Administrative Endpoints

Account Groups

List all Account Groups



GET /v6/account-groups

GET /v7/account-groups

Response Body


  "accountGroups": [


      "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

      "aid": 59,

      "organizationName": "ThousandEyes Demo",

      "current": 0,

      "default": 0








  "accountGroups": [


      "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

      "aid": "59",

      "isCurrentAccountGroup": false,

      "isDefaultAccountGroup": false,

      "organizationName": "ThousandEyes Demo"





1.  The `current` field has been renamed to `isCurrentAccountGroup`, and its value has changed from integer to boolean.

2.  The `default` field has been renamed to `isDefaultAccountGroup`, and its value has changed from integer to boolean.

3.  The type for the `aid` field has changed from integer to string.


Get an Account Group



GET /v6/account-groups/{id}

GET /v7/account-groups/{id}

Response Body


  "accountGroups": [


      "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

      "aid": 59,

      "organizationName": "ThousandEyes Demo",

      "current": 0,

      "default": 0,

      "users": [


          "name": "Example User",

          "email": "",

          "uid": 160,

          "lastLogin": "2024-02-07 15:20:21",

          "dateRegistered": "2012-02-02 15:00:52",

          "roles": [


              "roleName": "SSO - Organization Admin",

              "roleId": 244988,

              "hasManagementPermissions": 1,

              "builtin": 0




      "agents": [


          "agentId": 1284371,

          "agentName": "SilverLad Net",

          "agentType": "Enterprise",

          "countryId": "US",

          "enabled": 1,

          "keepBrowserCache": 0,

          "verifySslCertificates": 1,

          "ipAddresses": [




          "interfaceIpMapping": [


              "interfaceName": "host",

              "ipAddresses": [






          "lastSeen": "2024-04-11 12:46:38",

          "location": "Austin Area",

          "network": "Road Runner HoldCo LLC (AS 11427)",

          "prefix": "",

          "publicIpAddresses": [




          "targetForTests": "",

          "agentState": "Online",

          "utilization": 0,

          "ipv6Policy": "FORCE_IPV4",

          "hostname": "m2C3F0BB8A57B-1000000000",

          "createdDate": "2024-01-18 19:25:07",

          "errorDetails": []







  "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

  "aid": "59",

  "isCurrentAccountGroup": false,

  "isDefaultAccountGroup": false,

  "organizationName": "ThousandEyes Demo"



1.  The response is no longer structured as a list of objects at the top-most level. Instead, a single account group object is returned.

2.  The `current` field has been renamed to `isCurrentAccountGroup`, and its value has changed from integer to boolean.

3.  The `default` field has been renamed to `isDefaultAccountGroup`, and its value has changed from integer to boolean.

4.  The type for the `aid` field has changed from integer to string.

5.  Users are not included in the response by default.

o   To include users, must include `expand` parameter with a value of `user`.

o   For details on how the data in the `users` field has changed, see the “List all Users” section of this guide.

6.  Agents are not included in the response by default.

o   To include agents, must include the `expand` parameter with a value of `agent`

o   For details on how the data in the `agents` field has changed, see the “List Cloud and Enterprise Agent” section of this guide.




Create an Account Group



POST /v6/account-groups/new

POST /v7/account-groups

Request Body


  "accountGroupName": "my testing account group",

  "agents": [{"agentId": 1234}]



  "accountGroupName": "my testing account group",

  "agents": [ "105", "719" ]


Response Body

See “Get an Account Group” above

See “Get an Account Group” above


1.  The URL has changed.

2.  Note the format of the `agents` field has changed.


Update an Account Group



POST /v6/account-groups/{id}/update

PUT /v6/account-groups/{id}

Request Body


  "accountGroupName": "my testing account group",

  "agents": [{"agentId": 1234}]



  "accountGroupName": "my testing account group",

  "agents": [ "105", "719" ]


Response Body

See “Get an Account Group” above

See “Get an Account Group” above


1.  The request method has changed from POST to PUT.

2.  The URL has changed.

3.  Note the format of the `agents` field has changed.


Delete an Account Group



POST /v6/account-groups/{id}/delete

DELETE /v7/account-groups/{id}


1.  The request method has changed from POST to DELETE.

2.  The URL has changed.





List all Users



GET /v6/users

GET /v7/users

Response Body


  "users": [


      "name": "Example User",

      "email": "",

      "uid": 160,

      "lastLogin": "2024-02-07 15:20:21",

      "dateRegistered": "2012-02-02 15:00:52",

      "loginAccountGroup": {

        "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

        "aid": 59




  "users": [


      "name": "Example User",

      "email": "",

      "uid": "160",

      "dateRegistered": "2012-02-02T15:00:52Z",

      "loginAccountGroup": {

        "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

        "aid": "59"


      "lastLogin": "2024-02-07T15:20:21Z"



1.  The timestamp format for the `lastLogin` and `dateRegistered` fields has changed.

2.  The type for the `aid` and `uid` fields has changed from integer to string.


Get a User



GET /v6/users/{id}

GET /v7/users/{id}

Response Body


  "users": [


      "name": "Example User",

      "email": "",

      "uid": 160,

      "lastLogin": "2024-02-07 15:20:21",

      "dateRegistered": "2012-02-02 15:00:52",

      "loginAccountGroup": {

        "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

        "aid": 59


      "allAccountGroupRoles": [


          "roleName": "SSO - Organization Admin",

          "roleId": 244988,

          "hasManagementPermissions": 1,

          "builtin": 0







  "name": "Example User",

  "email": "",

  "uid": "160",

  "dateRegistered": "2012-02-02T15:00:52Z",

  "loginAccountGroup": {

    "accountGroupName": "Demo - Example User",

    "aid": "59"


  "lastLogin": "2024-02-07T15:20:21Z",

  "allAccountGroupRoles": [


      "name": "SSO - Organization Admin",

      "roleId": "244988",

      "hasManagementPermissions": true,

      "isBuiltin": false





1.  The response is no longer structured as a list of objects at the top-most level. Instead, a single account group object is returned.

2.  The `builtin` field has been renamed to `isBuiltIn`.

3.  The timestamp format for the `lastLogin` and `dateRegistered` fields has changed.

4.  The type for the `aid`, `uid`, and `roleId` fields has changed from integer to string.

5.  The type for `hasManagementPermissions` and `isBuiltIn` has changed from integer to boolean.

6.  The `roleName` field has been renamed to `name`.



Create a User



POST /v6/users/new

POST /v7/users

Request Body

    "name":"User X",


    "loginAccountGroup": { "aid":691 },



        "accountGroup": { "aid":315 },


          { "roleId":57 }




   "allAccountGroupRoles": [

     { "roleId": 1140 }




    "name": "User X",

    "email": "",

    "loginAccountGroupId": "691",

    "accountGroupRoles": [


            "accountGroupId": "315",

            "roleIds": [ "57", "1140" ]



    "allAccountGroupRoleIds": [ "57", "1140" ]


Response Body

See “Get a User” above

See “Get a User” above


1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The `loginAccountGroup` field has been renamed to `loginAccountGroupId`, and its format has changed.

3.  The format of the `accountGroupRoles` field has changed:

o   Inside this field, the `accountGroup` field has been renamed `accountGroupId`, and its format has changed.

o   Inside this field, the `roles` field has been renamed `roleIds`, and its format has changed.

4.  The `allAccountGroupRoles` field has been renamed to `allAccountGroupRoleIds`, and its format has changed.



Update a User



POST /v6/users/{id}/update

PUT /v7/users/{id}

Request Body

    "name":"User X",


    "loginAccountGroup": { "aid":691 },



        "accountGroup": { "aid":315 },


          { "roleId":57 }




   "allAccountGroupRoles": [

     { "roleId": 1140 }




    "name": "User X",

    "email": "",

    "loginAccountGroupId": "691",

    "accountGroupRoles": [


            "accountGroupId": "315",

            "roleIds": [ "57", "1140" ]



    "allAccountGroupRoleIds": [ "57", "1140" ]


Response Body

See “Get a User” above

See “Get a User” above


1.  The request method has changed from POST to PUT.

2.  The URL has changed.

3.  The `loginAccountGroup` field has been renamed to `loginAccountGroupId`, and its format has changed.

4.  The format of the `accountGroupRoles` field has changed:

o   Inside this field, the `accountGroup` field has been renamed `accountGroupId`, and its format has changed.

o   Inside this field, the `roles` field has been renamed `roleIds`, and its format has changed.

5.  The `allAccountGroupRoles` field has been renamed to `allAccountGroupRoleIds`, and its format has changed.



Delete a User



POST /v6/users/{id}/delete

DELETE /v7/users/{id}


1.  The request method has changed from POST to DELETE.

2.  The URL has changed.




List all Roles



GET /v6/roles

GET /v7/roles

Response Body


    "roles": [


            "builtin": 1,

            "hasManagementPermissions": 1,

            "roleId": 156,

            "roleName": "Account Admin"






    "roles": [


            "name": "Organization Admin",

            "roleId": "35",

            "isBuiltin": true,

            "hasManagementPermissions": true






1.  The `builtin` field has been renamed to `isBuiltIn`.

2.  The `roleName` field has been renamed to `name`.

3.  The type for the `builtin` and `hasManagementPermissions` fields has changed from integer to boolean.

4.  The type for the `roleId` has changed from integer to string.


Get a Role



GET /v6/roles/{id}

GET /v7/roles/{id}

Response Body


    "roles": [


            "builtin": 0,

            "roleId": 280871,

            "roleName": "API User",

            "permissions": [


                    "isManagementPermission": 0,

                    "label": "View reports",

                    "permissionId": 8



                    "isManagementPermission": 0,

                    "label": "View snapshots",

                    "permissionId": 11









    "name": "Organization Admin",

    "roleId": "35",

    "isBuiltin": true,

    "permissions": [


            "label": "View reports",

            "permissionId": "8",

            "isManagementPermission": true,

            "permission": "REPORTS_READ"



            "label": "View snapshots",

            "permissionId": "11",

            "isManagementPermission": false,

            "permission": "REPORT_SNAPSHOTS_READ"





1.  The response is no longer structured as a list of objects at the top-most level. Instead, a single account group object is returned.

2.  The `builtin` field has been renamed to `isBuiltIn`.

3.  The `roleName` field has been renamed to `name`.

4.  The type for the `builtin` and `isManagementPermission` fields has changed from integer to boolean.

5.  The type for the `roleId` and `permissionId` has changed from integer to string.


Create a Role



POST /v6/roles/new

POST /v7/roles

Request Body


    "roleName": "My new role",

    "permissions": [

      { "permissionId": 1 },

      { "permissionId": 2 }




    "name": "Organization Admin",

    "permissions": [ "56", "315" ]


Response Body

See “Get a Role” above

See “Get a Role” above


1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The `roleName` field has been renamed to `name`.

3.  Note the format of the `permissions` field has changed.




Update a Role



POST /v6/roles/{roleId}/update

PUT /v7/roles/{id}

Request Body


  "roleName": "New name for my role",

  "permissions": [

    { "permissionId": 1 },

    { "permissionId": 3 }




    "name": "Organization Admin",

    "permissions": [ "56", "315" ]


Response Body

See “Get a Role” above

See “Get a Role” above


1.  The request method has changed from POST to PUT.

2.  The URL has changed.

3.  The `roleName` field has been renamed to `name`.

4.  Note the format of the `permissions` field has changed.


Delete a Role




DELETE /v7/roles/{id}


1.  APIv6 did not support deleting Roles.




Usage Quotas

Get Usage Quotas



GET /v6/quotas

GET /v7/quotas

Response Body


    "quotas": [


            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 22500,

                "orgId": 10


            "accountGroupQuotas": [


                    "value": 12000,

                    "aid": 1234



                    "value": 10000,

                    "aid": 5678







    "quotas": [


            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 22500,

                "orgId": "10"


            "accountGroupQuotas": [


                    "value": 12000,

                    "aid": "1234"



                    "value": 10000,

                    "aid": "5678"







1.  The value type for `orgId` has changed from integer to string.

2.  The value type for `aid` has changed from integer to string.


Update Usage Quotas (Organization-level)

Note: In APIv7, there are now different endpoints for creating/updating quotas at the organization-level and at the account group-level. For updating account group-level quotas, see Update Usage Quotas (Account Group-level) below.



POST /v6/quotas

POST /v7/quotas/assign

Request Body



            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 12000,

                "orgId": 10




            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 10000,

                "orgId": 20





    "organizations": [


            "orgId": "10",

            "value": 12000



            "orgId": "20",

            "value": 10000




Response Body


    "quotas": [


            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 12000,

                "orgId": 10


            "accountGroupQuotas": [


                    "value": 226000,

                    "aid": 100



                    "value": 268000,

                    "aid": 101



                    "value": 151000,

                    "aid": 102








    "organizations": [


            "orgId": "10",

            "value": 12000



            "orgId": "20",

            "value": 10000





1.  The URL has changed.

2.  In the request, the top-most level data structure no longer an array, it is now an object with a single key named `organizations`, and the value is an array of child objects.

3.  In the request, the child objects now directly contain two keys, `orgId` and `value`, instead of being nested in the value of another object with a key named `organizationQuota`.

4.  In the response, the top-most level key has changed from `quotas` to `organizations`. Also note that child objects in the value for this key are no longer nested within the `organizationQuota` key.

5.  The value type of `orgId` has changed from integer to string.

6.  The account group quotas are no longer returned in this endpoint.


Update Usage Quotas (Account Group-level)

Note: In APIv7, there are now different endpoints for creating/updating quotas at the organization-level and at the account group-level. For updating organization-level quotas, see Update Usage Quotas (Organization-level) above.



POST /v6/quotas

POST /v7/quotas/account-groups/assign

Request Body



            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 2500000000,

                "orgId": 1


            "accountGroupQuotas": [


                    "value": 12000,

                    "aid": 1234



                    "value": 5000,

                    "aid": 5678






    "organizations": [


            "orgId": "1234",

            "accountGroups": [


                    "value": 12000,

                    "aid": "1234"



                    "value": 5000,

                    "aid": "5678"






Response Body


    "quotas": [


            "organizationQuota": {

                "value": 2500000000,

                "orgId": 1


            "accountGroupQuotas": [


                    "value": 12000,

                    "aid": 1234



                    "value": 5000,

                    "aid": 5678







    "organizations": [


            "orgId": "1234",

            "accountGroups": [


                    "value": 12000,

                    "aid": "1234"



                    "value": 5000,

                    "aid": "5678"







1.  The URL has changed.

2.  In the request, the top-most level data structure no longer an array, it is now an object with a single key named `organizations`, and the value is an array of child objects.

3.  In the request, the child objects now directly contain two keys, `orgId` and `accountGroups`. The `organizationQuota` key has been removed, and organization-level quotas cannot be set with this endpoint.

4.  In the request, the `accountGroupQuotas` key and value are no longer a sibling of the `organizationQuota` key and value. Instead, the key has been renamed `accountGroups` and is now contained within the child object, i.e, a sibling of the `orgId` key. 

5.  In the response, the top-most level key has changed from `quotas` to `organizations`. The value for this key is still an array, but the structure of the objects within the array has changed: the objects now contain two keys, `orgId` and `accountGroups`.

6.  In the response, the organization quota is no longer returned.

7.  The value type of `orgId` has changed from integer to string.

8.  The value type of `aid ` has changed from integer to string.





List all Permissions



GET /v6/permissions

GET /v7/permissions

Response Body


    "permissions": [


            "permissionId": 1,

            "label": "Assign users emails to alerts",

            "isManagementPermission": 0



            "permissionId": 51,

            "label": "View billing",

            "isManagementPermission": 1








    "permissions": [


            "permissionId": "3",

            "label": "Edit user email addresses",

            "isManagementPermission": false,

            "permission": "EMAILS_UPDATE"



            "permissionId": "8",

            "label": "View dashboards",

            "isManagementPermission": false,

            "permission": "REPORTS_READ"






1.  The value type of `isManagementPermission` has changed from integer to boolean.

2.  The value type of `permissionId` has changed from integer to string.


Activity Log Events


List Activity Log Events



POST /v6/audit/user-events/search

GET /v7/audit-user-events

Response Body


    "auditEvents": [


            "accountGroupName": "API Sandbox",

            "aid": 75,

            "date": "2017-05-02 13:53:31",

            "event": "Report created",

            "ipAddress": "",

            "resources": [


                    "type": "reportTitle",

                    "name": "My New Report"



            "uid": 245,

            "user": "API Sandbox User ("



    "pages": {

        "next": "",

        "current": 403527871






    "startDate": "2022-07-17T22:00:54Z",

    "endDate": "2022-07-18T22:00:54Z",

    "auditEvents": [


            "accountGroupName": "API Sandbox",

            "aid": "1234",

            "date": "2020-07-17T21:54:54Z",

            "event": "Report created.",

            "ipAddress": "",

            "uid": "1234",

            "user": "API Sandbox User (",

            "resources": [


                    "name": "My New report",

                    "type": "reportTitle"



                    "name": "Other Report",

                    "type": "testName"





    "_links": {

        "next": {

            "href": ""


        "self": {

            "href": ""





1.  The URL has changed.

2.  The type for the `aid` field has changed from integer to string.

3.  The type for the `uid` field has changed from integer to string.

4.  The timestamp format for the `date` field has changed.

5.  The `pages` key has been removed. Pagination is now available under the `_links` key.