Querying MSDP Ephemeral Data
Querying the MSDP Domain
Querying the MSDP Domain
GET http://<IP_Address>/api/node/mo/sys/msdp/inst/dom-default.json
"totalCount": "1",
"imdata": [
"msdpDom": {
"attributes": {
"childAction": "",
"ctrl": "",
"dn": "sys/msdp/inst/dom-default",
"modTs": "2016-12-07T03:47:02.900+00:00",
"name": "default",
"origIf": "eth1/10",
"persistentOnReload": "true",
"reConnIntvl": "10",
"srcActiveMsgIntvl": "120",
"status": "",
"uid": "0"
"children": [
"msdpPeer": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"adminSt": "disabled",
"asn": "200",
"childAction": "",
"connTmrTs": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00",
"descr": "This is an example of a peer",
"discontinuityTs": "2016-12-07T03:47:02.947+00:00",
"establishTransitions": "0",
"kaIntvl": "50",
"kaTimeout": "70",
"lastResetOperQual": "Password change",
"localPort": "unspecified",
"modTs": "2016-12-07T17:03:55.036+00:00",
"name": "",
"operSt": "admin-down",
"persistentOnReload": "true",
"remPort": "unspecified",
"rn": "peer-[]",
"srcActiveMsgLimit": "9999999",
"srcIf": "eth1/9",
"status": "",
"uid": "22322",
"upTs": "2016-12-07T03:47:02.961+00:00"
"children": [
"msdpMeshGrp": {
"attributes": {
"childAction": "",
"descr": "",
"grpName": "my_mesh_grp1",
"modTs": "2016-12-07T17:04:25.140+00:00",
"name": "",
"persistentOnReload": "true",
"rn": "meshgrp",
"status": "",
"uid": "22322"
"msdpAuthP": {
"attributes": {
"childAction": "",
"descr": "",
"key": "",
"modTs": "2016-12-07T03:47:02.900+00:00",
"name": "",
"persistentOnReload": "true",
"rn": "auth",
"status": "",
"type": "none",
"uid": "22322"
This example returns the MSDP configuration for the default MSDP domain.
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload: https://developer.cisco.com/site/nx-os/docs/nexus-model-reference/
Querying Ephemeral Operational Data
Ephemeral data must be queried with an ephemeral qualifier. With this query, a batch-id (usually 1) and a batch-size must be specified. In the example below, batch-size is specified as 20000. See the list below for more information about the query fields.
- rsp-foreign-subtree=ephemeral—Specifies that this is an ephemeral request, retrieving high-volume data.
- rsp-subtree=full—Should be specified to retrieve all children under the dn query.
- batch-id—An integer with a range of 1 to N. You can specify in increments (1, 2, 3, …) to retrieve data in iteration.
- batch-size—An integer with a range of 1 to 100,000. You can specify the maximum number of managed objects to be retrieved in each batch iteration.
Note: This was added in Release Cisco NX-OS Release 7.0(3)I7(2).
Command | Ephemeral DN Query | Description |
show ip msdp peer |
http://{{ip}}/api/mo/sys/msdp/inst/dom-default/peer- |
Query MSDP peers |
show ip msdp route |
http://{{ip}}/api/mo/sys/msdp/inst/dom-default/db-route.json?rsp-subtree=full&rsp-foreign-subtree=ephemeral&batch-size=10000&batch-id=1 |
Query MSDP routes |
show ip msdp source |
http://{{ip}}/api/mo/sys/msdp/inst/dom-default/db-source.json?rsp-subtree=full&rsp-foreign-subtree=ephemeral&batch-size=10000&batch-id=1 |
Query MSDP sources |
Ephemeral REST Output
Ephemeral REST Output
"totalCount": "1",
"imdata": [
"msdpPeer": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"adminSt": "enabled",
"asn": "",
"childAction": "",
"descr": "",
"dn": "sys/msdp/inst/dom-default/peer-[]",
"kaIntvl": "60",
"kaTimeout": "90",
"localPort": "59039",
"modTs": "2016-06-28T06:02:48.355+00:00",
"name": "",
"operSt": "established",
"persistentOnReload": "true",
"remPort": "639",
"rstReason": "",
"srcActiveMsgLimit": "4294967295",
"srcIf": "vlan100",
"status": "",
"uid": "0"
"children": [
"msdpPeerStats": {
"attributes": {
"cacheLfTime": "2016-06-28T18:41:28.923+00:00",
"childAction": "",
"connAttempts": "7",
"connTmrTs": "2016-06-28T18:37:58.923+00:00",
"ctrlMsgsRcvd": "120",
"ctrlMsgsSent": "0",
"dataMsgsRcvd": "0",
"dataMsgsSent": "0",
"disTime": "2016-06-28T18:35:01.484+00:00",
"estTrans": "1",
"kaRcvd": "3",
"kaSent": "4",
"lastMsgRcvd": "2016-06-28T18:37:21.801+00:00",
"modTs": "never",
"notifRcvd": "0",
"notifSent": "0",
"persistentOnReload": "false",
"rn": "peerstats",
"rpfChkFail": "0",
"rtCnt": "10000",
"saReqRcvd": "0",
"saReqSent": "0",
"saRspRcvd": "0",
"saRspSent": "0",
"status": "",
"uptime": "2016-06-28T18:35:01.484+00:00"