Cloning an Annotation

Open the lab that you want to edit in the Workbench by clicking its tile on the Dashboard page.

Instead of creating a new annotation from scratch, you can create a new annotation by cloning an existing annotation to make a new copy of the annotation in your lab.


With the select tool active in the Workbench, click the annotation that you want to clone.

The canvas highlights the annotation as the currently selected element, and the Workbench’s side panel shows the annotation’s properties.

Click the Clone button in the side panel.

CML clones the annotation and adds it to the lab. The new copy of the annotation is now selected.

Move the new copy of the annotation to its new location in the lab.

If you were in the process of editing the annotation before you clicked the Clone button, the last changes to the annotation may not have been completed on the CML server before you cloned it. Therefore, the new copy of the annotation may still have some of the old properties. To ensure that you clone all of an annotation’s properties after you finish updating them, simply select another element in the Workbench. Then select the original annotation again and click Clone.

The new annotation is now part of the lab. To modify your new annotation’s appearance, see Editing an Annotation.