Cisco Observability Platform
- Cisco Observability Platform
- Guides
- Access Management
- Knowledge Store
- Introduction
- Define a Knowledge Type
- Define a Knowledge Object
- Use References in Knowledge Types and Objects
- Manage Secrets in the Knowledge Store
- Create a Knowledge Object
- List all Knowledge Objects of a Given Type
- Fetch a Knowledge Object by ID
- Update a Knowledge Object
- Delete a Knowledge Object
- Create a Patch
- Solutions
- Introduction
- Create a Solution
- Add a Knowledge Type to a Solution
- Add a Knowledge Object to a Solution
- Tag a Solution
- Validate a Solution
- Fork a Solution
- Deploy a Solution to Your Tenant
- Subscribe to a Solution
- Check the Solution Upload and Subscription Status
- Update the Manifest File of a Solution
- Deploy a Solution to the Cisco Observability Platform Exchange
- Bump the Solution Version
- List the Available Solutions
- List All Files in a Solution
- Delete the Knowledge Types and Objects of a Solution
- Delete a Solution
- Check the Solution Deletion Status
- Troubleshoot Solutions
- Data Modeling
- Solution Services
- Data Ingestion
- Data Queries
- Codex
- Health Rules
- Actions
- UI Enhancements
- Example Solutions
- Reference
- Cisco Observability Platform CLI
- Cisco Observability Platform REST APIs
- Alphabetical Reference
- Introduction
- actions:httpactiontemplate
- codex:workflow
- dashui:entityPage
- dashui:entityPagePropSet
- dashui:entityPresentation
- dashui:form
- dashui:navPresentation
- dashui:settingsConfig
- dashui:template
- dashui:templatePropsExtension
- fmm:adConfigOobTemplate
- fmm:associationDeclaration
- fmm:associationDerivation
- fmm:attributePromotion
- fmm:enrichment
- fmm:entity
- fmm:entityGrouping
- fmm:entityPriority
- fmm:extension
- fmm:event
- fmm:extensionDerivation
- fmm:metric
- fmm:metricAggregation
- fmm:metricAttributeMapping
- fmm:metricDerivation
- fmm:metricMapping
- fmm:namespace
- fmm:resourceMapping
- fmm:sourceMapping
- fmm:tagPropagation
- healthrule:healthRuleScopeOverrides
- healthrule:healthRuleTemplate
- iam:Permission
- iam:Role
- iam:RoleToPermissionMapping
- iam:SolutionPermissions
- logs:dataMaskingExpression
- logs:dataMaskingRule
- logs:dataMaskingRuleV1
- logs:logParsingRule
- solutionsecret:solutionSecret
- zodiac:egressHosts
- zodiac:function
- zodiac:secret
- zodiac:solutionCron
- zodiac:subscriptionCronConfig
- Community and Support