Getting Started


In this guide, we'll:

  1. Find out which organizations we can access using our auth token
  2. Retrieve the list of networks in one of those organizations
  3. Retrieve the list of devices in one of those organizations
  4. Find the uplink addresses for one or two Meraki devices in that organization using query parameters


Postman Collection

If you prefer to use a graphical desktop utility, you can use Postman and our Postman collection to explore and interact with the Meraki API.

Python library

If using Python, we recommend using the Meraki Python library. Install it via pip install meraki.

Base URI

In most parts of the world, every API request will begin with the following base URI:

For organizations hosted in the following country dashboard, please specify the respective base URI instead:

Country URI
United States FedRAMP

Read more about the path schema here.


The Meraki Dashboard API requires a bearer token to provide authorization for each request. Read more about API auth here.

 "Authorization": "Bearer <Meraki_API_Key>"
curl \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {MERAKI-API-KEY}'
import meraki
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY)

Find your organization ID

To begin navigating the API, you will first need to know your organization ID. This will be required for operations needing an organizationId parameter.

NB: some response attributes irrelevant to this guide may be ommitted from the examples for brevity.

List the organizations that the user has privileges on


GET /organizations

curl \
  -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer {MERAKI-API-KEY}'
import meraki
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY)
response = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizations()


Successful HTTP Status: 200
    "id": "549236",
    "name":"DevNet Sandbox"
>>> print(response)
[{'id': '549236', 'name': 'DevNet Sandbox'}]

Find your network ID

Now that you have an organization ID, list the networks of the organization.

List the networks in an organization documentation


GET /organizations/:organizationId/networks

curl{organizationId}/networks \
  -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer {MERAKI-API-KEY}'
import meraki
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY)
response = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationNetworks(org_id)


Successful HTTP Status: 200
    "type": "wireless",
    "name":"My network",
    "timeZone": "US/Pacific",
    "tags": null
>>> print(response)
[{'id': 'L_646829496481105433', 'organizationId': '549236', 'name': 'DevNet Sandbox Always on READ ONLY', 'timeZone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'tags': None, 'productTypes': ['appliance', 'switch', 'wireless'], 'type': 'combined', 'disableMyMerakiCom': False, 'disableRemoteStatusPage': True}]

Note the id for future operations that require a networkId.

Find your devices and their serials

Use the id from the ~/networks response as the :networkId in the following request.

List the devices in an organization


GET /organizations/:organizationId/devices

curl{organizationId}/devices \
  -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer {MERAKI-API-KEY}'
import meraki
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY)
response = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationDevices({organizationId})


Successful HTTP Status: 200
        "name": "My AP",
        "lat": 37.4180951010362,
        "lng": -122.098531723022,
        "address": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave",
        "notes": "My AP note",
        "tags": [ "recently-added" ],
        "networkId": "N_24329156",
        "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678",
        "model": "MR34",
        "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
        "lanIp": "",
        "firmware": "wireless-25-14",
        "productType": "wireless"
>>> print(response)
[{ 'name': 'My AP', 'lat': 37.4180951010362, 'lng': -122.098531723022, 'address': '1600 Pennsylvania Ave', 'notes': 'My AP note', 'tags': [ 'recently-added' ], 'networkId': 'N_24329156', 'serial': 'Q234-ABCD-5678', 'model': 'MR34', 'mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'lanIp': '', 'firmware': 'wireless-25-14', 'productType': 'wireless'}]

Note the serial for use in requests allowing a serial as path or query parameter. If you have two devices in your organization, note two of them.

Depending on configuration, some Meraki devices support multiple uplink addresses. To find them, you can use this operation to return the uplinks addresses for all devices in an organization, but for this example, we'll filter it to one or two specific devices using the serials[] query parameter.

List the current uplink addresses for devices in an organization documentation

Request for one device

GET /organizations/:organizationId/devices/uplinks/addresses/byDevice?serials[]={serial}

curl[]={serial} \
  -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer {MERAKI-API-KEY}'
import meraki
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY)
response = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationDevicesUplinksAddressesByDevice({organizationId}, serials=["{serial}"])

Response for one device

Successful HTTP Status: 200
  "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55",
  "name": "My Switch 1",
  "network": {
   "id": "L_24329156"
  "productType": "switch",
  "serial": "{serial}",
  "tags": [
  "uplinks": [
    "interface": "man1",
    "addresses": [
      "protocol": "ipv4",
      "address": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "assignmentMode": "dynamic",
      "nameservers": {
       "addresses": [
      "public": {
       "address": ""
      "protocol": "ipv6",
      "address": "2600:1700:ae0::c8ff:fe1e:12d2",
      "gateway": "fe80::fe1b:202a",
      "assignmentMode": "dynamic",
      "nameservers": {
       "addresses": [
      "public": {
       "address": None
[{'mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'name': 'My Switch 1', 'network': {'id': 'L_24329156'}, 'productType': 'switch', 'serial': '{serial}', 'tags': ['example', 'switch'], 'uplinks': [{'interface': 'man1', 'addresses': [{'protocol': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'assignmentMode': 'dynamic', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['', '']}, 'public': {'address': ''}}, {'protocol': 'ipv6', 'address': '2600:1700:ae0::c8ff:fe1e:12d2', 'gateway': 'fe80::fe1b:202a', 'assignmentMode': 'dynamic', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['::', '::']}, 'public': {'address': None}}]}]}]

Request for two devices

GET /organizations/:organizationId/devices/uplinks/addresses/byDevice?serials[]={serial1}&serials[]={serial1}&serials[]={serial2}

curl[]={serial1}&serials[]={serial2} \
  -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer {MERAKI-API-KEY}'
import meraki
dashboard = meraki.DashboardAPI(API_KEY)
response = dashboard.organizations.getOrganizationDevicesUplinksAddressesByDevice({organizationId}, serials=["{serial1}", "{serial2}"])

Response for two devices

>>> print(response)
[{'mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'name': 'My Switch 1', 'network': {'id': 'L_24329156'}, 'productType': 'switch', 'serial': '{serial1}', 'tags': ['example', 'switch'], 'uplinks': [{'interface': 'man1', 'addresses': [{'protocol': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'assignmentMode': 'dynamic', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['', '']}, 'public': {'address': ''}}, {'protocol': 'ipv6', 'address': '2600:1700:ae0::c8ff:fe1e:12d2', 'gateway': 'fe80::fe1b:202a', 'assignmentMode': 'dynamic', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['::', '::']}, 'public': {'address': None}}]}]}, {'mac': '00:11:22:33:44:55', 'name': 'My Switch 2', 'network': {'id': 'L_24329156'}, 'productType': 'switch', 'serial': '{serial2}', 'tags': ['example', 'switch'], 'uplinks': [{'interface': 'man1', 'addresses': [{'protocol': 'ipv4', 'address': '', 'gateway': '', 'assignmentMode': 'dynamic', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['', '']}, 'public': {'address': ''}}, {'protocol': 'ipv6', 'address': '2600:1700:ae0:f84c::9c2f', 'gateway': 'fe80::aa46::202a', 'assignmentMode': 'dynamic', 'nameservers': {'addresses': ['::', '::']}, 'public': {'address': None}}]}]}]