Changing Licensed Product Selection

When you license CML, you select a product configuration. The product configuration corresponds to the CML product offering that you purchased, such as CML-Personal, CML-Enterprise, or CML-Education. If you selected the wrong product configuration, or if you later decide to switch an existing CML server to a different product offering, you must first change the product configuration on the Tools ‣ Licensing page.


The product configuration cannot be changed while your CML instance is registered with the CSSM (Cisco Smart Software Manager) back end. First, deregister your CML instance by following the Licensing - Deregistration instructions.

Once the Tools ‣ Licensing page indicates a Registration Status of Unregistered, and the Licensing page changes to show a message box about registering your CML instance, you may proceed to the next step.

Either click the Product Configuration field’s View/Edit link, or click the choose the Product Configuration link in the registration message box at the top of the page.

The Choose Product Configuration dialog opens.

In the dialog, select the correct product configuration for the product that you purchased, and click the Save button.

The Choose Product Configuration dialog closes.

The Licensing page shows the newly-selected Product Configuration, and the Registration Status is still Unregistered.

Once you have changed the product configuration, you should complete the Licensing steps to select license counts and license your CML server.