{"type":"model","meta":{"id":"/apps/pubhub/media/000-v7-apis/f7528ecb6b1c1f7a1b95993a065c8c7e97fd722a/81883e57-5d5f-3830-b256-d77607d487be","info":{"description":"The ThousandEyes Tags API provides a tagging system with key/value pairs. It allows you to tag assets within the ThousandEyes platform (such as agents, tests, or alert rules) with meaningful metadata. For example: `branch:sfo`, `branch:nyc`, and `team:netops`.\n\nThis feature provides:\n\n* Support for automation.\n* Powerful and flexible reports/dashboards.\n* Support for third-party integrations.\n\nThings to note with the ThousandEyes Tags API:\n\n* Tags are backwards-compatible with existing labels.\n* Tags are separated by Tests (CEA), Agents (CEA), Endpoint Agents, Scheduled Endpoint Tests, and Reports. A single tag can only apply to one type of target object, so each tag must specify the target type of object via a `type` field.\n* Tags are defined in a single table so that they can be represented using a single model - `Tag`.\n","title":"Tags API","version":"7.0.37"},"security":[{"BearerAuth":[]}],"tags":[{"description":"Tag CRUD Operations","name":"Tags"},{"description":"Assign tags to other objects","name":"Tag Assignment"}],"openapi":"3.0.1","servers":[{"description":"ThousandEyes API production URL","url":"https://api.thousandeyes.com/v7"}],"securitySchemes":{"BearerAuth":{"description":"Bearer authentication token","scheme":"bearer","type":"http"}}},"spec":{"description":"The access level of the tag. The access level impacts the visibility of the label in UI and the permissions to modify the label.","enum":["all","partner","system"],"example":"all","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AccessType","title":"AccessType"}}