Agents & Monitors


List all Agents



GET /v6/agents

GET /v7/agents

Response Body

Enterprise Agent Example


    "agents": [


            "agentId": 661766,

            "agentName": "Albany, NY (Spectrum)",

            "agentType": "Enterprise",

            "countryId": "US",

            "enabled": 1,

            "keepBrowserCache": 0,

            "verifySslCertificates": 1,

            "ipAddresses": [



            "interfaceIpMapping": [


                    "interfaceName": "eth0",

                    "ipAddresses": [





            "lastSeen": "2024-11-14 05:10:51",

            "location": "New York",

            "network": "Road Runner HoldCo LLC (AS 11351)",

            "prefix": "",

            "publicIpAddresses": [



            "targetForTests": "",

            "agentState": "Online",

            "utilization": 54,

            "ipv6Policy": "FORCE_IPV4",

            "hostname": "teva-spectrum-one",

            "createdDate": "2022-09-09 19:04:16",

            "errorDetails": []






Cloud Example


    "agents": [


            "agentId": 3,

            "agentName": "Singapore",

            "agentType": "Cloud",

            "countryId": "SG",

            "targetOnly": 0,

            "ipAddresses": [




            "location": "Singapore"






Enterprise Cluster Example



    "agents": [


            "agentId": 1381277,

            "agentName": "EA Cluster",

            "agentType": "Enterprise Cluster",

            "clusterMembers": [


                    "errorDetails": [],

                    "ipAddresses": [



                    "lastSeen": "2024-11-14 05:56:12",

                    "memberId": 1389581,

                    "name": "localhost.localdomain",

                    "network": "UUNETVerizon Business/UUnet (AS 701)",

                    "prefix": "",

                    "publicIpAddresses": [



                    "targetForTests": "",

                    "agentState": "Online",

                    "utilization": 0



            "countryId": "US",

            "enabled": 1,

            "keepBrowserCache": 0,

            "verifySslCertificates": 1,

            "location": "New York",

            "utilization": 0,

            "ipv6Policy": "FORCE_IPV4",

            "createdDate": "2024-10-04 17:36:29"




Enterprise Agent Example


    "agents": [


            "agentId": "661766",

            "agentName": "Albany, NY (Spectrum)",

            "agentType": "enterprise",

            "countryId": "US",

            "enabled": true,

            "keepBrowserCache": false,

            "verifySslCertificates": true,

            "ipAddresses": [



            "interfaceIpMapping": [


                    "interfaceName": "eth0",

                    "ipAddresses": [





            "lastSeen": "2024-11-14T05:09:50Z",

            "location": "New York",

            "network": "Road Runner HoldCo LLC (AS 11351)",

            "prefix": "",

            "publicIpAddresses": [



            "targetForTests": "",

            "agentState": "online",

            "utilization": 54,

            "ipv6Policy": "force-ipv4",

            "hostname": "teva-spectrum-one",

            "createdDate": "2022-09-09T19:04:16Z"






Cloud Example


    "agents": [


            "agentId": "3",

            "agentName": "Singapore",

            "agentType": "cloud",

            "countryId": "SG",

            "ipAddresses": [




            "location": "Singapore"






Enterprise Cluster Example (Expanded cluster member)



    "agents": [


            "agentId": "1381277",

            "agentName": "EA Cluster",

            "agentType": "enterprise-cluster",

            "clusterMembers": [


                    "ipAddresses": [



                    "lastSeen": "2024-11-14T05:56:12Z",

                    "memberId": "1389581",

                    "name": "localhost.localdomain",

                    "network": "UUNETVerizon Business/UUnet (AS 701)",

                    "prefix": "",

                    "publicIpAddresses": [



                    "targetForTests": "",

                    "agentState": "online",

                    "utilization": 0,



            "countryId": "US",

            "enabled": true,

            "keepBrowserCache": false,

            "verifySslCertificates": true,

            "location": "New York",

            "utilization": 0,

            "ipv6Policy": "force-ipv4",

            "createdDate": "2024-10-04T17:36:29Z"





1.  The values for the `agentTypes` query parameter have changed from ["CLOUD", "ENTERPRISE", "ENTERPRISE_CLUSTER"] to ["cloud", "enterprise-cluster", "enterprise"]

Enterprise Agent Type

2.  The type for the `agentId` and `memberId` fields has changed from integer to string.

3.  The type for the `enabled`, `verifySslCertificates`, and `keepBrowserCache` fields has changed from integer to boolean.

4.  The values for the `agentState`, `agentType`, and `ipv6Policy` fields are now all lowercase, and spaces/underscores have been replaced with hyphens.

a.  For `agentState`, the values have changed from ["Online", "Offline", "Disabled"] to ["online", "offline", "disabled"]

b.  For `agentType`, the value has changed from "Enterprise" to "enterprise"

c.  For `ipv6Policy`, the values have changed from ["FORCE_IPV4", "PREFER_IPV6" or "FORCE_IPV6"] to ["force-ipv4", "prefer-ipv6", "force-ipv6"]

5.  The timestamp format for the `lastSeen` and `createdDate` fields has changed.

o   v6: Date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

o   v7: ISO 8601 format with timezone (e.g., "2024-11-14T05:09:50Z")

6.  The `errorDetails` field is only present if an enterprise agent presents at least one error.

Cloud Agent Type

7.  The type for the `agentId` field has changed from integer to string.

8.  The values for the `agentType` have changed from "Cloud" to "cloud"

9.  The `targetOnly` field has been removed.  

Enterprise Cluster Type

10.        v6 responses always include cluster members, v7 requires `expand=cluster-member` query param to include cluster members in the response.

11.        The values for the `agentState`, `agentType`, and `ipv6Policy` fields are now all lowercase, and spaces/underscores have been replaced with hyphens.

o   For `agentState`, the values have changed from ["Online", "Offline", "Disabled"] to ["online", "offline", "disabled"]

o   For `agentType`, the value has changed from "Enterprise Cluster" to "enterprise-cluster"

o   For `ipv6Policy`, the values have changed from ["FORCE_IPV4", "PREFER_IPV6" or "FORCE_IPV6"] to ["force-ipv4", "prefer-ipv6", "force-ipv6"]

12.        The type for the `agentId` field has changed from integer to string.

13.        The type for the `enabled`, `verifySslCertificates`, and `keepBrowserCache` fields has changed from integer to boolean.

14.        The timestamp format for the `lastSeen` and `createdDate` fields has changed.

o   v6: Date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

o   v7: ISO 8601 format with timezone (e.g., "2024-11-14T05:09:50Z")

15.        The `errorDetails` field is only present if an enterprise agent presents at least one error.



Get an Agent



GET /v6/agents/{agentId}

GET /v7/agents/{agentId}

Response Body

Enterprise Agent


    "agents": [


            "accountGroups": [


                    "accountGroupName": "Demo – Example User",

                    "aid": 164691



            "agentId": 661766,

            "agentName": "Albany, NY (Spectrum)",

            "agentType": "Enterprise",

            "countryId": "US",

            "enabled": 1,

            "keepBrowserCache": 0,

            "verifySslCertificates": 1,

            "ipAddresses": [



            "interfaceIpMapping": [


                    "interfaceName": "eth0",

                    "ipAddresses": [





            "groups": [


                    "name": "IPv4 Compatible",

                    "groupId": -3



                    "name": "Enterprise",

                    "groupId": -1



            "lastSeen": "2024-11-14 06:20:26",

            "location": "New York",

            "network": "Road Runner HoldCo LLC (AS 11351)",

            "prefix": "",

            "publicIpAddresses": [



            "targetForTests": "",

            "agentState": "Online",

            "tests": [],

            "utilization": 55,

            "ipv6Policy": "FORCE_IPV4",

            "hostname": "teva-spectrum-one",

            "createdDate": "2022-09-09 19:04:16",

            "notificationRules": [],

            "errorDetails": []






Enterprise Agent Cluster


    "agents": [


            "accountGroups": [


                    "accountGroupName": "Demo – Example User",

                    "aid": 164691



            "agentId": 1381277,

            "agentName": "EA Cluster",

            "agentType": "Enterprise Cluster",

            "clusterMembers": [


                    "errorDetails": [],

                    "ipAddresses": [



                    "lastSeen": "2024-11-14 06:43:40",

                    "memberId": 1389581,

                    "name": "localhost.localdomain",

                    "network": "UUNETVerizon Business/UUnet (AS 701)",

                    "prefix": "",

                    "publicIpAddresses": [



                    "targetForTests": "",

                    "agentState": "Online",

                    "utilization": 0



            "countryId": "US",

            "enabled": 1,

            "keepBrowserCache": 0,

            "verifySslCertificates": 1,

            "groups": [


                    "name": "Enterprise",

                    "groupId": -1



                    "name": "Enterprise Cluster",

                    "groupId": -6



                    "name": "IPv4 Compatible",

                    "groupId": -3



            "location": "New York",

            "tests": [],

            "utilization": 0,

            "ipv6Policy": "FORCE_IPV4",

            "createdDate": "2024-10-04 17:36:29",

            "notificationRules": []






Cloud Agent


    "agents": [


            "agentId": 3,

            "agentName": "Singapore",

            "agentType": "Cloud",

            "countryId": "SG",

            "targetOnly": 0,

            "ipAddresses": [




            "groups": [


                    "name": "IPv4 Compatible",

                    "groupId": -3



                    "name": "Dual Chromium",

                    "groupId": -11



                    "name": "Cloud",

                    "groupId": -2



            "location": "Singapore"




Enterprise Agent


    "accountGroups": [


            "accountGroupName": "Demo – Example User",

            "aid": "164691"



    "agentId": "661766",

    "agentName": "Albany, NY (Spectrum)",

    "agentType": "enterprise",

    "countryId": "US",

    "enabled": true,

    "keepBrowserCache": false,

    "verifySslCertificates": true,

    "ipAddresses": [



    "interfaceIpMapping": [


            "interfaceName": "eth0",

            "ipAddresses": [





    "labels": [


            "labelId": "-1",

            "name": "Enterprise"



            "labelId": "-3",

            "name": "IPv4 Compatible"



    "lastSeen": "2024-11-14T06:21:26Z",

    "location": "New York",

    "network": "Road Runner HoldCo LLC (AS 11351)",

    "prefix": "",

    "publicIpAddresses": [



    "targetForTests": "",

    "agentState": "online",

    "utilization": 55,

    "ipv6Policy": "force-ipv4",

    "hostname": "teva-spectrum-one",

    "createdDate": "2022-09-09T19:04:16Z"











Enterprise Agent Cluster


    "accountGroups": [


            "accountGroupName": "Demo – Example User",

            "aid": "164691"



    "agentId": "1381277",

    "agentName": "EA Cluster",

    "agentType": "enterprise-cluster",

    "clusterMembers": [


            "ipAddresses": [



            "lastSeen": "2024-11-14T06:44:41Z",

            "memberId": "1389581",

            "name": "localhost.localdomain",

            "network": "UUNETVerizon Business/UUnet (AS 701)",

            "prefix": "",

            "publicIpAddresses": [



            "targetForTests": "",

            "agentState": "online",

            "utilization": 0



    "countryId": "US",

    "enabled": true,

    "keepBrowserCache": false,

    "verifySslCertificates": true,

    "labels": [


            "labelId": "-1",

            "name": "Enterprise"



            "labelId": "-6",

            "name": "Enterprise Cluster"



            "labelId": "-3",

            "name": "IPv4 Compatible"



    "location": "New York",

    "ipv6Policy": "force-ipv4",

    "utilization": 0,

    "createdDate": "2024-10-04T17:36:29Z"




Cloud Agent


    "agentId": "3",

    "agentName": "Singapore",

    "agentType": "cloud",

    "countryId": "SG",

    "ipAddresses": [




    "labels": [


            "labelId": "-11",

            "name": "Dual Chromium"



            "labelId": "-2",

            "name": "Cloud"



            "labelId": "-3",

            "name": "IPv4 Compatible"



    "location": "Singapore",



Enterprise Agents, Enterprise Cluster and Cloud Agents

1.  The response is no longer structured as a list of `agents` objects at the top-most level. Instead, a single agent object is returned.  

2.  The type of the `aid` field inside `accountGroups` has changed from an integer to a string.

3.  The type of the `agentId` field has changed from an integer to a string.

4.  The type for the `enabled`, `verifySslCertificates`, and `keepBrowserCache` fields has changed from integer to boolean.

5.  The values for the `agentState`, `agentType`, and `ipv6Policy` fields are now all lowercase, and spaces/underscores have been replaced with hyphens.

o   For `agentState`, the values have changed from ["Online", "Offline", "Disabled"] to ["online", "offline", "disabled"]

o   For `agentType`, the value has changed from ["Cloud", "Enterprise", "Enterprise Cluster"] to ["cloud", "enterprise", "enterprise-cluster"]

o   For `ipv6Policy`, the values have changed from ["FORCE_IPV4", "PREFER_IPV6" or "FORCE_IPV6"] to ["force-ipv4", "prefer-ipv6", "force-ipv6"]

6.  The `groups` field has been renamed to `labels`. The `groupId` field has been renamed to `labelId`, and its type has changed from integer to string.

7.  The timestamp format for the `lastSeen` and `createdDate` fields has changed.

o   v6: Date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

o   v7: ISO 8601 format with timezone (e.g., "2024-11-14T05:09:50Z")

8.  The `errorDetails` field is only present if an enterprise agent presents at least one error.

9.  The `targetOnly` field has been removed. 


Assigned tests, notification rules, and cluster-members assigned are no longer returned by default unless you include the `expand` query parameter in the request. Acceptable values for the `expand` query parameter are ["cluster-member","test","notification-rule"].


Update an Agent



POST /v6/agents/{agentId}/update

PUT /v7/agents/{agentId}

Request Body


    "agentName": "my updated agent name",

    "accountGroups": [

      {"aid": 315},

      {"aid": 362}


    "tests": [

      {"testId": 12065},

      {"testId": 817}


    "enabled": 1,

    "ipv6Policy": "FORCE_IPV4",

    "keepBrowserCache": 1,


    "targetForTests": "",

    "localResolutionPrefixes": [








    "agentName": "thousandeyes-stg-va-254",

    "accountGroups": [ "1234", "1" ],

    "tests": [ "12313145", "12345" ],

    "enabled": true,

    "ipv6Policy": "force-ipv4",

    "keepBrowserCache": true,

    "targetForTests": "",

    "localResolutionPrefixes": [ "", "" ]



Response Body




1.  The URL and method have changed. 

2.  The format of the value for the `accountGroups` field has changed, it now accepts an array of account group IDs as strings. 

3.  The format of the value for the `tests` field has changed, it now accepts an array of test IDs as strings. 

4.  The data type of the `enabled` and ` keepBrowserCache` fields has changed from integer to boolean.

5.  The values for the `ipv6Policy` field have changed from ["FORCE_IPV4", "PREFER_IPV6" or "FORCE_IPV6"] to ["force-ipv4", "prefer-ipv6", "force-ipv6"]


Delete an Agent



POST /v6/agents/{agentId}/delete

DELETE /v7/agents/{agentId}


1.  The URL and method have changed. 


List all BGP Monitors



GET /v6/bgp-monitors

GET /v7/monitors

Response Body


    "bgpMonitors": [


            "monitorId": 12345,

            "network": "JSC Datalogika (AS 8849)",

            "ipAddress": "2407:d140:1:1fe::7ed2:1f31",

            "countryId": "SG",

            "monitorName": "Singapore-20",

            "monitorType": "Public"





    "monitors": [


            "countryId": "SG",

            "monitorId": "12345",

            "monitorName": "Singapore-20",

            "monitorType": "public",

            "ipAddress": "2407:d140:1:1fe::7ed2:1f31",

            "network": "JSC Datalogika (AS 8849)"





1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The `bgpMonitors` field has been renamed to `monitors`.

3.  The type of the `monitorId` field has changed from integer to string.


Agent Clusters


Add Members



POST /v6/agents/{agentId}/add-to-cluster

POST /v7/agents/{agentId}/cluster/assign

Request Body





Response Body

See “Get an Agent” above

See “Get an Agent” above


1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The format of the request body has changed from a list of agent IDs, to an object with a single key, `agents`, mapped to a value which is an array of agent IDs.



Remove Members



POST /v6/agents/{agentId}/remove-from-cluster

POST /v7/agents/{agentId}/cluster/unassign

Request Body





Response Body

See “Get an Agent” above

See “Get an Agent” above


1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The format of the request body has changed from a list of agent IDs, to an object with a single key, `members`, mapped to a value which is an array of agent IDs.


Convert to Agents



POST /v6/agents/{agentId}/remove-from-cluster

POST /v7/agents/{agentId}/cluster/unassign

Request Body








Response Body

See “Get an Agent” above

See “Get an Agent” above


1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The format of the request body has changed from a list of agent IDs, to an object with a single key, `members`, mapped to a value which is an array of agent IDs.


Agent Proxies


List Agent Proxies



GET /v6/agents/proxies

GET /v7/agents/proxies

Request Body



Response Body


    "agentProxies": [


            "proxyId": 698565,

            "aid": 159645,

            "proxyName": "Test a Proxy",

            "proxyType": "STATIC",

            "proxyLocation": "",

            "proxyUser": "",

            "proxyPassword": "",

            "proxyBypassList": [



            "proxyAuthType": "PROXY_AUTH_TYPE_UNKNOWN",

            "flagLocal": false,

            "lastModified": "2024-07-23 22:48:03"





    "agentProxies": [


            "aid": "159645",

            "authType": "unknown",

            "bypassList": [



            "lastModified": "2024-07-23T22:48:03Z",

            "location": "",

            "isLocalConfigured": false,

            "name": "Test a Proxy",

            "password": "",

            "proxyId": "698565",

            "type": "static",

            "user": ""





1.  The `proxyName` field has been renamed to `name`.

2.  The `proxyType` field has been renamed to `type`.

3.  The `proxyLocation` field has been renamed to `location`.

4.  The `proxyUser` field has been renamed to `user`.

5.  The `proxyPassword` field has been renamed to `password`.

6.  The `proxyAuthType` field has been renamed to `authType`.

7.  The `flagLocal` field has been renamed to `isLocalConfigured`.

8.  The `proxyBypassList` field has been renamed to `bypassList`.  

9.  The type of the `aid` and `proxyId` fields has changed from integer to string.

10.        The values for the `type` and `authType` field are now lowercase.

o   Values for the `type` field have changed from ["STATIC", "PAC"] to ["static", "pac"]

o   Values for the `authType` field have changed from ["BASIC", "NTLM", "UNKNOWN"] to ["basic", "ntlm", "unknown"]

11.        The format of the `lastModified` field has changed:

o   v6: Date and time in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"

o   v7: ISO 8601 format with timezone (e.g., "2020-03-27T00:11:46Z")

12.        The `bypassList` field is only present when it is not empty.


Agent Notification Rules


Get an Agent Notification Rule



GET /v6/agent-notification-rules/{ruleId}

GET /v7/agents/notification-rules/{notificationRuleId}

Response Body


    "agentAlertRules": [


            "default": 1,

            "expression": "((lastContact >= 30 min))",

            "notifyOnClear": 0,

            "ruleId": 1234,

            "ruleName": "Default Agent Offline Notification",

            "notifications": {

                "email": {

                    "message": "Test",

                    "recipient": [




                "thirdParty": [


                        "channel": "@primoz",

                        "integrationId": "sl-57",

                        "integrationName": "Slack Primoz",

                        "integrationType": "SLACK",

                        "target": ""



                "webhook": [


                        "integrationId": "wb-41",

                        "integrationName": "Test Hooks",

                        "integrationType": "WEBHOOK",

                        "target": ""




            "agents": []





    "ruleId": "281474976710706",

    "ruleName": "Default Agent Offline Notification",

    "expression": "((lastContact >= 30 min))",

    "notifyOnClear": true,

    "isDefault": false,

    "notifications": {

        "email": {

            "message": "This test is failing, check as soon as possible.",

            "recipients": [





        "thirdParty": [


                "integrationId": "sl-57",

                "integrationName": "integrationSlack1",

                "integrationType": "slack",

                "target": "",

                "channel": "#slackChannel"



        "webhook": [


                "integrationId": "wb-41",

                "integrationName": "integrationWebhook1",

                "integrationType": "webhook",

                "target": " ",




    "agents": []



1.  The ` agentAlertRules` field has been removed at the top-most level, and the response is no longer an array, it is a single object.

2.  The `default` field has been renamed to `isDefault`, and its type has changed from integer to boolean.

3.  The type of the `ruleId` field has changed from integer to string.

4.  The type of the `notifyOnClear` field has changed from integer to boolean.

5.  For `email` notifications, the `recipient` field has been renamed to `recipients`.

6.  For `thirdParty` and `webhook` notifications, the values of the `integrationType` field have changed to lowercase.



List all Agent Notification Rules



GET v6/agent-notification-rules

GET /v7/agents/notification-rules

Request Body



Response Body


    "agentAlertRules": [


            "ruleId": 221802,

            "ruleName": "Default Agent Offline Notification",

            "expression": "((lastContact >= 30 min))",

            "notifyOnClear": 0,

            "default": 1





    "agentAlertRules": [


            "isDefault": true,

            "ruleId": "221802",

            "ruleName": "Default Agent Offline Notification",

            "expression": "((lastContact >= 30 min))",

            "notifyOnClear": false





1.  The type of the `ruleId` field has changed from integer to string.

2.  The type of the `notifyOnClear` field has changed from integer to boolean.

3.  The `default` field has been renamed to `isDefault`, and its type has changed from integer to boolean.