The following table outlines a list of expressions that can be used when creating or modifying alert rules. Multiple metrics can be combined in a single rule with logical "and" and logical "or" operators, using double-ampersand (&&
) and double-pipe (||
), respectively. When combining three or more metrics, a single operator type is allowed, i.e. both logical "and" and logical "or" operators cannot be used. Note that not all metrics can be combined into a single rule.
For more information on metrics please refer to How alerts work for more information on supported metrics.
Alert type | Metric | Operator | Data type | Example | Notes |
HTTP Server | responseCode | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((responseCode >= 400)) |
HTTP response code returned by the test |
HTTP Server | dnsTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((dnsTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | connectTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((connectTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | sslTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((sslTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | waitTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((waitTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | receiveTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((receiveTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | totalTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((totalTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | responseTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((responseTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | errorType | [=, !=] | [None, SSL, DNS, Connect] | ((errorType != "None")) |
errorType is specified as a string from list of valid error types. Double-quote enclose. |
HTTP Server | clientSslAlertCode | [==, !=] | Integer | ((clientSslAlertCode != 40)) |
SSL error code |
HTTP Server | serverSslAlertCode | [==, !=] | Integer | ((serverSslAlertCode != 40)) |
SSL error code |
HTTP Server | throughput | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((throughput >= 100 kbps)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression. |
HTTP Server | responseHeaders | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((responseHeaders =~ /"\\wFoo\//)) |
Text match for response headers |
HTTP Server | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /google/)) |
Problem detail (???) |
HTTP Server | redirectCount | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((redirectCount >= 2)) |
Number of redirects from the target page |
HTTP Server | wireSize | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Float | ((wireSize > 1024.0 kB)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
HTTP Server | connectTime | [>=] | string | ((Auto(connectTime >= High sensitivity)) && (Auto(responseTime >= High sensitivity))) |
expression string must be a valid JSON string |
FTP Server | ftpReplyCode | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((ftpReplyCode >= 400)) |
FTP reply code |
FTP Server | dnsTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((dnsTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | connectTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((connectTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | sslTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((sslTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | negotiationTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((negotiationTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | waitTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((waitTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | transferTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((transferTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | totalTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((totalTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | responseTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((responseTime >= 500 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
FTP Server | ftpErrorType | [=, !=] | [None, SSL, DNS, Connect] | ((ftpErrorType != "None")) |
errorType is specified as a string from list of valid error types. Double-quote enclose. |
FTP Server | throughput | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((throughput >= 100 kbps)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression. |
Network | loss | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((loss >= 10%)) |
set loss threshold in percent |
Network | avgLatency | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((avgLatency >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
Network | jitter | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((jitter >= 15 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Network | availBwCs | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((availBwCs >= 10 Mbps)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Network | capCs | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((capCs >= 10 Mbps)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
All | locationId | [in, !in] | list | [(locationId !in {"1", "2"}) ] |
locationId reflects the agentId for agent-based tests, and monitorId for BGP-based tests |
Page Load | pageLoaded | n/a | n/a | ((!pageLoaded)) |
use !pageLoaded to trigger an alert when the page doesn't load |
Page Load | pageLoadHasError | [==] | boolean | ((pageLoadHasError == true)) |
fire when the page load has a component error |
Page Load | pageLoadTimedOut | [==] | boolean | ((pageLoadTimedOut == true)) |
fire when page load times out |
Page Load | timeToFirstByte | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((timeToFirstByte >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
Page Load | onContentLoadTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((onContentLoadTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression. This reflects the DOM Load value in the page load. |
Page Load | onLoadTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((onLoadTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression. This metric reflects page load time. |
Page Load | errorCount | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((errorCount >= 2)) |
number of component errors |
Page Load | components | see notes | see notes | see notes | wrap component-specific criteria in a set of parentheses |
Page Load | domain | [in, !in] | list of strings | ((components((domain !in {"*"})))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | totalTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((totalTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | blockedTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((totalTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | dnsTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((dnsTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | connectTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((connectTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | waitTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((waitTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | receiveTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((receiveTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | sslTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((components((sslTime >= 100 ms)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | componentLoaded | [==, !=] | bit | ((components((componentLoaded == 0)))) |
must be wrapped by components(), applies at the component level |
Page Load | wireSize | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | float + units | ((wireSize > 1024.0 kB)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Web Transactions | assertError | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((assertError =~ /foo/)) |
Assert Error |
Web Transactions | duration | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((duration >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Web Transactions | markerDuration | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | String + Integer + units | ((marker[((markerName == "Marker1"))]((markerDuration >= 100 ms)))) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Web Transactions | onContentLoadTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((webPages((onContentLoadTime <= 100 ms)))) |
DOM load time. Ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Web Transactions | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem details |
Web Transactions | txCompletionFinished | [==] | boolean | ((txCompletionFinished == true)) |
Transaction completed |
Web Transactions | txCompletionHasError | [==] | boolean | ((txCompletionHasError == true)) |
Transaction completed with errors |
Web Transactions | txCompletionHasInternalError | [==] | boolean | ((txCompletionHasInternalError == true)) |
Transaction completed with internal errors |
Web Transactions | txCompletionTimedOut | [==] | boolean | ((txCompletionTimedOut == true)) |
Transaction completed due to reaching timeout value |
Web Transactions | webTxOnLoadTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((webPages((webTxOnLoadTime >= 100 ms)))) |
Page load time. Ensure that you set units in the expression |
Web Transactions | webTxResponseTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((webPages((webTxResponseTime >= 100 ms)))) |
Response time. Ensure that you set units in the expression |
Web Transactions | webTxPageLoadError | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((webPages((webTxPageLoadError =~ /foo/)))) |
Page load error received |
DNS Server | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem details |
DNS Server | delay | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((delay >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
DNS Server | mapData | [in, !in] | list | ((mapData !in {""})) |
list can reflect IP addresses, CIDR blocks, or strings. Wildcards are supported for domains |
DNS Trace | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem details |
DNS Trace | mapData | [in, !in] | list | ((mapData !in {""})) |
list can reflect IP addresses, CIDR blocks, or strings. Wildcards are supported for domains |
DNSSEC | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem details |
Voice | mos | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Float | ((mos >= 2.75)) |
note: mean opinion scores do not have units |
Voice | loss | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((loss >= 10%)) |
set loss threshold in percent |
Voice | latency | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((latency >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
Voice | pdv | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((pdv >= 15 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Voice | loss | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((loss >= 10%)) |
set loss threshold in percent |
Voice | discards | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((discards >= 10%)) |
set discard threshold in percent |
Voice | dscp | [==, !=] | Integer | ((dscp != 26)) |
set DSCP value received by target agent |
Voice | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem details |
SIP Server | sipResponseCode | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((sipResponseCode >= 400)) |
reflects response code to SIP register |
SIP Server | sipErrorType | [==, !=] | string | ((sipErrorType != "None")) |
SIP error type (dns, connect, register, invite, options, none) |
SIP Server | dnsTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((dnsTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | connectTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((connectTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | registerTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((registerTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | inviteTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((inviteTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | optionsTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((optionsTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | waitTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((waitTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | responseTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((responseTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
SIP Server | totalTime | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((totalTime >= 100 ms)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Agent to Agent | loss | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((loss >= 10%)) |
set loss threshold in percent |
Agent to Agent | latency | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((latency >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
Agent to Agent | jitter | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((jitter >= 15 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Agent to Agent | throughput | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((throughput >= 10 Mbps)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Agent to Agent | probDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem detail |
Agent to Agent | dscp | [==, !=] | Integer | ((dscp != 26)) |
set DSCP value received by target agent |
Agent to Agent | bothWaysLoss | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((bothWaysLoss >= 10%)) |
set loss threshold in percent |
Agent to Agent | bothWaysLatency | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((bothWaysLatency >= 100 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in the expression |
Agent to Agent | bothWaysJitter | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((bothWaysJitter >= 15 ms)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Agent to Agent | bothWaysThroughput | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((bothWaysThroughput >= 10 Mbps)) |
ensure that you set units in expression |
Agent to Agent | bothWaysProbDetail | [= |
[Regular expression][[regexp-quickref] | ((probDetail =~ /foo/)) |
Problem details |
Path Trace | serverIP | [in, !in] | list | ((serverIp !in {"", ""})) |
IP address of target server |
Path Trace | mss | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((mss >= 1460 B)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Path Trace | pathMtu | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + units | ((pathMtu >= 1500 B)) |
ensure you set units as part of the expression |
Path Trace | pathLength | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((pathLength >= 15)) |
total length of the path from source to target |
Path Trace | isTerminal | [==] | Boolean | ((isTerminal == true)) |
Value is set to true in the event that the path trace does not reach the destination |
Path Trace | hops | see notes | see notes | see notes | wrap hop-specific criteria in a set of parentheses, use array position to indicate hop number. To test any hop, use hops without specifying an array. Use negative numbers to test hops from target. |
Path Trace | noHops | see notes | see notes | see notes | wrap hop-specific criteria in a set of parentheses, use array position to indicate hop number. No hops indicates the opposite of hops(). |
Path Trace | mpls | [==] | null | ((hops((mpls != null)))) |
use in conjunction with hops() or nohops() |
Path Trace | dscp | [==, !=] | Integer | ((dscp != 26)) |
set DSCP value received by target agent. use in conjunction with hops() or nohops() |
Path Trace | ip | [in, !in] | list | ((hops[-1]((ip !in {"", ""})))) |
use in conjunction with hops() or nohops(). example shows last hop before destination. |
Path Trace | asn | [in, !in] | list | ((hops((asn !in {1111, 65536})))) |
use in conjunction with hops() or nohops(). |
Path Trace | rdns | [in, !in] | list | ((hops((rdns !in {"*", "*"})))) |
use in conjunction with hops() or nohops(). |
BGP | reachability | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer + % | ((reachability <= 90%)) |
ensure you set percentage as part of the expression |
BGP | changes | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Float | ((changes >= 1.1)) |
ensure you set percentage as part of the expression |
BGP | prefixLengthIPv4 | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((prefixLengthIPv4 >= 23)) |
typically used in compound statements where covered prefixes are monitored |
BGP | prefixLengthIPv6 | [<, <=, ==, !=, >=, >] | Integer | ((prefixLengthIPv4 >= 47)) |
typically used in compound statements where covered prefixes are monitored |
BGP | prefix | [in, !in] | list | ((prefix !in {""})) |
typically used in compound statements where covered prefixes are monitored |
BGP | subprefix | [in, !in] | list | ((subprefix !in {""})) |
typically used in compound statements where covered prefixes are monitored |
BGP | bgpHops | see notes | see notes | see notes | an array representing AS Path for BGP monitors. Use array index to identify hops from origin, use negative array index to identify hops from monitor, or no index to represent the entire array. |
BGP | noBgpHops | see notes | see notes | see notes | an array representing AS Path for BGP monitors. Use array index to identify hops from origin, use negative array index to identify hops from monitor, or no index to represent the entire array. |
BGP | asn | [in, !in] | list | ((bgpHops[1]((asn in {6})))) |
use in conjunction with bgpHops() or noBgpHops() |