

An object containing an access control rule which is an entry in the access-control policy or rule-container table. (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)

Supported Operations

Model Properties

Property Required Type Description
version False string A unique string version assigned by the system when the object is created or modified. No assumption can be made on the format or content of this identifier. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to modify/delete an existing object. As the version will change every time the object is modified, the value provided in this identifier must match exactly what is present in the system or the request will be rejected.
name True string A String object containing the name of the FTDRulebase object. The string can be upto a maximum of 128 characters
ruleId False integer A non editable Long object which holds the rule ID number of the FTDRulebase object. It is created by the system in the POST request, and the same value must be included in the PUT request.
sourceZones False [object] A Set of ZoneBase objects considered as a source zone.
Allowed types are: [SecurityZone, TunnelZone]
destinationZones False [object] A Set of ZoneBase objects considered considered as a destination zone.
Allowed types are: [SecurityZone, TunnelZone]
sourceNetworks False [object] A Set of Network objects considered as a source network.
Allowed types are: [Continent, Country, GeoLocation, NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup]
destinationNetworks False [object] A Set of Network objects considered as a destination network.
Allowed types are: [Continent, Country, GeoLocation, NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup]
sourcePorts False [object] A Set of PortObjectBase objects considered as a source port.
Allowed types are: [ICMPv4PortObject, ICMPv6PortObject, PortObjectGroup, ProtocolObject, TCPPortObject, UDPPortObject]
destinationPorts False [object] A Set of PortObjectBase objects considered as a destination port.
Allowed types are: [ICMPv4PortObject, ICMPv6PortObject, PortObjectGroup, ProtocolObject, TCPPortObject, UDPPortObject]
rulePosition False integer Transient field holding the index position for the rule
ruleAction False string A mandatory AcRuleAction object that defines the Access Control Rule action. Possible values are:
eventLogAction False string A mandatory EventLogAction object that defines the logging options for the rule. Possible values are:
LOG_FLOW_START: (Not supported)
LOG_FLOW_END: Log at the end of connection
LOG_BOTH: Log at the beginning and end of connection
LOG_NONE: Do not log connection
identitySources False [object] A Set object containing TrafficIdentity objects. A TrafficIdentity object represents an ActiveDirectoryRealm or LocalIdentitySource
Allowed types are: [ActiveDirectoryRealm, LDAPRealm, LocalIdentitySource, SpecialRealm, User]
users False [object] A Set object containing TrafficEntry objects. A TrafficEntry object represents a User/Group of an Active Directory(AD).
embeddedAppFilter False object An optional EmbeddedAppFilter object. Providing an object will make the rule be applied only to traffic matching provided app filter's condition(s).
urlFilter False object An optional EmbeddedURLFilter object. Providing an object will make the rule be applied only to traffic matching provided url filter's condition(s).
intrusionPolicy False object An optional IntrusionPolicy object. Specify an IntrusionPolicy object if you would like the traffic passing through the rule be inspected by the IP object.
Field level constraints: requires threat license. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
Allowed types are: [IntrusionPolicy]
filePolicy False object An optional FilePolicy object. Providing an object will make the rul be applied only to traffic matching the provided file policy's condition(s).
Allowed types are: [FilePolicy]
logFiles False boolean An optional Boolean object. Logs files matching to the current rule if set to true. Default option is false
syslogServer False object An optional SyslogServer object. Specify a syslog server if you want a copy of events matching the current rule to be sent to an external syslog server.
Allowed types are: [SyslogServer]
hitCount False object Hit count for a rule
destinationDynamicObjects False [object] An optional set of DynamicObject objects to match for destination traffic criteria.
Allowed types are: [SGTDynamicObject]
sourceDynamicObjects False [object] An optional set of DynamicObject objects to match for source traffic criteria.
Allowed types are: [SGTDynamicObject]
timeRangeObjects False [object] An Optional TimeRange Object that specifies a time range
Allowed types are: [TimeRangeObject]
id False string A unique string identifier assigned by the system when the object is created. No assumption can be made on the format or content of this identifier. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to modify/delete (or reference) an existing object.
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.