{"type":"model","meta":{"id":"/apps/pubhub/media/000-v7-apis/5b3454a4300b838cc17f7b2cdc0690fdd15058d5/9a54eafb-59ad-38f2-a440-c003b58ad29f","info":{"description":"You can manage the following alert functionalities on the ThousandEyes platform using the Alerts API:\n\n* **Alerts**: Retrieve alert details. Alerts are assigned to tests through alert rules.\n\n* **Alert Rules**: Conditions that you configure in order to highlight or be notified of events of interest in your ThousandEyes tests. When an alert rule’s conditions are met, the associated alert is triggered and the alert becomes active. It remains active until the alert is cleared. Alert rules are reusable across multiple tests..\n\n* **Alert Suppression Windows**: Suppress alerts for tests during periods such as planned maintenance. Windows can be one-time events or recurring events to handle periodic occurrences such as monthly downtime for maintenance.\n\nFor more information about the alerts, see [Alerts](https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/alerts).\n","title":"Alerts API","version":"7.0.34"},"security":[{"BearerAuth":[]}],"tags":[{"name":"Alerts"},{"name":"Alert Rules"},{"name":"Alert Suppression Windows"}],"openapi":"3.0.1","servers":[{"description":"ThousandEyes API production URL","url":"https://api.thousandeyes.com/v7"}],"securitySchemes":{"BearerAuth":{"description":"Bearer authentication token","scheme":"bearer","type":"http"}}},"spec":{"description":"String representation of the metric or metrics being considered in the alert rule at the point that the alert was cleared. If the alert is not yet cleared, this field reflects the last round of data gathered from the source.","properties":{"metrics":{"type":"string"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndAlertMetrics","title":"EndAlertMetrics"}}