{"type":"model","meta":{"id":"/apps/pubhub/media/000-v7-apis/5b3454a4300b838cc17f7b2cdc0690fdd15058d5/c08488fb-7a2d-3d7d-9594-8f650f96122b","info":{"description":"Templates provide a streamlined approach to creating multiple tests (Synthetic/CEA and Endpoint), alert rules, dashboards, labels and other assets within ThousandEyes from a single configuration file.\nTemplates make it easy to configure monitoring for even the most complex monitoring scenarios.\nThe following applies to templates:\n* ThousandEyes provides a pre-defined set of templates for monitoring common services and applications like Office365, Webex, Atlassian, Slack, custom network, HTTP, API, and Web targets.\n* You can easily create tests for monitoring common services and applications such as Office365, Webex, and others using the predefined set of ThousandEyes built-in templates.\n* Users can create their own templates, which are visible to any other users in the account group the template was created in, provided they have the `View Templates Read` permission.\n* Templates support dynamic user inputs, which are values provided by users when a template is deployed. Templates leverage Handlebars templating notation to allow dynamically configuring ThousandEyes resources based on user provided inputs.\n* Templates can be deployed from the UI or the API.\n* Credentials (usernames, passwords, tokens, etc.) may be included in a template only as placeholders whose value is provided by user input when deployed. Creating or updating a template that contains a credentials field in plain text will result in a bad request (ie, HTTP 400).\n* Templates can also use Handlebars temlate notation to reference fields of other assets defined in the template. To support this, assets are created in the order below, which also determines what other assets a given asset can reference\n(ex. Labels cannot reference other assets, Tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n 1. Labels\n 2. Tests\n 3. Endpoint Tests\n 4. Tags\n 5. Alert Rules\n 6. Dashboard Filters\n 7. Dashboards\n\nFor more information about Templates, see the [product documentation](https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/internet-and-wan-monitoring/tests/test-templates).\n","title":"Templates API","version":"7.0.34"},"security":[{"BearerAuth":[]}],"tags":[{"name":"Templates"}],"openapi":"3.0.0","servers":[{"description":"ThousandEyes API production URL","url":"https://api.thousandeyes.com/v7"}],"securitySchemes":{"BearerAuth":{"description":"Bearer authentication token","scheme":"bearer","type":"http"}}},"spec":{"properties":{"templates":{"items":{"properties":{"id":{"description":"The ID of the template.","example":"fcbb89a7-61cf-4616-9c4f-828fa3cb4684","format":"uuid","type":"string"},"dateCreated":{"description":"The date and time the template was created.","example":"2023-07-17T22:00:54Z","format":"date-time","type":"string"},"name":{"description":"The name of the template.","example":"My Template","type":"string"},"description":{"description":"Text that describes the template.","example":"A description of My Template","type":"string"},"icon":{"description":"Icon that will be used when displaying the template in UI. If none supplied, will display `thousandeyes` icon. Supported values include:\n- `api`\n- `custom`\n- `server`\n- `user-template`\n- `thousandeyes`\n","example":"server","type":"string"},"isBuiltIn":{"description":"Indicates whether the template is a built-in template. This field is read-only for normal users.","example":false,"type":"boolean"},"certificationLevel":{"description":"The certification level of the Template. The accepted values are:\n- `user`: User created template; not verified by ThousandEyes\n- `thousandeyes`: Created by ThousandEyes\n- `partner`: Created by ThousandEyes and approved by Partner/Vendor\n- `certified`: Created and certified by ThousandEyes using included best practice guide (see `documentation` link).\n","enum":["user","thousandeyes","partner","certified"],"example":"user","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/CertificationLevel"},"userInputs":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"A user input is a value that the user must provide when deploying a template.\nUser Input values are provided by the user in the UI under the **Global Settings** section.\nWhen deploying via the API, User Inputs values are specified in the payload using the `userInputValues` field.\n","properties":{"name":{"description":"The name of the user input field.","example":"target","type":"string"},"type":{"description":"The type of user input. This defines the value the user can provide as well as the UI component displayed when redering User Inputs.\nThe type is used to validate the user provided value when deploying a template.\n- `string`: User input expects a string value; UI will be rendered as a text box.\n- `number`: User input expects a numeric value; UI will be rendered as a text box.\n- `boolean`: User input expects a boolean value; UI will be rendered as a check box.\n- `string[]`: User input expects an array of string values; UI will be rendered as drop down.\n- `number[]`: User input expects an array of numeric values; UI will be rendered as drop down.\n- `boolean[]`: User input expects an array of boolean values; UI will be rendered as drop down.\n- `agents`: User input expects an array of `agentId`s; UI will be rendered as an Agent Selector (CEA) drop down.\n- `tests`: User input expects an array of `testId`s; UI will be rendered as a Test Selector (CEA) drop down.\n- `any`: For any other user inputs that don't belong to the types listed above. These will be determined based on usage in template.\n","enum":["string","number","boolean","string[]","number[]","boolean[]","agents","tests","any"],"example":"string","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/UserInputType"},"title":{"description":"The title of the user input field; may be used by UI.","example":"Test Target","type":"string"},"description":{"description":"Description of the user input field; used by UI.","example":"The target of the Tests","type":"string"},"defaultValue":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"type":"number"},{"type":"object"},{"items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"},{"items":{"type":"number"},"type":"array"},{"items":{"type":"object"},"type":"array"}],"description":"A user input value. The type of object depends on the user input `type` field.","example":"us-west-1","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/UserInputValue"},"allowedValues":{"description":"Allowed values for the User Input. An array of name/value pairs that specify specific values that can be used with the User Input. In the UI, user inputs with `allowedValues` will be displayed as a drop down selector; the `name` will be used as the display text.","items":{"description":"The list of values that the user is allowed to use as inputs.","properties":{"value":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"type":"number"},{"type":"object"},{"items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array"},{"items":{"type":"number"},"type":"array"},{"items":{"type":"object"},"type":"array"}],"description":"A user input value. The type of object depends on the user input `type` field.","example":"us-west-1","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/UserInputValue"},"name":{"description":"The name of the value, which will be used for display in the UI and API messages.","example":"West","type":"string"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/UserInputAllowedValue"},"type":"array"}},"required":["name","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/UserInput"},"description":"A map of \u003ckey, UserInput\u003e. User Inputs are values that the user must fill in order for\nthe Template to deploy. User Inputs are like variables that can be used for dynamically setting just\nabout any field in the Template, including fields for Tests, Labels, Dashboards, and most other template assets.\nUser Inputs are referenced using Handlebars template substitution notation. For example:\n\n`\"testName\": \"{{userInputs.targetDomain}} - HTTP\"`\n\nThe [Handlebars Syntax](https://handlebarsjs.com/guide/builtin-helpers.html) also supports basic logic operations\nand iterators that allow creating powerful and flexible templates.\n","example":{"targetDomain":{"name":"Target Domain","description":"Name of target domain that will be used for configuring tests in this template.","type":"string"},"region":{"name":"Cloud Region","description":"The available cloud regions to target.","type":"string","allowedValues":[{"name":"West","value":"us-west-1"},{"name":"East","value":"us-east-2"}]},"agents":{"name":"Source Agents","description":"The agents that will be used by the tests in this template.","type":"agents"}},"type":"object"},"groupings":{"description":"An ordered list of groupings that organize template objects, such as user inputs or tests.","example":[{"name":"personalize","title":"Personalize your dashboard","description":"Allow you to personalize your dashboard","type":"user-input","items":["dashboardTitle","dashboardDescription","dashboardFilterTitle"]},{"name":"dns-test-group","title":"DNS Tests","description":"Grouped by DNS test type","type":"test","items":["dnsTest-microsoft365","dnsTest-sharepoint","dnsTest-microsoftlogin","dnsTest-onedrive","dnsTest-outlook"]}],"items":{"description":"Represents a grouping of different template resources for display purposes in the UI. This grouping does not affect template deployment.","example":{"name":"web-page-tests","title":"Web Page Tests","description":"Used for testing web pages","type":"test","items":["dnsTest","pageLoadTest"]},"properties":{"name":{"description":"The name of the grouping.","example":"dashboard-inputs","type":"string"},"title":{"description":"The title of the grouping.","example":"Dashboard Inputs","type":"string"},"type":{"description":"The type of resources included in the grouping. Supported types are `Tests` and `User Inputs`. Grouped tests are displayed under a shared `title` in the template test list view, while grouped user inputs are organized into sections in the Global Inputs area, using the provided `title` and `description`.","enum":["test","user-input"],"example":"user-input","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TemplateGroupingType"},"description":{"description":"Description of the grouping.","example":"The target of the tests","type":"string"},"items":{"description":"A list of items within the group, corresponding to the keys in the `userInputs` or `tests` fields of the template. Each key must be unique within its respective group (`user-input` or `test`).","example":["dnsTest","pageLoadTest"],"items":{"description":"The unique key for an item in this grouping.","example":"[\"dnsTest\",\"pageLoadTest\"]","type":"string"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true}},"required":["name","title","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TemplateGrouping"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true},"labels":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"A label object that is compatible with [ThousandEyes V6 API](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/create-a-label/#request).\nAll field values can be templated with Handlebars expression unless otherwise noted.\n","properties":{"name":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the label.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelConfigurationTemplate_name"},"type":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The type of label. Acceptable values are:\n- `tests` - A Label that can be assigned to CEA/Synthetic tests\n- `endpoint_tests` - A Label that can be assigned to Endpoint tests\n","enum":["tests","endpoint_tests"],"example":"tests","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelTypeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelConfigurationTemplate_type"},"tests":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Test identified by the test's ID.","properties":{"testId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestIdTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Array of CEA/Synthetic testId objects, if the type specified is `tests`.","title":"Label_tests","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Label_tests"},"endpointTests":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Test identified by the test's ID.","properties":{"testId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestIdTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Array of Endpoint testId objects, if the type specified is `endpoint_tests`.","title":"Label_endpointTests","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Label_endpointTests"}},"required":["name"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelConfigurationTemplate"},"description":"A map of \u003cname, Label\u003e objects. These are ThousandEyes Labels that will be created when the template is deployed.","example":{"myLabel":{"name":"My Label","tests":[{"testId":123}]}},"externalDocs":{"url":"https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/update-a-label"},"type":"object"},"tests":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"A ThousandEyes CEA (Synthetic) test configuration that is compatible with [ThousandEyes V6 API](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/tests-metadata/). \nAll field values can be templated with Handlebars expression unless otherwise noted.\n","discriminator":{"mapping":{"agent-to-server":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate","agent-to-agent":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestTemplate","dns-server":"#/components/schemas/DnsServerTestTemplate","dns-trace":"#/components/schemas/DnsTraceTestTemplate","http-server":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestTemplate","page-load":"#/components/schemas/PageLoadTestTemplate","web-transactions":"#/components/schemas/TransactionTestTemplate","sip-server":"#/components/schemas/SipServerTestTemplate","voice":"#/components/schemas/VoiceTestTemplate"},"propertyName":"type"},"externalDocs":{"url":"https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/tests-metadata/"},"oneOf":[{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"agent-to-server","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTypeTemplate","default":"agent-to-server"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the network test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"bgpMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable BGP measurements.","title":"BgpMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BgpMeasurements"},"bandwidthMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable bandwidth measurements.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements"},"mtuMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"numPathTraces":{"anyOf":[{"default":3,"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","example":3,"maximum":10,"minimum":3,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTracesTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","title":"NumPathTraces","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTraces"},"pathTraceMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"classic","description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","enum":["classic","inSession"],"example":"classic","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","title":"PathTraceMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceMode"},"probeMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"AUTO","description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","enum":["AUTO","SACK","SYN"],"example":"AUTO","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","title":"ProbeMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeMode"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network transport protocol that will be used. Defaults to `TCP`.","title":"TransportProtocol","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocol"},"server":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target host name or IP address. Example \"app.thousandeyes.com\".","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TargetServerTemplate"},"continuousMode":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_continuousMode"},"fixedPacketRate":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","interval","server","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"http-server","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestTypeTemplate","default":"http-server"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the network test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"bgpMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable BGP measurements.","title":"BgpMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BgpMeasurements"},"bandwidthMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable bandwidth measurements.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements"},"mtuMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"numPathTraces":{"anyOf":[{"default":3,"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","example":3,"maximum":10,"minimum":3,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTracesTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","title":"NumPathTraces","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTraces"},"pathTraceMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"classic","description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","enum":["classic","inSession"],"example":"classic","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","title":"PathTraceMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceMode"},"probeMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"AUTO","description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","enum":["AUTO","SACK","SYN"],"example":"AUTO","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","title":"ProbeMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeMode"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network transport protocol that will be used. Defaults to `TCP`.","title":"TransportProtocol","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocol"},"networkMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"`1` to enable network measurements, `0` to disable.\n","title":"NetworkMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkMeasurements"},"desiredStatusCode":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Expected HTTP status response code.","title":"DesiredStatusCode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DesiredStatusCode"},"followRedirects":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether or not transaction test should follow redirects.","title":"FollowRedirects","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/FollowRedirects"},"httpTargetTime":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target time for HTTP server completion; specified in milliseconds.","maximum":5000,"minimum":100,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpTargetTime"},"httpTimeLimit":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"httpVersion":{"anyOf":[{"default":2,"description":"The HTTP Version; 2 for default (prefer HTTP/2), 1 for HTTP/1.1 only.","enum":[1,2],"example":2,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpVersionTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"HTTP Version; 2 for default (prefer HTTP/2), 1 for HTTP/1.1 only.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpVersion"},"authType":{"anyOf":[{"default":"NONE","description":"Authentication type to use when establishing connection.","enum":["NONE","BASIC","NTLM","KERBEROS"],"example":"NONE","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AuthTypeTestTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Authentication type.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_authType"},"username":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The username to be used for Basic/NTLM authentication.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_username"},"password":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The password to be used for Basic/NTLM authentication.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_password"},"useNtlm":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether test should use NTLM during auth.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_useNtlm"},"userAgent":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The user-agent string to be provided during the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_userAgent"},"customHeaders":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Custom headers to use in HTTP request.","properties":{"all":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"},"domains":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"},"root":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/CustomHeadersTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_customHeaders"},"verifyCertificate":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"clientCertificate":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The string representation (containing newline characters) of client certificate, if used.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_clientCertificate"},"sslVersionId":{"anyOf":[{"default":0,"description":"The SSL Version; `0` for auto, `3` for SSLv3, `4` for TLS v1.0, `5` for TLS v1.1, `6` for TLS v1.2.","enum":[0,3,4,5,6],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SslVersionIdTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The SSL Version; `0` for auto, `3` for SSLv3, `4` for TLS v1.0, `5` for TLS v1.1, `6` for TLS v1.2.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_sslVersionId"},"downloadLimit":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"dnsOverride":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"postBody":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","interval","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"page-load","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestTypeTemplate","default":"page-load"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the network test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"bgpMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable BGP measurements.","title":"BgpMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BgpMeasurements"},"bandwidthMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable bandwidth measurements.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements"},"mtuMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"numPathTraces":{"anyOf":[{"default":3,"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","example":3,"maximum":10,"minimum":3,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTracesTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","title":"NumPathTraces","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTraces"},"pathTraceMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"classic","description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","enum":["classic","inSession"],"example":"classic","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","title":"PathTraceMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceMode"},"probeMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"AUTO","description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","enum":["AUTO","SACK","SYN"],"example":"AUTO","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","title":"ProbeMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeMode"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network transport protocol that will be used. Defaults to `TCP`.","title":"TransportProtocol","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocol"},"networkMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"`1` to enable network measurements, `0` to disable.\n","title":"NetworkMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkMeasurements"},"desiredStatusCode":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Expected HTTP status response code.","title":"DesiredStatusCode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DesiredStatusCode"},"followRedirects":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether or not transaction test should follow redirects.","title":"FollowRedirects","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/FollowRedirects"},"httpTargetTime":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target time for HTTP server completion; specified in milliseconds.","maximum":5000,"minimum":100,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpTargetTime"},"httpTimeLimit":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"httpVersion":{"anyOf":[{"default":2,"description":"The HTTP Version; 2 for default (prefer HTTP/2), 1 for HTTP/1.1 only.","enum":[1,2],"example":2,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpVersionTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"HTTP Version; 2 for default (prefer HTTP/2), 1 for HTTP/1.1 only.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpVersion"},"authType":{"anyOf":[{"default":"NONE","description":"Authentication type to use when establishing connection.","enum":["NONE","BASIC","NTLM","KERBEROS"],"example":"NONE","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AuthTypeTestTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Authentication type.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_authType"},"username":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The username to be used for Basic/NTLM authentication.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_username"},"password":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The password to be used for Basic/NTLM authentication.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_password"},"useNtlm":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether test should use NTLM during auth.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_useNtlm"},"userAgent":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The user-agent string to be provided during the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_userAgent"},"customHeaders":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Custom headers to use in HTTP request.","properties":{"all":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"},"domains":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"},"root":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/CustomHeadersTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_customHeaders"},"verifyCertificate":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"clientCertificate":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The string representation (containing newline characters) of client certificate, if used.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_clientCertificate"},"sslVersionId":{"anyOf":[{"default":0,"description":"The SSL Version; `0` for auto, `3` for SSLv3, `4` for TLS v1.0, `5` for TLS v1.1, `6` for TLS v1.2.","enum":[0,3,4,5,6],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SslVersionIdTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The SSL Version; `0` for auto, `3` for SSLv3, `4` for TLS v1.0, `5` for TLS v1.1, `6` for TLS v1.2.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_sslVersionId"},"url":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The URL that the test will target.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_url"},"blockDomains":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_blockDomains"},"allowMicAndCamera":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"allowGeolocation":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"pageLoadingStrategy":{"anyOf":[{"default":"normal","enum":["none","eager","normal"],"example":"normal","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PageLoadStrategyTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The page loading strategy the browser should use when loading the target webpage.\n- `normal`: Wait for the entire page to load, meaning that HTML content and all resources have been downloaded and parsed before moving to the next action in the transaction test script. \n- `eager`: Wait for the `DOMContentLoaded` event, meaning that HTML content is downloaded and parsed, and the document readiness state is “interactive” before moving to the next action in the test script. \n- `none`: Wait only for HTML content to download. Once the HTML is downloaded, the test proceeds to the next action in the transaction test script. (Default is `normal`).\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_pageLoadingStrategy"},"subinterval":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Subinterval for round-robin testing (in seconds). Must be less than or equal to interval and must evenly divide interval. Defaults to null, which disables round-robin.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_subinterval"},"httpInterval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the HTTP test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PageLoadTestBaseTemplate_httpInterval"},"pageLoadTargetTime":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target time for page load completion in seconds; specified in seconds; cannot exceed `pageLoadTimeLimit` value.","example":10,"maximum":30,"minimum":1,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PageLoadTestBaseTemplate_pageLoadTargetTime"},"pageLoadTimeLimit":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","interval","type","url"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PageLoadTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"agent-to-agent","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestTypeTemplate","default":"agent-to-agent"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the network test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"bgpMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable BGP measurements.","title":"BgpMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BgpMeasurements"},"bandwidthMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable bandwidth measurements.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements"},"mtuMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"numPathTraces":{"anyOf":[{"default":3,"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","example":3,"maximum":10,"minimum":3,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTracesTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","title":"NumPathTraces","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTraces"},"pathTraceMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"classic","description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","enum":["classic","inSession"],"example":"classic","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","title":"PathTraceMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceMode"},"probeMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"AUTO","description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","enum":["AUTO","SACK","SYN"],"example":"AUTO","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","title":"ProbeMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeMode"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network transport protocol that will be used. Defaults to `TCP`.","title":"TransportProtocol","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocol"},"direction":{"anyOf":[{"default":"TO_TARGET","description":"Direction of the test (affects how results are shown). Defaults to `TO_TARGET`.","enum":["TO_TARGET","FROM_TARGET","BIDIRECTIONAL"],"example":"TO_TARGET","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestDirectionTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestTemplate_allOf_direction"},"dscpId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"targetAgentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"throughputMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestTemplate_allOf_throughputMeasurements"},"throughputDuration":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"throughputRate":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","interval","targetAgentId","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"voice","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/VoiceTestTypeTemplate","default":"voice"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Voice test interval in seconds.","enum":[300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":300,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/VoiceIntervalTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the Voice test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/VoiceTestTemplate_allOf_interval"},"dscpId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"dscp":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"targetAgentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","interval","targetAgentId","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/VoiceTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"web-transactions","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestTypeTemplate","default":"web-transactions"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the network test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"bgpMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable BGP measurements.","title":"BgpMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BgpMeasurements"},"bandwidthMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable bandwidth measurements.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements"},"mtuMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"numPathTraces":{"anyOf":[{"default":3,"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","example":3,"maximum":10,"minimum":3,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTracesTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","title":"NumPathTraces","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTraces"},"pathTraceMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"classic","description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","enum":["classic","inSession"],"example":"classic","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","title":"PathTraceMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceMode"},"probeMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"AUTO","description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","enum":["AUTO","SACK","SYN"],"example":"AUTO","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","title":"ProbeMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeMode"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network transport protocol that will be used. Defaults to `TCP`.","title":"TransportProtocol","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocol"},"networkMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"`1` to enable network measurements, `0` to disable.\n","title":"NetworkMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkMeasurements"},"desiredStatusCode":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Expected HTTP status response code.","title":"DesiredStatusCode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DesiredStatusCode"},"followRedirects":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether or not transaction test should follow redirects.","title":"FollowRedirects","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/FollowRedirects"},"httpTargetTime":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target time for HTTP server completion; specified in milliseconds.","maximum":5000,"minimum":100,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpTargetTime"},"httpTimeLimit":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"httpVersion":{"anyOf":[{"default":2,"description":"The HTTP Version; 2 for default (prefer HTTP/2), 1 for HTTP/1.1 only.","enum":[1,2],"example":2,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpVersionTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"HTTP Version; 2 for default (prefer HTTP/2), 1 for HTTP/1.1 only.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_httpVersion"},"authType":{"anyOf":[{"default":"NONE","description":"Authentication type to use when establishing connection.","enum":["NONE","BASIC","NTLM","KERBEROS"],"example":"NONE","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AuthTypeTestTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Authentication type.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_authType"},"username":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The username to be used for Basic/NTLM authentication.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_username"},"password":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The password to be used for Basic/NTLM authentication.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_password"},"useNtlm":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether test should use NTLM during auth.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_useNtlm"},"userAgent":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The user-agent string to be provided during the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_userAgent"},"customHeaders":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Custom headers to use in HTTP request.","properties":{"all":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"},"domains":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"},"root":{"additionalProperties":{"type":"string"},"type":"object"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/CustomHeadersTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_customHeaders"},"verifyCertificate":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"clientCertificate":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The string representation (containing newline characters) of client certificate, if used.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_clientCertificate"},"sslVersionId":{"anyOf":[{"default":0,"description":"The SSL Version; `0` for auto, `3` for SSLv3, `4` for TLS v1.0, `5` for TLS v1.1, `6` for TLS v1.2.","enum":[0,3,4,5,6],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SslVersionIdTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The SSL Version; `0` for auto, `3` for SSLv3, `4` for TLS v1.0, `5` for TLS v1.1, `6` for TLS v1.2.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HttpServerTestBaseTemplate_sslVersionId"},"url":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The URL that the test will target.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_url"},"blockDomains":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_blockDomains"},"allowMicAndCamera":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"allowGeolocation":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"pageLoadingStrategy":{"anyOf":[{"default":"normal","enum":["none","eager","normal"],"example":"normal","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PageLoadStrategyTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The page loading strategy the browser should use when loading the target webpage.\n- `normal`: Wait for the entire page to load, meaning that HTML content and all resources have been downloaded and parsed before moving to the next action in the transaction test script. \n- `eager`: Wait for the `DOMContentLoaded` event, meaning that HTML content is downloaded and parsed, and the document readiness state is “interactive” before moving to the next action in the test script. \n- `none`: Wait only for HTML content to download. Once the HTML is downloaded, the test proceeds to the next action in the transaction test script. (Default is `normal`).\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_pageLoadingStrategy"},"subinterval":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Subinterval for round-robin testing (in seconds). Must be less than or equal to interval and must evenly divide interval. Defaults to null, which disables round-robin.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BrowserTestBaseTemplate_subinterval"},"targetTime":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The target time for transaction test to complete, in seconds.","example":30,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransactionTestBaseTemplate_targetTime"},"timeLimit":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The time limit for transaction test in seconds; defaults to 30s.","example":30,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransactionTestBaseTemplate_timeLimit"},"transactionScript":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Transaction script for transaction test. Must be a JavaScript string with escaped quotes.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransactionScriptTemplate"},"disableScreenshot":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToAgentTestTemplate_allOf_throughputMeasurements"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","interval","transactionScript","type","url"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransactionTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"sip-server","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestTypeTemplate","default":"sip-server"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"desiredStatusCode":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"server":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The SIP protocol to use for SIP transport layer; defaults to TCP. When creating or updating a SIP test, set this field as part of the `targetSipCredentials` field.\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SipProtocolTemplate"},"targetSipCredentials":{"properties":{"authUser":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"password":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The SIP protocol to use for SIP transport layer; defaults to TCP. When creating or updating a SIP test, set this field as part of the `targetSipCredentials` field.\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SipProtocolTemplate"},"sipRegistrar":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The target SIP server, without port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SipRegistrarTemplate"}},"required":["port","sipRegistrar"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TargetSipCredentialsTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","targetSipCredentials","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SipServerTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"dns-server","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsServerTestTypeTemplate","default":"dns-server"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"interval":{"anyOf":[{"default":60,"description":"Interval between test runs in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestInterval"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"How often the network test will run, in seconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_interval"},"port":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network port.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PortTemplate"},"bgpMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable BGP measurements.","title":"BgpMeasurements","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BgpMeasurements"},"bandwidthMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Enable/disable bandwidth measurements.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NetworkTestBaseTemplate_bandwidthMeasurements"},"mtuMeasurements":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentToServerTestTemplate_allOf_fixedPacketRate"},"numPathTraces":{"anyOf":[{"default":3,"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","example":3,"maximum":10,"minimum":3,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTracesTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Number of path trace probes to run. Defaults to 3, with a range of 3 to 10.","title":"NumPathTraces","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumPathTraces"},"pathTraceMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"classic","description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","enum":["classic","inSession"],"example":"classic","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The path trace mode. Choose `inSession` to perform the path trace within a TCP session. Defaults to `classic` for network path discovery.","title":"PathTraceMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/PathTraceMode"},"probeMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"AUTO","description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","enum":["AUTO","SACK","SYN"],"example":"AUTO","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeModeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The probe mode used by the end-to-end Network test. Only valid if the protocol is set to `TCP`. Defaults to `AUTO`.","title":"ProbeMode","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ProbeMode"},"protocol":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The network transport protocol that will be used. Defaults to `TCP`.","title":"TransportProtocol","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocol"},"dnsServers":{"anyOf":[{"description":"DNS Servers to target","items":{"description":"Server host name (FQDN). Example \"www.example.com\".","properties":{"serverName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"}},"required":["serverName"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsServerEntryTemplate"},"type":"array","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsServersTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsServerTestTemplate_allOf_dnsServers"},"domain":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Specifies the target DNS host name for the test, suffixed by the record type (e.g., www.thousandeyes.com CNAME). If no record type is specified, the test will default to an ANY record.\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsTargetDomainTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","dnsServers","domain","interval","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsServerTestTemplate"},{"properties":{"type":{"description":"The type of test. Cannot be templated with Handlebars.","enum":["agent-to-server","agent-to-agent","dns-server","dns-trace","http-server","page-load","web-transactions","sip-server","voice"],"example":"dns-trace","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsTraceTestTypeTemplate","default":"dns-trace"},"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test, must be unique.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_testName"},"agents":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"properties":{"agentId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AgentAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The agents to assign to the test identified by `agentId`.","title":"Agents","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Agents"},"groups":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Label to assign to a test, identified by the ID (`groupId`).","properties":{"groupId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LabelAssignmentTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The Labels to assign to the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_groups"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestBaseTemplate_description"},"dnsTransportProtocolTemplate":{"description":"The network transport protocol to use for the test.","enum":["TCP","UDP"],"example":"TCP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TransportProtocolTemplate"},"domain":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Specifies the target DNS host name for the test, suffixed by the record type (e.g., www.thousandeyes.com CNAME). If no record type is specified, the test will default to an ANY record.\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsTargetDomainTemplate"}},"required":["agents","testName","type","agents","domain","interval","type"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DnsTraceTestTemplate"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestConfigurationTemplate"},"description":"A map of \u003cname, TestConfiguration\u003e objects. These are the ThousandEyes CEA/Synthetic tests that will be created when the template is deployed.\n","example":{"httpServerTest":{"testName":"{{name}} - HTTP Server","type":"http-server","groups":[{"groupId":"{{labels.webHealthDashLabel.groupId}}"},{"groupId":"{{labels.templateLabel.groupId}}"}],"interval":"{{userInputs.interval}}","url":"https://{{userInputs.domain}}","agents":"{{userInputs.agents}}"},"networkTest":{"testName":"{{name}} - Network","type":"agent-to-server","server":"{{userInputs.domain}}","protocol":"TCP","port":"{{userInputs.port}}","groups":[{"groupId":"{{labels.webHealthDashLabel.groupId}}"},{"groupId":"{{labels.templateLabel.groupId}}"}],"interval":"{{userInputs.interval}}","url":"https://{{userInputs.domain}}","agents":"{{userInputs.agents}}"},"dnsTest":{"testName":"{{name}} - DNS","type":"dns-server","domain":"{{userInputs.domain}} A","groups":[{"groupId":"{{labels.webHealthDashLabel.groupId}}"},{"groupId":"{{labels.templateLabel.groupId}}"}],"interval":"{{userInputs.interval}}","dnsServers":"{{userInputs.dnsServers}}","agents":"{{userInputs.agents}}"}},"type":"object"},"endpointTests":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"Configuration settings for a ThousandEyes Endpoint test. All test fields can be templated with Handlebars \nexpression unless otherwise noted.\n","properties":{"testName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_testName"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The description of the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_description"},"testType":{"anyOf":[{"anyOf":[{"enum":["Http","Network"],"example":"Http","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestTypeOptionsTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The type of Endpoint scheduled test.\n\nPossible values are:\n\n- `Network` - endpoint network test\n- `Http` - endpoint http test\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestTypeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The type of Endpoint scheduled test.\n\nPossible values are:\n\n- `Network` - endpoint network test\n- `Http` - endpoint http test\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_testType"},"testCategory":{"anyOf":[{"enum":["SCHEDULED_TEST","DYNAMIC_APP_TEST"],"example":"SCHEDULED_TEST","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestCategoryOptionsTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Whether the test is `SCHEDULED_TEST` or `DYNAMIC_APP_TEST`.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestCategoryTemplate"},"flagEnabled":{"anyOf":[{"type":"boolean"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Flag indicating if the test is enabled.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_flagEnabled"},"alertRules":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Alert rules associated with the test config.","items":{"description":"Alert rules to associate with the test.","properties":{"ruleId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The ID of the Alert rule to associate with test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAlertRuleConfigTemplate_ruleId"}},"required":["ruleId"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAlertRuleConfigTemplate"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_alertRules"},"genericConfig":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Settings common to HTTP and Network tests.","properties":{"interval":{"anyOf":[{"description":"How often the test will run, in seconds.","enum":[60,120,300,600,900,1800,3600],"example":60,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestIntervalTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Interval in seconds of when the test runs.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointGenericConfigTemplate_interval"},"priority":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Define a priority for scheduling. Higher priority value will be scheduled first.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointGenericConfigTemplate_priority"}},"required":["interval","priority"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointGenericConfigTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_genericConfig"},"machineConfig":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Configration that will be used to determine what Endpoint Agents to assign to a test.","properties":{"monitoringSettingsType":{"anyOf":[{"description":"The strategy to use for selecting Endpoint agents to include in a test. Possible values are:\n- `SPECIFIC_AGENTS` - use `agentIds` to select a specific set of agents\n- `ANY_AGENT` - select all agents available\n- `LIST_OF_LABELS` - use `labelIds` to select agents based on a set of matching labels\n","enum":["ANY_AGENT","SPECIFIC_AGENTS","LIST_OF_LABELS"],"example":"ANY_AGENT","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointMonitoringSettingsTypeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_monitoringSettingsType"},"agentIds":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"Agent ID","type":"string"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"An array of agent IDs used to assign specific Endpoint Agents to the test. Used when `monitoringSettingsType` is `SPECIFIC_AGENTS`.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_agentIds"},"labelIds":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"description":"An Endpoint label ID.","format":"int64","type":"integer"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"An array of label IDs used to assign specific Endpoint Agents to the test. Used when `monitoringSettingsType` is `LIST_OF_LABELS`.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_labelIds"},"maxMachines":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Maximum number of machines assigned to a test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate_maxMachines"}},"required":["maxMachines"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAgentSelectionConfigTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_machineConfig"},"networkConfig":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Network test settings.","properties":{"flagPing":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Indicates if the test should run ping.","example":true,"type":"boolean"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate_flagPing"},"flagTraceroute":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Indicates if the test should run traceroute.","example":true,"type":"boolean"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate_flagTraceroute"},"ipVersion":{"anyOf":[{"description":"IP version the test should use for network tests.","enum":["V4_ONLY","V6_ONLY","V6_PREFER","OS_DEFAULT"],"example":"V4_ONLY","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointIpVersionTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"IP version the test should use for network tests.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate_ipVersion"},"networkProtocol":{"description":"The protocol to use for ping/traceroute tests.","enum":["UNKNOWN","ICMP","TCP","UDP","PREFER_TCP","AUTODETECT"],"example":"AUTODETECT","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigProtocolTemplate"},"pathtraceInSession":{"description":"Used in TCP mode only.","type":"boolean"},"tcpProbeMode":{"description":"Used in TCP mode only.","enum":["UNKNOWN","AUTO","SYN","SACK"],"example":"SACK","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTcpProbeModeTemplate"},"tcpConnect":{"default":false,"description":"Indicates whether to use TCP Connect when running the ICMP test.","example":false,"type":"boolean"}},"required":["flagPing","flagTraceroute","ipVersion","networkProtocol","pathtraceInSession","tcpConnect","tcpProbeMode"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointNetworkTestConfigTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_networkConfig"},"server":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Target server information.","properties":{"serverName":{"description":"Server host name or IP.","example":"www.example.com","type":"string"},"port":{"description":"Server port","example":80,"maximum":65535,"minimum":0,"type":"integer"}},"required":["port","serverName"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointServerConfigTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_server"},"httpConfig":{"anyOf":[{"description":"HTTP test settings.","properties":{"url":{"anyOf":[{"example":"https://meet.google.com","type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"URL to target for the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_url"},"targetResponseTime":{"anyOf":[{"format":"int64","type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target response time in milliseconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_targetResponseTime"},"targetFetchTime":{"anyOf":[{"format":"int64","type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Target fetch time in milliseconds.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_targetFetchTime"},"headers":{"anyOf":[{"maxLength":1024,"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Headers to be used in the HTTP request.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_headers"},"verifyCertHostname":{"anyOf":[{"type":"boolean"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Flag indicating if we are to verify the certificate.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_verifyCertHostname"},"authType":{"anyOf":[{"anyOf":[{"description":"The authentication type.","enum":["NONE","BASIC","NTLM","KERBEROS","OAUTH","LEGACY"],"example":"BASIC","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAuthTypeEnumTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The authentication type.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointAuthTypeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_authType"},"bytesToDownload":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Maximum number of bytes to download on a request. If not present it means no limit.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_bytesToDownload"},"httpTimeLimit":{"anyOf":[{"maximum":60000,"minimum":5000,"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Maximum amount of time in milliseconds the HTTP Server test will run.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_httpTimeLimit"},"username":{"anyOf":[{"maximum":255,"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Username if auth enabled.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_username"},"password":{"anyOf":[{"maximum":255,"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Password if auth enabled.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_password"},"postBody":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Request body to be used with the POST request.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_postBody"},"contentRegex":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Regular expression used to validate the received content. Must conform with the POSIX Extended Regular Expression Syntax.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_contentRegex"},"sslVersion":{"anyOf":[{"maximum":6,"minimum":0,"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"SSL Version to be used: \n- `0` - Auto\n- `3` - SSLv3\n- `4` - TLSv1.0\n- `5` - TLSv1.1\n- `6` - TLSv1.2\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_sslVersion"},"expectedResponseCode":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Expected HTTP response code. If not present 2xx or 3xx are expected.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_expectedResponseCode"},"targetIpOverride":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"If set to a valid IP address, this is where the request will\nbe sent regardless of what the agent's DNS resolver says.\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_targetIpOverride"},"clientCert":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Client PEM certificate used during the request.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_clientCert"},"userAgent":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The user-agent string to be used by the request. It can be any user-agent string. If not provided, the default implementation user-agent is used.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_userAgent"},"maxRedirects":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Maximum allowed redirects.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_maxRedirects"},"proxyId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"integer"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Proxy used by the agent to execute the test.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_proxyId"},"proxyDirect":{"anyOf":[{"type":"boolean"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Indicates if a direct proxy should be used when proxyId is not set.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate_proxyDirect"}},"required":["httpTimeLimit","sslVersion","targetFetchTime","targetResponseTime","url","verifyCertHostname"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointHttpTestConfigTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_httpConfig"},"testLabelIds":{"anyOf":[{"description":"A list of label IDs identifying label to be assigned.","items":{"anyOf":[{"type":"number"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/NumberTemplate"},"type":"array","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestLabelListTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"A list of labels to assign to the test. Typically this value will be set using Handlebars\nreference to a user input. Example: `\"testLabelIds\": \"[{{labels.endpointLabel.groupId}}]\"`\n","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate_testLabelIds"}},"required":["genericConfig","machineConfig","name","networkConfig","testCategory","testType"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/EndpointTestConfigTemplate"},"description":"A map of \u003cname, EndpointTestConfiguration\u003e objects. These are the Endpoint tests that will be created when the template is deployed. Field values support Handlebars template substitution.\n","example":{"endpointTests":{"scheduledHttpTest":{"name":"Scheduled HTTP Test","testType":"Http","testCategory":"SCHEDULED_TEST","genericConfig":{"interval":3600},"networkConfig":{"flagPing":true},"httpConfig":{"url":"https://{{userInputs.tenantName}}-my.sharepoint.com"},"machineConfig":{"monitoringSettingsType":"ANY_AGENT","agentIds":"{{userInputs.endpointAgents}}"}}}},"type":"object"},"alertRules":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"Alert Rule configuration. See [ThousandEyes v6 API spec](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/metadata/#alert-rule-metadata) for schema details.","externalDocs":{"url":"https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/metadata/#alert-rule-metadata"},"properties":{"ruleName":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"alertType":{"anyOf":[{"enum":["Page Load","HTTP Server","End-to-End (Server)","End-to-End (Agent)","Voice","DNS Server","DNS Trace","DNSSEC","Web Transactions","BGP","Path Trace","FTP","SIP Server"],"example":"Page Load","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AlertRuleTypeTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The type of the alert rule.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate_alertType"},"expression":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The alert rule expression. Must be valid JSON. See [V6 API](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v6/metadata/#expressions) documentation for examples.","example":"((totalTime \u003e= 500 ms) && (responseTime \u003e= 500 ms))","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate_expression"},"roundsViolatingRequired":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Specifies the numerator (X value) of the \"X of Y times\" condition in an alert rule.","title":"RoundsViolatingRequired","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/RoundsViolatingRequired"},"roundsViolatingOutOf":{"anyOf":[{"enum":[0,1],"example":0,"type":"integer","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/BooleanNumber"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Specifies the divisor (Y value) of the \"X of Y times\" condition in an alert rule.","title":"RoundsViolatingOutOf","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/RoundsViolatingOutOf"},"severity":{"anyOf":[{"enum":["INFO","MAJOR","MINOR","CRITICAL"],"example":"MINOR","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AlertRuleSeverityTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The severity that will be assigned when an alert is generated by this alert rule.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate_severity"},"testIds":{"anyOf":[{"items":{"example":43289,"type":"number"},"type":"array"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The tests that the alert rule will be assigned to identified by the test ID.","title":"TestIds","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TestIds"},"minimumSources":{"description":"The minimum number of agents that must meet the specified criteria in order to trigger an alert.","example":1,"type":"number"}},"required":["alertType","expression","roundsViolatingOutOf","roundsViolatingRequired","ruleName"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate"},"description":"A map of \u003ckey, AlertRuleConfigurationTemplate\u003e objects. These are the set of Alert Rules that will be created when the template is deployed.\n","example":{"httpAlert":{"alertType":"HTTP Server","ruleName":"{{userInputs.tenantName}} - Alert Rule","expression":"((totalTime \u003e= 500 ms) && (responseTime \u003e= 500 ms))","roundsViolatingRequired":1,"roundsViolatingOutOf":1,"testIds":["{{tests.pageLoadTest.testId}}"]}},"type":"object"},"dashboards":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"Configuration of a dashboard that will be created when template is deployed.","example":{"title":"My Dashboard","description":"A dashboard for displaying test information.","widgets":[{"type":"Bar Chart: Stacked","title":"A Bar Chart: Stacked widget","filters":{"Test Labels":"[{{labels.templateLabel.groupId}}]"},"metricGroup":"Web - HTTP Server","measure":{"type":"Median"},"metric":"Response Time","axisGroupBy":"Continents","dataSource":"Cloud & Enterprise Agents"}]},"externalDocs":{"url":"https://developer.thousandeyes.com/v7/dashboards/#/dashboard-detail"},"properties":{"title":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"globalFilterId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/StringTemplate"},"widgets":{"description":"The widgets that will be included in the dashboard.","items":{"description":"Configuration of a dashboard widget.","properties":{"title":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The title of the widget.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_title"},"type":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Type of the Widget","enum":["Bar Chart: Stacked","Bar Chart: Grouped","Time Series: Line","Time Series: Stacked Area","Pie Chart","Table","Multi Metric Table","Number","Agent Status","Color Grid","Alert List","Test Table","Map","Box and Whiskers"],"type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/WidgetType"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The type of widget.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_type"},"visualMode":{"anyOf":[{"default":"Full","description":"Visual mode in the UI. Either full or half the width of the window.","enum":["Full","Half screen"],"example":"Full","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/VisualMode"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_visualMode"},"metricGroup":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Metric group of widget as it appears in the UI. Note: may not be required in some cases.","enum":["AGENT_TO_AGENT","AGENT_TO_SERVER","HTTP_SERVER","FTP_SERVER","PAGE_LOAD","TRANSACTIONS_CLASSIC","TRANSACTIONS","API","ENDPOINT_BROWSER_SESSION_NETWORK","ENDPOINT_BROWSER_SESSION_SYSTEM","ENDPOINT_BROWSER_SESSION_VISITED_PAGES","ENDPOINT_SCHEDULED_TEST_HTTP_SERVER","ENDPOINT_SCHEDULED_TEST_NETWORK","ENDPOINT_SCHEDULED_TEST_SYSTEM","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_NETWORK","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_SYSTEM","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_GATEWAY","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_AGENTS","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_DNS","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_NETWORK_ACCESS","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_PROXY","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_SYSTEM","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_VPN","ENDPOINT_LOCAL_NETWORK_WIRELESS","BGP","DEVICE","VOIP","SIP","ALERTS","DNS","DOMAIN_TRACE","DNSSEC","DNSP","NETWORK_OUTAGES","APPLICATION_OUTAGES","APPDYNAMICS_SERVICE_HEALTH","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-TRAFFIC_FLOW","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-EVENTS"],"example":"BGP","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/MetricGroup"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_metricGroup"},"direction":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Direction of agent to agent metric.","enum":["TO_TARGET","FROM_TARGET","BIDIRECTIONAL"],"example":"FROM_TARGET","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardMetricDirection"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_direction"},"metric":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Indicates the specific metric in the report, determined by the layer, test type, and metric values.","enum":["ONE_WAY_NET_LOSS_TO_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_LATENCY_TO_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_JITTER_TO_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_THROUGHPUT_TO_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_ERROR_TO_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_LOSS_FROM_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_LATENCY_FROM_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_JITTER_FROM_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_THROUGHPUT_FROM_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_ERROR_FROM_TARGET","ONE_WAY_NET_LOSS_BIDIRECTIONAL","ONE_WAY_NET_LATENCY_BIDIRECTIONAL","ONE_WAY_NET_JITTER_BIDIRECTIONAL","ONE_WAY_NET_THROUGHPUT_BIDIRECTIONAL","ONE_WAY_NET_ERROR_BIDIRECTIONAL","NET_LOSS","NET_LATENCY","NET_JITTER","NET_BANDWIDTH","NET_CAPACITY","PROXY_NET_LOSS","PROXY_NET_LATENCY","PROXY_NET_JITTER","WEB_AVAILABILITY","WEB_THROUGHPUT","WEB_DNS","WEB_CONNECT","WEB_SSL","WEB_WAIT","WEB_TTFB","WEB_RECEIVE","WEB_REDIRECT","WEB_FETCH","WEB_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_DNS_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_CONNECT_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_SSL_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_SEND_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_RECEIVE_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_HTTP_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_CONTENT_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_AVAILABILITY","FTP_THROUGHPUT","FTP_DNS","FTP_CONNECT","FTP_SSL","FTP_NEGOTIATION","FTP_WAIT","FTP_TTFB","FTP_TRANSFER","FTP_TOTAL","FTP_DNS_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_CONNECT_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_SSL_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_NEGOTIATION_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_TRANSFER_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_FTP_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_CONTENT_ERROR_COUNT","FTP_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_PAGE_LOAD_DOM_TIME","WEB_PAGE_LOAD","WEB_PAGE_TTFB","WEB_PAGE_COMPONENT_COUNT","WEB_PAGE_ERROR_COUNT","WEB_PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETION_RATE","CLASSIC_TRANSACTION_TIME","CLASSIC_TRANSACTION_COMPLETION","CLASSIC_TRANSACTION_STEP_TIME","CLASSIC_TRANSACTION_PAGE_TIME","TRANSACTION_MARKER_TIME_DECOMPOSED","TRANSACTION_PAGE_LOAD_TIME_DECOMPOSED","TRANSACTION_PAGE_TIME_DECOMPOSED","TRANSACTION_PAGE_LOAD_DOM_TIME_DECOMPOSED","TRANSACTION_TIME","TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT","TRANSACTION_ASSERT_ERROR","TRANSACTION_OTHER_ERROR","TRANSACTION_PAGE_ERROR","TRANSACTION_COMPLETION","TRANSACTION_ERROR","TRANSACTION_MARKER_TIME","TRANSACTION_PAGE_TIME","TRANSACTION_PAGE_LOAD_TIME","TRANSACTION_PAGE_LOAD_DOM_TIME","API_TRANSACTION_TIME","API_REQUEST_CALL_TIME","API_REQUEST_DNS_TIME","API_REQUEST_CONNECT_TIME","API_REQUEST_SSL_TIME","API_REQUEST_SEND_TIME","API_REQUEST_WAIT_TIME","API_REQUEST_BLOCK_TIME","API_REQUEST_RECEIVE_TIME","API_REQUEST_ASSERT_ERROR_COUNT","API_REQUEST_COMPLETION","API_REQUEST_OTHER_ERROR_COUNT","VOIP_DISCARDS","VOIP_LATENCY","VOIP_LOSS","VOIP_MOS","VOIP_PDV","SIP_AVAILABILITY","SIP_DNS","SIP_CONNECT","SIP_REDIRECT","SIP_REGISTER","SIP_OPTIONS","SIP_INVITE","SIP_WAIT","SIP_RESPONSE_TIME","SIP_TOTAL_TIME","SIP_DNS_ERROR_COUNT","SIP_CONNECT_ERROR_COUNT","SIP_REGISTER_ERROR_COUNT","SIP_OPTIONS_ERROR_COUNT","SIP_INVITE_ERROR_COUNT","SIP_TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT","DNS_SERVER_AVAILABILITY","DNS_SERVER_TIME","DNS_TRACE_AVAILABILITY","DNS_TRACE_QUERY_COUNT","DNS_TRACE_QUERY_TIME","DNSSEC_VALIDITY","DNSP_AVAILABILITY","DNSP_TIME","DNSP_SERVER_TIME","BGP_REACHABILITY","BGP_PATH_CHANGES","ALERT_COUNT","ALERT_COUNT_AGENT","ALERT_COUNT_BGP","ALERT_COUNT_DNSP","ENDPOINT_SAMPLE_COUNT","ENDPOINT_NET_LOSS","ENDPOINT_NET_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_NET_JITTER","ENDPOINT_NET_CONNECT_FAILURES","ENDPOINT_NET_CPU_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_NET_MEMORY_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_NET_VPN_LOSS","ENDPOINT_NET_VPN_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_PAGE_COUNT","ENDPOINT_WEB_COMPLETION","ENDPOINT_WEB_RESPONSE_TIME","ENDPOINT_WEB_PAGE_LOAD","ENDPOINT_WEB_PAGE_LOAD_DOM_TIME","ENDPOINT_WEB_EXPERIENCE_SCORE","ENDPOINT_WEB_BROWSER_ERROR_COUNT","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_PROBE_COUNT","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_COMBINED_TRANSMISSION_RATE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_SIGNAL_QUALITY","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_LOSS","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_AGENT_SCORE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_SCORE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_CONNECTION_SCORE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_PROXY_LOSS","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_PROXY_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_PROXY_SCORE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_VPN_LOSS","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_VPN_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_VPN_SCORE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_DNS_LOSS","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_DNS_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_DNS_TIME","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_CPU_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_MEMORY_LOAD_PERCENT","EYEBROW_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_CHANNEL_SWAP_EVENTS","EYEBROW_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_RETRANSMISSION_RATE","EYEBROW_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_ROAMING_EVENTS","EYEBROW_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_SIGNAL_QUALITY","EYEBROW_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_THROUGHPUT","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_NET_LOSS","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_NET_JITTER","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_NET_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_NET_CPU_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_NET_MEMORY_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_VPN_LOSS","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_VPN_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_TCP_CONNECTION_ERROR_COUNT","ENDPOINT_AST_TEST_APPLICATION_SCORE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_CHANNEL_SWAP_EVENTS","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_RETRANSMISSION_RATE","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_ROAMING_EVENTS","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_SIGNAL_QUALITY","ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_WIRELESS_THROUGHPUT","ENDPOINT_TEST_NET_LOSS","ENDPOINT_TEST_NET_JITTER","ENDPOINT_TEST_NET_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_TEST_NET_CPU_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_TEST_NET_MEMORY_LOAD_PERCENT","ENDPOINT_TEST_VPN_LOSS","ENDPOINT_TEST_VPN_LATENCY","ENDPOINT_TEST_TCP_CONNECTION_ERROR_COUNT","ENDPOINT_TEST_APPLICATION_SCORE","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_AVAILABILITY","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_WAIT","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_SSL","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_CONNECT","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_DNS_LOOKUP","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_THROUGHPUT","ENDPOINT_TEST_HTTP_APPLICATION_SCORE","DEVICE_AVAILABILITY","DEVICE_THROUGHPUT_INPUT","DEVICE_THROUGHPUT_OUTPUT","DEVICE_DISCARDS_INPUT","DEVICE_DISCARDS_OUTPUT","DEVICE_ERRORS_INPUT","DEVICE_ERRORS_OUTPUT","DEVICE_DISCARDS_AND_ERRORS_INPUT","DEVICE_DISCARDS_AND_ERRORS_OUTPUT","DEVICE_INTERFACES_UP","DEVICE_INTERFACES_WITH_STATE_CHANGES","NETWORK_OUTAGES_OUTAGES","NETWORK_OUTAGES_LOCATIONS","NETWORK_OUTAGES_INTERFACES","NETWORK_OUTAGES_AFFECTED_TESTS","APPLICATION_OUTAGES_AFFECTED_TESTS","APPLICATION_OUTAGES_SERVERS","APPLICATION_OUTAGES_LOCATIONS","APPLICATION_OUTAGES_OUTAGES","APPDYNAMICS_SERVICE_HEALTH","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-ACCEPTED_TOTAL_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-ACCEPTED_OUTBOUND_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-ACCEPTED_INBOUND_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-ACCEPTED_INTERNAL_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-REJECTED_TOTAL_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-REJECTED_OUTBOUND_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-REJECTED_INBOUND_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-REJECTED_INTERNAL_THROUGHPUT","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-TOTAL_CONNECTION_RATE","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-CONNECTION_RATE","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-INTERNAL_CONNECTION_RATE","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-ALL_EVENTS","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-CONFIGURATION_CHANGE_EVENTS","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-AUTOSCALING_EVENTS"],"example":"ENDPOINT_GATEWAY_CPU_LOAD_PERCENT","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardMetric"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_metric"},"filters":{"anyOf":[{"additionalProperties":{"items":{},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true},"description":"(Optional) Specifies the filters applied to the widget. When present, the `filters` property displays. Each filter object has two properties: `filterProperty` and `filterValue`. The `filterProperty` can be values like `AGENT`, `ENDPOINT_MACHINE_ID`, `TEST`, `MONITOR`, etc. The `filterValue` represents an identifier array of the selected property.","example":{"TEST":[5187,5227],"ENDPOINT_MACHINE_ID":["fbd0050c-07f7-43f7-9631-14b32f096962"]},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/WidgetFilters"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_filters"},"measure":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Determines how to aggregate the the metric.","properties":{"type":{"description":"Determines how to aggregate the the metric.","enum":["MINIMUM","MAXIMUM","MEAN","MEDIAN","NTH_PERCENTILE","PERCPOSITIVE","PERCZERO","STDDEV","TOTAL","VALUES","SUM","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-MEAN","CLOUD_NATIVE_MONITORING-SUM"],"example":"MEAN","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/WidgetMeasureType"},"percentileValue":{"description":"The percentile value to use when `type == NTH_PERCENTILE`.","example":95,"format":"float","type":"number"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiWidgetMeasure"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_measure"},"fixedTimespan":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Specifies a fixed timespan for data aggregation.","properties":{"value":{"description":"Timespan value.","example":10,"format":"int32","type":"integer"},"unit":{"deprecated":true,"description":"Timespan unit.","enum":["Minutes","Hours","Days"],"example":"Days","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/LegacyDurationUnit"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiDurationTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_fixedTimespan"},"shouldExcludeAlertSuppressionWindows":{"anyOf":[{"type":"boolean"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Excludes alert suppression window data if set to `true`.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate_shouldExcludeAlertSuppressionWindows"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardWidgetTemplate"},"type":"array"},"refreshRate":{"anyOf":[{"default":"false","description":"The refresh rate of the dashboard.","enum":["false","2M","5M","10M","15M","30M","60M"],"example":"false","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardRefreshRateTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardConfigurationTemplate_refreshRate"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardConfigurationTemplate"},"description":"A map of \u003ckey, DashboardConfiguration\u003e objects. These are the set of dashboards that will be created when the template is deployed. Dashboard fields support Handlebars notation.\n","example":{"myDashboard":{"title":"My Dashboard","widgets":[{"filters":{"Test Labels":"[{{labels.templateLabel.groupId}}]"},"type":"Bar Chart: Stacked","title":"A Bar Chart: Stacked widget","metricGroup":"Web - HTTP Server","measure":{"type":"Median"},"metric":"Response Time","axisGroupBy":"Continents","dataSource":"Cloud & Enterprise Agents"}]}},"type":"object"},"dashboardFilters":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"A dashboard filter object. See [V7 API Documentation](https://developer.cisco.com/docs/thousandeyes/v7/list-dashboard-filters/) for more details on dashboard filters.","properties":{"name":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The name of the dashboard filter.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate_name"},"description":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"An optional description of the filter.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate_description"},"context":{"anyOf":[{"description":"List of filters to be applied to a dashboard.","items":{"description":"List of dashboard filter contexts.","properties":{"dataSourceId":{"anyOf":[{"description":"Type of data source for dashboard global filter.","enum":["ALERT","APPDYNAMICS_SERVICE_HEALTH","DEVICES","DNSP","ENDPOINT_AGENTS","INTERNET_INSIGHTS","ROUTING","THIRD_PARTY_APPLICATIONS","VIRTUAL_AGENT"],"example":"VIRTUAL_AGENT","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/FilterContextDataSourceTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Type of data source for dashboard global filter.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterContextTemplate_dataSourceId"},"filters":{"description":"List of filter properties.","items":{"description":"List of different filter properties for a single datasource.","properties":{"filterId":{"anyOf":[{"type":"string"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Data source property to filter by. Example `TEST_LABEL`.","example":"TEST_LABEL","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate_filterId"},"values":{"anyOf":[{"example":["45862","59749"],"items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Values to filter by based on the specified `filterId`.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate_values"},"metricIds":{"anyOf":[{"example":["WEB_PAGE_LOAD_COMPLETION_RATE","WEB_TTFB","WEB_AVAILABILITY"],"items":{"type":"string"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"Dashboard metric associated with the filter property.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate_metricIds"}},"required":["filterId","metricIds","values"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ApiDataSourceFilterTemplate"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true}},"required":["dataSourceId","filters"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterContextTemplate"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true,"$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterListTemplate"},{"description":"A valid Handlebars expression. Can reference user inputs, such as `{{name}}`, or fields of other assets defined in the template.\n* `{{userInputs.\u003ckey\u003e}}` - resolves to the user provided value the `userInput` identified its key.\n* `{{name}}` - resolves to the name of the deployed template.\n* `{{\u003casset key\u003e.\u003cfield\u003e}}` - resolves to the value of a field of another asset defined in the template identified by the asset key and field name. \nFor example, set the `testIds` field of an `alertRule` by referencing the `testId` field of a `tests` asset.\n **Note**: Due to dependencies, assets can only reference fields of other assets based on the heiarchy below (i.e. labels cannot reference other assets in the template, tests can only reference labels, etc.)\n - Labels\n - Tests\n - Endpoint Tests\n - Tags\n - Alert Rules\n - Dashboard Filters\n - Dashboards\n","example":"{{userInputs.testName}}","pattern":".*{{.*}}.*","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/HandlebarsExpression"}],"description":"The context of the dashboard filter.","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate_context"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DashboardFilterConfigurationTemplate"},"description":"A map of \u003ckey, DashboardFilter\u003e objects. These will be the dashboard filters created when the template is deployed.","example":{"netHealthDashboardFilter":{"name":"{{userInputs.dashboardFilterTitle}}","context":[{"dataSourceId":"VIRTUAL_AGENT","filters":[{"filterId":"TEST_LABEL","metricIds":["NET_LOSS","NET_LATENCY","NET_JITTER"],"values":["{{labels.testLabel.groupId}}"]}]}]}},"type":"object"},"deploymentStrategy":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"The deployment strategy to apply to the asset.","enum":["create","update","ignore"],"example":"{\"pageLoadTest\":\"update\",\"httpAlert\":\"ignore\"}","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/DeploymentStrategy"},"description":"A map of \u003cassetKey, DeploymentStrategy\u003e values. The `deploymentStrategy` field defines how the system behaves when an asset (test, label, dashboard) defined in the template already exists.\nThe `assetKey` identifies the asset that the deployment strategy will apply to.\nFor tests, the system uses the test type and name to determine if a test already exists. For example, if a template contains an http-server test named `Test123` and an http-server test with the same name already exists, the system assumes that this test already exists. If the test had a different type (for example, page-load), then the system would not consider the test to already exist because the types are different.\nFor Labels and Dashboards, the system uses only the name. (Note that current Templates only consider \"test\" Labels).\nAlert Rules do not currently support `deploymentStrategy`.\nBelow are the possible deployment strategies and their behaviors:\n * `create` - The system will always attempt to create the asset. If an asset of the same name and type already exists, the system will generate an error. This behavior ensures that each asset created from a template is unique. This is the default behavior.\n * `update` - If an asset of the same type and name already exists, the existing asset is used instead of creating a new asset. If the configuration of the asset in the template is different from the existing one, the latest configuration is applied.\n * `ignore` - If an asset of the same type and name already exists, the existing asset is used instead of creating a new asset. If the configuration of the asset in the template is different from the existing one, the configuration of the existing asset is used and the configuration in the template is ignored.\nThe `update` and `ignore` strategies essentially allow assets to be shared across templates. For example, the built-in \"Custom Web Page\", \"Custom Web Server\", and \"Custom Device\" templates all contain a Dashboard asset called \"Health Overview\". It's `deploymentStrategy` is set to `ignore`, which means that the first deployment of a template such as the \"Custom Web Page\" template creates the \"Health Overview\" dashboard. Subsequent deployments of the \"Custom Web Page\" template do not attempt to recreate the \"Health Overview\" dashboard. Instead, the existing dashboard is reused.\nNote: Assets that were not created using a template are not included when the system searches for existing assets; they are not used with `update` or `ignore`.\n","example":{"testVoiceLabel":"update","testVideoLabel":"update","testLabel":"update","dnsTest":"ignore","webexDashboard":"ignore","serverTest":"create"},"type":"object"},"resourceInclusion":{"additionalProperties":{"description":"The deployment inclusion configuration for the asset.","enum":["skipped","included"],"example":"included","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/ResourceInclusion"},"description":"A map of `\u003cassetKey, ResourceInclusion\u003e` pairs. The `resourceInclusion` field specifies whether an asset (such as a test, endpoint test, label, dashboard, or alert rule) should be included in a deployment.\nThe `assetKey` identifies the specific asset to which the inclusion rule applies.\nPossible possible resource inclusion values for each asset:\n * `included` - The system will always create the asset.\n * `skipped` - The system will not create the asset.\nIf an `assetKey` is not present in the `resourceInclusion` map, it defaults to `included`.\n**Note**: The deployment payload can override the `resourceInclusion` value defined in a template.\n","example":{"testLabel":"skipped","dnsTest":"skipped","webexDashboard":"included"},"type":"object"},"modules":{"description":"ThousandEyes modules this template belongs to. Regular users can only set this to `default`.","example":["default"],"items":{"description":"A ThousandEyes module this template belongs to. Regular users can only set to `default`.","enum":["default"],"example":"default","type":"string","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TemplateModule"},"type":"array","uniqueItems":true},"_links":{"description":"A links object containing the self link.","properties":{"self":{"description":"A hyperlink from the containing resource to a URI.","properties":{"href":{"description":"Its value is either a URI [RFC3986] or a URI template [RFC6570].","example":"https://api.thousandeyes.com/v7/link/to/resource/id","type":"string"},"templated":{"description":"Should be true when the link object's \"href\" property is a URI template.","type":"boolean"},"type":{"description":"Used as a hint to indicate the media type expected when dereferencing the target resource.","type":"string"},"deprecation":{"description":"Its presence indicates that the link is to be deprecated at a future date. Its value is a URL that should provide further information about the deprecation.","type":"string"},"name":{"description":"Its value may be used as a secondary key for selecting link objects that share the same relation type.","type":"string"},"profile":{"description":"A URI that hints about the profile of the target resource.","type":"string"},"title":{"description":"Intended for labelling the link with a human-readable identifier","type":"string"},"hreflang":{"description":"Indicates the language of the target resource","type":"string"}},"required":["href"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Link"}},"readOnly":true,"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SelfLinks"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TemplateResponse","description":"The template to create or update.","required":["name"],"title":"Template"},"type":"array"},"_links":{"description":"A links object containing the self link.","properties":{"self":{"description":"A hyperlink from the containing resource to a URI.","properties":{"href":{"description":"Its value is either a URI [RFC3986] or a URI template [RFC6570].","example":"https://api.thousandeyes.com/v7/link/to/resource/id","type":"string"},"templated":{"description":"Should be true when the link object's \"href\" property is a URI template.","type":"boolean"},"type":{"description":"Used as a hint to indicate the media type expected when dereferencing the target resource.","type":"string"},"deprecation":{"description":"Its presence indicates that the link is to be deprecated at a future date. Its value is a URL that should provide further information about the deprecation.","type":"string"},"name":{"description":"Its value may be used as a secondary key for selecting link objects that share the same relation type.","type":"string"},"profile":{"description":"A URI that hints about the profile of the target resource.","type":"string"},"title":{"description":"Intended for labelling the link with a human-readable identifier","type":"string"},"hreflang":{"description":"Indicates the language of the target resource","type":"string"}},"required":["href"],"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/Link"}},"readOnly":true,"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/SelfLinks"}},"type":"object","$$ref":"#/components/schemas/TemplatesResponse","title":"TemplatesResponse"}}