
The addRaVpnGroupPolicy operation handles configuration related to RaVpnGroupPolicy model. 


This API call is not allowed on the standby unit in an HA pair.

Data Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
name False string name of the RA VPN group policy
banner False string Banner description for Anyconnect
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^[^;]*$, length must be between 0 and 3998 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
dnsServerGroup False object DNS Server Group object
Allowed types are: [DNSServerGroup]
defaultDomainName False string Sets a default domain name for users of the group policy
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
simultaneousLoginPerUser False integer Specifies the number of simultaneous logins allowed for any user. The default value is 3. The range is 0-2147483647
Field level constraints: must be between 0 and 2147483647 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
maxConnectionTimeout False integer Configures a maximum amount of time for VPN connections. The minimum time allowed is 1 minute, and the maximum time is 35791394 minutes. There is no default value for this attribute and the behaviour is unlimited time allowed per connection as default
Field level constraints: must be between 1 and 4473924 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
maxConnectionTimeAlertInterval False integer Configures the time at which a session timeout alert message is displayed to the user. The default alert interval is one minute. The range is from 1 - 30 minutes.
Field level constraints: must be between 1 and 30 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
vpnIdleTimeout False integer Configures a VPN idle timeout period. If there is no communication activity on the connection in this period, the ASA terminates the connection. The minimum time is 1 minute, the maximum time is 35791394 minutes, and the default is 30 minutes.
Field level constraints: must be between 1 and 35791394 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
vpnIdleTimeoutAlertInterval False integer Configures a VPN idle timeout period. If there is no communication activity on the connection in this period, the ASA terminates the connection. The minimum time is 1 minute, the maximum time is 35791394 minutes, and the default is 30 minutes
Field level constraints: must be between 1 and 30 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
ipv4LocalAddressPool False [object] Names of the DHCP address pools
Allowed types are: [NetworkObject]
ipv6LocalAddressPool False [object] IPV6 local address pool
Allowed types are: [NetworkObject]
dhcpScope False object DHCP scope specifies the range of IP addresses (that is, a subnetwork) that the ASA DHCP server should use to assign addresses to users of this group policy
Allowed types are: [NetworkObject]
ipv4SplitTunnelSetting False string Enum with values TUNNEL_ALL,TUNNEL_SPECIFIED,EXCLUDE_SPECIFIED_OVER_TUNNEL
ipv6SplitTunnelSetting False string Enum with values TUNNEL_ALL,TUNNEL_SPECIFIED,EXCLUDE_SPECIFIED_OVER_TUNNEL
ipv4SplitTunnelNetworks False [object] IPv4 network for split tunneling
Allowed types are: [NetworkObject]
ipv6SplitTunnelNetworks False [object] IPv6 network for split tunneling
Allowed types are: [NetworkObject]
splitDNSDomainList False string comma seperated domain list when splitDNSPolicy is TUNNEL_SPECIFIED_DOMAINS
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
scepForwardingUrl False string URL that is used by users of this group policy for the automatic request of digital certificates
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
periodicClientCertAuthenticationInterval False integer periodic certificate authentication interval in hours. Range is 1 - 168 hours
enableDTLS False boolean enables DTLS for a specified group policy
enableDTLSCompression False boolean enables DTLS compression
sslCompression False string ENUM with values: DISABLED, DEFLATE, LZS. Default is DISABLED
enableSSLrekey False boolean enables the AnyConnect client to perform a re-key on an SSL session
rekeyMethod False string ENUM with values: NEW_TUNNEL or EXISTING_TUNNEL
rekeyInterval False integer Specifies the number of minutes from the start of the session until the re-key takes place. Range is 4-10080
ignoreDFBit False boolean Enable this to ignore the DF bit in packets that need fragmentation. By default this is disabled
bypassUnsupportProtocol False boolean Configure this attribute to determine whether to drop network traffic for which the FTD did not assign an IP address, or allow that traffic to bypass the FTD and be sent from the client unencrypted or in the clear
mtuSize False integer AnyConnect MTU size in bytes. Range is 576-1462
Field level constraints: must be between 576 and 1462 (inclusive). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
useAlwaysOnVPNSettingInProfile False boolean A false value would switch off the Always-On-VPN functionality
enableKeepAliveMessages False boolean Enabling this ensures that an connection through a proxy, firewall, or NAT device remains open
keepAliveMessageInterval False integer Default is 20 seconds. Valid range is from 15 - 600 seconds
enableGatewayDPD False boolean Gateway Dead Peer Detection (DPD) ensures that the security appliance (gateway) can quickly detect a condition where the peer is not responding, and the connection has failed
gatewayDPDInterval False integer Enter the interval, from 5 to 3600 seconds, with which the security appliance performs DPD
enableClientDPD False boolean Client-DPD ensures that the client can quickly detect a condition where the peer is not responding, and the connection has failed
clientDPDInterval False integer Enter the interval, from 5 to 3600 seconds, with which the client performs DPD
clientProfiles False [object] Any connect client profiles
Allowed types are: [AnyConnectClientProfile]
keepInstallerOnClient False boolean Enables or disables automatic uninstalling feature of the anyconnect client
vpnTrafficFilterACL False object A vpn-filter acl is applied to post-decrypted traffic after it exits a tunnel and pre-encrypted traffic before it enters a tunnel. The ACL should be configured with the client assigned IP addresses in the src_ip position of the ACL and the local network in the dest_ip position of the ACL
Allowed types are: [ExtendedAccessList]
enableRestrictVPNToVLAN False boolean By default it is false
restrictVPNToVLANId False integer specifies the egress VLAN for remote access VPN sessions assigned to this group policy. The range is 1-4094. There is no default value.
clientFirewallPrivateNetworkRules False object Firewalls provide extra security if remote users in a group have split tunneling configured. In this case, the firewall protects the user’s computer, and thereby the corporate network, from intrusions by way of the Internet or the user’s local LAN. The private network rule is the rule applied to the VPN virtual adapter interface on the client
Allowed types are: [ExtendedAccessList]
clientFirewallPublicNetworkRules False object The public network rule is the rule applied to other non-vpn interfaces on the client
Allowed types are: [ExtendedAccessList]
browserProxyType False string Enum with values NO_PROXY, NO_MODIFY, AUTO_DETECT and USE_SERVER
proxy False object Proxy server and port of type serverhostandport
proxyExceptions False [object] A list of type serverhostandport
isEnablePeriodicClientCertAuthentication False boolean When you enable periodic certificate authentication, the ASA stores certificate chains received from VPN clients and re-authenticates them periodically. By default this is disabled.
type True string ravpngrouppolicy


- name: Execute 'addRaVpnGroupPolicy' operation
    operation: "addRaVpnGroupPolicy"
        name: "{{ name }}"
        banner: "{{ banner }}"
        dnsServerGroup: "{{ dns_server_group }}"
        defaultDomainName: "{{ default_domain_name }}"
        simultaneousLoginPerUser: "{{ simultaneous_login_per_user }}"
        maxConnectionTimeout: "{{ max_connection_timeout }}"
        maxConnectionTimeAlertInterval: "{{ max_connection_time_alert_interval }}"
        vpnIdleTimeout: "{{ vpn_idle_timeout }}"
        vpnIdleTimeoutAlertInterval: "{{ vpn_idle_timeout_alert_interval }}"
        ipv4LocalAddressPool: "{{ ipv4_local_address_pool }}"
        ipv6LocalAddressPool: "{{ ipv6_local_address_pool }}"
        dhcpScope: "{{ dhcp_scope }}"
        ipv4SplitTunnelSetting: "{{ ipv4_split_tunnel_setting }}"
        ipv6SplitTunnelSetting: "{{ ipv6_split_tunnel_setting }}"
        ipv4SplitTunnelNetworks: "{{ ipv4_split_tunnel_networks }}"
        ipv6SplitTunnelNetworks: "{{ ipv6_split_tunnel_networks }}"
        splitDNSRequestPolicy: "{{ split_dns_request_policy }}"
        splitDNSDomainList: "{{ split_dns_domain_list }}"
        scepForwardingUrl: "{{ scep_forwarding_url }}"
        periodicClientCertAuthenticationInterval: "{{ periodic_client_cert_authentication_interval }}"
        enableDTLS: "{{ enable_dtls }}"
        enableDTLSCompression: "{{ enable_dtls_compression }}"
        sslCompression: "{{ ssl_compression }}"
        enableSSLrekey: "{{ enable_ss_lrekey }}"
        rekeyMethod: "{{ rekey_method }}"
        rekeyInterval: "{{ rekey_interval }}"
        ignoreDFBit: "{{ ignore_df_bit }}"
        bypassUnsupportProtocol: "{{ bypass_unsupport_protocol }}"
        mtuSize: "{{ mtu_size }}"
        useAlwaysOnVPNSettingInProfile: "{{ use_always_on_vpn_setting_in_profile }}"
        enableKeepAliveMessages: "{{ enable_keep_alive_messages }}"
        keepAliveMessageInterval: "{{ keep_alive_message_interval }}"
        enableGatewayDPD: "{{ enable_gateway_dpd }}"
        gatewayDPDInterval: "{{ gateway_dpd_interval }}"
        enableClientDPD: "{{ enable_client_dpd }}"
        clientDPDInterval: "{{ client_dpd_interval }}"
        clientProfiles: "{{ client_profiles }}"
        keepInstallerOnClient: "{{ keep_installer_on_client }}"
        vpnTrafficFilterACL: "{{ vpn_traffic_filter_acl }}"
        enableRestrictVPNToVLAN: "{{ enable_restrict_vpn_to_vlan }}"
        restrictVPNToVLANId: "{{ restrict_vpn_to_vlan_id }}"
        clientFirewallPrivateNetworkRules: "{{ client_firewall_private_network_rules }}"
        clientFirewallPublicNetworkRules: "{{ client_firewall_public_network_rules }}"
        browserProxyType: "{{ browser_proxy_type }}"
        proxy: "{{ proxy }}"
        proxyExceptions: "{{ proxy_exceptions }}"
        enabledAnyConnectModules: "{{ enabled_any_connect_modules }}"
        isEnablePeriodicClientCertAuthentication: "{{ is_enable_periodic_client_cert_authentication }}"
        type: "{{ type }}"