CML Notices

CML allows administrators to inform other users about important upcoming or ongoing events. Notices are shown on the top of CML page for every related user separately until acknowledged by a user (except Maintenance Banner - see below).

A notice will not be shown to any user after creation unless you click Enabled to enable it. While a notice is not Enabled, the administrator can edit the notice with no effect on other users. The administrator can also edit a notice while it is Enabled but after doing so the notice will be re-enabled for all users, including users who have already acknowledged it.

The administrator can assign a notice to a specific Group(s) of users. Only users in the chosen groups will see the notice and be able to acknowledge it. If no group is selected the notice will be shown to all users.

Both Label and Content are visible when the notice is enabled. Write a short headline in the Label field and details in the Content field. Set the importance in the Level field and the notice color will be set according to your choice.

Once the user acknowledges a notice, it will not appear again. Users can see their Acknowledgments on the Settings page` (see Notice Management). If the administrator disables and enables the notice, all Acknowledgments will be reset.

Notice creation

An administrator can create or edit a notice following the steps bellow. After following the first 3 steps, the administrator can manage all notices and check which users already acknowledged assigned notices.


Log into the CML UI as a user with administrator privileges.

Click the Tools ‣ System Administration menu item.

On the System Administration page, click Notices.

On the Notices page, click Add / Edit on the required notice.

Enter values for notice. Label and Level are required.

Click Save to save your changes.

Maintenance Banner

There is a special case when a notice can be used with the Maintenance Mode. The Maintenance Mode Banner cannot be disabled and is displayed to all users even on the Log-in page. Also, when the Maintenance Mode is enabled, all notices are hidden even though they are enabled. When the Maintenance Mode is disabled, all enabled notices will be displayed again.

By default, when the Maintenance Mode is enabled, no notice is assigned to it, and the default message is displayed to all users in the Maintenance Mode Banner. If you want to display a different message during maintenance, create a notice and assign it to the Maintenance Mode. The label and content of the notice will be displayed instead of the default message (see CML System Maintenance).

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