vlanGroups, vlanId, vlanIds, vlanNames |
POST /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles Create a VLAN profile for a network > createNetworkVlanProfile | networkId | adaptivePolicyGroup, id, iname, name, vlanGroups, vlanId, vlanIds, vlanNames | adaptivePolicyGroup, id, iname, isDefault, name, vlanGroups, vlanId, vlanIds, vlanNames |
GET /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles/assignments/byDevice Get the assigned VLAN Profiles for devices in a network > getNetworkVlanProfilesAssignmentsByDevice | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, serials, productTypes, stackIds | `` | id, iname, isDefault, mac, name, productType, serial, stack, vlanProfile |
POST /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles/assignments/reassign Update the assigned VLAN Profile for devices in a network > reassignNetworkVlanProfilesAssignments | networkId | iname, serials, stackIds, vlanProfile | iname, name, serials, stackIds, vlanProfile |
GET /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles/{iname} Get an existing VLAN profile of a network > getNetworkVlanProfile | networkId, iname | `` | adaptivePolicyGroup, id, iname, isDefault, name, vlanGroups, vlanId, vlanIds, vlanNames |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles/{iname} Update an existing VLAN profile of a network > updateNetworkVlanProfile | networkId, iname | adaptivePolicyGroup, id, name, vlanGroups, vlanId, vlanIds, vlanNames | adaptivePolicyGroup, id, iname, isDefault, name, vlanGroups, vlanId, vlanIds, vlanNames |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/vlanProfiles/{iname} Delete a VLAN profile of a network > deleteNetworkVlanProfile | networkId, iname | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers List the HTTP servers for a network > getNetworkWebhooksHttpServers | networkId | `` | id, name, networkId, payloadTemplate, payloadTemplateId, url |
POST /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers Add an HTTP server to a network > createNetworkWebhooksHttpServer | networkId | name, payloadTemplate, payloadTemplateId, sharedSecret, url | id, name, networkId, payloadTemplate, payloadTemplateId, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers/{httpServerId} Return an HTTP server for a network > getNetworkWebhooksHttpServer | networkId, httpServerId | `` | id, name, networkId, payloadTemplate, payloadTemplateId, url |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers/{httpServerId} Update an HTTP server > updateNetworkWebhooksHttpServer | networkId, httpServerId | name, payloadTemplate, payloadTemplateId, sharedSecret | id, name, networkId, payloadTemplate, payloadTemplateId, url |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers/{httpServerId} Delete an HTTP server from a network > deleteNetworkWebhooksHttpServer | networkId, httpServerId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates List the webhook payload templates for a network > getNetworkWebhooksPayloadTemplates | networkId | `` | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type |
POST /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates Create a webhook payload template for a network > createNetworkWebhooksPayloadTemplate | networkId | body, bodyFile, headers, headersFile, name, template | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates/{payloadTemplateId} Get the webhook payload template for a network > getNetworkWebhooksPayloadTemplate | networkId, payloadTemplateId | `` | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates/{payloadTemplateId} Destroy a webhook payload template for a network > deleteNetworkWebhooksPayloadTemplate | networkId, payloadTemplateId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates/{payloadTemplateId} Update a webhook payload template for a network > updateNetworkWebhooksPayloadTemplate | networkId, payloadTemplateId | body, bodyFile, headers, headersFile, name, template | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type |
POST /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/webhookTests Send a test webhook for a network > createNetworkWebhooksWebhookTest | networkId | alertTypeId, payloadTemplateId, payloadTemplateName, sharedSecret, url | id, status, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/webhooks/webhookTests/{webhookTestId} Return the status of a webhook test for a network > getNetworkWebhooksWebhookTest | networkId, webhookTestId | `` | id, status, url |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/airMarshal List Air Marshal scan results from a network > getNetworkWirelessAirMarshal | networkId, t0, timespan | `` | `` |
POST /networks/{networkId}/wireless/airMarshal/rules Creates a new rule > createNetworkWirelessAirMarshalRule | networkId | match, string, type | createdAt, id, match, name, network, ruleId, string, type, updatedAt |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/airMarshal/rules/{ruleId} Update a rule > updateNetworkWirelessAirMarshalRule | networkId, ruleId | match, string, type | createdAt, id, match, name, network, ruleId, string, type, updatedAt |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/wireless/airMarshal/rules/{ruleId} Delete an Air Marshal rule. > deleteNetworkWirelessAirMarshalRule | networkId, ruleId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/airMarshal/settings Updates Air Marshal settings. > updateNetworkWirelessAirMarshalSettings | networkId | defaultPolicy | defaultPolicy, networkId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/alternateManagementInterface Return alternate management interface and devices with IP assigned > getNetworkWirelessAlternateManagementInterface | networkId | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/alternateManagementInterface Update alternate management interface and device static IP > updateNetworkWirelessAlternateManagementInterface | networkId | accessPoints, alternateManagementIp, dns1, dns2, enabled, gateway, protocols, serial, subnetMask, vlanId | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/billing Return the billing settings of this network > getNetworkWirelessBilling | networkId | `` | bandwidthLimits, currency, id, limitDown, limitUp, plans, price, timeLimit |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/billing Update the billing settings > updateNetworkWirelessBilling | networkId | bandwidthLimits, currency, id, limitDown, limitUp, plans, price, timeLimit | bandwidthLimits, currency, id, limitDown, limitUp, plans, price, timeLimit |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/bluetooth/settings Return the Bluetooth settings for a network. Bluetooth settings must be enabled on the network. > getNetworkWirelessBluetoothSettings | networkId | `` | advertisingEnabled, eslEnabled, major, majorMinorAssignmentMode, minor, scanningEnabled, uuid |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/bluetooth/settings Update the Bluetooth settings for a network > updateNetworkWirelessBluetoothSettings | networkId | advertisingEnabled, major, majorMinorAssignmentMode, minor, scanningEnabled, uuid | advertisingEnabled, eslEnabled, major, majorMinorAssignmentMode, minor, scanningEnabled, uuid |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/channelUtilizationHistory Return AP channel utilization over time for a device or network client > getNetworkWirelessChannelUtilizationHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, autoResolution, clientId, deviceSerial, apTag, band | `` | endTs, startTs, utilization80211, utilizationNon80211, utilizationTotal |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clientCountHistory Return wireless client counts over time for a network, device, or network client > getNetworkWirelessClientCountHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, autoResolution, clientId, deviceSerial, apTag, band, ssid | `` | clientCount, endTs, startTs |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/connectionStats Aggregated connectivity info for this network, grouped by clients > getNetworkWirelessClientsConnectionStats | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/healthScores Fetch the health scores for all clients on this network (BETA) > getNetworkWirelessClientsHealthScores | networkId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/latencyStats Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by clients > getNetworkWirelessClientsLatencyStats | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag, fields | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/onboardingHistory Return counts of distinct wireless clients connecting to a network over time (BETA) > getNetworkWirelessClientsOnboardingHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, band, ssid | `` | association, authentication, clientCounts, connectionSteps, dhcp, dns, endTs, failed, prospective, startTs, successful, summary |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/connectionStats Aggregated connectivity info for a given client on this network > getNetworkWirelessClientConnectionStats | networkId, clientId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag | `` | assoc, auth, connectionStats, dhcp, mac, success |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/connectivityEvents List the wireless connectivity events for a client within a network in the timespan. > getNetworkWirelessClientConnectivityEvents | networkId, clientId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder, t0, t1, timespan, types, band, ssidNumber, includedSeverities, deviceSerial | `` | band, captureId, channel, deviceSerial, durationMs, eventData, occurredAt, rssi, severity, ssidNumber, subtype, type |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/healthScores Fetch the health scores for a given client on this network (BETA) > getNetworkWirelessClientHealthScores | networkId, clientId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/latencyHistory Return the latency history for a client > getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyHistory | networkId, clientId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution | `` | 0.5, 1.0, 1024.0, 128.0, 16.0, 2.0, 2048.0, 256.0, 32.0, 4.0, 512.0, 64.0, 8.0, backgroundTraffic, bestEffortTraffic, latencyBinsByCategory, t0, t1, videoTraffic, voiceTraffic |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/latencyStats Aggregated latency info for a given client on this network > getNetworkWirelessClientLatencyStats | networkId, clientId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag, fields | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/connectionStats Aggregated connectivity info for this network > getNetworkWirelessConnectionStats | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag | `` | assoc, auth, dhcp, dns, success |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/dataRateHistory Return PHY data rates over time for a network, device, or network client > getNetworkWirelessDataRateHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, autoResolution, clientId, deviceSerial, apTag, band, ssid | `` | averageKbps, downloadKbps, endTs, startTs, uploadKbps |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/devices/connectionStats Aggregated connectivity info for this network, grouped by node > getNetworkWirelessDevicesConnectionStats | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag | `` | assoc, auth, connectionStats, dhcp, dns, serial, success |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/devices/healthScores Fetch the health scores of all APs on this network (BETA) > getNetworkWirelessDevicesHealthScores | networkId | `` | device, latest, onboarding, performance, serial |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/devices/latencyStats Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by node > getNetworkWirelessDevicesLatencyStats | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag, fields | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/electronicShelfLabel Return the ESL settings of a wireless network > getNetworkWirelessElectronicShelfLabel | networkId | `` | enabled, hostname |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/electronicShelfLabel Update the ESL settings of a wireless network > updateNetworkWirelessElectronicShelfLabel | networkId | enabled, hostname | enabled, hostname |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/electronicShelfLabel/configuredDevices Get a list of all ESL eligible devices of a network > getNetworkWirelessElectronicShelfLabelConfiguredDevices | networkId | `` | enabled, hostname |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles List the AP port profiles for this network > getNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfiles | networkId | `` | enabled, isDefault, name, number, ports, profileId, pskGroupId, ssid, usbPorts |
POST /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles Create an AP port profile > createNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfile | networkId | enabled, name, ports, pskGroupId, ssid, usbPorts | enabled, isDefault, name, number, ports, profileId, pskGroupId, ssid, usbPorts |
POST /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles/assign Assign AP port profile to list of APs > assignNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfiles | networkId | profileId, serials | profileId, serials |
POST /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles/setDefault Set the AP port profile to be default for this network > setNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfilesDefault | networkId | profileId | profileId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles/{profileId} Show the AP port profile by ID for this network > getNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfile | networkId, profileId | `` | enabled, isDefault, name, number, ports, profileId, pskGroupId, ssid, usbPorts |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles/{profileId} Update the AP port profile by ID for this network > updateNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfile | networkId, profileId | enabled, name, ports, pskGroupId, ssid, usbPorts | enabled, isDefault, name, number, ports, profileId, pskGroupId, ssid, usbPorts |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ethernet/ports/profiles/{profileId} Delete an AP port profile > deleteNetworkWirelessEthernetPortsProfile | networkId, profileId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/failedConnections List of all failed client connection events on this network in a given time range > getNetworkWirelessFailedConnections | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag, serial, clientId | `` | clientMac, failureStep, serial, ssidNumber, ts, type, vlan |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/latencyHistory Return average wireless latency over time for a network, device, or network client > getNetworkWirelessLatencyHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, autoResolution, clientId, deviceSerial, apTag, band, ssid, accessCategory | `` | avgLatencyMs, endTs, startTs |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/latencyStats Aggregated latency info for this network > getNetworkWirelessLatencyStats | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, band, ssid, vlan, apTag, fields | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/meshStatuses List wireless mesh statuses for repeaters > getNetworkWirelessMeshStatuses | networkId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | latestMeshPerformance, mbps, meshRoute, metric, serial, usagePercentage |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/opportunisticPcap Update the Opportunistic Pcap settings for a wireless network (BETA) > updateNetworkWirelessOpportunisticPcap | networkId | enablement, networkWide, serials, tags | enablement, name, networkId, networkWide, serials, tags |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/radio/autoRf Update the AutoRF settings for a wireless network (BETA) > updateNetworkWirelessRadioAutoRf | networkId | aiRrm, avoidance, busyHour, channel, enabled, end, fra, manual, minimizeChanges, mode, schedule, start | aiRrm, automatic, avoidance, busyHour, channel, enabled, end, fra, manual, minimizeChanges, mode, name, networkId, schedule, start, timeZone |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/rfProfiles List RF profiles for this network > getNetworkWirelessRfProfiles | networkId, includeTemplateProfiles | `` | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, afcEnabled, apBandSettings, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSelectionType, bandSteeringEnabled, bands, channelWidth, clientBalancingEnabled, enabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, isIndoorDefault, isOutdoorDefault, maxPower, minBitrate, minBitrateType, minPower, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, rxsop, sixGhzSettings, transmission, twoFourGhzSettings, validAutoChannels |
POST /networks/{networkId}/wireless/rfProfiles Creates new RF profile for this network > createNetworkWirelessRfProfile | networkId | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, afcEnabled, apBandSettings, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSelectionType, bandSteeringEnabled, bands, byModel, channelWidth, clientBalancingEnabled, enabled, fiveGhzSettings, flexRadios, maxPower, minBitrate, minBitrateType, minPower, model, name, perSsidSettings, rxsop, sixGhzSettings, transmission, twoFourGhzSettings, validAutoChannels | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, afcEnabled, apBandSettings, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSelectionType, bandSteeringEnabled, bands, channelWidth, clientBalancingEnabled, enabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, isIndoorDefault, isOutdoorDefault, maxPower, minBitrate, minBitrateType, minPower, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, rxsop, sixGhzSettings, transmission, twoFourGhzSettings, validAutoChannels |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/rfProfiles/{rfProfileId} Updates specified RF profile for this network > updateNetworkWirelessRfProfile | networkId, rfProfileId | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, afcEnabled, apBandSettings, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSelectionType, bandSteeringEnabled, bands, byModel, channelWidth, clientBalancingEnabled, enabled, fiveGhzSettings, flexRadios, isIndoorDefault, isOutdoorDefault, maxPower, minBitrate, minBitrateType, minPower, model, name, perSsidSettings, rxsop, sixGhzSettings, transmission, twoFourGhzSettings, validAutoChannels | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, afcEnabled, apBandSettings, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSelectionType, bandSteeringEnabled, bands, channelWidth, clientBalancingEnabled, enabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, isIndoorDefault, isOutdoorDefault, maxPower, minBitrate, minBitrateType, minPower, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, rxsop, sixGhzSettings, transmission, twoFourGhzSettings, validAutoChannels |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/wireless/rfProfiles/{rfProfileId} Delete a RF Profile > deleteNetworkWirelessRfProfile | networkId, rfProfileId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/rfProfiles/{rfProfileId} Return a RF profile > getNetworkWirelessRfProfile | networkId, rfProfileId | `` | 0, 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, afcEnabled, apBandSettings, axEnabled, bandOperationMode, bandSelectionType, bandSteeringEnabled, bands, channelWidth, clientBalancingEnabled, enabled, fiveGhzSettings, id, isIndoorDefault, isOutdoorDefault, maxPower, minBitrate, minBitrateType, minPower, name, networkId, perSsidSettings, rxsop, sixGhzSettings, transmission, twoFourGhzSettings, validAutoChannels |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/settings Return the wireless settings for a network > getNetworkWirelessSettings | networkId | `` | countryCode, duration, enabled, ipv6BridgeEnabled, ledLightsOn, locationAnalyticsEnabled, meshingEnabled, name, namedVlans, permits6e, poolDhcpMonitoring, regulatoryDomain, upgradeStrategy |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/settings Update the wireless settings for a network > updateNetworkWirelessSettings | networkId | duration, enabled, ipv6BridgeEnabled, ledLightsOn, locationAnalyticsEnabled, meshingEnabled, namedVlans, poolDhcpMonitoring, upgradeStrategy | countryCode, duration, enabled, ipv6BridgeEnabled, ledLightsOn, locationAnalyticsEnabled, meshingEnabled, name, namedVlans, permits6e, poolDhcpMonitoring, regulatoryDomain, upgradeStrategy |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/signalQualityHistory Return signal quality (SNR/RSSI) over time for a device or network client > getNetworkWirelessSignalQualityHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, autoResolution, clientId, deviceSerial, apTag, band, ssid | `` | endTs, rssi, snr, startTs |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids List the MR SSIDs in a network > getNetworkWirelessSsids | networkId | `` | adminSplashUrl, authMode, availabilityTags, availableOnAllAps, bandSelection, caCertificate, enabled, encryptionMode, host, ipAssignmentMode, localAuth, mandatoryDhcpEnabled, minBitrate, name, number, openRoamingCertificateId, perClientBandwidthLimitDown, perClientBandwidthLimitUp, perSsidBandwidthLimitDown, perSsidBandwidthLimitUp, port, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusAttributeForGroupPolicies, radiusEnabled, radiusFailoverPolicy, radiusLoadBalancingPolicy, radiusServers, splashPage, splashTimeout, ssidAdminAccessible, visible, walledGardenEnabled, walledGardenRanges, wpaEncryptionMode |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number} Return a single MR SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsid | networkId, number | `` | adminSplashUrl, authMode, availabilityTags, availableOnAllAps, bandSelection, caCertificate, enabled, encryptionMode, host, ipAssignmentMode, localAuth, mandatoryDhcpEnabled, minBitrate, name, number, openRoamingCertificateId, perClientBandwidthLimitDown, perClientBandwidthLimitUp, perSsidBandwidthLimitDown, perSsidBandwidthLimitUp, port, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusAttributeForGroupPolicies, radiusEnabled, radiusFailoverPolicy, radiusLoadBalancingPolicy, radiusServers, splashPage, splashTimeout, ssidAdminAccessible, visible, walledGardenEnabled, walledGardenRanges, wpaEncryptionMode |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number} Update the attributes of an MR SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsid | networkId, number | activeDirectory, adaptive, adultContentFilteringEnabled, allowedDomains, apTagsAndVlanIds, authMode, availabilityTags, availableOnAllAps, bandSelection, baseDistinguishedName, byApTags, caCertificate, cacheTimeout, certificateAuthentication, clientRootCaCertificate, concentrator, concentratorNetworkId, contents, credentials, defaultVlanId, defaultVlanName, disassociateClientsOnVpnFailover, distinguishedName, dnsCustomNameservers, dnsRewrite, dot11r, dot11w, enabled, encryptionMode, enterpriseAdminAccess, gre, guestVlan, host, ipAssignmentMode, key, lanIsolationEnabled, ldap, localRadius, logonName, mandatoryDhcpEnabled, minBitrate, name, namedVlans, oauth, ocspResponderUrl, openRoamingCertificateId, password, passwordAuthentication, perClientBandwidthLimitDown, perClientBandwidthLimitUp, perSsidBandwidthLimitDown, perSsidBandwidthLimitUp, port, psk, radius, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingInterimInterval, radiusAccountingServers, radiusAttributeForGroupPolicies, radiusAuthenticationNasId, radiusCalledStationId, radiusCoaEnabled, radiusFailoverPolicy, radiusFallbackEnabled, radiusGuestVlanEnabled, radiusGuestVlanId, radiusLoadBalancingPolicy, radiusOverride, radiusProxyEnabled, radiusRadsecTlsIdleTimeout, radiusServerAttemptsLimit, radiusServerTimeout, radiusServers, radiusTestingEnabled, radsecEnabled, required, secondaryConcentratorNetworkId, secret, serverCaCertificate, servers, speedBurst, splashGuestSponsorDomains, splashPage, tagging, tags, useLdap, useOcsp, useVlanTagging, visible, vlanId, vlanName, walledGardenEnabled, walledGardenRanges, wpaEncryptionMode | adminSplashUrl, authMode, availabilityTags, availableOnAllAps, bandSelection, caCertificate, enabled, encryptionMode, host, ipAssignmentMode, localAuth, mandatoryDhcpEnabled, minBitrate, name, number, openRoamingCertificateId, perClientBandwidthLimitDown, perClientBandwidthLimitUp, perSsidBandwidthLimitDown, perSsidBandwidthLimitUp, port, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, radiusAttributeForGroupPolicies, radiusEnabled, radiusFailoverPolicy, radiusLoadBalancingPolicy, radiusServers, splashPage, splashTimeout, ssidAdminAccessible, visible, walledGardenEnabled, walledGardenRanges, wpaEncryptionMode |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/bonjourForwarding List the Bonjour forwarding setting and rules for the SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsidBonjourForwarding | networkId, number | `` | description, enabled, exception, rules, services, vlanId |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/bonjourForwarding Update the bonjour forwarding setting and rules for the SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsidBonjourForwarding | networkId, number | description, enabled, exception, rules, services, vlanId | description, enabled, exception, rules, services, vlanId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/deviceTypeGroupPolicies List the device type group policies for the SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsidDeviceTypeGroupPolicies | networkId, number | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/deviceTypeGroupPolicies Update the device type group policies for the SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsidDeviceTypeGroupPolicies | networkId, number | devicePolicy, deviceType, deviceTypePolicies, enabled, groupPolicyId | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/eapOverride Return the EAP overridden parameters for an SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsidEapOverride | networkId, number | `` | eapolKey, identity, maxRetries, retries, timeout, timeoutInMs |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/eapOverride Update the EAP overridden parameters for an SSID. > updateNetworkWirelessSsidEapOverride | networkId, number | eapolKey, identity, maxRetries, retries, timeout, timeoutInMs | eapolKey, identity, maxRetries, retries, timeout, timeoutInMs |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l3FirewallRules Return the L3 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network > getNetworkWirelessSsidFirewallL3FirewallRules | networkId, number | `` | allowLanAccess, comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l3FirewallRules Update the L3 firewall rules of an SSID on an MR network > updateNetworkWirelessSsidFirewallL3FirewallRules | networkId, number | allowLanAccess, comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules | allowLanAccess, comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l7FirewallRules Return the L7 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network > getNetworkWirelessSsidFirewallL7FirewallRules | networkId, number | `` | policy, rules, type, value |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l7FirewallRules Update the L7 firewall rules of an SSID on an MR network > updateNetworkWirelessSsidFirewallL7FirewallRules | networkId, number | policy, rules, type, value | policy, rules, type, value |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/hotspot20 Return the Hotspot 2.0 settings for an SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsidHotspot20 | networkId, number | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/hotspot20 Update the Hotspot 2.0 settings of an SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsidHotspot20 | networkId, number | authenticationTypes, domains, enabled, format, id, mcc, mccMncs, methods, mnc, naiRealms, name, networkAccessType, operator, realm, roamConsortOis, type, venue | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks List all Identity PSKs in a wireless network > getNetworkWirelessSsidIdentityPsks | networkId, number | `` | email, expiresAt, groupPolicyId, id, name, passphrase, wifiPersonalNetworkId |
POST /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks Create an Identity PSK > createNetworkWirelessSsidIdentityPsk | networkId, number | expiresAt, groupPolicyId, name, passphrase | email, expiresAt, groupPolicyId, id, name, passphrase, wifiPersonalNetworkId |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks/{identityPskId} Return an Identity PSK > getNetworkWirelessSsidIdentityPsk | networkId, number, identityPskId | `` | email, expiresAt, groupPolicyId, id, name, passphrase, wifiPersonalNetworkId |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks/{identityPskId} Update an Identity PSK > updateNetworkWirelessSsidIdentityPsk | networkId, number, identityPskId | expiresAt, groupPolicyId, name, passphrase | email, expiresAt, groupPolicyId, id, name, passphrase, wifiPersonalNetworkId |
DELETE /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks/{identityPskId} Delete an Identity PSK > deleteNetworkWirelessSsidIdentityPsk | networkId, number, identityPskId | `` | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/schedules List the outage schedule for the SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsidSchedules | networkId, number | `` | enabled, end, endDay, endTime, ranges, rangesInSeconds, start, startDay, startTime |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/schedules Update the outage schedule for the SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsidSchedules | networkId, number | enabled, end, endDay, endTime, ranges, rangesInSeconds, start, startDay, startTime | enabled, end, endDay, endTime, ranges, rangesInSeconds, start, startDay, startTime |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/splash/settings Display the splash page settings for the given SSID > getNetworkWirelessSsidSplashSettings | networkId, number | `` | allowSimultaneousLogins, authorizationType, billing, blockAllTrafficBeforeSignOn, controllerDisconnectionBehavior, durationInMinutes, enabled, enforcedSystems, extension, freeAccess, guestCanRequestTimeframe, guestSponsorship, id, md5, prepaidAccessFastLoginEnabled, redirectUrl, replyToEmailAddress, selfRegistration, sentryEnrollment, splashImage, splashLogo, splashPage, splashPrepaidFront, splashTimeout, splashUrl, ssidNumber, strength, systemsManagerNetwork, themeId, useRedirectUrl, useSplashUrl, welcomeMessage |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/splash/settings Modify the splash page settings for the given SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsidSplashSettings | networkId, number | allowSimultaneousLogins, billing, blockAllTrafficBeforeSignOn, contents, controllerDisconnectionBehavior, durationInMinutes, enabled, enforcedSystems, extension, format, freeAccess, guestCanRequestTimeframe, guestSponsorship, id, image, md5, prepaidAccessFastLoginEnabled, redirectUrl, replyToEmailAddress, sentryEnrollment, splashImage, splashLogo, splashPrepaidFront, splashTimeout, splashUrl, strength, systemsManagerNetwork, themeId, useRedirectUrl, useSplashUrl, welcomeMessage | allowSimultaneousLogins, authorizationType, billing, blockAllTrafficBeforeSignOn, controllerDisconnectionBehavior, durationInMinutes, enabled, enforcedSystems, extension, freeAccess, guestCanRequestTimeframe, guestSponsorship, id, md5, prepaidAccessFastLoginEnabled, redirectUrl, replyToEmailAddress, selfRegistration, sentryEnrollment, splashImage, splashLogo, splashPage, splashPrepaidFront, splashTimeout, splashUrl, ssidNumber, strength, systemsManagerNetwork, themeId, useRedirectUrl, useSplashUrl, welcomeMessage |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/trafficShaping/rules Update the traffic shaping rules for an SSID on an MR network. > updateNetworkWirelessSsidTrafficShapingRules | networkId, number | bandwidthLimits, defaultRulesEnabled, definitions, dscpTagValue, limitDown, limitUp, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, rules, settings, trafficShapingEnabled, type, value | bandwidthLimits, defaultRulesEnabled, definitions, dscpTagValue, limitDown, limitUp, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, rules, settings, trafficShapingEnabled, type, value |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/trafficShaping/rules Display the traffic shaping settings for a SSID on an MR network > getNetworkWirelessSsidTrafficShapingRules | networkId, number | `` | bandwidthLimits, defaultRulesEnabled, definitions, dscpTagValue, limitDown, limitUp, pcpTagValue, perClientBandwidthLimits, rules, settings, trafficShapingEnabled, type, value |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/vpn List the VPN settings for the SSID. > getNetworkWirelessSsidVpn | networkId, number | `` | `` |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/vpn Update the VPN settings for the SSID > updateNetworkWirelessSsidVpn | networkId, number | comment, concentrator, destCidr, destPort, enabled, failover, heartbeatInterval, idleTimeout, networkId, policy, protocol, requestIp, rules, splitTunnel, vlanId | `` |
GET /networks/{networkId}/wireless/usageHistory Return AP usage over time for a device or network client > getNetworkWirelessUsageHistory | networkId, t0, t1, timespan, resolution, autoResolution, clientId, deviceSerial, apTag, band, ssid | `` | endTs, receivedKbps, sentKbps, startTs, totalKbps |
PUT /networks/{networkId}/wireless/zigbee Update Zigbee Configs for specified network (BETA) > updateNetworkWirelessZigbee | networkId | address, channel, defaults, enabled, iotController, lockManagement, password, serial, transmitPowerLevel, username | address, channel, defaults, enabled, id, iotController, lockManagement, mac, name, network, serial, status, transmitPowerLevel, username |
GET /organizations List the organizations that the user has privileges on > getOrganizations | perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | api, cloud, details, enabled, host, id, licensing, management, model, name, region, url, value |
POST /organizations Create a new organization > createOrganization | `` | details, management, name, value | api, cloud, details, enabled, host, id, licensing, management, model, name, region, url, value |
GET /organizations/{organizationId} Return an organization > getOrganization | organizationId | `` | api, cloud, details, enabled, host, id, licensing, management, model, name, region, url, value |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId} Update an organization > updateOrganization | organizationId | api, details, enabled, management, name, value | api, cloud, details, enabled, host, id, licensing, management, model, name, region, url, value |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId} Delete an organization > deleteOrganization | organizationId | `` | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches Create an action batch > createOrganizationActionBatch | organizationId | actions, body, callback, confirmed, httpServer, id, operation, payloadTemplate, resource, sharedSecret, synchronous, url | actions, body, callback, completed, confirmed, createdResources, errors, failed, id, operation, organizationId, resource, status, synchronous, uri, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches Return the list of action batches in the organization > getOrganizationActionBatches | organizationId, status | `` | actions, body, completed, confirmed, createdResources, errors, failed, id, operation, organizationId, resource, status, synchronous, uri |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{actionBatchId} Return an action batch > getOrganizationActionBatch | organizationId, actionBatchId | `` | actions, body, callback, completed, confirmed, createdResources, errors, failed, id, operation, organizationId, resource, status, synchronous, uri, url |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{actionBatchId} Delete an action batch > deleteOrganizationActionBatch | organizationId, actionBatchId | `` | `` |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{actionBatchId} Update an action batch > updateOrganizationActionBatch | organizationId, actionBatchId | confirmed, synchronous | actions, body, completed, confirmed, createdResources, errors, failed, id, operation, organizationId, resource, status, synchronous, uri |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls List adaptive policy ACLs in a organization > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyAcls | organizationId | `` | aclId, createdAt, description, dstPort, ipVersion, name, policy, protocol, rules, srcPort, updatedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls Creates new adaptive policy ACL > createOrganizationAdaptivePolicyAcl | organizationId | description, dstPort, ipVersion, name, policy, protocol, rules, srcPort | aclId, createdAt, description, dstPort, ipVersion, name, policy, protocol, rules, srcPort, updatedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls/{aclId} Returns the adaptive policy ACL information > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyAcl | organizationId, aclId | `` | aclId, createdAt, description, dstPort, ipVersion, name, policy, protocol, rules, srcPort, updatedAt |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls/{aclId} Updates an adaptive policy ACL > updateOrganizationAdaptivePolicyAcl | organizationId, aclId | description, dstPort, ipVersion, name, policy, protocol, rules, srcPort | aclId, createdAt, description, dstPort, ipVersion, name, policy, protocol, rules, srcPort, updatedAt |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls/{aclId} Deletes the specified adaptive policy ACL > deleteOrganizationAdaptivePolicyAcl | organizationId, aclId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups List adaptive policy groups in a organization > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyGroups | organizationId | `` | createdAt, description, groupId, id, isDefaultGroup, name, policyObjects, requiredIpMappings, sgt, updatedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups Creates a new adaptive policy group > createOrganizationAdaptivePolicyGroup | organizationId | description, id, name, policyObjects, sgt | createdAt, description, groupId, id, isDefaultGroup, name, policyObjects, requiredIpMappings, sgt, updatedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups/{id} Returns an adaptive policy group > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyGroup | organizationId, id | `` | createdAt, description, groupId, id, isDefaultGroup, name, policyObjects, requiredIpMappings, sgt, updatedAt |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups/{id} Updates an adaptive policy group > updateOrganizationAdaptivePolicyGroup | organizationId, id | description, id, name, policyObjects, sgt | createdAt, description, groupId, id, isDefaultGroup, name, policyObjects, requiredIpMappings, sgt, updatedAt |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups/{id} Deletes the specified adaptive policy group and any associated policies and references > deleteOrganizationAdaptivePolicyGroup | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/overview Returns adaptive policy aggregate statistics for an organization > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyOverview | organizationId | `` | aclsInAPolicy, allowPolicies, counts, customAcls, customGroups, denyPolicies, groups, limits, policies, policyObjects, rulesInAnAcl |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies List adaptive policies in an organization > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyPolicies | organizationId | `` | acls, adaptivePolicyId, createdAt, destinationGroup, id, lastEntryRule, name, sgt, sourceGroup, updatedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies Add an Adaptive Policy > createOrganizationAdaptivePolicyPolicy | organizationId | acls, destinationGroup, id, lastEntryRule, name, sgt, sourceGroup | acls, adaptivePolicyId, createdAt, destinationGroup, id, lastEntryRule, name, sgt, sourceGroup, updatedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies/{id} Return an adaptive policy > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicyPolicy | organizationId, id | `` | acls, adaptivePolicyId, createdAt, destinationGroup, id, lastEntryRule, name, sgt, sourceGroup, updatedAt |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies/{id} Update an Adaptive Policy > updateOrganizationAdaptivePolicyPolicy | organizationId, id | acls, destinationGroup, id, lastEntryRule, name, sgt, sourceGroup | acls, adaptivePolicyId, createdAt, destinationGroup, id, lastEntryRule, name, sgt, sourceGroup, updatedAt |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/policies/{id} Delete an Adaptive Policy > deleteOrganizationAdaptivePolicyPolicy | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/settings Returns global adaptive policy settings in an organization > getOrganizationAdaptivePolicySettings | organizationId | `` | enabledNetworks |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/settings Update global adaptive policy settings > updateOrganizationAdaptivePolicySettings | organizationId | enabledNetworks | enabledNetworks |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/admins List the dashboard administrators in this organization > getOrganizationAdmins | organizationId, networkIds | `` | access, accountStatus, authenticationMethod, email, hasApiKey, id, lastActive, name, networks, orgAccess, tag, tags, twoFactorAuthEnabled |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/admins Create a new dashboard administrator > createOrganizationAdmin | organizationId | access, authenticationMethod, email, id, name, networks, orgAccess, tag, tags | access, accountStatus, authenticationMethod, email, hasApiKey, id, lastActive, name, networks, orgAccess, tag, tags, twoFactorAuthEnabled |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/admins/{adminId} Update an administrator > updateOrganizationAdmin | organizationId, adminId | access, id, name, networks, orgAccess, tag, tags | access, accountStatus, authenticationMethod, email, hasApiKey, id, lastActive, name, networks, orgAccess, tag, tags, twoFactorAuthEnabled |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/admins/{adminId} Revoke all access for a dashboard administrator within this organization > deleteOrganizationAdmin | organizationId, adminId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/profiles List all organization-wide alert configurations > getOrganizationAlertsProfiles | organizationId | `` | alertCondition, bit_rate_bps, description, duration, emails, enabled, httpServerIds, id, interface, networkTags, recipients, type, window |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/profiles Create an organization-wide alert configuration > createOrganizationAlertsProfile | organizationId | alertCondition, bit_rate_bps, description, duration, emails, httpServerIds, interface, jitter_ms, latency_ms, loss_ratio, mos, networkTags, recipients, type, window | alertCondition, bit_rate_bps, description, duration, emails, enabled, httpServerIds, id, interface, networkTags, recipients, type, window |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/profiles/{alertConfigId} Update an organization-wide alert config > updateOrganizationAlertsProfile | organizationId, alertConfigId | alertCondition, bit_rate_bps, description, duration, emails, enabled, httpServerIds, interface, jitter_ms, latency_ms, loss_ratio, mos, networkTags, recipients, type, window | alertCondition, bit_rate_bps, description, duration, emails, enabled, httpServerIds, id, interface, networkTags, recipients, type, window |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/alerts/profiles/{alertConfigId} Removes an organization-wide alert config > deleteOrganizationAlertsProfile | organizationId, alertConfigId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/apiRequests List the API requests made by an organization > getOrganizationApiRequests | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, adminId, path, method, responseCode, sourceIp, userAgent, version, operationIds | `` | adminId, host, method, operationId, path, queryString, responseCode, sourceIp, ts, userAgent, version |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/apiRequests/overview Return an aggregated overview of API requests data > getOrganizationApiRequestsOverview | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan | `` | 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 428, 429, 431, 451, 500, responseCodeCounts |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/apiRequests/overview/responseCodes/byInterval Tracks organizations' API requests by response code across a given time period > getOrganizationApiRequestsOverviewResponseCodesByInterval | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, interval, version, operationIds, sourceIps, adminIds, userAgent | `` | code, count, counts, endTs, startTs |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles Fetch the local DNS profiles used in the organization (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfiles | organizationId, profileIds | `` | name, profileId |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles Create a new local DNS profile (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfile | organizationId | name | name, profileId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles/assignments Fetch the local DNS profile assignments in the organization (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfilesAssignments | organizationId, profileIds, networkIds | `` | assignmentId, counts, id, items, meta, network, profile, remaining, total |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles/assignments/bulkCreate Assign the local DNS profile to networks in the organization (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfilesAssignmentsBulkCreate | organizationId | id, items, network, profile | assignmentId, id, items, network, profile |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles/assignments/bulkDelete Unassign the local DNS profile to networks in the organization (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfilesAssignmentsBulkDelete | organizationId | assignmentId, items | assignmentId, id, items, network, profile |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles/{profileId} Update a local DNS profile (BETA) > updateOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfile | organizationId, profileId | name | name, profileId |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/profiles/{profileId} Deletes a local DNS profile (BETA) > deleteOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalProfile | organizationId, profileId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/records Fetch the DNS records used in local DNS profiles (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalRecords | organizationId, profileIds | `` | address, hostname, id, profile, recordId |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/records Create a new local DNS record (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalRecord | organizationId | address, hostname, id, profile | address, hostname, id, profile, recordId |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/records/{recordId} Updates a local DNS record (BETA) > updateOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalRecord | organizationId, recordId | address, hostname, id, profile | address, hostname, id, profile, recordId |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/local/records/{recordId} Deletes a local DNS record (BETA) > deleteOrganizationApplianceDnsLocalRecord | organizationId, recordId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles Fetch the split DNS profiles used in the organization (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfiles | organizationId, profileIds | `` | addresses, hostnames, name, nameservers, profileId |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles Create a new split DNS profile (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfile | organizationId | addresses, hostnames, name, nameservers | addresses, hostnames, name, nameservers, profileId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles/assignments Fetch the split DNS profile assignments in the organization (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfilesAssignments | organizationId, profileIds, networkIds | `` | counts, id, items, meta, network, profile, remaining, total |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles/assignments/bulkCreate Assign the split DNS profile to networks in the organization (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfilesAssignmentsBulkCreate | organizationId | id, items, network, profile | id, items, network, profile |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles/assignments/bulkDelete Unassign the split DNS profile to networks in the organization (BETA) > createOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfilesAssignmentsBulkDelete | organizationId | id, items | id, items, network, profile |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles/{profileId} Update a split DNS profile (BETA) > updateOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfile | organizationId, profileId | addresses, hostnames, name, nameservers | addresses, hostnames, name, nameservers, profileId |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/dns/split/profiles/{profileId} Deletes a split DNS profile (BETA) > deleteOrganizationApplianceDnsSplitProfile | organizationId, profileId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/firewall/multicastForwarding/byNetwork List Static Multicasting forwarding settings for MX networks (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceFirewallMulticastForwardingByNetwork | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds | `` | address, description, id, items, name, network, rules, vlanIds |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/sdwan/internetPolicies Get the SDWAN internet traffic preferences for an MX network (BETA) > getOrganizationApplianceSdwanInternetPolicies | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences | `` | applications, builtinPerformanceClassName, cidr, customPerformanceClassId, destination, failOverCriterion, host, id, name, performanceClass, port, preferredUplink, protocol, source, trafficFilters, type, value, vlan, wanTrafficUplinkPreferences |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/security/events List the security events for an organization > getOrganizationApplianceSecurityEvents | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/security/intrusion Returns all supported intrusion settings for an organization > getOrganizationApplianceSecurityIntrusion | organizationId | `` | `` |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/security/intrusion Sets supported intrusion settings for an organization > updateOrganizationApplianceSecurityIntrusion | organizationId | allowedRules, message, ruleId | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/trafficShaping/vpnExclusions/byNetwork Display VPN exclusion rules for MX networks. > getOrganizationApplianceTrafficShapingVpnExclusionsByNetwork | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds | `` | custom, destination, id, items, majorApplications, name, networkId, networkName, port, protocol |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplink/statuses List the uplink status of every Meraki MX and Z series appliances in the organization > getOrganizationApplianceUplinkStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials, iccids | `` | enabled, gateway, highAvailability, interface, ip, ipAssignedBy, lastReportedAt, model, networkId, primaryDns, publicIp, role, secondaryDns, serial, status, uplinks |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplinks/statuses/overview Returns an overview of uplink statuses > getOrganizationApplianceUplinksStatusesOverview | organizationId | `` | active, byStatus, connecting, counts, failed, notConnected, ready |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/uplinks/usage/byNetwork Get the sent and received bytes for each uplink of all MX and Z networks within an organization > getOrganizationApplianceUplinksUsageByNetwork | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan | `` | byUplink, interface, name, networkId, received, sent, serial |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/stats Show VPN history stat for networks in an organization > getOrganizationApplianceVpnStats | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, t0, t1, timespan | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/statuses Show VPN status for networks in an organization > getOrganizationApplianceVpnStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds | `` | deviceSerial, deviceStatus, exportedSubnets, interface, merakiVpnPeers, name, networkId, networkName, publicIp, reachability, subnet, thirdPartyVpnPeers, uplinks, vpnMode, vpnstatusentities |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/thirdPartyVPNPeers Return the third party VPN peers for an organization > getOrganizationApplianceVpnThirdPartyVPNPeers | organizationId | `` | childAuthAlgo, childCipherAlgo, childLifetime, childPfsGroup, ikeAuthAlgo, ikeCipherAlgo, ikeDiffieHellmanGroup, ikeLifetime, ikePrfAlgo, ikeVersion, ipsecPolicies, ipsecPoliciesPreset, localId, name, networkTags, peers, privateSubnets, publicIp, remoteId, secret |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/thirdPartyVPNPeers Update the third party VPN peers for an organization > updateOrganizationApplianceVpnThirdPartyVPNPeers | organizationId | childAuthAlgo, childCipherAlgo, childLifetime, childPfsGroup, ikeAuthAlgo, ikeCipherAlgo, ikeDiffieHellmanGroup, ikeLifetime, ikePrfAlgo, ikeVersion, ipsecPolicies, ipsecPoliciesPreset, localId, name, networkTags, peers, privateSubnets, publicHostname, publicIp, remoteId, secret | childAuthAlgo, childCipherAlgo, childLifetime, childPfsGroup, ikeAuthAlgo, ikeCipherAlgo, ikeDiffieHellmanGroup, ikeLifetime, ikePrfAlgo, ikeVersion, ipsecPolicies, ipsecPoliciesPreset, localId, name, networkTags, peers, privateSubnets, publicIp, remoteId, secret |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/vpnFirewallRules Return the firewall rules for an organization's site-to-site VPN > getOrganizationApplianceVpnVpnFirewallRules | organizationId | `` | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogEnabled |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/vpn/vpnFirewallRules Update the firewall rules of an organization's site-to-site VPN > updateOrganizationApplianceVpnVpnFirewallRules | organizationId | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogDefaultRule, syslogEnabled | comment, destCidr, destPort, policy, protocol, rules, srcCidr, srcPort, syslogEnabled |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts Return all health alerts for an organization > getOrganizationAssuranceAlerts | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder, networkId, severity, types, tsStart, tsEnd, category, sortBy, serials, deviceTypes, deviceTags, active, dismissed, resolved, suppressAlertsForOfflineNodes | `` | applications, categoryType, description, deviceType, devices, dismissedAt, id, imei, lldp, mac, name, network, order, peers, port, productType, resolvedAt, scope, serial, severity, startedAt, title, type, url |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/dismiss Dismiss health alerts > dismissOrganizationAssuranceAlerts | organizationId | alertIds | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/overview Return overview of active health alerts for an organization > getOrganizationAssuranceAlertsOverview | organizationId, networkId, severity, types, tsStart, tsEnd, category, serials, deviceTypes, deviceTags, active, dismissed, resolved, suppressAlertsForOfflineNodes | `` | bySeverity, count, counts, total, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/overview/byNetwork Return a Summary of Alerts grouped by network and severity > getOrganizationAssuranceAlertsOverviewByNetwork | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder, networkId, severity, types, tsStart, tsEnd, category, serials, deviceTypes, deviceTags, active, dismissed, resolved, suppressAlertsForOfflineNodes | `` | alertCount, count, counts, items, meta, networkId, networkName, severityCounts, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/overview/byType Return a Summary of Alerts grouped by type and severity > getOrganizationAssuranceAlertsOverviewByType | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder, networkId, severity, types, tsStart, tsEnd, category, sortBy, serials, deviceTypes, deviceTags, active, dismissed, resolved, suppressAlertsForOfflineNodes | `` | count, counts, items, meta, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/overview/historical Returns historical health alert overviews > getOrganizationAssuranceAlertsOverviewHistorical | organizationId, segmentDuration, networkId, severity, types, tsStart, tsEnd, category, serials, deviceTypes | `` | byAlertType, counts, critical, informational, items, meta, segmentStart, totals, type, warning |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/restore Restore health alerts from dismissed > restoreOrganizationAssuranceAlerts | organizationId | alertIds | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/assurance/alerts/{id} Return a singular Health Alert by its id > getOrganizationAssuranceAlert | organizationId, id | `` | applications, categoryType, description, deviceType, devices, dismissedAt, id, imei, lldp, mac, name, network, order, peers, port, productType, resolvedAt, scope, serial, severity, startedAt, title, type, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/auth/radius/servers List the organization-wide RADIUS servers in the organization (BETA) > getOrganizationAuthRadiusServers | organizationId | `` | address, mode, modes, name, port, serverId |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/auth/radius/servers Add an organization-wide RADIUS server (BETA) > createOrganizationAuthRadiusServer | organizationId | address, mode, modes, name, port, secret | address, mode, modes, name, port, serverId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/auth/radius/servers/assignments Return list of network and policies that organization-wide RADIUS servers are bing used (BETA) > getOrganizationAuthRadiusServersAssignments | organizationId | `` | assignee, assignments, dashboardUrl, eid, id, name, network, serverId, tag, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/auth/radius/servers/{serverId} Return an organization-wide RADIUS server (BETA) > getOrganizationAuthRadiusServer | organizationId, serverId | `` | address, mode, modes, name, port, serverId |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/auth/radius/servers/{serverId} Update an organization-wide RADIUS server (BETA) > updateOrganizationAuthRadiusServer | organizationId, serverId | address, mode, modes, name, port, secret | address, mode, modes, name, port, serverId |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/auth/radius/servers/{serverId} Delete an organization-wide RADIUS server from a organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationAuthRadiusServer | organizationId, serverId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies List the branding policies of an organization > getOrganizationBrandingPolicies | organizationId | `` | adminSettings, apiDocsSubtab, appliesTo, casesSubtab, ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation, communitySubtab, customLogo, dataProtectionRequestsSubtab, enabled, expiresAt, firewallInfoSubtab, getHelpSubtab, getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch, hardwareReplacementsSubtab, helpSettings, helpTab, helpWidget, image, name, newFeaturesSubtab, preview, smForums, supportContactInfo, universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch, url, values |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies Add a new branding policy to an organization > createOrganizationBrandingPolicy | organizationId | adminSettings, apiDocsSubtab, appliesTo, casesSubtab, ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation, communitySubtab, contents, customLogo, dataProtectionRequestsSubtab, enabled, firewallInfoSubtab, format, getHelpSubtab, getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch, hardwareReplacementsSubtab, helpSettings, helpTab, helpWidget, image, name, newFeaturesSubtab, smForums, supportContactInfo, universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch, values | adminSettings, apiDocsSubtab, appliesTo, casesSubtab, ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation, communitySubtab, customLogo, dataProtectionRequestsSubtab, enabled, expiresAt, firewallInfoSubtab, getHelpSubtab, getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch, hardwareReplacementsSubtab, helpSettings, helpTab, helpWidget, image, name, newFeaturesSubtab, preview, smForums, supportContactInfo, universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch, url, values |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies/priorities Return the branding policy IDs of an organization in priority order > getOrganizationBrandingPoliciesPriorities | organizationId | `` | brandingPolicyIds |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies/priorities Update the priority ordering of an organization's branding policies. > updateOrganizationBrandingPoliciesPriorities | organizationId | brandingPolicyIds | brandingPolicyIds |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies/{brandingPolicyId} Return a branding policy > getOrganizationBrandingPolicy | organizationId, brandingPolicyId | `` | adminSettings, apiDocsSubtab, appliesTo, casesSubtab, ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation, communitySubtab, customLogo, dataProtectionRequestsSubtab, enabled, expiresAt, firewallInfoSubtab, getHelpSubtab, getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch, hardwareReplacementsSubtab, helpSettings, helpTab, helpWidget, image, name, newFeaturesSubtab, preview, smForums, supportContactInfo, universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch, url, values |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies/{brandingPolicyId} Update a branding policy > updateOrganizationBrandingPolicy | organizationId, brandingPolicyId | adminSettings, apiDocsSubtab, appliesTo, casesSubtab, ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation, communitySubtab, contents, customLogo, dataProtectionRequestsSubtab, enabled, firewallInfoSubtab, format, getHelpSubtab, getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch, hardwareReplacementsSubtab, helpSettings, helpTab, helpWidget, image, name, newFeaturesSubtab, smForums, supportContactInfo, universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch, values | adminSettings, apiDocsSubtab, appliesTo, casesSubtab, ciscoMerakiProductDocumentation, communitySubtab, customLogo, dataProtectionRequestsSubtab, enabled, expiresAt, firewallInfoSubtab, getHelpSubtab, getHelpSubtabKnowledgeBaseSearch, hardwareReplacementsSubtab, helpSettings, helpTab, helpWidget, image, name, newFeaturesSubtab, preview, smForums, supportContactInfo, universalSearchKnowledgeBaseSearch, url, values |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies/{brandingPolicyId} Delete a branding policy > deleteOrganizationBrandingPolicy | organizationId, brandingPolicyId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/boundaries/areas/byDevice Returns all configured area boundaries of cameras > getOrganizationCameraBoundariesAreasByDevice | organizationId, serials | `` | boundaries, id, name, networkId, serial, type, vertices, x, y |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/boundaries/lines/byDevice Returns all configured crossingline boundaries of cameras > getOrganizationCameraBoundariesLinesByDevice | organizationId, serials | `` | boundaries, directionVertex, id, name, networkId, serial, type, vertices, x, y |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts List Custom Analytics Artifacts > getOrganizationCameraCustomAnalyticsArtifacts | organizationId | `` | artifactId, message, name, organizationId, status, type |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts Create custom analytics artifact > createOrganizationCameraCustomAnalyticsArtifact | organizationId | name | artifactId, message, name, organizationId, status, type, uploadId, uploadUrl, uploadUrlExpiry |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts/{artifactId} Get Custom Analytics Artifact > getOrganizationCameraCustomAnalyticsArtifact | organizationId, artifactId | `` | artifactId, message, name, organizationId, status, type |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts/{artifactId} Delete Custom Analytics Artifact > deleteOrganizationCameraCustomAnalyticsArtifact | organizationId, artifactId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/detections/history/byBoundary/byInterval Returns analytics data for timespans > getOrganizationCameraDetectionsHistoryByBoundaryByInterval | organizationId, boundaryIds, ranges, duration, perPage, boundaryTypes | `` | boundaryId, endTime, in, objectType, out, results, startTime, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/onboarding/statuses Fetch onboarding status of cameras > getOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses | organizationId, serials, networkIds | `` | `` |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/onboarding/statuses Notify that credential handoff to camera has completed > updateOrganizationCameraOnboardingStatuses | organizationId | serial, wirelessCredentialsSent | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/permissions List the permissions scopes for this organization > getOrganizationCameraPermissions | organizationId | `` | id, level, name |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/permissions/{permissionScopeId} Retrieve a single permission scope > getOrganizationCameraPermission | organizationId, permissionScopeId | `` | id, level, name |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/roles List all the roles in this organization > getOrganizationCameraRoles | organizationId | `` | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/roles Creates new role for this organization. > createOrganizationCameraRole | organizationId | appliedOnDevices, appliedOnNetworks, appliedOrgWide, id, inNetworksWithId, inNetworksWithTag, name, permissionScopeId, tag | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/roles/{roleId} Retrieve a single role. > getOrganizationCameraRole | organizationId, roleId | `` | `` |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/roles/{roleId} Delete an existing role for this organization. > deleteOrganizationCameraRole | organizationId, roleId | `` | `` |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/camera/roles/{roleId} Update an existing role in this organization. > updateOrganizationCameraRole | organizationId, roleId | appliedOnDevices, appliedOnNetworks, appliedOrgWide, id, inNetworksWithId, inNetworksWithTag, name, permissionScopeId, tag | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/inventory The eSIM inventory of a given organization. > getOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsInventory | organizationId, eids | `` | active, counts, customApns, device, eid, iccid, id, items, lastUpdatedAt, meta, model, name, network, plans, profiles, remaining, serial, serviceProvider, status, total, type, url |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/inventory/{id} Toggle the status of an eSIM > updateOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsInventory | organizationId, id | status | active, customApns, device, eid, iccid, id, lastUpdatedAt, model, name, network, plans, profiles, serial, serviceProvider, status, type, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders Service providers customers can add accounts for. > getOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProviders | organizationId | `` | content, counts, isBootstrap, items, logo, meta, name, remaining, terms, total, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders/accounts Inventory of service provider accounts tied to the organization. > getOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProvidersAccounts | organizationId, accountIds | `` | accountId, counts, items, lastUpdatedAt, logo, meta, name, remaining, serviceProvider, title, total, url, username |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders/accounts Add a service provider account. > createOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProvidersAccount | organizationId | accountId, apiKey, name, serviceProvider, title, username | accountId, lastUpdatedAt, logo, name, serviceProvider, title, url, username |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders/accounts/communicationPlans The communication plans available for a given provider. > getOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProvidersAccountsCommunicationPlans | organizationId, accountIds | `` | accountId, apns, counts, items, meta, name, remaining, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders/accounts/ratePlans The rate plans available for a given provider. > getOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProvidersAccountsRatePlans | organizationId, accountIds | `` | accountId, counts, items, meta, name, remaining, total |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders/accounts/{accountId} Edit service provider account info stored in Meraki's database. > updateOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProvidersAccount | organizationId, accountId | apiKey, title | accountId, lastUpdatedAt, logo, name, serviceProvider, title, url, username |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/serviceProviders/accounts/{accountId} Remove a service provider account's integration with the Dashboard. > deleteOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsServiceProvidersAccount | organizationId, accountId | `` | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/swap Swap which profile an eSIM uses. > createOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsSwap | organizationId | accountId, communicationPlan, eid, ratePlan, swaps, target | eid, iccid, status |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/esims/swap/{id} Get the status of a profile swap. > updateOrganizationCellularGatewayEsimsSwap | id, organizationId | `` | eid, iccid, status |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cellularGateway/uplink/statuses List the uplink status of every Meraki MG cellular gateway in the organization > getOrganizationCellularGatewayUplinkStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials, iccids | `` | apn, connectionType, dns1, dns2, gateway, iccid, interface, ip, lastReportedAt, model, networkId, provider, publicIp, rsrp, rsrq, serial, signalStat, signalType, status, uplinks |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates Gets all or specific certificates for an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationCertificates | organizationId, certificateIds, certManagedBy | `` | algorithm, certificateId, commonName, country, data, description, end, fields, hash, hashes, isCritical, issuer, keyUsage, locality, organization, organizationalUnit, parentCertificateId, policy, publicKeyAlgorithm, serial, source, start, state, subject, subjectAlternativeName, validity, version |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/import Import certificate for this organization (BETA) > createOrganizationCertificatesImport | organizationId | contents, description, managedBy | algorithm, certificateId, commonName, country, data, description, end, fields, hash, hashes, isCritical, issuer, keyUsage, locality, organization, organizationalUnit, parentCertificateId, policy, publicKeyAlgorithm, serial, source, start, state, subject, subjectAlternativeName, validity, version |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/radSec/deviceCertificateAuthorities Query for details on the organization's RADSEC device Certificate Authority certificates (CAs) (BETA) > getOrganizationCertificatesRadSecDeviceCertificateAuthorities | organizationId | `` | authorityId, contents, status |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/radSec/deviceCertificateAuthorities Create an organization's RADSEC device Certificate Authority (CA) (BETA) > createOrganizationCertificatesRadSecDeviceCertificateAuthority | organizationId | `` | authorityId, contents, status |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/radSec/deviceCertificateAuthorities/{id} Query for details on an organization's RADSEC device Certificate Authority (CA) with the given id (BETA) > getOrganizationCertificatesRadSecDeviceCertificateAuthority | organizationId, id | `` | authorityId, contents, status |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/radSec/deviceCertificateAuthorities/{id} Update an organization's RADSEC device Certificate Authority (CA) state (BETA) > updateOrganizationCertificatesRadSecDeviceCertificateAuthority | organizationId, id | status | authorityId, contents, status |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/radSec/deviceCertificateAuthorities/{id}/revocationList Query for certificate revocation list (CRL) for the organization's RADSEC device Certificate Authority (CA) with the given id. (BETA) > getOrganizationCertificatesRadSecDeviceCertificateAuthorityRevocationList | organizationId, id | `` | crl |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/radSec/deviceCertificateAuthorities/{id}/revocationList/deltas Query for all delta certificate revocation list (CRL) for the organization's RADSEC device Certificate Authority (CA) with the given id. (BETA) > getOrganizationCertificatesRadSecDeviceCertificateAuthorityRevocationListDeltas | organizationId, id | `` | deltaCrls |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/{certificateId} Delete a certificate for an organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationCertificate | organizationId, certificateId | `` | `` |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/{certificateId} Update a certificate's description for an organization (BETA) > updateOrganizationCertificate | organizationId, certificateId | description | algorithm, certificateId, commonName, country, data, description, end, fields, hash, hashes, isCritical, issuer, keyUsage, locality, organization, organizationalUnit, parentCertificateId, policy, publicKeyAlgorithm, serial, source, start, state, subject, subjectAlternativeName, validity, version |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/certificates/{certificateId}/contents Download the trusted certificate by certificate id. (BETA) > getOrganizationCertificateContents | organizationId, certificateId, chainId | `` | contents |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/claim Claim a list of devices, licenses, and/or orders into an organization inventory (DEPRECATED) > claimIntoOrganization | organizationId | key, licenses, mode, orders, serials | key, licenses, mode, orders, serials |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/clients/bandwidthUsageHistory Return data usage (in megabits per second) over time for all clients in the given organization within a given time range. > getOrganizationClientsBandwidthUsageHistory | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | downstream, total, ts, upstream |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/clients/overview Return summary information around client data usage (in kb) across the given organization. > getOrganizationClientsOverview | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan | `` | average, counts, downstream, overall, total, upstream, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/clients/search Return the client details in an organization > getOrganizationClientsSearch | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, mac | `` | cdp, clientId, clientVpnConnections, connectedAt, description, disconnectedAt, enrollmentString, firstSeen, id, ip, ip6, isBoundToConfigTemplate, lastSeen, lldp, mac, manufacturer, name, network, notes, organizationId, os, productTypes, recentDeviceMac, records, remoteIp, smInstalled, ssid, status, switchport, tags, timeZone, url, user, vlan, wirelessCapabilities |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/clone Create a new organization by cloning the addressed organization > cloneOrganization | organizationId | name | api, cloud, details, enabled, host, id, licensing, management, model, name, region, url, value |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/cloud/connectivity/requirements List of source/destination traffic rules (BETA) > getOrganizationCloudConnectivityRequirements | organizationId | `` | address, addresses, description, destinations, includeAddressesInYourNetworks, includeAnyAddress, port, ports, productTypes, protocols, rule, sources, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates List the configuration templates for this organization > getOrganizationConfigTemplates | organizationId | `` | id, name, productTypes, timeZone |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates Create a new configuration template > createOrganizationConfigTemplate | organizationId | copyFromNetworkId, name, timeZone | id, name, productTypes, timeZone |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/switch/profiles/ports/mirrors/bySwitchProfile list the port mirror configurations in an organization by switch profile (BETA) > getOrganizationConfigTemplatesSwitchProfilesPortsMirrorsBySwitchProfile | organizationId, configTemplateIds, ids, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | comment, configTemplate, counts, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, id, items, meta, mirror, module, name, number, port, ports, profileId, role, slot, source, tags, total, type, vlan, vlans, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId} Return a single configuration template > getOrganizationConfigTemplate | organizationId, configTemplateId | `` | id, name, productTypes, timeZone |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId} Update a configuration template > updateOrganizationConfigTemplate | organizationId, configTemplateId | name, timeZone | id, name, productTypes, timeZone |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId} Remove a configuration template > deleteOrganizationConfigTemplate | organizationId, configTemplateId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId}/switch/profiles List the switch templates for your switch template configuration > getOrganizationConfigTemplateSwitchProfiles | organizationId, configTemplateId | `` | model, name, switchProfileId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId}/switch/profiles/{profileId}/ports Return all the ports of a switch template > getOrganizationConfigTemplateSwitchProfilePorts | organizationId, configTemplateId, profileId | `` | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isDualActiveDetector, isStackWiseVirtualLink, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, linkNegotiationCapabilities, macAllowList, mirror, mode, model, module, name, poeEnabled, portId, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, schedule, stackwiseVirtual, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId}/switch/profiles/{profileId}/ports/mirror Update a port mirror (BETA) > updateOrganizationConfigTemplateSwitchProfilePortsMirror | organizationId, configTemplateId, profileId | comment, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, module, number, port, ports, role, slot, source, tags, type, vlan, vlans | comment, configTemplate, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, id, mirror, module, name, number, port, ports, profileId, role, slot, source, tags, type, vlan, vlans, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId}/switch/profiles/{profileId}/ports/{portId} Return a switch template port > getOrganizationConfigTemplateSwitchProfilePort | organizationId, configTemplateId, profileId, portId | `` | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isDualActiveDetector, isStackWiseVirtualLink, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, linkNegotiationCapabilities, macAllowList, mirror, mode, model, module, name, poeEnabled, portId, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, schedule, stackwiseVirtual, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId}/switch/profiles/{profileId}/ports/{portId} Update a switch template port > updateOrganizationConfigTemplateSwitchProfilePort | organizationId, configTemplateId, profileId, portId | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, macAllowList, name, poeEnabled, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, dot3az, enabled, flexibleStackingEnabled, id, iname, isDualActiveDetector, isStackWiseVirtualLink, isolationEnabled, linkNegotiation, linkNegotiationCapabilities, macAllowList, mirror, mode, model, module, name, poeEnabled, portId, portScheduleId, profile, rstpEnabled, schedule, stackwiseVirtual, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, vlan, voiceVlan |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/configurationChanges View the Change Log for your organization > getOrganizationConfigurationChanges | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkId, adminId | `` | adminEmail, adminId, adminName, label, networkId, networkName, networkUrl, newValue, oldValue, page, ssidName, ssidNumber, ts |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices List the devices in an organization that have been assigned to a network. > getOrganizationDevices | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, configurationUpdatedAfter, networkIds, productTypes, tags, tagsFilterType, name, mac, serial, model, macs, serials, sensorMetrics, sensorAlertProfileIds, models | `` | address, details, firmware, imei, lanIp, lat, lng, mac, model, name, networkId, notes, productType, serial, tags, value |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/availabilities List the availability information for devices in an organization > getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilities | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, productTypes, serials, tags, tagsFilterType, statuses | `` | id, mac, name, network, productType, serial, status, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/availabilities/changeHistory List the availability history information for devices in an organization. > getOrganizationDevicesAvailabilitiesChangeHistory | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, serials, productTypes, networkIds, statuses, categories, networkTags, networkTagsFilterType, deviceTags, deviceTagsFilterType | `` | category, details, device, id, model, name, network, new, old, productType, serial, tags, ts, url, value |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/boots/history Returns the history of device boots in reverse chronological order (most recent first) (BETA) > getOrganizationDevicesBootsHistory | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, serials, mostRecentPerDevice, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder | `` | bootedAt, id, network, serial, start |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/details/bulkUpdate Updating device details (currently only used for Catalyst devices) > bulkUpdateOrganizationDevicesDetails | organizationId | details, name, serials, value | serials |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/overview/byModel Lists the count for each device model > getOrganizationDevicesOverviewByModel | organizationId, models, networkIds, productTypes | `` | counts, model, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/packetCapture/captures List Packet Captures (BETA) > getOrganizationDevicesPacketCaptureCaptures | organizationId, captureIds, networkIds, serials, captureSource, captureStatus, name, clientMac, captureReason, device, userName, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, sortOrder | `` | autopcapType, captureId, captureReason, captureSource, client, counts, device, devices, duration, errorMessage, fileSize, filterExpression, id, interfaces, items, mac, meta, name, network, outputType, packetCount, ports, remaining, serial, startTime, status, total, user |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/packetCapture/captures Perform a packet capture on a device and store in Meraki Cloud (BETA) > createOrganizationDevicesPacketCaptureCapture | organizationId | captureReason, duration, filterExpression, interface, name, outputType, ports, serials | autopcapType, captureId, captureReason, captureSource, client, device, devices, duration, errorMessage, fileSize, filterExpression, id, interfaces, mac, name, network, outputType, packetCount, ports, serial, startTime, status, user |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/packetCapture/captures Delete packet capture from cloud (BETA) > deleteOrganizationDevicesPacketCaptureCaptures | organizationId | captureIds | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/packetCapture/captures/{id}/downloadUrl Get presigned download URL for given packet capture id (BETA) > downloadOrganizationDevicesPacketCaptureCaptureUrl | organizationId, id | `` | captureId, downloadUrl |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/packetCapture/captures/{id}/stop Stop a specific packet capture (BETA) > stopOrganizationDevicesPacketCaptureCapture | organizationId, id | serials | autopcapType, captureId, captureReason, captureSource, client, device, devices, duration, errorMessage, fileSize, filterExpression, id, interfaces, mac, name, network, outputType, packetCount, ports, serial, startTime, status, user |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/powerModules/statuses/byDevice List the most recent status information for power modules in rackmount MX and MS devices that support them > getOrganizationDevicesPowerModulesStatusesByDevice | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, productTypes, serials, tags, tagsFilterType | `` | id, mac, model, name, network, number, productType, serial, slots, status, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/provisioning/statuses List the provisioning statuses information for devices in an organization. > getOrganizationDevicesProvisioningStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, productTypes, serials, status, tags, tagsFilterType | `` | id, mac, name, network, productType, serial, status, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/statuses List the status of every Meraki device in the organization (DEPRECATED) > getOrganizationDevicesStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials, statuses, productTypes, models, tags, tagsFilterType, configurationUpdatedAfter | `` | components, gateway, ipType, lanIp, lastReportedAt, mac, maximum, model, name, networkId, poe, powerSupplies, primaryDns, productType, publicIp, secondaryDns, serial, slot, status, tags, unit |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/statuses/overview Return an overview of current device statuses > getOrganizationDevicesStatusesOverview | organizationId, productTypes, networkIds | `` | alerting, byStatus, counts, dormant, offline, online |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/uplinks/addresses/byDevice List the current uplink addresses for devices in an organization. > getOrganizationDevicesUplinksAddressesByDevice | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, productTypes, serials, tags, tagsFilterType | `` | address, addresses, assignmentMode, gateway, id, interface, mac, name, nameservers, network, productType, protocol, public, serial, tags, uplinks, vlan |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/devices/uplinksLossAndLatency Return the uplink loss and latency for every MX in the organization from at latest 2 minutes ago > getOrganizationDevicesUplinksLossAndLatency | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, uplink, ip | `` | ip, latencyMs, lossPercent, networkId, serial, timeSeries, ts, uplink |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features List the available early access features for organization > getOrganizationEarlyAccessFeatures | organizationId | `` | descriptions, documentationLink, isOrgScopedOnly, long, name, short, shortName, supportLink, topic |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns List the early access feature opt-ins for an organization > getOrganizationEarlyAccessFeaturesOptIns | organizationId | `` | createdAt, eligible, help, id, label, limitScopeToNetworks, name, optOutEligibility, reason, shortName, url |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns Create a new early access feature opt-in for an organization > createOrganizationEarlyAccessFeaturesOptIn | organizationId | limitScopeToNetworks, shortName | createdAt, eligible, help, id, label, limitScopeToNetworks, name, optOutEligibility, reason, shortName, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns/{optInId} Show an early access feature opt-in for an organization > getOrganizationEarlyAccessFeaturesOptIn | organizationId, optInId | `` | createdAt, eligible, help, id, label, limitScopeToNetworks, name, optOutEligibility, reason, shortName, url |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns/{optInId} Update an early access feature opt-in for an organization > updateOrganizationEarlyAccessFeaturesOptIn | organizationId, optInId | limitScopeToNetworks | createdAt, eligible, help, id, label, limitScopeToNetworks, name, optOutEligibility, reason, shortName, url |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features/optIns/{optInId} Delete an early access feature opt-in > deleteOrganizationEarlyAccessFeaturesOptIn | organizationId, optInId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/networks List the ThousandEyes agent configurations under this organization (BETA) > getOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesNetworks | organizationId | `` | agentId, enabled, networkId |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/networks Add a ThousandEyes agent for this network (BETA) > createOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesNetwork | organizationId | enabled, id, network, networkId, template, tenant, tests, userInputs | agentId, enabled, networkId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/networks/supported List all the networks eligible for ThousandEyes agent activation under this organization. (BETA) > getOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesNetworksSupported | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, agentInstalled | `` | agent, currentVersion, device, firmware, isInstalled, model, name, networkId, shortName, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/networks/{networkId} List the ThousandEyes agent configuration under this network (BETA) > getOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesNetwork | organizationId, networkId | `` | agentId, enabled, networkId |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/networks/{networkId} Update a ThousandEyes agent from this network (BETA) > updateOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesNetwork | organizationId, networkId | enabled | agentId, enabled, networkId |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/networks/{networkId} Delete a ThousandEyes agent from this network (BETA) > deleteOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesNetwork | organizationId, networkId | `` | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/thousandEyes/tests Create a ThousandEyes test based on a provided test template (BETA) > createOrganizationExtensionsThousandEyesTest | organizationId | id, network, template, tenant, tests, userInputs | jobStatus, pccBackgroundJob |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/xdr/networks Returns the networks in the organization that have XDR enabled (BETA) > getOrganizationExtensionsXdrNetworks | organizationId, networkIds | `` | eligible, enabled, name, networkId, productTypes |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/xdr/networks/disable Disable XDR on networks (BETA) > disableOrganizationExtensionsXdrNetworks | organizationId | networkId, networks, productTypes | eligible, enabled, name, networkId, productTypes |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/extensions/xdr/networks/enable Enable XDR on networks (BETA) > enableOrganizationExtensionsXdrNetworks | organizationId | networkId, networks, productTypes | eligible, enabled, name, networkId, productTypes |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/firmware/upgrades Get firmware upgrade information for an organization > getOrganizationFirmwareUpgrades | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, status, productTypes | `` | completedAt, firmware, fromVersion, id, name, network, productTypes, releaseDate, releaseType, shortName, status, time, toVersion, upgradeBatchId, upgradeId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/firmware/upgrades/byDevice Get firmware upgrade status for the filtered devices > getOrganizationFirmwareUpgradesByDevice | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials, macs, firmwareUpgradeBatchIds, upgradeStatuses, currentUpgradesOnly | `` | deviceStatus, fromVersion, group, id, name, releaseDate, releaseType, serial, shortName, staged, status, time, toVersion, upgrade, upgradeBatchId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/floorPlans/autoLocate/devices List auto locate details for each device in your organization > getOrganizationFloorPlansAutoLocateDevices | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, floorPlanIds | `` | autoLocate, counts, floorPlan, id, isAnchor, items, lat, lng, mac, meta, model, name, network, remaining, serial, status, tags, total, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/floorPlans/autoLocate/statuses List the status of auto locate for each floorplan in your organization > getOrganizationFloorPlansAutoLocateStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, floorPlanIds | `` | completed, counts, devices, errors, floorPlanId, gnss, id, items, jobs, meta, name, network, percentage, ranging, remaining, scheduledAt, source, status, total, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/applications List all Insight tracked applications > getOrganizationInsightApplications | organizationId | `` | applicationId, byNetwork, goodput, name, networkId, responseDuration, thresholds, type |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/applications Add an Insight tracked application (BETA) > createOrganizationInsightApplication | organizationId | counterSetRuleId, enableSmartThresholds, goodput, responseTime, thresholds | applicationId, byNetwork, goodput, name, networkId, responseDuration, thresholds, type |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/applications/{applicationId} Update an Insight tracked application (BETA) > updateOrganizationInsightApplication | organizationId, applicationId | enableSmartThresholds, goodput, responseTime, thresholds | applicationId, byNetwork, goodput, name, networkId, responseDuration, thresholds, type |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/applications/{applicationId} Delete an Insight tracked application (BETA) > deleteOrganizationInsightApplication | organizationId, applicationId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/monitoredMediaServers List the monitored media servers for this organization > getOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServers | organizationId | `` | address, bestEffortMonitoringEnabled, id, name |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/monitoredMediaServers Add a media server to be monitored for this organization > createOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServer | organizationId | address, bestEffortMonitoringEnabled, name | address, bestEffortMonitoringEnabled, id, name |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/monitoredMediaServers/{monitoredMediaServerId} Return a monitored media server for this organization > getOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServer | organizationId, monitoredMediaServerId | `` | address, bestEffortMonitoringEnabled, id, name |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/monitoredMediaServers/{monitoredMediaServerId} Update a monitored media server for this organization > updateOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServer | organizationId, monitoredMediaServerId | address, bestEffortMonitoringEnabled, name | address, bestEffortMonitoringEnabled, id, name |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/monitoredMediaServers/{monitoredMediaServerId} Delete a monitored media server from this organization > deleteOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServer | organizationId, monitoredMediaServerId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/speedTestResults List the speed tests for the given devices under this organization (BETA) > getOrganizationInsightSpeedTestResults | organizationId, serials, timespan, t0, t1 | `` | average, interface, networkId, request, results, serial, speedTestId, speeds, startedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/webApps Lists all default web applications rules with counter set rule ids (BETA) > getOrganizationInsightWebApps | organizationId | `` | category, counterSetRuleId, expression, goodput, host, name, net, port, responseDelay, signature, signatureType, thresholds |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/webApps Add a custom web application for Insight to be able to track (BETA) > createOrganizationInsightWebApp | organizationId | hostname, name | category, counterSetRuleId, expression, goodput, host, name, responseDelay, signature, signatureType, thresholds |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/webApps/{customCounterSetRuleId} Update a custom web application for Insight to be able to track (BETA) > updateOrganizationInsightWebApp | organizationId, customCounterSetRuleId | hostname, name | category, counterSetRuleId, expression, goodput, host, name, responseDelay, signature, signatureType, thresholds |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/insight/webApps/{customCounterSetRuleId} Delete a custom web application by counter set rule id. (BETA) > deleteOrganizationInsightWebApp | organizationId, customCounterSetRuleId | `` | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/claim Claim a list of devices, licenses, and/or orders into an organization inventory > claimIntoOrganizationInventory | organizationId | key, licenses, mode, orders, serials | key, licenses, mode, orders, serials |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/devices Return the device inventory for an organization > getOrganizationInventoryDevices | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, usedState, search, macs, networkIds, serials, models, orderNumbers, tags, tagsFilterType, productTypes | `` | claimedAt, countryCode, details, licenseExpirationDate, mac, model, name, networkId, orderNumber, productType, serial, tags, value |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/devices/swaps/bulk Swap the devices identified by devices.old with a devices.new, then perform the :afterAction on the devices.old. > createOrganizationInventoryDevicesSwapsBulk | organizationId | afterAction, devices, new, old, swaps | afterAction, completedAt, createdAt, devices, errors, id, jobId, mac, model, name, new, old, serial, status, swaps |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/devices/swaps/bulk/{id} List of device swaps for a given request ID ({id}). > getOrganizationInventoryDevicesSwapsBulk | organizationId, id | `` | afterAction, completedAt, createdAt, devices, errors, id, jobId, mac, model, name, new, old, serial, status, swaps |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/devices/{serial} Return a single device from the inventory of an organization > getOrganizationInventoryDevice | organizationId, serial | `` | claimedAt, countryCode, details, licenseExpirationDate, mac, model, name, networkId, orderNumber, productType, serial, tags, value |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/exportEvents Imports event logs related to the onboarding app into elastisearch > createOrganizationInventoryOnboardingCloudMonitoringExportEvent | organizationId | logEvent, request, targetOS, timestamp | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/imports Commits the import operation to complete the onboarding of a device into Dashboard for monitoring. > createOrganizationInventoryOnboardingCloudMonitoringImport | organizationId | deviceId, devices, networkId, udi | importId, message, status |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/imports Check the status of a committed Import operation > getOrganizationInventoryOnboardingCloudMonitoringImports | organizationId, importIds | `` | created, device, importId, status, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/networks Returns list of networks eligible for adding cloud monitored device > getOrganizationInventoryOnboardingCloudMonitoringNetworks | organizationId, deviceType, search, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/prepare Initiates or updates an import session > createOrganizationInventoryOnboardingCloudMonitoringPrepare | organizationId | accessList, authentication, authorization, certificateName, devices, endLineNumber, group, localInterface, loopbackNumber, name, options, rotaryNumber, skipCommit, startLineNumber, sudi, tunnel, user, username, vty, vtyIn, vtyOut | cloudStaticIp, configParams, content, deviceId, hash, host, message, mode, name, port, publicKey, rootCertificate, secret, status, tunnel, udi, user, username |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/release Release a list of claimed devices from an organization. > releaseFromOrganizationInventory | organizationId | serials | serials |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses List the licenses for an organization > getOrganizationLicenses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, deviceSerial, networkId, state | `` | activationDate, claimDate, deviceSerial, durationInDays, expirationDate, headLicenseId, id, licenseKey, licenseType, networkId, orderNumber, permanentlyQueuedLicenses, seatCount, state, totalDurationInDays |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/assignSeats Assign SM seats to a network > assignOrganizationLicensesSeats | organizationId | licenseId, networkId, seatCount | activationDate, claimDate, deviceSerial, durationInDays, expirationDate, headLicenseId, id, licenseKey, licenseType, networkId, orderNumber, permanentlyQueuedLicenses, resultingLicenses, seatCount, state, totalDurationInDays |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/move Move licenses to another organization > moveOrganizationLicenses | organizationId | destOrganizationId, licenseIds | destOrganizationId, licenseIds |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/moveSeats Move SM seats to another organization > moveOrganizationLicensesSeats | organizationId | destOrganizationId, licenseId, seatCount | destOrganizationId, licenseId, seatCount |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/overview Return an overview of the license state for an organization > getOrganizationLicensesOverview | organizationId | `` | activationDate, active, activeCount, activeSeats, count, counts, critical, expirationDate, expired, expiring, expiringCount, licenseCount, licenseType, licenseTypes, licensedDeviceCounts, oldestActivation, orgwideEnrolledDevices, recentlyQueued, soonestActivation, states, status, systemsManager, thresholdInDays, toActivateCount, totalSeats, unassigned, unassignedSeats, unused, unusedActive, warning |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/renewSeats Renew SM seats of a license > renewOrganizationLicensesSeats | organizationId | licenseIdToRenew, unusedLicenseId | activationDate, claimDate, deviceSerial, durationInDays, expirationDate, headLicenseId, id, licenseKey, licenseType, networkId, orderNumber, permanentlyQueuedLicenses, resultingLicenses, seatCount, state, totalDurationInDays |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/{licenseId} Display a license > getOrganizationLicense | organizationId, licenseId | `` | activationDate, claimDate, deviceSerial, durationInDays, expirationDate, headLicenseId, id, licenseKey, licenseType, networkId, orderNumber, permanentlyQueuedLicenses, seatCount, state, totalDurationInDays |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/licenses/{licenseId} Update a license > updateOrganizationLicense | organizationId, licenseId | deviceSerial | activationDate, claimDate, deviceSerial, durationInDays, expirationDate, headLicenseId, id, licenseKey, licenseType, networkId, orderNumber, permanentlyQueuedLicenses, seatCount, state, totalDurationInDays |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/licensing/coterm/licenses List the licenses in a coterm organization > getOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, invalidated, expired | `` | claimedAt, count, counts, duration, edition, editions, expired, invalidated, invalidatedAt, key, mode, model, organizationId, productType, startedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/licensing/coterm/licenses/move Moves a license to a different organization (coterm only) > moveOrganizationLicensingCotermLicenses | organizationId | count, counts, destination, key, licenses, mode, model, organizationId | claimedAt, count, counts, duration, edition, editions, expired, invalidated, invalidatedAt, key, mode, model, movedLicenses, organizationId, productType, remainderLicenses, startedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/loginSecurity Returns the login security settings for an organization. > getOrganizationLoginSecurity | organizationId | `` | accountLockoutAttempts, apiAuthentication, enabled, enforceAccountLockout, enforceDifferentPasswords, enforceIdleTimeout, enforceLoginIpRanges, enforcePasswordExpiration, enforceStrongPasswords, enforceTwoFactorAuth, idleTimeoutMinutes, ipRestrictionsForKeys, loginIpRanges, numDifferentPasswords, passwordExpirationDays, ranges |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/loginSecurity Update the login security settings for an organization > updateOrganizationLoginSecurity | organizationId | accountLockoutAttempts, apiAuthentication, enabled, enforceAccountLockout, enforceDifferentPasswords, enforceIdleTimeout, enforceLoginIpRanges, enforcePasswordExpiration, enforceStrongPasswords, enforceTwoFactorAuth, idleTimeoutMinutes, ipRestrictionsForKeys, loginIpRanges, numDifferentPasswords, passwordExpirationDays, ranges | accountLockoutAttempts, apiAuthentication, enabled, enforceAccountLockout, enforceDifferentPasswords, enforceIdleTimeout, enforceLoginIpRanges, enforcePasswordExpiration, enforceStrongPasswords, enforceTwoFactorAuth, idleTimeoutMinutes, ipRestrictionsForKeys, loginIpRanges, numDifferentPasswords, passwordExpirationDays, ranges |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/networks List the networks that the user has privileges on in an organization > getOrganizationNetworks | organizationId, configTemplateId, isBoundToConfigTemplate, tags, tagsFilterType, productTypes, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/networks Create a network > createOrganizationNetwork | organizationId | copyFromNetworkId, name, notes, productTypes, tags, timeZone | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, tags, timeZone, url |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/networks/combine Combine multiple networks into a single network > combineOrganizationNetworks | organizationId | enrollmentString, name, networkIds | enrollmentString, id, isBoundToConfigTemplate, name, notes, organizationId, productTypes, resultingNetwork, tags, timeZone, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/openapiSpec Return the OpenAPI Specification of the organization's API documentation in JSON > getOrganizationOpenapiSpec | organizationId, version | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policies/assignments/byClient Get policies for all clients with policies (BETA) > getOrganizationPoliciesAssignmentsByClient | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, timespan, includeUndetectedClients, networkIds | `` | appliance, assigned, clientId, id, limitTo, mac, name, networkId, number, ssids, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects Lists Policy Objects belonging to the organization. > getOrganizationPolicyObjects | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | category, cidr, createdAt, groupIds, id, name, networkIds, type, updatedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects Creates a new Policy Object. > createOrganizationPolicyObject | organizationId | category, cidr, fqdn, groupIds, ip, mask, name, type | category, cidr, createdAt, groupIds, id, name, networkIds, type, updatedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups Lists Policy Object Groups belonging to the organization. > getOrganizationPolicyObjectsGroups | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | category, createdAt, id, name, networkIds, objectIds, updatedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups Creates a new Policy Object Group. > createOrganizationPolicyObjectsGroup | organizationId | category, name, objectIds | category, createdAt, id, name, networkIds, objectIds, updatedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups/{policyObjectGroupId} Shows details of a Policy Object Group. > getOrganizationPolicyObjectsGroup | organizationId, policyObjectGroupId | `` | category, createdAt, id, name, networkIds, objectIds, updatedAt |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups/{policyObjectGroupId} Updates a Policy Object Group. > updateOrganizationPolicyObjectsGroup | organizationId, policyObjectGroupId | name, objectIds | category, createdAt, id, name, networkIds, objectIds, updatedAt |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups/{policyObjectGroupId} Deletes a Policy Object Group. > deleteOrganizationPolicyObjectsGroup | organizationId, policyObjectGroupId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/{policyObjectId} Shows details of a Policy Object. > getOrganizationPolicyObject | organizationId, policyObjectId | `` | category, cidr, createdAt, groupIds, id, name, networkIds, type, updatedAt |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/{policyObjectId} Updates a Policy Object. > updateOrganizationPolicyObject | organizationId, policyObjectId | cidr, fqdn, groupIds, ip, mask, name | category, cidr, createdAt, groupIds, id, name, networkIds, type, updatedAt |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/{policyObjectId} Deletes a Policy Object. > deleteOrganizationPolicyObject | organizationId, policyObjectId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/saml Returns the SAML SSO enabled settings for an organization. > getOrganizationSaml | organizationId | `` | enabled |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/saml Updates the SAML SSO enabled settings for an organization. > updateOrganizationSaml | organizationId | enabled | enabled |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps List the SAML IdPs in your organization. > getOrganizationSamlIdps | organizationId | `` | consumerUrl, idpId, sloLogoutUrl, x509certSha1Fingerprint |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps Create a SAML IdP for your organization. > createOrganizationSamlIdp | organizationId | sloLogoutUrl, x509certSha1Fingerprint | consumerUrl, idpId, sloLogoutUrl, x509certSha1Fingerprint |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps/{idpId} Update a SAML IdP in your organization > updateOrganizationSamlIdp | organizationId, idpId | sloLogoutUrl, x509certSha1Fingerprint | consumerUrl, idpId, sloLogoutUrl, x509certSha1Fingerprint |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps/{idpId} Get a SAML IdP from your organization. > getOrganizationSamlIdp | organizationId, idpId | `` | consumerUrl, idpId, sloLogoutUrl, x509certSha1Fingerprint |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps/{idpId} Remove a SAML IdP in your organization. > deleteOrganizationSamlIdp | organizationId, idpId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles List the SAML roles for this organization > getOrganizationSamlRoles | organizationId | `` | access, camera, id, networks, orgAccess, orgWide, role, tag, tags |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles Create a SAML role > createOrganizationSamlRole | organizationId | access, id, networks, orgAccess, role, tag, tags | access, camera, id, networks, orgAccess, orgWide, role, tag, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles/{samlRoleId} Return a SAML role > getOrganizationSamlRole | organizationId, samlRoleId | `` | access, camera, id, networks, orgAccess, orgWide, role, tag, tags |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles/{samlRoleId} Update a SAML role > updateOrganizationSamlRole | organizationId, samlRoleId | access, id, networks, orgAccess, role, tag, tags | access, camera, id, networks, orgAccess, orgWide, role, tag, tags |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/samlRoles/{samlRoleId} Remove a SAML role > deleteOrganizationSamlRole | organizationId, samlRoleId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplicationGroups Provides a list of private application groups for an Organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplicationGroups | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, nameIncludes, applicationGroupIds, sortBy, sortOrder | `` | applicationGroupId, applicationIds, createdAt, data, description, meta, modifiedAt, name, total |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplicationGroups Creates a group of private applications to apply to policy (BETA) > createOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplicationGroup | organizationId | applicationIds, description, name | applicationGroupId, applicationIds, createdAt, description, modifiedAt, name |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplicationGroups/{id} Update an application group in an Organization (BETA) > updateOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplicationGroup | organizationId, id | applicationIds, description, name | applicationGroupId, applicationIds, createdAt, description, modifiedAt, name |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplicationGroups/{id} Deletes private application group from an Organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplicationGroup | organizationId, id | force | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplicationGroups/{id} Return the details of a specific private application group (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplicationGroup | organizationId, id | `` | applicationGroupId, applicationIds, createdAt, description, modifiedAt, name |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplications Provides a list of private applications for an Organization. (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplications | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, nameIncludes, applicationGroupIds, appTypes, sortBy, sortOrder | `` | accessType, appProtocol, applicationGroupIds, applicationId, createdAt, data, description, destinationAddr, destinations, externalFQDN, meta, modifiedAt, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, sni, sslVerificationEnabled, total |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplications Adds a new private application to the Organization (BETA) > createOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplication | organizationId | accessType, appProtocol, applicationGroupIds, description, destinationAddr, destinations, externalFQDN, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, sni, sslVerificationEnabled | accessType, appProtocol, applicationGroupIds, applicationId, createdAt, description, destinationAddr, destinations, externalFQDN, modifiedAt, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, sni, sslVerificationEnabled |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplications/{id} Updates a specific private application (BETA) > updateOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplication | organizationId, id | accessType, appProtocol, applicationGroupIds, description, destinationAddr, destinations, externalFQDN, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, sni, sslVerificationEnabled | accessType, appProtocol, applicationGroupIds, applicationId, createdAt, description, destinationAddr, destinations, externalFQDN, modifiedAt, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, sni, sslVerificationEnabled |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplications/{id} Deletes a specific private application (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplication | organizationId, id | force | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateApplications/{id} Return the details of a specific private application (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateApplication | organizationId, id | `` | accessType, appProtocol, applicationGroupIds, applicationId, createdAt, description, destinationAddr, destinations, externalFQDN, modifiedAt, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, sni, sslVerificationEnabled |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateResources Provides a list of private resources for an organization. (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateResources | organizationId | `` | accessTypes, certificateId, createdAt, data, deletedAt, description, destinationAddr, dnsServerId, meta, name, organizationId, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, reachableAddresses, resourceAddresses, resourceGroupIds, resourceId, total, type, umbrellaApplicationCreatedAt, umbrellaApplicationDeletedAt, umbrellaApplicationErrorMessage, umbrellaApplicationId, umbrellaApplicationUpdatedAt, umbrellaResourceCreatedAt, umbrellaResourceCreatedBy, umbrellaResourceDeletedAt, umbrellaResourceErrorMessage, umbrellaResourceId, umbrellaResourceModifiedBy, umbrellaResourceUpdatedAt, updatedAt |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateResources Adds a new private resource to the organization. (BETA) > createOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateResource | organizationId | accessTypes, description, destinationAddr, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, reachableAddresses, resourceAddresses, resourceGroupIds, type | accessTypes, certificateId, createdAt, deletedAt, description, destinationAddr, dnsServerId, name, organizationId, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, reachableAddresses, resourceAddresses, resourceGroupIds, resourceId, type, umbrellaApplicationCreatedAt, umbrellaApplicationDeletedAt, umbrellaApplicationErrorMessage, umbrellaApplicationId, umbrellaApplicationUpdatedAt, umbrellaResourceCreatedAt, umbrellaResourceCreatedBy, umbrellaResourceDeletedAt, umbrellaResourceErrorMessage, umbrellaResourceId, umbrellaResourceModifiedBy, umbrellaResourceUpdatedAt, updatedAt |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateResources/{id} Updates a specific private resource. (BETA) > updateOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateResource | organizationId, id | accessTypes, description, destinationAddr, name, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, reachableAddresses, resourceAddresses, resourceGroupIds, type | accessTypes, certificateId, createdAt, deletedAt, description, destinationAddr, dnsServerId, name, organizationId, ports, protocol, protocolPorts, reachableAddresses, resourceAddresses, resourceGroupIds, resourceId, type, umbrellaApplicationCreatedAt, umbrellaApplicationDeletedAt, umbrellaApplicationErrorMessage, umbrellaApplicationId, umbrellaApplicationUpdatedAt, umbrellaResourceCreatedAt, umbrellaResourceCreatedBy, umbrellaResourceDeletedAt, umbrellaResourceErrorMessage, umbrellaResourceId, umbrellaResourceModifiedBy, umbrellaResourceUpdatedAt, updatedAt |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/privateResources/{id} Deletes a specific private resource (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSecureConnectPrivateResource | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/publicApplications Provides a list of public applications for an Organization. (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectPublicApplications | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, nameIncludes, risks, categories, appTypes, t0, t1, timespan, sortBy, sortOrder | `` | appType, category, id, items, lastDetected, meta, name, risk, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/regions List deployed cloud hubs and regions in this organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectRegions | organizationId, regionType | `` | data, dcPair, id, maxTotalCloudHubs, meta, name, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/remoteAccessLog List the latest 5000 events logged by remote access. (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectRemoteAccessLog | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, identityids, identitytypes, connectionevent, anyconnectversions, osversions | `` | anyconnectversion, connectionevent, connecttimestamp, data, deleted, failedreasons, id, identities, internalip, label, meta, osversion, reason, timestamp, total, type |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/remoteAccessLogsExports Provides a list of remote access logs exports for an Organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectRemoteAccessLogsExports | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, status | `` | currentFileLogCount, data, duration, endedAt, fileCount, from, generatorCount, id, limitReached, logCount, meta, metadata, startedAt, status, to, total, userEmail |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/remoteAccessLogsExports Creates a export for a provided timestamp interval. (BETA) > createOrganizationSecureConnectRemoteAccessLogsExport | organizationId | from, to | currentFileLogCount, duration, endedAt, fileCount, from, generatorCount, id, limitReached, logCount, metadata, startedAt, status, to, userEmail |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/remoteAccessLogsExports/download Redirects to the download link of the completed export. (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectRemoteAccessLogsExportsDownload | organizationId, id, fileType | `` | link |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/remoteAccessLogsExports/{id} Return the details of a specific remote access logs export (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectRemoteAccessLogsExport | organizationId, id | `` | currentFileLogCount, duration, endedAt, fileCount, from, generatorCount, id, limitReached, logCount, metadata, startedAt, status, to, userEmail |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/sites List sites in this organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSecureConnectSites | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, search, enrolledState | `` | address, data, defaultRoute, deviceType, enrolled, id, meta, name, region, total, type, vpnType |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/sites Enroll sites in this organization to Secure Connect (BETA) > createOrganizationSecureConnectSite | organizationId | callback, enrollments, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, regionId, regionName, regionType, sharedSecret, siteId, url | action, callback, id, message, regionId, request, siteId, status, url |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/secureConnect/sites Detach given sites from Secure Connect (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSecureConnectSites | organizationId | callback, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, sites, url | action, callback, id, message, request, siteId, status, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/alerts Return a list of sensor alert events (BETA) > getOrganizationSensorAlerts | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, sensorSerial, networkIds, triggerMetric | `` | ambient, apparentPower, celsius, co2, concentration, condition, current, direction, door, draw, duration, fahrenheit, frequency, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, metric, model, name, noise, open, outageDetected, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, profile, quality, realPower, relativePercentage, score, sensor, serial, snapshotCamera, startTs, temperature, threshold, trigger, ts, tvoc, upstreamPower, url, voltage, water |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/readings/history Return all reported readings from sensors in a given timespan, sorted by timestamp > getOrganizationSensorReadingsHistory | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, networkIds, serials, metrics | `` | ambient, apparentPower, battery, button, celsius, co2, concentration, current, door, downstreamPower, draw, enabled, fahrenheit, frequency, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, locked, metric, name, network, noise, open, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, pressType, realPower, relativePercentage, remoteLockoutSwitch, score, serial, temperature, ts, tvoc, voltage, water |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/readings/history/byInterval Return all reported readings from sensors in a given timespan, summarized as a series of intervals, sorted by interval start time in descending order (BETA) > getOrganizationSensorReadingsHistoryByInterval | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, interval, networkIds, serials, metrics, models | `` | ambient, apparentPower, average, battery, button, celsius, co2, concentration, counts, current, door, draw, endTs, energy, fahrenheit, frequency, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, long, maximum, metric, minimum, model, name, network, noise, open, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, pressType, realPower, relativePercentage, score, serial, short, startTs, temperature, tvoc, usage, voltage, water |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/readings/latest Return the latest available reading for each metric from each sensor, sorted by sensor serial > getOrganizationSensorReadingsLatest | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials, metrics | `` | ambient, apparentPower, battery, button, celsius, co2, concentration, current, door, downstreamPower, draw, enabled, fahrenheit, frequency, humidity, id, indoorAirQuality, level, locked, metric, name, network, noise, open, percentage, pm25, powerFactor, present, pressType, readings, realPower, relativePercentage, remoteLockoutSwitch, score, serial, temperature, ts, tvoc, voltage, water |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles List the Limited Access Roles for an organization > getOrganizationSmAdminsRoles | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, items, meta, name, remaining, roleId, scope, tags, total |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles Create a Limited Access Role > createOrganizationSmAdminsRole | organizationId | name, scope, tags | name, roleId, scope, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId} Return a Limited Access Role > getOrganizationSmAdminsRole | organizationId, roleId | `` | name, roleId, scope, tags |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId} Update a Limited Access Role > updateOrganizationSmAdminsRole | organizationId, roleId | name, scope, tags | name, roleId, scope, tags |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/admins/roles/{roleId} Delete a Limited Access Role > deleteOrganizationSmAdminsRole | organizationId, roleId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/apnsCert Get the organization's APNS certificate > getOrganizationSmApnsCert | organizationId | `` | certificate |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/apple/cloudEnrollment/syncJobs Enqueue a sync job for an ADE account (BETA) > createOrganizationSmAppleCloudEnrollmentSyncJob | organizationId | adeAccountId, fullSync | adeAccountId, status, syncJobId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/apple/cloudEnrollment/syncJobs/{syncJobId} Retrieve the status of an ADE sync job (BETA) > getOrganizationSmAppleCloudEnrollmentSyncJob | organizationId, syncJobId | `` | adeAccountId, status, syncJobId |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/bulkEnrollment/token Create a PccBulkEnrollmentToken (BETA) > createOrganizationSmBulkEnrollmentToken | organizationId | expiresAt, networkId | expiresAt, id, networkId, rawToken |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/bulkEnrollment/token/{tokenId} Return a BulkEnrollmentToken (BETA) > getOrganizationSmBulkEnrollmentToken | organizationId, tokenId | `` | expiresAt, id, networkId |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/bulkEnrollment/token/{tokenId} Update a PccBulkEnrollmentToken (BETA) > updateOrganizationSmBulkEnrollmentToken | organizationId, tokenId | expiresAt, networkId | expiresAt, id, networkId |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/bulkEnrollment/token/{tokenId} Delete a PccBulkEnrollmentToken (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSmBulkEnrollmentToken | organizationId, tokenId | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/bulkEnrollment/tokens List all BulkEnrollmentTokens for an organization. (BETA) > getOrganizationSmBulkEnrollmentTokens | organizationId | `` | expiresAt, id, networkId |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/sentry/policies/assignments Update an Organizations Sentry Policies using the provided list > updateOrganizationSmSentryPoliciesAssignments | organizationId | groupPolicyId, items, networkId, policies, policyId, scope, smNetworkId, tags | createdAt, groupNumber, groupPolicyId, items, lastUpdatedAt, networkId, policies, policyId, priority, scope, smNetworkId, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/sentry/policies/assignments/byNetwork List the Sentry Policies for an organization ordered in ascending order of priority > getOrganizationSmSentryPoliciesAssignmentsByNetwork | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds | `` | counts, createdAt, groupNumber, groupPolicyId, items, lastUpdatedAt, meta, networkId, policies, policyId, priority, remaining, scope, smNetworkId, tags, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/vppAccounts List the VPP accounts in the organization > getOrganizationSmVppAccounts | organizationId | `` | allowedAdmins, assignableNetworkIds, assignableNetworks, contentToken, email, expiresAt, hashedToken, id, lastForceSyncedAt, lastSyncedAt, name, networkIdAdmins, orgName, parsedToken, vppAccountId, vppLocationId, vppLocationName, vppServiceToken |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/sm/vppAccounts/{vppAccountId} Get a hash containing the unparsed token of the VPP account with the given ID > getOrganizationSmVppAccount | organizationId, vppAccountId | `` | allowedAdmins, assignableNetworkIds, assignableNetworks, contentToken, email, expiresAt, hashedToken, id, lastForceSyncedAt, lastSyncedAt, name, networkIdAdmins, orgName, parsedToken, vppAccountId, vppLocationId, vppLocationName, vppServiceToken |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/snmp Return the SNMP settings for an organization > getOrganizationSnmp | organizationId | `` | hostname, peerIps, port, v2CommunityString, v2cEnabled, v3AuthMode, v3Enabled, v3PrivMode, v3User |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/snmp Update the SNMP settings for an organization > updateOrganizationSnmp | organizationId | peerIps, v2cEnabled, v3AuthMode, v3AuthPass, v3Enabled, v3PrivMode, v3PrivPass | hostname, peerIps, port, v2CommunityString, v2cEnabled, v3AuthMode, v3Enabled, v3PrivMode, v3User |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/snmp/traps/byNetwork Retrieve the SNMP trap configuration for the networks in an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSnmpTrapsByNetwork | organizationId, networkIds | `` | address, community, id, mode, name, network, port, receiver, users, v2, v3 |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/spaces/integration/remove Remove the Spaces integration from Meraki (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSpacesIntegrationRemove | organizationId | `` | message, status |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/splash/assets/{id} Get a Splash Theme Asset > getOrganizationSplashAsset | organizationId, id | `` | fileData, id, name |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/splash/assets/{id} Delete a Splash Theme Asset > deleteOrganizationSplashAsset | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/splash/themes List Splash Themes > getOrganizationSplashThemes | organizationId | `` | id, name, themeAssets |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/splash/themes Create a Splash Theme > createOrganizationSplashTheme | organizationId | baseTheme, name | id, name, themeAssets |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/splash/themes/{id} Delete a Splash Theme > deleteOrganizationSplashTheme | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/splash/themes/{themeIdentifier}/assets Create a Splash Theme Asset > createOrganizationSplashThemeAsset | organizationId, themeIdentifier | content, name | fileData, id, name |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/switch/power/history Returns the total PoE power draw for all switch ports in the organization over the requested timespan (by default the last 24 hours) > getOrganizationSummarySwitchPowerHistory | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan | `` | draw, ts |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/appliances/byUtilization Return the top 10 appliances sorted by utilization over given time range. > getOrganizationSummaryTopAppliancesByUtilization | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | average, id, mac, model, name, network, percentage, serial, utilization |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/applications/byUsage Return the top applications sorted by data usage over given time range > getOrganizationSummaryTopApplicationsByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, device, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | application, downstream, percentage, total, upstream |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/applications/categories/byUsage Return the top application categories sorted by data usage over given time range > getOrganizationSummaryTopApplicationsCategoriesByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | category, downstream, percentage, total, upstream |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/clients/byUsage Return metrics for organization's top 10 clients by data usage (in mb) over given time range. > getOrganizationSummaryTopClientsByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | downstream, id, mac, name, network, percentage, total, upstream, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/clients/manufacturers/byUsage Return metrics for organization's top clients by data usage (in mb) over given time range, grouped by manufacturer. > getOrganizationSummaryTopClientsManufacturersByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | clients, counts, downstream, name, total, upstream, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/devices/byUsage Return metrics for organization's top 10 devices sorted by data usage over given time range > getOrganizationSummaryTopDevicesByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | clients, counts, id, mac, model, name, network, percentage, productType, serial, total, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/devices/models/byUsage Return metrics for organization's top 10 device models sorted by data usage over given time range > getOrganizationSummaryTopDevicesModelsByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | average, count, model, total, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/networks/byStatus List the client and status overview information for the networks in an organization > getOrganizationSummaryTopNetworksByStatus | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | alerting, byProductType, clients, counts, devices, dormant, downstream, name, networkId, offline, online, overall, productType, productTypes, statuses, tags, total, upstream, url, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/ssids/byUsage Return metrics for organization's top 10 ssids by data usage over given time range > getOrganizationSummaryTopSsidsByUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | clients, counts, downstream, name, percentage, total, upstream, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/switches/byEnergyUsage Return metrics for organization's top 10 switches by energy usage over given time range > getOrganizationSummaryTopSwitchesByEnergyUsage | organizationId, networkTag, deviceTag, networkId, quantity, ssidName, usageUplink, t0, t1, timespan | `` | id, mac, model, name, network, total, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/support/salesRepresentatives Returns the organization's sales representatives (BETA) > getOrganizationSupportSalesRepresentatives | organizationId | `` | email, name, phone |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/devices/clone Clone port-level and some switch-level configuration settings from a source switch to one or more target switches > cloneOrganizationSwitchDevices | organizationId | sourceSerial, targetSerials | sourceSerial, targetSerials |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/bySwitch List the switchports in an organization by switch > getOrganizationSwitchPortsBySwitch | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, extendedParams, configurationUpdatedAfter, mac, macs, name, networkIds, portProfileIds, serial, serials | `` | accessPolicyType, allowedVlans, enabled, id, linkNegotiation, mac, model, name, network, poeEnabled, portId, ports, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stpGuard, tags, type, vlan, voiceVlan |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/clients/overview/byDevice List the number of clients for all switchports with at least one online client in an organization. > getOrganizationSwitchPortsClientsOverviewByDevice | organizationId, t0, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, configurationUpdatedAfter, mac, macs, name, networkIds, portProfileIds, serial, serials | `` | byStatus, counts, id, items, mac, meta, model, name, network, online, portId, ports, remaining, serial, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/mirrors/bySwitch list the port mirror configurations in an organization by switch (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchPortsMirrorsBySwitch | organizationId, networkIds, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | comment, counts, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, id, items, meta, mirror, module, name, network, number, port, ports, role, serial, slot, source, tags, total, type, vlan, vlans, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/overview Returns the counts of all active ports for the requested timespan, grouped by speed > getOrganizationSwitchPortsOverview | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan | `` | 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 20000, 2500, 25000, 40000, 5000, 50000, active, byMedia, byMediaAndLinkSpeed, byStatus, counts, inactive, rj45, sfp, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles List the port profiles in an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchPortsProfiles | organizationId, networkIds, formattedStaticAssignments, searchQuery, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | access, assigned, automations, counts, createdAt, description, excluded, id, included, isOrganizationWide, name, network, networks, networksCount, ports, profileId, switches, type, updatedAt, values |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles Create a port profile in an organization (BETA) > createOrganizationSwitchPortsProfile | organizationId | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, description, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, macAllowList, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, rstpEnabled, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, values, vlan, voiceVlan | access, accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, assignedSwitchports, associatedPorts, associatedSwitches, automations, createdAt, daiTrusted, description, enabled, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, mac, macAllowList, model, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, portId, portIds, portName, portNum, profile, profileId, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, switch, switchId, tags, template, type, udld, updatedAt, values, vlan, voiceVlan |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/automations list the automation port profiles in an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchPortsProfilesAutomations | organizationId, ids, networkIds, isOrganizationWide, searchQuery, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | assigned, assignedSwitchPorts, attribute, conditions, counts, description, devices, fallbackProfile, id, isOrganizationWide, items, meta, name, networks, portIds, ports, priority, profile, rules, serial, switch, total, types, values |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/automations Create a port profile automation for an organization (BETA) > createOrganizationSwitchPortsProfilesAutomation | organizationId | assignedSwitchPorts, attribute, conditions, description, fallbackProfile, id, name, portIds, priority, profile, rules, serial, switch, values | assigned, assignedSwitchPorts, attribute, conditions, counts, description, devices, fallbackProfile, id, isOrganizationWide, name, networks, portIds, ports, priority, profile, rules, serial, switch, types, values |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/automations/{id} Update a port profile automation in an organization (BETA) > updateOrganizationSwitchPortsProfilesAutomation | organizationId, id | assignedSwitchPorts, attribute, conditions, description, fallbackProfile, id, name, portIds, priority, profile, rules, serial, switch, values | assigned, assignedSwitchPorts, attribute, conditions, counts, description, devices, fallbackProfile, id, isOrganizationWide, name, networks, portIds, ports, priority, profile, rules, serial, switch, types, values |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/automations/{id} Delete an automation port profile from an organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSwitchPortsProfilesAutomation | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/{id} Get detailed information about a port profile (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchPortsProfile | organizationId, id | `` | access, accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, assignedSwitchports, associatedPorts, associatedSwitches, automations, createdAt, daiTrusted, description, enabled, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, mac, macAllowList, model, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, portId, portIds, portName, portNum, profile, profileId, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, switch, switchId, tags, template, type, udld, updatedAt, values, vlan, voiceVlan |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/{id} Update a port profile in an organization (BETA) > updateOrganizationSwitchPortsProfile | organizationId, id | accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, daiTrusted, description, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, macAllowList, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, rstpEnabled, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, tags, type, udld, values, vlan, voiceVlan | access, accessPolicyNumber, accessPolicyType, adaptivePolicyGroupId, allowedVlans, assignedSwitchports, associatedPorts, associatedSwitches, automations, createdAt, daiTrusted, description, enabled, id, isOrganizationWide, isolationEnabled, mac, macAllowList, model, name, networkId, networks, peerSgtCapable, poeEnabled, port, portId, portIds, portName, portNum, profile, profileId, rstpEnabled, serial, stickyMacAllowList, stickyMacAllowListLimit, stormControlEnabled, stpGuard, switch, switchId, tags, template, type, udld, updatedAt, values, vlan, voiceVlan |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/profiles/{id} Delete a port profile from an organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationSwitchPortsProfile | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/statuses/bySwitch List the switchports in an organization > getOrganizationSwitchPortsStatusesBySwitch | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, configurationUpdatedAfter, mac, macs, name, networkIds, portProfileIds, serial, serials | `` | active, authenticationStatus, counts, duplex, enabled, errors, id, isAllocated, isUplink, items, mac, meta, model, name, network, poe, portId, ports, remaining, securePort, serial, spanningTree, speed, status, statuses, total, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/topology/discovery/byDevice List most recently seen LLDP/CDP discovery and topology information per switch port in an organization. > getOrganizationSwitchPortsTopologyDiscoveryByDevice | organizationId, t0, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, configurationUpdatedAfter, mac, macs, name, networkIds, portProfileIds, serial, serials | `` | cdp, counts, id, items, lastUpdatedAt, lldp, mac, meta, model, name, network, portId, ports, remaining, serial, total, value |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/transceivers/readings/history/bySwitch Return time-series digital optical monitoring (DOM) readings for ports on each DOM-enabled switch in an organization, in addition to thresholds for each relevant Small Form Factor Pluggable (SFP) module. (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchPortsTransceiversReadingsHistoryBySwitch | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, interval, networkIds, serials, portIds | `` | byMetric, celsius, counts, draw, endTs, error, fahrenheit, id, items, laserBiasCurrent, level, lower, maximum, median, meta, minimum, name, network, portId, ports, power, readings, receive, remaining, serial, sfpProductId, startTs, supplyVoltage, symbol, temperature, thresholdSetId, thresholds, total, transmit, units, upper, warning |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/usage/byDevice/byInterval List the historical usage and traffic data of switchports in an organization. (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchPortsUsageByDeviceByInterval | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, interval, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, configurationUpdatedAfter, mac, macs, name, networkIds, portProfileIds, serial, serials | `` | bandwidth, counts, data, downstream, endTs, energy, history, id, items, mac, meta, model, name, network, portId, ports, remaining, serial, startTs, total, upstream, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/switch/stacks/ports/mirrors/byStack List the port mirror configurations in an organization by switch (BETA) > getOrganizationSwitchStacksPortsMirrorsByStack | organizationId, ids, networkIds, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | comment, counts, destination, filter, hasTransitVlan, id, items, meta, mirror, module, name, network, number, port, ports, role, serial, slot, source, switchStackId, tags, total, type, vlan, vlans, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/uplinks/statuses List the uplink status of every Meraki MX, MG and Z series devices in the organization > getOrganizationUplinksStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials, iccids | `` | apn, connectionType, dns1, dns2, enabled, gateway, highAvailability, iccid, interface, ip, ipAssignedBy, lastReportedAt, model, networkId, primaryDns, provider, publicIp, role, rsrp, rsrq, secondaryDns, serial, signalStat, signalType, status, uplinks |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/alertTypes Return a list of alert types to be used with managing webhook alerts > getOrganizationWebhooksAlertTypes | organizationId, productType | `` | alertData, alertId, alertLevel, alertType, alertTypeId, deviceMac, deviceModel, deviceName, deviceSerial, deviceTags, deviceUrl, encryptedId, enrollmentString, example, networkId, networkName, networkUrl, notes, occurredAt, organizationId, organizationName, organizationUrl, productTypes, sentAt, sharedSecret, version |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/callbacks/statuses/{callbackId} Return the status of an API callback > getOrganizationWebhooksCallbacksStatus | organizationId, callbackId | `` | adminId, callbackId, createdBy, errors, httpServer, id, payloadTemplate, sentAt, status, url, webhook |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/httpServers List the HTTP servers for this organization (BETA) > getOrganizationWebhooksHttpServers | organizationId | `` | id, name, organizationId, payloadTemplate, url |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/httpServers Add an HTTP server to an organization (BETA) > createOrganizationWebhooksHttpServer | organizationId | id, name, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | id, name, organizationId, payloadTemplate, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/httpServers/{id} Return an HTTP server for an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationWebhooksHttpServer | organizationId, id | `` | id, name, organizationId, payloadTemplate, url |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/httpServers/{id} Update an HTTP server for an organization (BETA) > updateOrganizationWebhooksHttpServer | organizationId, id | id, name, payloadTemplate, sharedSecret, url | id, name, organizationId, payloadTemplate, url |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/httpServers/{id} Delete an HTTP server from an organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationWebhooksHttpServer | organizationId, id | `` | `` |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/logs Return the log of webhook POSTs sent > getOrganizationWebhooksLogs | organizationId, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, url | `` | alertType, loggedAt, networkId, organizationId, responseCode, responseDuration, sentAt, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates List the webhook payload templates for an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationWebhooksPayloadTemplates | organizationId | `` | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, ids, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type, withAll |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates Create a webhook payload template for an organization (BETA) > createOrganizationWebhooksPayloadTemplate | organizationId | adminsCanModify, body, bodyFile, byNetwork, headers, headersFile, ids, name, sharing, template, withAll | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, ids, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type, withAll |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates/{payloadTemplateId} Get the webhook payload template for an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationWebhooksPayloadTemplate | organizationId, payloadTemplateId | `` | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, ids, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type, withAll |
DELETE /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates/{payloadTemplateId} Destroy a webhook payload template for an organization (BETA) > deleteOrganizationWebhooksPayloadTemplate | organizationId, payloadTemplateId | `` | `` |
PUT /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/payloadTemplates/{payloadTemplateId} Update a webhook payload template for an organization (BETA) > updateOrganizationWebhooksPayloadTemplate | organizationId, payloadTemplateId | adminsCanModify, body, bodyFile, byNetwork, headers, headersFile, ids, name, sharing, template, withAll | adminsCanModify, body, byNetwork, headers, ids, name, payloadTemplateId, sharing, template, type, withAll |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/webhookTests Send a test webhook for an organization (BETA) > createOrganizationWebhooksWebhookTest | organizationId | alertTypeId, payloadTemplateId, payloadTemplateName, sharedSecret, url | id, status, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/webhookTests/{webhookTestId} Return the status of a webhook test for an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationWebhooksWebhookTest | organizationId, webhookTestId | `` | id, status, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/airMarshal/rules Returns the current Air Marshal rules for this organization > getOrganizationWirelessAirMarshalRules | organizationId, networkIds, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, createdAt, id, items, match, meta, name, network, ruleId, string, total, type, updatedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/airMarshal/settings/byNetwork Returns the current Air Marshal settings for this network > getOrganizationWirelessAirMarshalSettingsByNetwork | organizationId, networkIds, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, defaultPolicy, items, meta, networkId, remaining, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/clients/overview/byDevice List access point client count at the moment in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessClientsOverviewByDevice | organizationId, networkIds, serials, campusGatewayClusterIds, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | byStatus, counts, id, items, meta, network, online, remaining, serial, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/channelUtilization/byDevice Get average channel utilization for all bands in a network, split by AP > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesChannelUtilizationByDevice | organizationId, networkIds, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, interval | `` | band, byBand, id, mac, network, nonWifi, percentage, serial, total, wifi |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/channelUtilization/byNetwork Get average channel utilization across all bands for all networks in the organization > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesChannelUtilizationByNetwork | organizationId, networkIds, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, interval | `` | band, byBand, id, network, nonWifi, percentage, total, wifi |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/channelUtilization/history/byDevice/byInterval Get a time-series of average channel utilization for all bands, segmented by device. > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesChannelUtilizationHistoryByDeviceByInterval | organizationId, networkIds, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, interval | `` | band, byBand, endTs, id, mac, network, nonWifi, percentage, serial, startTs, total, wifi |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/channelUtilization/history/byNetwork/byInterval Get a time-series of average channel utilization for all bands > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesChannelUtilizationHistoryByNetworkByInterval | organizationId, networkIds, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan, interval | `` | band, byBand, endTs, id, network, nonWifi, percentage, startTs, total, wifi |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/ethernet/statuses List the most recent Ethernet link speed, duplex, aggregation and power mode and status information for wireless devices. > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesEthernetStatuses | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds | `` | ac, aggregation, duplex, enabled, id, isConnected, linkNegotiation, mode, name, network, poe, ports, power, serial, speed, standard |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/packetLoss/byClient Get average packet loss for the given timespan for all clients in the organization. > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesPacketLossByClient | organizationId, networkIds, ssids, bands, macs, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan | `` | client, downstream, id, lossPercentage, lost, mac, name, network, total, upstream |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/packetLoss/byDevice Get average packet loss for the given timespan for all devices in the organization > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesPacketLossByDevice | organizationId, networkIds, serials, ssids, bands, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan | `` | device, downstream, id, lossPercentage, lost, mac, name, network, serial, total, upstream |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/packetLoss/byNetwork Get average packet loss for the given timespan for all networks in the organization. > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesPacketLossByNetwork | organizationId, networkIds, serials, ssids, bands, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, t0, t1, timespan | `` | downstream, id, lossPercentage, lost, name, network, total, upstream |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/devices/wirelessControllers/byDevice List of Catalyst access points information > getOrganizationWirelessDevicesWirelessControllersByDevice | organizationId, networkIds, serials, controllerSerials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | controller, countryCode, counts, details, id, items, joinedAt, meta, mode, model, name, network, policy, remaining, rf, serial, site, tags, total, value |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/opportunisticPcap/byNetwork List the Opportunistic Pcap settings of an organization by network (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessOpportunisticPcapByNetwork | organizationId, networkIds | `` | enablement, name, networkId, networkWide, serials, tags |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/opportunisticPcap/license/byNetwork Check the Opportunistic Pcap license status of an organization by network (BETA) > byOrganizationWirelessOpportunisticPcapLicenseNetwork | organizationId, networkIds | `` | licensed, name, networkId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/radio/afc/position/byDevice List the AFC power limits of an organization by device (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessRadioAfcPositionByDevice | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials | `` | antenna, cableLength, elevation, gps, height, id, name, network, serial, uncertainty |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/radio/afc/powerLimits/byDevice List the AFC power limits of an organization by device (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessRadioAfcPowerLimitsByDevice | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, serials | `` | byChannel, channel, channelWidth, expiresAt, id, lastSuccessAt, lastUpdatedAt, lat, limit, lng, location, name, network, serial, status, type, uncertainty |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/radio/aiRrm/license/byNetwork Check the AI-RRM license status of an organization by network (BETA) > byOrganizationWirelessRadioAiRrmLicenseNetwork | organizationId, networkIds | `` | licensed, name, networkId |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/radio/autoRf/byNetwork List the AutoRF settings of an organization by network (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessRadioAutoRfByNetwork | organizationId, networkIds | `` | aiRrm, automatic, avoidance, busyHour, channel, enabled, end, fra, manual, minimizeChanges, mode, name, networkId, schedule, start, timeZone |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/radio/autoRf/channels/planning/activities List the channel planning activities of an organization (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessRadioAutoRfChannelsPlanningActivities | organizationId, networkIds, deviceSerials, bands, channels, serials, gFloorplanId, tags, models, rfProfiles, minimumRfHealthScore, maximumRfHealthScore | `` | band, channel, device, endsAt, id, mac, name, network, reason, serial, severity, startedAt, tags, type |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/radio/autoRf/channels/recalculate Recalculates automatically assigned channels for every AP within specified the specified network(s) > recalculateOrganizationWirelessRadioAutoRfChannels | organizationId | networkIds | estimatedCompletedAt |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/rfProfiles/assignments/byDevice List the RF profiles of an organization by device > getOrganizationWirelessRfProfilesAssignmentsByDevice | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, productTypes, name, mac, serial, model, macs, serials, models | `` | counts, id, isIndoorDefault, isOutdoorDefault, items, meta, model, name, network, remaining, rfProfile, serial, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/ssids/statuses/byDevice List status information of all BSSIDs in your organization > getOrganizationWirelessSsidsStatusesByDevice | organizationId, networkIds, serials, bssids, hideDisabled, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | advertised, band, basicServiceSets, bssid, channel, channelWidth, counts, enabled, id, index, isBroadcasting, items, meta, name, network, number, power, radio, remaining, serial, ssid, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/zigbee/byNetwork Return list of Zigbee configs (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessZigbeeByNetwork | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds | `` | address, channel, defaults, enabled, id, iotController, lockManagement, mac, name, network, serial, status, transmitPowerLevel, username |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/zigbee/devices List the Zigbee MR Nodes for and organization or the supplied network(s) (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessZigbeeDevices | organizationId, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, networkIds, isEnrolled, search | `` | byStatus, channel, counts, doorLocks, dormant, enrolled, gateway, id, mac, name, network, offline, online, panId, serial, status, tags, transmitPowerLevel |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/zigbee/disenrollments Enqueue a job to start disenrolling doorlocks on zigbee configured MRs (BETA) > createOrganizationWirelessZigbeeDisenrollment | organizationId | doorLockIds | disenrollmentId, doorLockIds, request, status, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/zigbee/disenrollments/{id} Return a disenrollment job (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessZigbeeDisenrollment | organizationId, id | `` | disenrollmentId, doorLockId, doorLockIds, doorLocks, request, status, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/zigbee/doorLocks Return the list of doorlocks for a network (BETA) > getOrganizationWirelessZigbeeDoorLocks | organizationId, networkIds, serial, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | doorLockId, enrolledAt, eui64, gateway, id, lastSeenAt, lqi, name, network, rssi, serial, shortId, status |
POST /organizations/{organizationId}/wireless/zigbee/doorLocks/bulkUpdate Endpoint to bulk update door locks params (BETA) > createOrganizationWirelessZigbeeDoorLocksBulkUpdate | organizationId | doorLocks, id, name | doorLockId, enrolledAt, eui64, gateway, id, lastSeenAt, lqi, name, network, rssi, serial, shortId, status |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/availabilities/changeHistory List connectivity data of wireless LAN controllers in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerAvailabilitiesChangeHistory | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | changes, counts, endTs, items, meta, remaining, serial, startTs, status, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/clients/overview/history/byDevice/byInterval List wireless client counts of wireless LAN controllers over time in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerClientsOverviewHistoryByDeviceByInterval | organizationId, networkIds, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore, resolution | `` | byStatus, counts, endTs, id, items, meta, network, online, readings, remaining, serial, startTs, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/connections List all access points associated with wireless LAN controllers in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerConnections | organizationId, networkIds, controllerSerials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | controller, counts, id, items, meta, name, network, remaining, serial, total, url |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/l2/byDevice List wireless LAN controller layer 2 interfaces in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesL2ByDevice | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | channelGroup, counts, description, enabled, interfaces, isRedundancyPort, isUplink, items, linkNegotiation, mac, meta, model, module, name, number, remaining, serial, speed, status, total, vlan |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/l2/statuses/changeHistory/byDevice List wireless LAN controller layer 2 interfaces history status in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesL2StatusesChangeHistoryByDevice | organizationId, serials, includeInterfacesWithoutChanges, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | changes, counts, errors, interfaces, items, mac, meta, name, remaining, serial, status, total, ts, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/l2/usage/history/byInterval List wireless LAN controller layer 2 interfaces history usage in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesL2UsageHistoryByInterval | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, items, mac, meta, name, readings, recv, remaining, send, serial, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/l3/byDevice List wireless LAN controller layer 3 interfaces in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesL3ByDevice | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | address, addresses, channelGroup, counts, description, interfaces, isUplink, items, linkNegotiation, mac, meta, model, module, name, number, protocol, remaining, serial, speed, status, subnet, total, vlan, vrf |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/l3/statuses/changeHistory/byDevice List wireless LAN controller layer 3 interfaces history status in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesL3StatusesChangeHistoryByDevice | organizationId, serials, includeInterfacesWithoutChanges, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | changes, counts, errors, interfaces, items, mac, meta, name, remaining, serial, status, total, ts, warnings |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/l3/usage/history/byInterval List wireless LAN controller layer 3 interfaces history usage in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesL3UsageHistoryByInterval | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, items, mac, meta, name, readings, recv, remaining, send, serial, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/packets/overview/byDevice Retrieve the packet counters for the interfaces of a Wireless LAN controller > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesPacketsOverviewByDevice | organizationId, serials, names, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, interfaces, items, meta, name, rate, readings, recv, remaining, send, serial, total |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/interfaces/usage/history/byInterval Retrieve the traffic for the interfaces of a Wireless LAN controller > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesInterfacesUsageHistoryByInterval | organizationId, serials, names, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | byInterface, counts, endTs, intervals, items, meta, name, overall, recv, remaining, send, serial, startTs, total, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/redundancy/failover/history List the failover events of wireless LAN controllers in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesRedundancyFailoverHistory | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | active, chassis, counts, failed, items, meta, name, reason, remaining, serial, total, ts |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/redundancy/statuses List redundancy details of wireless LAN controllers in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesRedundancyStatuses | organizationId, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | counts, enabled, failover, items, last, meta, mobilityMac, mode, reason, remaining, serial, total, ts |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/devices/system/utilization/history/byInterval List cpu utilization data of wireless LAN controllers in an organization > getOrganizationWirelessControllerDevicesSystemUtilizationHistoryByInterval | organizationId, serials, t0, t1, timespan, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | average, byCore, counts, endTs, intervals, items, meta, name, overall, percentage, remaining, serial, startTs, total, usage |
GET /organizations/{organizationId}/wirelessController/overview/byDevice List the overview information of wireless LAN controllers in an organization and it is updated every minute. > getOrganizationWirelessControllerOverviewByDevice | organizationId, networkIds, serials, perPage, startingAfter, endingBefore | `` | address, addresses, byStatus, chassisName, clients, connections, counts, firmware, id, items, management, meta, network, offline, online, redundancy, remaining, role, serial, shortName, total, version |
API v1.53.0-beta.0