
The Panes pane allows you to open multiple tabs, each hosting a console, VNC or PCAP session. One or more panes can host these tabs, so you can have an open console session in one pane, for instance, and a packet capture session running in another.

The default is one pane, but you can open others by clicking the plus icon. If you have more than one pane, you will see the active pane highlighted with a blue square, which indicates it will be the target for any new sessions you open. You can change this by clicking in a different pane, which sets it as the new target.

To open a tab, simply right-click a running link or node and open the corresponding session for VNC, Console, or PCAP. As an added convenience, you also have the option to select multiple nodes and simultaneously launch multiple sessions, streamlining your workflow.

Once you have a tab open, you can easily reposition it by dragging it from one pane to another. This drag-and-drop functionality provides a straightforward way to organize your workspace according to your preferences or needs.

The panes and their respective tabs are designed to retain their state on a per- browser and per- lab basis. This means your arrangement of panes and tabs, as well as the content within them, will remain as you set them, even if you navigate away or close your browser, providing a persistent working environment.

Each pane tab is equipped with a context menu, which you can access by right-clicking the tab. This context menu contains options and actions that pertain specifically to the type of tab, giving you a set of relevant controls right at your fingertips.

To make your workspace even more customizable, tabs can be renamed to reflect their content or purpose. You can do this by either double-clicking the tab, which will allow you to edit the name directly, or by right-clicking the tab and choosing the Rename option from the context menu.

The carrot down icon associated with each pane serves as a gateway to a menu. This menu contains a searchable list of all currently open sessions, making it easy for you to navigate directly to the session you need.

To help you track the relationship between your tabs and their associated elements, you can select a tab, which will highlight the corresponding node or link on the canvas. This means you can instantly see which parts of your lab you are currently interacting with via your session.

If you temporarily need more canvas space, you can hide and show the Panes panel by clicking the Panes toolbar option.