Umbrella API Authentication


The Umbrella API provides a standard REST interface and supports the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow. To get started, log in to Umbrella and create an Umbrella API key. Then, use your API credentials to generate an API access token.

Note: API keys, passwords, secrets, and tokens allow access to your private customer data. Never share your credentials with another user or organization.


  • You must have an Umbrella user account with the Full Admin role.

Log in to Umbrella

Log in to Umbrella with the following URL:

You can find your username after Admin in the navigation tree. Confirm that your organization appears under your username.

API Key Use Cases

You can create various types of API key. The Umbrella Key Admin API enables you to provision and manage Umbrella API keys. Use your Umbrella API keys or legacy Umbrella API keys to create and manage network entities and users, access your reports, manage policies, and integrate your systems and devices with the Cisco Cloud Security platform.

Key Type Description Use Cases
Umbrella API key Secure, intent-based API key with configured scopes and expiration date. View and manage your deployments, users, and policies. View reports and logs.
Legacy Umbrella API key API key that supports access to multiple API resources using Basic authentication. For more information, see Authentication. View and manage your deployments, users, and policies. View reports and logs.
Umbrella Key Admin API key Secure API key with configured permissions and expiration date. View and manage the Umbrella API keys in your organization.

Manage API Keys

Create and manage Umbrella API keys.

Create Umbrella API Key

Create an Umbrella API key ID and key secret.

Note: You have only one opportunity to copy your API secret. Umbrella does not save your API secret and you cannot retrieve the secret after its initial creation.
  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click API Keys and then click Add.

    • The number of expired API keys appears next to the red triangle.
    • The number of API keys that expire within 30 days appears next to the yellow triangle.
    Umbrella API key dashboard
  3. Enter a name and description for the key. A name must contain fewer than 256 characters. The description is optional.

    Umbrella API key name and description
  4. Check the key scopes and expand a key scope to view the scope categories. Check each scope category in a key scope to enable access to the API endpoints. For information about the Umbrella API key scopes, see OAuth 2.0 Scopes.

    Umbrella API scopes
  5. Choose Read-Only or Read / Write for the selected scope and resource.

    Umbrella API key scope access
  6. For Expiry Date, choose the expiration date for the key, or choose Never expire.

    Umbrella API expiry date
  7. (Optional) For Network Restrictions, enter a comma-separated list of public IP addresses or CIDRs, then click ADD.

    Note: You can add up to ten networks to your API key. You can only use your API key to authenticate requests for clients on the selected networks.

    Umbrella API network restrictions
  8. Click Create Key.

  9. Copy and save your API Key and Key Secret.

  10. Click Accept And Close.

    Umbrella API accept and close

Refresh Umbrella API Key

Refresh an Umbrella API key ID and key secret.

Note: You have only one opportunity to copy your API secret. Umbrella does not save your API secret and you cannot retrieve the secret after its initial creation.
  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console, navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click API Keys, and then expand an API key.

  3. Click Refresh Key.

    Umbrella API dashboard
  4. Copy and save your API Key and Key Secret.

  5. Click Accept and Close.

    Umbrella API accept and close

Update Umbrella API Key

Update an Umbrella API key.

  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console, navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click API Keys, and then expand an API key. You can modify the API Key Name, Description, selected scopes and permissions in Key Scope, and Expiry Date.

    Umbrella API scope and expiry date
  3. For Network Restrictions, update the list of IP addresses and CIDRs. Click on the X to remove a network address.

  4. Click Save.

Delete Umbrella API Key

Delete an Umbrella API key.

  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console, navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click API Keys, and then expand an API key.

  3. Click Delete. In the dialog window, click Delete to remove the API key from your organization.

    Umbrella API delete modal

Manage Key Admin API Keys

Create and manage Umbrella Key Admin API keys.

Create Key Admin Key

Create a Key Admin API key and secret.

Note: You have only one opportunity to copy your API secret. Umbrella does not save your API secret and you cannot retrieve the secret after its initial creation.
  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click KeyAdmin Keys, and then click Add.

    • The number of expired API keys appears next to the red triangle.
    • The number of API keys that expire within 30 days appears next to the yellow triangle.
    Umbrella API keyAdmin keys dashboard
  3. Enter a name and description for the key. A name must contain fewer than 256 characters. The description is optional.

    Umbrella API key name and description
  4. Check the permissions for the key.

    Umbrella API keyAdmin permissions
  5. For Expiry Date, choose the expiration date for the key, or choose Never expire.

    Umbrella API keyAdmin expiry date
  6. (Optional) For Network Restrictions, enter a comma-separated list of public IP addresses or CIDRs, then click ADD.

    Note: You can add up to ten networks to your API key. You can only use your API key to authenticate requests for clients on the selected networks.

    Umbrella API network restrictions
  7. Click Create Key.

  8. Copy and save your KeyAdmin Key and Key Secret.

  9. Click Accept And Close.

    Umbrella API keyAdmin accept and close dialog

Refresh Key Admin Key

Refresh a Key Admin API key and secret.

Note: You have only one opportunity to copy your API secret. Umbrella does not save your API secret and you cannot retrieve the secret after its initial creation.
  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click KeyAdmin Keys, and then expand an API key.

    Umbrella API Key Admin keys dashboard
  3. Click Refresh Key.

    Umbrella Key Admin API refresh
  4. Copy and save your KeyAdmin Key and Key Secret.

  5. Click Accept and Close.

    Umbrella keyAdmin API accept and close dialog

Update Key Admin Key

Update a Key Admin API key.

  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

    Umbrella keyAdmin API keys dashboard
  2. Click KeyAdmin Keys, and then expand an API key. You can modify the Key Admin Key Name, Description, Permissions, Expiry Date, and Network Restrictions.

    Umbrella API Key Admin permissions
  3. Click Save.

Delete Key Admin Key

Delete a Key Admin API key.

  1. Navigate to Admin > API Keys or in a Multi-org, Managed Service Provider (MSP), or Managed Secure Service Provider (MSSP) console navigate to Console Settings > API Keys.

    Umbrella keyAdmin API keys dashboard
  2. Click KeyAdmin Keys, and then expand an API key.

  3. Click Delete. In the dialog window, click Delete to remove the API key from your organization.

    Umbrella keyAdmin API delete

Generate an API Access Token

The Umbrella Token Authorization API authenticates your API credentials. This service creates a Bearer token. You can include your short-lived token in the Authorization header of each Umbrella API operation.

Note: You can use any standards-based OAuth 2.0 client library to create an API token.

Umbrella Token Authorization API endpoint:


Best Practices

The Umbrella Token Authorization API endpoint supports the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow. Umbrella only accepts API credentials (key and secret) created by a valid Umbrella account. Umbrella can’t authenticate requests for deactivated accounts.

Note: An Umbrella OAuth 2.0 access token expires in one hour (3600 seconds). We recommend that you do not refresh an access token until the token is nearly expired.


For information about error conditions that may occur when you generate an access token or authorize an Umbrella API request, see Errors and Troubleshooting.

Token Authorization Request

Use the Umbrella API credentials that you created for your organization to generate an API access token.


In the curl sample, substitute your Umbrella API key and secret for the value of the user option.

curl --user '<key>:<secret>' --request POST --url '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'
import requests
import json
import os
import time
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
from oauthlib.oauth2 import TokenExpiredError
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

token_url = os.environ.get('TOKEN_URL') or ''

# Export/Set the environment variables
client_id = os.environ.get('API_KEY')
client_secret = os.environ.get('API_SECRET')

class UmbrellaAPI:
    def __init__(self, url, ident, secret):
        self.url = url
        self.ident = ident
        self.secret = secret
        self.token = None

    def GetToken(self):
        auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.ident, self.secret)
        client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=self.ident)
        oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client)
        self.token = oauth.fetch_token(token_url=self.url, auth=auth)
        return self.token

# Exit out if the client_id, client_secret are not set
for var in ['API_SECRET', 'API_KEY']:
    if os.environ.get(var) == None:
        print("Required environment variable: {} not set".format(var))

# Get token
api = UmbrellaAPI(token_url, client_id, client_secret)
print("Token: " + str(api.GetToken()))

Response Schema

Name Type Description
token_type string The type of access token.
access_token string The OAuth 2.0 access token.
expires_in integer The number of seconds before the token expires.


Sample response (200, OK):

   "token_type": "bearer",
   "access_token": "xxxxxx",
   "expires_in": 3600

Token Authorization Request for Multi-Org and Managed Child Organizations

Create your Umbrella API credentials (parent org) on the Multi-org or provider console. Then, use these credentials to generate an API access token for the parent (provider) organization or the child (customer) organization of the provider.

API Endpoints Available For Parent and Child Organizations

These API endpoints only accept a parent (provider) organization access token. You can specify the child organization ID in the X-Umbrella-OrgId request header to generate the access token for a specific child (customer) organization of the provider.

  • GET /admin/v2/config/contacts
  • POST /admin/v2/config/contacts
  • GET /admin/v2/config/contacts/{contactId}
  • PUT /admin/v2/config/contacts/{contactId}
  • DELETE /admin/v2/config/contacts/{contactId}
  • GET /admin/v2/config/logos
  • POST /admin/v2/config/logos
  • GET /admin/v2/config/logos/{logoId}
  • PUT /admin/v2/config/logos/{logoId}
  • DELETE /admin/v2/config/logos/{logoId}

API Endpoints Available Only For Parent Organizations

The following API endpoints only accept an access token generated with a parent (provider) organization's API credentials. Set a child organization ID for the customerId path parameter.

  • GET /admin/v2/config/cnames
  • POST /admin/v2/config/cnames
  • GET /admin/v2/config/cnames/{cnameId}
  • PUT /admin/v2/config/cnames/{cnameId}
  • DELETE /admin/v2/config/cnames/{cnameId}
  • POST /admin/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/trialExtensions
  • POST /admin/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/accessRequests
  • GET /admin/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/accessRequests/{accessRequestId}
  • PUT /admin/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/accessRequests/{accessRequestId}
  • GET /admin/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/trialStrengths
  • GET /admin/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/subscriptionDetails
  • GET /admin/v2/providers/customerAddresses
  • GET /admin/v2/providers/customers/packages
  • GET /admin/v2/providers/customerDeals/{dealId}
  • PUT /admin/v2/providers/customerDeals/{dealId}
  • GET /reports/v2/providers/customers/downloadReportRequests
  • GET /reports/v2/providers/category-requests-by-org
  • GET /reports/v2/requests-by-category
  • GET /admin/v2/organizations
  • POST /admin/v2/passwordresets/{customerId}


In the curl sample:

  • Substitute your Umbrella API key and secret for the value of the user option.
  • Set the X-Umbrella-OrgId request header with the child organization ID.
curl --user '<key>:<secret>' --request POST --url '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'X-Umbrella-OrgId: <child organizationId>' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Response Schema

Name Type Description
token_type string The type of access token.
access_token string The OAuth 2.0 access token.
expires_in integer The number of seconds before the token expires.


Sample response (200, OK):

   "token_type": "bearer",
   "access_token": "xxxxxx",
   "expires_in": 3600

Token Authorization Request for Partner Proof of Value Parent Organizations

Use the Umbrella API credentials that you created for your Partner Proof of Value (PPoV) parent organization to generate an API access token for child organizations of PPoV parent organizations.

API Endpoints Available Only For Partner Proof of Value Parent Organizations

The following API endpoints accept Partner Proof of Value (PPoV) parent organization tokens. Set a child organization ID for the customerId path parameter.

  • POST /reports/v2/providers/customers/{customerId}/securityReportRequests


In the curl sample:

  • Substitute your Umbrella API key and secret for the value of the user option.
  • Set the X-Umbrella-OrgId request header with the child organization ID.
curl --user '<key>:<secret>' --request POST --url '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'X-Umbrella-OrgId: <child organizationId>' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

Response Schema

Name Type Description
token_type string The type of access token.
access_token string The OAuth 2.0 access token.
expires_in integer The number of seconds before the token expires.


Sample response (200, OK):

   "token_type": "bearer",
   "access_token": "xxxxxx",
   "expires_in": 3600