Response status codes

Responses from ThousandEyes APIs generally use standard HTTP status codes as shown below:

Status Code Definition When you'll see it
200 OK Nearly every response
201 CREATED Using a /new endpoint (e.g. /tests/{testType}/new)
204 NO CONTENT Using a /delete endpoint (e.g. /tests/{testType}/{testId}/delete)
301 MOVED PERMANENTLY Requests accessing a nonexistent version of the API
400 BAD REQUEST Malformatted requests
401 UNAUTHORIZED Invalid credentials provided or account is locked
403 FORBIDDEN Insufficient permissions to execute request (ie, any POST method as a regular user)
404 NOT FOUND Attempting to access an endpoint that does not exist
405 METHOD NOT ALLOWED Wrong request type for target endpoint (ie, POSTing data to a GET endpoint)
406 NOT ACCEPTABLE Can be returned when the Content Type of the data returned does not match the Accept header of the request
415 UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE Attempting to POST data in incorrect format
429 TOO MANY REQUESTS You have exceeded the max number of requests per 1-minute period
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Contact support if you see this error type
503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE The ThousandEyes API is currently in maintenance mode.

If the response code is not specific enough to determine the cause of the issue, error messages will be included in the response in JSON format, for example:

  "timestamp": 1679677853573,
  "httpStatus": "PRECONDITION_FAILED",
  "errors": [
    "User cannot create more than 5 integrations"
  "path": ""

Error Handling

The API will raise exceptions in the event something failed, such as missing or invalid parameters.

We recommend writing code that gracefully handles all possible API exceptions.