Configuring PIM Sparse Mode Parameters

Cisco NX-OS supports multicasting with Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) sparse mode. PIM is IP routing protocol independent and can leverage whichever unicast routing protocols are used to populate the unicast routing table. In PIM sparse mode, multicast traffic is sent only to locations of the network that specifically request it. PIM dense mode is not supported by Cisco NX-OS.

To access multicast commands, you must enable the PIM feature. Multicast is enabled only after you enable PIM on an interface of each router in a domain. You can configure PIM for an IPv4 network. By default, IGMP is running on the system.

PIM, which is used between multicast-capable routers, advertises group membership across a routing domain by constructing multicast distribution trees. PIM builds shared distribution trees, on which packets from multiple sources are forwarded, as well as source distribution trees, on which packets from a single source are forwarded.

The distribution trees change automatically to reflect the topology changes due to link or router failures. PIM dynamically tracks both multicast-capable sources and receivers, although the source state is not created in Bidir mode.

The router uses the unicast routing table and RPF routes for multicast to create multicast routing information. In Bidir mode, additional multicast routing information is created.

This section contains payload examples and CLIs to demonstrate how to use the NX-API REST API to configure PIM sparse mode on Cisco Nexus 3000 and 9000 Series switches and to show how the REST APIs correspond to the CLI commands.

For more information about configuring PIM sparse mode, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Multicast Routing Configuration Guide, Release 7.x.

Configuring PIM Sparse Mode Parameters
POST http://<IP_Address>/api/node/mo/sys/pim.json
  "pimInst": {
    "children": [
"pimDom": {
  "attributes": {
    "name": "default"
"children": [
"pimASMPatP": {
  "children": [
"pimSharedRangeP": {
  "attributes": {
    "pfxList": "",
    "rtMap": "my_route_map3",
    "useSPTCommand": "yes"
"pimRegTrP": {
  "attributes": {
    "maxRate": "1000"
"pimAutoRPP": {
  "attributes": {
    "ctrl": "forward,listen"
"pimIf": {
  "attributes": {
    "border": "yes",
    "drDelay": "3",
    "drPrio": "192",
    "id": "eth1/9",
    "neighRtMap": "my_neighbor_policy",
    "neighpfxList": "",
    "pimSparseMode": "yes"
"children": [
    "pimHelloTrP": {
      "attributes": {
        "authKey": "3 a2710d3f3229ad9b",
        "authT": "ah-md5",
        "helloItvl": "25000"
"pimBSRP": {
  "attributes": {
    "ctrl": "forward"

This example configures the PIM sparse mode parameters.

CLI Commands

The CLI commands and options listed below are the equivalent to the payload example displayed in the pane on the right.

ip pim auto-rp forward listen
ip pim bsr forward
ip pim register-rate-limit 1000
ip pim spt-threshold infinity group-list my_route_map3
interface ethernet 1/9
ip pim sparse-mode
ip pim dr-priority 192
ip pim dr-delay 3
ip pim hello-authentication ah-md5 my_key
ip pim hello-interval 25000
ip pim border
ip pim neighbor-policy my_neighbor_policy

For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:

See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:

For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide