ThousandEyes API v7
- ThousandEyes API v7
- Guides
- API Reference
- Overview
- Account Management
- Administrative API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroup
- AccountGroupDetail
- AccountGroupId
- AccountGroupInfo
- AccountGroupRequest
- AccountGroupRole
- AccountGroups
- AccountGroupToken
- AgentBase
- AgentResponse
- AuditUserEvents
- BaseRole
- CloudEnterpriseAgentType
- ClusterMember
- ClusterMembers
- CreatedAccountGroup
- CreatedUser
- EndDate
- EnterpriseAgent
- EnterpriseAgentData
- EnterpriseAgentIpv6Policy
- EnterpriseAgentState
- Error
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetailCode
- ExpandAccountGroupOptions
- ExtendedUser
- InterfaceIpMapping
- Link
- PaginationLinks
- Permission
- Permissions
- PermissionsCollection
- Resource
- Role
- RoleDetail
- RoleRequestBody
- Roles
- SelfLinks
- SimpleAgent
- StartDate
- UnauthorizedError
- User
- UserAccountGroup
- UserAccountGroupRole
- UserDetail
- UserEvent
- UserRequest
- Users
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Administrative API
- Agents
- Agents API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroup
- AccountGroupId
- AgentBase
- AgentClusterAssignRequest
- AgentClusterUnassignRequest
- AgentDetails
- AgentDetailsExpand
- AgentIpv6Policy
- AgentLabel
- AgentListExpand
- AgentNotification
- AgentProxies
- AgentProxy
- AgentRequest
- AgentResponse
- AlertEmail
- AlertIntegrationBase
- AlertIntegrationType
- CloudAgentDetail
- CloudAgentType
- CloudEnterpriseAgent
- CloudEnterpriseAgents
- CloudEnterpriseAgentType
- ClusterMember
- ClusterMembers
- Enabled
- EnterpriseAgent
- EnterpriseAgentClusterDetail
- EnterpriseAgentData
- EnterpriseAgentDetail
- EnterpriseAgentIpv6Policy
- EnterpriseAgentResponseExpands
- EnterpriseAgentState
- EnterpriseAgentType
- EnterpriseClusterAgentType
- Error
- ErrorDetail
- ErrorDetailCode
- InterfaceIpMapping
- Link
- ListNotificationRulesResponse
- NotificationRule
- NotificationRuleDetail
- NotificationRules
- ProxyAuthType
- ProxyType
- SelfLinks
- SimpleAgent
- SimpleEnterpriseAgent
- SimpleTest
- TestCreatedBy
- TestCreatedDate
- TestInterval
- TestLinks
- TestResults
- TestSelfLink
- TestType
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Agents API
- Alerts
- Alerts API
- Overview
- Model
- Alert
- AlertDetail
- AlertDirection
- AlertGroupType
- AlertLinks
- AlertMeta
- AlertMetricDetail
- AlertNotification
- AlertRoundsViolationMode
- Alerts
- AlertSimpleTest
- AlertSuppressionWindow
- AlertSuppressionWindowDetail
- AlertSuppressionWindowRequest
- AlertSuppressionWindows
- AlertSuppressionWindowState
- AlertTestType
- AlertType
- BaseAlert
- BaseAlertSuppressionWindow
- BaseRule
- CustomWebhookIntegrationType
- DaysOfWeek
- Enabled
- EndAlertMetrics
- EndDate
- EndRepeat
- EndRepeatType
- Error
- ExpandAlertTestOptions
- IntervalType
- LegacyAlert
- Link
- NotificationCustomWebhook
- NotificationEmail
- NotificationThirdParty
- NotificationWebhook
- PaginationLinks
- Repeat
- RepeatType
- Rule
- RuleDetail
- RuleDetailUpdate
- RuleId
- Rules
- RuleTestIds
- SelfLinks
- SensitivityLevel
- Severity
- SimpleTest
- StartAlertMetrics
- StartDate
- State
- TestCreatedBy
- TestCreatedDate
- TestInterval
- TestLinks
- TestResults
- TestSelfLink
- TestType
- ThirdPartyIntegrationType
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- WebhookIntegrationType
- Alert Rule Metadata
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Alerts API
- BGP Monitors
- Credentials
- Dashboards
- Dashboards API
- Overview
- Model
- ActiveWithin
- AgentStatusDatasource
- AgentStatusWidgetType
- AgentWidgetShow
- AgentWidgetType
- AlertListAlertType
- AlertListDatasource
- AlertListWidgetType
- ApiAgentLocation
- ApiAgentStatusAgent
- ApiAgentStatusIpInfo
- ApiAgentStatusSummary
- ApiAgentStatusWidget
- ApiAgentWidgetShow
- ApiAgentWidgetType
- ApiAggregateProperty
- ApiAlertListAlert
- ApiAlertListAlertType
- ApiAlertListWidget
- ApiBoxAndWhiskersWidget
- ApiColorGridWidget
- ApiContextFilterRequest
- ApiContextFilterResponse
- ApiContextFilters
- ApiContextFiltersResponse
- ApiDashboard
- ApiDashboardAsw
- ApiDashboardFilterDescription
- ApiDashboardFilterName
- ApiDashboardFilterUserDetails
- ApiDashboards
- ApiDashboardSnapshot
- ApiDataPointGroup
- ApiDataSourceFilter
- ApiDataSourceFilters
- ApiDefaultTimespan
- ApiDuration
- ApiGeoMapWidget
- ApiGraphletPoint
- ApiGroupedBarchartWidget
- ApiMultiMetricColumn
- ApiMultiMetricColumnData
- ApiMultiMetricTableWidget
- ApiMultiSearchFilterApiTestTableFilterKey
- ApiNumbersCard
- ApiNumbersCardData
- ApiNumbersCardWidget
- ApiPieChartWidget
- ApiReportDataComponentLabelMap
- ApiReportDataComponentLabelMapEntry
- ApiReportSnapshotTimeSpan
- ApiStackedAreaChartWidget
- ApiStackedBarchartWidget
- ApiTableWidget
- ApiTestTableData
- ApiTestTableGraphletsData
- ApiTestTableWidget
- ApiTimeseriesWidget
- ApiWidget
- ApiWidgetData
- ApiWidgetDataPoint
- ApiWidgetDataResponse
- ApiWidgetDataSnapshotResponse
- ApiWidgetFilterApiTestTableFilterKey
- ApiWidgetFixedYScalePrefix
- ApiWidgetMeasure
- ApiWidgetsDataV2
- ApiWidgetSortDirection
- ApiWidgetSortProperty
- AppAndSelfLinks
- AswRepeat
- AswRepeatUnit
- BarChartGroupedWidgetType
- BarChartStackedWidgetType
- BinSize
- BoxAndWhiskersDatasource
- BoxAndWhiskersWidgetType
- ColorGridDatasource
- ColorGridWidgetType
- Dashboard
- DashboardGlobalFilterId
- DashboardLinks
- DashboardMetric
- DashboardMetricDirection
- DashboardOrder
- DashboardSnapshotId
- DashboardSnapshotResponse
- DashboardSnapshotsPage
- DefaultTimespan
- DurationValue
- EndDate
- EnterpriseAgentState
- Error
- GenerateDashboardSnapshotRequest
- GeoMapDatasource
- GroupedBarChartDatasource
- LegacyAgentWidgetShow
- LegacyAgentWidgetType
- LegacyAlertListAlertType
- LegacyApiDashboard
- LegacyDashboardSnapshot
- LegacyDefaultTimespan
- LegacyDurationUnit
- LegacyWidgetSortDirection
- LegacyWidgetSortProperty
- Link
- MapWidgetType
- MetricGroup
- MultiMetricsTableDatasource
- MultiMetricTableWidgetType
- NumbersCardDatasource
- NumberWidgetType
- PaginationLinks
- PieChartDatasource
- PieChartWidgetType
- ScalableWidget
- SelfLinks
- SnapshotExpirationDate
- StackedAreaChartDatasource
- StackedBarChartDatasource
- StartDate
- TableDatasource
- TableWidgetType
- TestTableDatasource
- TestTableFilterKey
- TestTableFilterType
- TestTableWidgetType
- TimeseriesDatasource
- TimeSeriesLineWidgetType
- TimeSeriesStackedAreaWidgetType
- Timestamp
- UnauthorizedError
- UpdateSnapshotExpirationDateApiRequest
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VisualMode
- Widget
- WidgetFilters
- WidgetLimit
- WidgetMeasureType
- WidgetSortDirection
- WidgetSortProperty
- WidgetStatus
- WidgetType
- WidgetValue
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Dashboards API
- Emulation
- Endpoint Agents
- Endpoint Agents
- Endpoint Agents API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountId
- AddressProfile
- AddressType
- AgentLicenseType
- AgentName
- AgentSearchFilters
- AgentSearchRequest
- AgentSearchSort
- AgentSearchSortKey
- AgentThresholdFilter
- AgentThresholdFilters
- AgentTransfer
- AgentTransferRequest
- AgentTransferStatus
- BrowserType
- BulkAgentTransferRequest
- BulkAgentTransferResponse
- ComputerName
- ConditionalOperator
- ConnectionString
- EndpointAgent
- EndpointAgentEthernetProfile
- EndpointAgentId
- EndpointAgentLocation
- EndpointAgents
- EndpointAgentUpdate
- EndpointAsnDetails
- EndpointBrowserExtension
- EndpointClient
- EndpointUserProfile
- EndpointVpnProfile
- Error
- ExpandEndpointAgentOptions
- FilterEndpointAgentsResponse
- InterfaceHardwareType
- InterfaceProfile
- Link
- ListEndpointAgentsResponse
- PaginationNextAndSelfLink
- PaginationNextLink
- Platform
- SelfLinks
- SortOrder
- Status
- ThresholdFilterOperator
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VpnType
- WirelessProfile
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Endpoint Agents API
- Endpoint Instant Scheduled Tests
- Endpoint Instant Scheduled Tests API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroupId
- EndpointAgentLabels
- EndpointAgentLabelsSelectorConfig
- EndpointAgentSelectorConfig
- EndpointAgentToServerInstantTest
- EndpointAgentToServerTest
- EndpointAgentToServerType
- EndpointAllAgentsSelectorConfig
- EndpointHttpServerBaseTest
- EndpointHttpServerInstantTest
- EndpointHttpServerTest
- EndpointHttpServerTestUrl
- EndpointHttpServerType
- EndpointInstantTest
- EndpointIpVersionTemplate
- EndpointRunScheduledInstantTestResult
- EndpointScheduledTestType
- EndpointSpecificAgentsSelectorConfig
- EndpointTest
- EndpointTestAgents
- EndpointTestAgentSelectorType
- EndpointTestAuthType
- EndpointTestLinks
- EndpointTestMaxMachines
- EndpointTestPort
- EndpointTestProtocol
- EndpointTestResultUrl
- EndpointTestSelfLink
- Error
- Link
- ScheduledTestResults
- TestCreatedDate
- TestFollowRedirects
- TestHasPathTraceInSession
- TestHttpTargetTime
- TestHttpVersion
- TestInterval
- TestIsEnabled
- TestIsPrioritized
- TestIsSavedEvent
- TestLabel
- TestLabels
- TestName
- TestNetworkMeasurements
- TestPassword
- TestProbeModeResponse
- TestRequestHasPing
- TestRequestHasTraceRoute
- TestSslVersion
- TestSslVersionId
- TestUseNtlm
- TestUsername
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Endpoint Instant Scheduled Tests API
- Endpoint Labels
- Endpoint Test Results
- Endpoint Test Results API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroupId
- ApplicationMetrics
- ApplicationScoreQuality
- AsnDetails
- ConditionalOperator
- CpuUtilization
- DynamicBaseEndpointTestResult
- DynamicEndpointTestsDataRoundSearch
- DynamicEndpointTestsDataSearchFilter
- DynamicEndpointTestWebex
- DynamicTest
- DynamicTestApplication
- DynamicTestLinks
- DynamicTestResults
- DynamicTestSelfLink
- EndDate
- EndpointAgentId
- EndpointAgentLabels
- EndpointAgentLabelsSelectorConfig
- EndpointAgentSelectorConfig
- EndpointAgentToServerTest
- EndpointAgentToServerType
- EndpointAllAgentsSelectorConfig
- EndpointBrowser
- EndpointHttpDataPointScore
- EndpointHttpServerBaseTest
- EndpointHttpServerTest
- EndpointHttpServerType
- EndpointIpVersionTemplate
- EndpointNetworkTopologyResultRequest
- EndpointNetworkTopologyResultRequestFilter
- EndpointPageId
- EndpointPathTrace
- EndpointPathVisHop
- EndpointPathVisRoute
- EndpointPingDataPointScore
- EndpointResultRequestFilter
- EndpointScheduledTest
- EndpointScheduledTestType
- EndpointSpecificAgentsSelectorConfig
- EndpointTest
- EndpointTestAgents
- EndpointTestAuthType
- EndpointTestEthernetProfile
- EndpointTestLinks
- EndpointTestMaxMachines
- EndpointTestPort
- EndpointTestProtocol
- EndpointTestResult
- EndpointTestResultProtocol
- EndpointTestResultUrl
- EndpointTestsDataRoundsSearch
- EndpointTestsDataSearchFilter
- EndpointTestsDataSearchSort
- EndpointTestsDataSearchSortKey
- EndpointTestsDataThresholdFilter
- EndpointTestsDataThresholdFilters
- EndpointTestSelfLink
- Error
- ErrorFlags
- ExpandEndpointHttpServerOptions
- ExpandLocalNetworkTopologyOptions
- GatewayNetworkPing
- Hop
- HttpEndpointTestResult
- HttpEndpointTestResultHeaders
- HttpEndpointTestResults
- HttpEndpointTestsDataRoundsSearch
- HttpEndpointTestsDataSearchFilter
- HttpEndpointTestsDataSearchSort
- HttpEndpointTestsDataSearchSortKey
- HttpEndpointTestsDataThresholdFilter
- HttpEndpointTestsDataThresholdFilters
- HttpErrorType
- HttpMultiEndpointTestResults
- HttpThresholdFilterName
- IcmpBlocked
- InterfaceHardwareType
- Link
- LocalNetworkResult
- LocalNetworkResults
- LocalNetworkTopologyDetailResults
- LocalNetworkTopologyResult
- LocalNetworkTopologyResultBase
- LocalNetworkTopologyResults
- MultiTestIdEndpointTestsDataRoundsSearch
- MultiTestIdEndpointTestsDataSearchFilter
- MultiTestIdNetworkEndpointTestResults
- NetworkDynamicEndpointTestResult
- NetworkDynamicEndpointTestResults
- NetworkEndpointTestResult
- NetworkEndpointTestResults
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkMetrics
- NetworkPing
- NetworkProfile
- NetworkProxy
- NetworkProxyProfile
- NetworkTopologyType
- NetworkWirelessProfile
- PaginationNextAndSelfLink
- PaginationNextLink
- PathVisBaseEndpointTestResult
- PathVisDetailDynamicEndpointTestResult
- PathVisDetailDynamicEndpointTestResults
- PathVisDetailEndpointTestResult
- PathVisDetailEndpointTestResults
- PathVisDynamicEndpointTestResult
- PathVisDynamicEndpointTestResults
- PathVisEndpointTestResult
- PathVisEndpointTestResults
- PhysicalMemoryUsedBytes
- Platform
- ProcessMetrics
- RealUserEndpointTest
- RealUserEndpointTestBase
- RealUserEndpointTestCoordinates
- RealUserEndpointTestDetail
- RealUserEndpointTestDetailResults
- RealUserEndpointTestNetwork
- RealUserEndpointTestNetworkResult
- RealUserEndpointTestNetworkResults
- RealUserEndpointTestPage
- RealUserEndpointTestPageDetailResult
- RealUserEndpointTestPageHar
- RealUserEndpointTestPageResult
- RealUserEndpointTestPageResults
- RealUserEndpointTestPageTimings
- RealUserEndpointTestResultRequestFilter
- RealUserEndpointTestResults
- RealUserEndpointTestResultsRequest
- RoundId
- ScheduledTestResults
- SelfLinks
- SortOrder
- StartDate
- SystemMetricDetails
- SystemMetrics
- TargetNetworkPing
- TargetProfile
- TargetTraceroute
- TcpConnect
- TcpPathTraceModeResponse
- TestCreatedDate
- TestFollowRedirects
- TestHasPathTraceInSession
- TestHasPing
- TestHasTraceRoute
- TestHttpTargetTime
- TestHttpVersion
- TestId
- TestInterval
- TestIsEnabled
- TestIsPrioritized
- TestIsSavedEvent
- TestLabel
- TestLabels
- TestName
- TestNetworkMeasurements
- TestProbeModeResponse
- TestProtocol
- TestSslVersion
- TestSslVersionId
- TestUseNtlm
- TestUsername
- ThresholdFilterName
- ThresholdFilterOperator
- TotalHits
- Traceroute
- TracerouteHop
- Trigger
- UdpPathTraceModeResponse
- UdpProbeModeResponse
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VpnNetworkPing
- VpnProfile
- VpnTraceroute
- VpnType
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Endpoint Test Results API
- Endpoint Tests
- Endpoint Tests API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroupId
- DynamicTest
- DynamicTestApplication
- DynamicTestLinks
- DynamicTestRequest
- DynamicTestResults
- DynamicTests
- DynamicTestSelfLink
- EndpointAgentLabels
- EndpointAgentLabelsSelectorConfig
- EndpointAgentSelectorConfig
- EndpointAgentToServerInstantTest
- EndpointAgentToServerTest
- EndpointAgentToServerTestRequest
- EndpointAgentToServerTests
- EndpointAgentToServerType
- EndpointAllAgentsSelectorConfig
- EndpointDynamicTestUpdate
- EndpointHttpServerBaseTest
- EndpointHttpServerInstantTest
- EndpointHttpServerTest
- EndpointHttpServerTestRequest
- EndpointHttpServerTests
- EndpointHttpServerTestUrl
- EndpointHttpServerType
- EndpointHttpTestUpdate
- EndpointInstantTest
- EndpointIpVersionTemplate
- EndpointNetworkTestUpdate
- EndpointScheduledTestType
- EndpointSpecificAgentsSelectorConfig
- EndpointTest
- EndpointTestAgents
- EndpointTestAgentSelectorType
- EndpointTestAuthType
- EndpointTestLinks
- EndpointTestMaxMachines
- EndpointTestPort
- EndpointTestProtocol
- EndpointTestResultUrl
- EndpointTests
- EndpointTestSelfLink
- Error
- Link
- ScheduledTestResults
- SelfLinks
- TestCreatedDate
- TestFollowRedirects
- TestHasPathTraceInSession
- TestHasPing
- TestHasTraceRoute
- TestHttpTargetTime
- TestHttpVersion
- TestInterval
- TestIsEnabled
- TestIsPrioritized
- TestIsSavedEvent
- TestLabel
- TestLabels
- TestName
- TestNetworkMeasurements
- TestPassword
- TestPort
- TestProbeMode
- TestProbeModeResponse
- TestRequestHasPing
- TestRequestHasTraceRoute
- TestSslVersion
- TestSslVersionId
- TestUpdate
- TestUseNtlm
- TestUsername
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Endpoint Tests API
- Endpoint Agents
- Event Detection
- Event Detection API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroupId
- AffectedAgents
- AffectedCount
- AffectedTargets
- AffectedTests
- AgentLinks
- AgentLocalEventDetail
- AgentLocalEventGrouping
- AgentLocalEventType
- ApiAffectedTarget
- Cause
- CloudEnterpriseAgentType
- DnsEventDetail
- DnsEventGrouping
- DnsEventType
- EndDate
- Error
- Event
- EventAlertSeverity
- EventApiAffectedAgent
- EventApiAffectedTest
- EventDetail
- EventDetailBase
- EventEndDate
- Events
- EventStartDate
- EventState
- EventTestLinks
- EventType
- Link
- NetworkEventDetail
- NetworkEventGrouping
- NetworkEventType
- NetworkPopEventDetail
- NetworkPopEventType
- PaginationNextAndSelfLinks
- ProxyEventDetail
- ProxyEventGrouping
- ProxyEventType
- SelfLinks
- SimpleEventDetail
- StartDate
- TargetEventDetail
- TargetEventGrouping
- TargetEventType
- TargetNetworkEventDetail
- TargetNetworkEventGrouping
- TargetNetworkEventType
- TestType
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Event Detection API
- Internet Insights
- Internet Insights API
- Overview
- Model
- ApiApplicationOutageAffectedLocation
- ApiApplicationOutageAffectedServer
- ApiApplicationOutageDetails
- ApiAsn
- ApiCatalogProvider
- ApiCatalogProviderDetails
- ApiCatalogProviderFilter
- ApiCatalogProviderResponse
- ApiNetworkOutageAffectedLocation
- ApiNetworkOutageDetails
- ApiOutage
- ApiOutageFilter
- ApiOutagesResponse
- CatalogId
- DataType
- Error
- InternetInsightsApiAffectedAgent
- InternetInsightsApiAffectedTest
- Link
- OutageLocation
- OutageScope
- ProviderLocation
- ProviderName
- ProviderType
- Region
- SelfLinks
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Internet Insights API
- Snapshots
- Tags
- Templates
- Templates API
- Overview
- Model
- AgentAssignmentTemplate
- Agents
- AgentToAgentTestDirectionTemplate
- AgentToAgentTestTemplate
- AgentToAgentTestTemplate_allOf_direction
- AgentToAgentTestTemplate_allOf_throughputMeasurements
- AgentToAgentTestTypeTemplate
- AgentToServerTestTemplate
- AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_continuousMode
- AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate
- AgentToServerTestTypeTemplate
- AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate
- AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate_alertType
- AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate_expression
- AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate_severity
- AlertRuleSeverityTemplate
- AlertRuleTypeTemplate
- ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate
- ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate_filterId
- ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate_metricIds
- ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate_values
- ApiDurationTemplate
- ApiWidgetMeasure
- AuthTypeTestTemplate
- BgpMeasurements
- BooleanNumber
- BrowserTestBaseTemplate
- BrowserTestBaseTemplate_blockDomains
- BrowserTestBaseTemplate_pageLoadingStrategy
- BrowserTestBaseTemplate_subinterval
- BrowserTestBaseTemplate_url
- CertificationLevel
- CustomHeadersTemplate
- DashboardConfigurationTemplate
- DashboardConfigurationTemplate_refreshRate
- DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate
- DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate_context
- DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate_description
- DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate_name
- DashboardFilterContextTemplate
- DashboardFilterContextTemplate_dataSourceId
- DashboardFilterListTemplate
- DashboardMetric
- DashboardMetricDirection
- DashboardRefreshRateTemplate
- DashboardWidgetTemplate
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_direction
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_filters
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_fixedTimespan
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_measure
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_metric
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_metricGroup
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_shouldExcludeAlertSuppressionWindows
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_title
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_type
- DashboardWidgetTemplate_visualMode
- DeploymentStrategy
- DeployTemplate
- DesiredStatusCode
- DnsServerEntryTemplate
- DnsServersTemplate
- DnsServerTestTemplate
- DnsServerTestTemplate_allOf_dnsServers
- DnsServerTestTypeTemplate
- DnsTargetDomainTemplate
- DnsTraceTestTemplate
- DnsTraceTestTypeTemplate
- EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate
- EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_agentIds
- EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_labelIds
- EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_maxMachines
- EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_monitoringSettingsType
- EndpointAlertRuleConfigTemplate
- EndpointAlertRuleConfigTemplate_ruleId
- EndpointAuthTypeEnumTemplate
- EndpointAuthTypeTemplate
- EndpointGenericConfigTemplate
- EndpointGenericConfigTemplate_interval
- EndpointGenericConfigTemplate_priority
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_authType
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_bytesToDownload
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_clientCert
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_contentRegex
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_expectedResponseCode
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_headers
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_httpTimeLimit
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_maxRedirects
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_password
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_postBody
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_proxyDirect
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_proxyId
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_sslVersion
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_targetFetchTime
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_targetIpOverride
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_targetResponseTime
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_url
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_userAgent
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_username
- EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_verifyCertHostname
- EndpointIpVersionTemplate
- EndpointMonitoringSettingsTypeTemplate
- EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate
- EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate_flagPing
- EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate_flagTraceroute
- EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate_ipVersion
- EndpointServerConfigTemplate
- EndpointTcpProbeModeTemplate
- EndpointTestCategoryOptionsTemplate
- EndpointTestCategoryTemplate
- EndpointTestConfigProtocolTemplate
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_alertRules
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_description
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_flagEnabled
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_genericConfig
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_httpConfig
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_machineConfig
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_networkConfig
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_server
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_testLabelIds
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_testName
- EndpointTestConfigTemplate_testType
- EndpointTestIntervalTemplate
- EndpointTestLabelListTemplate
- EndpointTestTypeOptionsTemplate
- EndpointTestTypeTemplate
- Error
- FilterContextDataSourceTemplate
- FollowRedirects
- HandlebarsExpression
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_authType
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_clientCertificate
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_customHeaders
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpTargetTime
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpVersion
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_password
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_sslVersionId
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_useNtlm
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_userAgent
- HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_username
- HttpServerTestTemplate
- HttpServerTestTypeTemplate
- HttpVersionTemplate
- Label_endpointTests
- Label_tests
- LabelAssignmentTemplate
- LabelConfigurationTemplate
- LabelConfigurationTemplate_name
- LabelConfigurationTemplate_type
- LabelTypeTemplate
- LegacyDurationUnit
- Link
- MetricGroup
- NetworkMeasurements
- NetworkTestBaseTemplate
- NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements
- NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval
- NumberTemplate
- NumPathTraces
- NumPathTracesTemplate
- PageLoadStrategyTemplate
- PageLoadTestBaseTemplate
- PageLoadTestBaseTemplate_httpInterval
- PageLoadTestBaseTemplate_pageLoadTargetTime
- PageLoadTestTemplate
- PageLoadTestTypeTemplate
- PathTraceMode
- PathTraceModeTemplate
- PortTemplate
- ProbeMode
- ProbeModeTemplate
- ResourceInclusion
- RoundsViolatingOutOf
- RoundsViolatingRequired
- SelfLinks
- SharingScope
- SharingSettings
- SharingSettingsLink
- SharingSettingsLinks
- SharingSettingsResponse
- SipProtocolTemplate
- SipRegistrarTemplate
- SipServerTestBaseTemplate
- SipServerTestTemplate
- SipServerTestTypeTemplate
- SslVersionIdTemplate
- StringTemplate
- TargetServerTemplate
- TargetSipCredentialsTemplate
- Template
- TemplateGrouping
- TemplateGroupingType
- TemplateIcon
- TemplateLink
- TemplateModule
- TemplateResponse
- TemplateResponseBase
- Templates
- TemplatesResponse
- TestBaseTemplate
- TestBaseTemplate_description
- TestBaseTemplate_groups
- TestBaseTemplate_testName
- TestConfigurationTemplate
- TestIds
- TestIdTemplate
- TestInterval
- TestTypeTemplate
- TransactionScriptTemplate
- TransactionTestBaseTemplate
- TransactionTestBaseTemplate_targetTime
- TransactionTestBaseTemplate_timeLimit
- TransactionTestTemplate
- TransactionTestTypeTemplate
- TransportProtocol
- TransportProtocolTemplate
- UnauthorizedError
- UserInput
- UserInputAllowedValue
- UserInputType
- UserInputValue
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VisualMode
- VoiceIntervalTemplate
- VoiceTestTemplate
- VoiceTestTemplate_allOf_interval
- VoiceTestTypeTemplate
- WidgetFilters
- WidgetMeasureType
- WidgetType
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Templates API
- Tests
- Tests
- Tests API
- Overview
- Model
- AgentBase
- AgentInterfaces
- AgentResponse
- AgentToAgentInstantTest
- AgentToAgentProperties
- AgentToAgentTest
- AgentToAgentTestProtocol
- AgentToAgentTestRequest
- AgentToAgentTestResponse
- AgentToAgentTests
- AgentToServerInstantTest
- AgentToServerProperties
- AgentToServerTest
- AgentToServerTestRequest
- AgentToServerTestResponse
- AgentToServerTests
- AlertDirection
- AlertRoundsViolationMode
- AlertRule
- AlertType
- ApiClientAuthentication
- ApiInstantTest
- ApiPredefinedVariable
- ApiProperties
- ApiRequest
- ApiRequestAssertion
- ApiRequestAssertionName
- ApiRequestAssertionOperator
- ApiRequestAuthType
- ApiRequestHeader
- ApiRequestMethod
- ApiRequestVariable
- ApiTest
- ApiTestRequest
- ApiTestResponse
- ApiTests
- BaseBgpTest
- BaseRequest
- BaseTest
- BgpTest
- BgpTestRequest
- BgpTestResponse
- BgpTests
- CloudEnterpriseAgentType
- DnsQueryClass
- DnsSecInstantTest
- DnsSecProperties
- DnsSecTest
- DnsSecTestRequest
- DnsSecTestResponse
- DnsSecTests
- DnsServerInstantTest
- DnsServerProperties
- DnsServersRequest
- DnsServerTest
- DnsServerTestRequest
- DnsServerTestResponse
- DnsServerTests
- DnsTraceInstantTest
- DnsTraceProperties
- DnsTraceTest
- DnsTraceTestRequest
- DnsTraceTestResponse
- DnsTraceTests
- Enabled
- Error
- ExpandBgpTestOptions
- ExpandTestOptions
- FtpServerInstantTest
- FtpServerProperties
- FtpServerRequestType
- FtpServerTest
- FtpServerTestRequest
- FtpServerTestResponse
- FtpServerTests
- HttpServerBaseProperties
- HttpServerInstantTest
- HttpServerProperties
- HttpServerTest
- HttpServerTestRequest
- HttpServerTestResponse
- HttpServerTests
- InstantTest
- InterfaceGroup
- InterfaceGroups
- Link
- Monitor
- MonitorsRequest
- MonitorType
- OAuth
- PageLoadInstantTest
- PageLoadProperties
- PageLoadTest
- PageLoadTestRequest
- PageLoadTestResponse
- PageLoadTests
- RequestMethod
- RuleId
- SelfLinks
- SensitivityLevel
- Severity
- SharedWithAccount
- SimpleAgent
- SimpleTest
- SipServerInstantTest
- SipServerProperties
- SipServerTest
- SipServerTestRequest
- SipServerTestResponse
- SipServerTests
- SipTestProtocol
- TestAgentRequest
- TestAgentsRequest
- TestAgentsResponse
- TestAllowGeolocation
- TestAllowMicAndCamera
- TestAllowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation
- TestAuthType
- TestBandwidthMeasurements
- TestBgpMeasurements
- TestBgpMonitors
- TestBgpType
- TestBlockDomains
- TestBrowserLanguage
- TestClientCertificate
- TestCollectProxyNetworkData
- TestCreatedBy
- TestCreatedDate
- TestCredentials
- TestCustomHeaders
- TestDesiredStatusCode
- TestDirection
- TestDisableScreenshot
- TestDnsServer
- TestDnsTransportProtocol
- TestDomain
- TestDscp
- TestDscpId
- TestFixedPacketRate
- TestFollowRedirects
- TestHeaders
- TestHttpInterval
- TestHttpTargetTime
- TestHttpTimeLimit
- TestHttpType
- TestHttpVersion
- TestIncludeHeaders
- TestInterval
- TestIpv6Policy
- TestLabel
- TestLabels
- TestLinks
- TestMonitorsProperties
- TestMtuMeasurements
- TestNetworkMeasurements
- TestNumPathTraces
- TestOverrideAgentProxy
- TestOverrideProxyId
- TestPageLoadingStrategy
- TestPageLoadTimeLimit
- TestPageLoadType
- TestPassword
- TestPathTraceMode
- TestPort
- TestProbeMode
- TestProtocol
- TestRandomizedStartTime
- TestRequest
- TestResults
- Tests
- TestSelfLink
- TestSharedAccounts
- TestSipAuthUser
- TestSipCredentials
- TestSipRegistrar
- TestSipUser
- TestSslVersion
- TestSslVersionId
- TestSubInterval
- TestType
- TestUrl
- TestUseNtlm
- TestUsePublicBgp
- TestUserAgent
- TestUsername
- TestVerifyCertificate
- TestWebTransactionTimeLimit
- TestWebTransactionType
- UnauthorizedError
- UnexpandedAgentToAgentTest
- UnexpandedAgentToServerTest
- UnexpandedApiTest
- UnexpandedBgpTest
- UnexpandedDnsSecTest
- UnexpandedDnsServerTest
- UnexpandedDnsTraceTest
- UnexpandedFtpServerTest
- UnexpandedHttpServerTest
- UnexpandedInstantTest
- UnexpandedPageLoadTest
- UnexpandedSipServerTest
- UnexpandedTest
- UnexpandedVoiceTest
- UnexpandedWebTransactionTest
- UpdateBgpTestRequest
- UpdateSipServerTest
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VoiceInstantTest
- VoiceProperties
- VoiceTest
- VoiceTestRequest
- VoiceTestResponse
- VoiceTests
- WebTransactionInstantTest
- WebTransactionProperties
- WebTransactionTest
- WebTransactionTestRequest
- WebTransactionTestResponse
- WebTransactionTests
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Tests API
- Instant Tests
- Instant Tests API
- Overview
- Instant Tests
- Agent to Agent Instant Tests
- Agent to Server Instant Tests
- DNS Server Instant Tests
- DNS Trace Instant Tests
- DNSSEC Instant Tests
- HTTP Server Instant Tests
- HTTP Page Load Instant Tests
- Web Transaction Instant Tests
- API Instant Tests
- FTP Server Instant Tests
- SIP Server Instant Tests
- Voice Instant Tests
- Model
- AgentBase
- AgentInterfaces
- AgentResponse
- AgentToAgentInstantTest
- AgentToAgentInstantTestRequest
- AgentToAgentInstantTestResponse
- AgentToAgentProperties
- AgentToAgentTestProtocol
- AgentToServerInstantTest
- AgentToServerInstantTestRequest
- AgentToServerInstantTestResponse
- AgentToServerProperties
- ApiClientAuthentication
- ApiInstantTest
- ApiInstantTestRequest
- ApiInstantTestResponse
- ApiPredefinedVariable
- ApiProperties
- ApiRequest
- ApiRequestAssertion
- ApiRequestAssertionName
- ApiRequestAssertionOperator
- ApiRequestAuthType
- ApiRequestHeader
- ApiRequestMethod
- ApiRequestVariable
- CloudEnterpriseAgentType
- DnsQueryClass
- DnsSecInstantTest
- DnsSecInstantTestRequest
- DnsSecInstantTestResponse
- DnsSecProperties
- DnsServerInstantTest
- DnsServerInstantTestRequest
- DnsServerInstantTestResponse
- DnsServerProperties
- DnsServersRequest
- DnsTraceInstantTest
- DnsTraceInstantTestRequest
- DnsTraceInstantTestResponse
- DnsTraceProperties
- Error
- ExpandInstantTestOptions
- FtpServerInstantTest
- FtpServerInstantTestRequest
- FtpServerInstantTestResponse
- FtpServerProperties
- FtpServerRequestType
- HttpServerBaseProperties
- HttpServerInstantTest
- HttpServerInstantTestRequest
- HttpServerInstantTestResponse
- HttpServerProperties
- InstantTest
- InstantTestRequest
- Link
- OAuth
- PageLoadInstantTest
- PageLoadInstantTestRequest
- PageLoadInstantTestResponse
- PageLoadProperties
- RequestMethod
- SharedWithAccount
- SimpleAgent
- SipServerInstantTest
- SipServerInstantTestRequest
- SipServerInstantTestResponse
- SipServerProperties
- SipTestProtocol
- TestAgent
- TestAgentsResponse
- TestAllowGeolocation
- TestAllowMicAndCamera
- TestAllowUnsafeLegacyRenegotiation
- TestAuthType
- TestBandwidthMeasurements
- TestBlockDomains
- TestBrowserLanguage
- TestClientCertificate
- TestCollectProxyNetworkData
- TestCreatedBy
- TestCreatedDate
- TestCredentials
- TestCustomHeaders
- TestDesiredStatusCode
- TestDirection
- TestDisableScreenshot
- TestDnsServer
- TestDnsTransportProtocol
- TestDomain
- TestDscp
- TestDscpId
- TestFixedPacketRate
- TestFollowRedirects
- TestHeaders
- TestHttpTargetTime
- TestHttpTimeLimit
- TestHttpType
- TestHttpVersion
- TestIncludeHeaders
- TestIpv6Policy
- TestLabel
- TestLabels
- TestLinks
- TestMtuMeasurements
- TestNetworkMeasurements
- TestNumPathTraces
- TestOverrideAgentProxy
- TestOverrideProxyId
- TestPageLoadingStrategy
- TestPageLoadTimeLimit
- TestPageLoadType
- TestPassword
- TestPathTraceMode
- TestPort
- TestProbeMode
- TestProtocol
- TestRandomizedStartTime
- TestResults
- TestSelfLink
- TestSharedAccounts
- TestSipAuthUser
- TestSipCredentials
- TestSipRegistrar
- TestSipUser
- TestSslVersion
- TestSslVersionId
- TestType
- TestUrl
- TestUseNtlm
- TestUserAgent
- TestUsername
- TestVerifyCertificate
- TestWebTransactionTimeLimit
- TestWebTransactionType
- UnauthorizedError
- UnexpandedInstantTest
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- VoiceInstantTest
- VoiceInstantTestRequest
- VoiceInstantTestResponse
- VoiceProperties
- WebTransactionInstantTest
- WebTransactionInstantTestRequest
- WebTransactionInstantTestResponse
- WebTransactionProperties
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- Instant Tests API
- Test Results
- Test Results API
- Overview
- Model
- ApiDetailTestResult
- ApiDetailTestResults
- ApiRequestDetail
- ApiRequestDetailAssertion
- ApiRequestStepType
- ApiTestResult
- ApiTestResults
- AppLinks
- BgpBasicTestResult
- BgpHop
- BgpTestResult
- BgpTestResults
- BgpTestRouteInformationResult
- BgpTestRouteInformationResults
- DnssecTestResult
- DnssecTestResults
- DnsServerTestResult
- DnsServerTestResults
- DnsTraceTestResult
- DnsTraceTestResults
- Enabled
- EndDate
- EndTime
- EpochTimeWindow
- Error
- Expand
- FtpServerTestResult
- FtpServerTestResults
- HttpTestResult
- HttpTestResultHeaders
- HttpTestResults
- Link
- Marker
- NetworkTestResult
- NetworkTestResults
- Page
- PageHar
- PageLoadDetailTestResult
- PageLoadDetailTestResults
- PageLoadTestResult
- PageLoadTestResults
- PaginationLinks
- PathTrace
- PathVisBaseTestResult
- PathVisDetailTestResult
- PathVisDetailTestResults
- PathVisDirection
- PathVisHop
- PathVisRoute
- PathVisTestResult
- PathVisTestResults
- RtpStreamTestResult
- RtpStreamTestResults
- SelfLinks
- SimpleTest
- SipServerErrorType
- SipServerTestResult
- SipServerTestResults
- SslCert
- StartDate
- StartTime
- TestCreatedBy
- TestCreatedDate
- TestDirection
- TestInterval
- TestLinks
- TestResult
- TestResultAgent
- TestResultAppLinks
- TestResultErrorDetails
- TestResultMonitor
- TestResults
- TestSelfLink
- TestType
- UnauthorizedError
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
- WebTransactionDetailTestResult
- WebTransactionDetailTestResults
- WebTransactionPageDetailTestResult
- WebTransactionPageDetailTestResults
- WebTransactionTestResult
- WebTransactionTestResults
- Download OpenAPI Document
- Test Results API
- Tests
- ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry
- ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry API
- Overview
- Model
- ApiError
- ApiErrorIntegrationLimits
- AuditOperation
- AuditOperationWithUpdate
- BadRequestError
- CreateStreamResponse
- DataModelVersion
- EndpointType
- ExporterConfig
- ExporterConfigSplunkHec
- Filters
- FiltersTestTypes
- FiltersTestTypesValues
- GetStreamResponse
- PutStream
- Signal
- Stream
- StreamCollection
- StreamEndpointUrl
- StreamLinks
- StreamResponse
- StreamSelfLink
- StreamType
- TagMatch
- TagMatchObjectType
- TestMatch
- TestMatchDomain
- TestType
- UnauthorizedError
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- ThousandEyes for OpenTelemetry API
- Usage
- Usage API
- Overview
- Model
- AccountGroupIds
- AccountGroupQuota
- AllocationUnitUsageBreakdown
- EndpointAgentsEmbedded
- EndpointAgentsEssentials
- EndpointAgentsUsage
- EnterpriseAgents
- EnterpriseAgentsUsage
- EnterpriseAgentUnits
- EnterpriseAgentUnitsByTestOwnerAccountGroup
- Error
- ExpandUsageOptions
- Link
- OrganizationQuota
- OrganizationQuotaAssignment
- OrganizationQuotaUnassignment
- OrganizationsQuotasAssign
- OrganizationsQuotasUnassign
- PaginationLinks
- Quota
- Quotas
- QuotasAssignRequest
- QuotasAssignResponse
- QuotasUnassign
- SelfLinks
- TestsUsage
- TestUsage
- UnauthorizedError
- UnitAllocationSummary
- UnitsByTests
- Usage
- UsageDetails
- UsageQuota
- ValidationError
- ValidationErrorItem
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- Usage API
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