Installing the Breakout Tool


Log into the CML server UI.

Click the Tools button and choose Tools ‣ Breakout Tool.

The CML Breakout page will open in a new window. The page includes instructions for using the Breakout Tool.

Click Download in the navigation bar on the left side of the page. There is a list of links to breakout executable binaries for a variety of platforms.

Click on the appropriate breakout executable file for your local computer’s operating system to download the file.

Save the breakout binary to its own folder. The Breakout Tool will generate configuration and labs files to this folder.

(macOS and Linux) Open a terminal application.

On macOS and Linux operating systems, you must make the binary executable before you can run it.

(macOS and Linux) Change directory to the Breakout Tool’s location:

cd /path/to/breakout_tool

(macOS and Linux) Change permissions to set the execution bit: chmod u+x breakout-platform-x86_amd64

You have downloaded and installed the Breakout Tool and are ready to run it on your local machine.

You must configure the Breakout Tool before you can start using it with your labs.