The addManualNatRule operation handles configuration related to ManualNatRule model.
This API call is not allowed on the standby unit in an HA pair.
Data Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |||
name | True | string | A string containing the name of the ManualNatRule object | |||
description | False | string | An optional string that describes the rule Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
sourceInterface | False | object | Allowed types are: [EtherChannelInterface, PhysicalInterface, SubInterface, VirtualTunnelInterface, VlanInterface] |
destinationInterface | False | object | Allowed types are: [EtherChannelInterface, PhysicalInterface, SubInterface, VirtualTunnelInterface, VlanInterface] |
natType | True | string | Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
patOptions | False | object | ||||
netToNet | False | boolean | ||||
noProxyArp | False | boolean | ||||
dns | False | boolean | ||||
interfaceIPv6 | False | boolean | ||||
routeLookup | False | boolean | ||||
enabled | False | boolean | ||||
interfaceInOriginalDestination | False | boolean | A Boolean object which can be true if it's routed mode only, and translatedDestination must be null, and originalDestinationPort, translatedDestinationPort and sourceInterface fields must all not null. | |||
interfaceInTranslatedSource | False | boolean | For static NAT, this could be:
originalSource | False | object | A NetworkObject or NetworkObjectGroup reference, or null for 'any' source address. Allowed types are: [NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup] |
originalDestination | False | object | A NetworkObject or NetworkObjectGroup reference, or null for 'any' destination address. Allowed types are: [NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup] |
originalSourcePort | False | object | A reference to TCPPortObject or UDPPortObject that contains single port number. Use null for 'any' port. Note, if specified, all the four port fields should all be either UDP or TCP ports. Additionally, originalSourcePort and translatedSourcePort should be either both specified (not null), or both null. Allowed types are: [ICMPv4PortObject, ICMPv6PortObject, ProtocolObject, TCPPortObject, UDPPortObject] |
originalDestinationPort | False | object | A reference to TCPPortObject or UDPPortObject that contains single port number. Use null for 'any' port. Note, if specified, all the four port fields should all be either UDP or TCP ports. Additionally, originalDestinationPort and translatedDestinationPort should be either both specified (not null), or both null Allowed types are: [ICMPv4PortObject, ICMPv6PortObject, ProtocolObject, TCPPortObject, UDPPortObject] |
translatedSource | False | object | A NetworkObject or NetworkObjectGroup reference, note only 'host' or 'IP range' are allowed in the object(s), no 'network' sub-type is allowed. Allowed types are: [NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup] |
translatedDestination | False | object | A NetworkObject or NetworkObjectGroup reference, note only 'host' or 'IP range' are allowed in the object(s), no 'network' sub-type is allowed. Allowed types are: [NetworkObject, NetworkObjectGroup] |
translatedSourcePort | False | object | A reference to TCPPortObject or UDPPortObject that contains single port number. Use null for 'any' port. Note, if specified, all the four port fields should all be either UDP or TCP ports. Additionally, originalSourcePort and translatedSourcePort should be either both specified (not null), or both null. Allowed types are: [ICMPv4PortObject, ICMPv6PortObject, ProtocolObject, TCPPortObject, UDPPortObject] |
translatedDestinationPort | False | object | A reference to TCPPortObject or UDPPortObject that contains single port number. Use null for 'any' port. Note, if specified, all the four port fields should all be either UDP or TCP ports. Additionally, originalDestinationPort and translatedDestinationPort should be either both specified (not null), or both null. Allowed types are: [ICMPv4PortObject, ICMPv6PortObject, ProtocolObject, TCPPortObject, UDPPortObject] |
unidirectional | False | boolean | A Boolean object which can be true only for static NAT rule. | |||
rulePosition | False | integer | Transient field holding the index position for the rule | |||
type | True | string | A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |||
parentId | True | string |
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |||
at | False | integer | An integer representing where to add the new object in the ordered list. Use 0 to add it at the beginning of the list. If not specified, it will be added at the end of the list |
- name: Execute 'addManualNatRule' operation
operation: "addManualNatRule"
name: "{{ name }}"
description: "{{ description }}"
sourceInterface: "{{ source_interface }}"
destinationInterface: "{{ destination_interface }}"
natType: "{{ nat_type }}"
patOptions: "{{ pat_options }}"
netToNet: "{{ net_to_net }}"
noProxyArp: "{{ no_proxy_arp }}"
dns: "{{ dns }}"
interfaceIPv6: "{{ interface_i_pv6 }}"
routeLookup: "{{ route_lookup }}"
enabled: "{{ enabled }}"
interfaceInOriginalDestination: "{{ interface_in_original_destination }}"
interfaceInTranslatedSource: "{{ interface_in_translated_source }}"
originalSource: "{{ original_source }}"
originalDestination: "{{ original_destination }}"
originalSourcePort: "{{ original_source_port }}"
originalDestinationPort: "{{ original_destination_port }}"
translatedSource: "{{ translated_source }}"
translatedDestination: "{{ translated_destination }}"
translatedSourcePort: "{{ translated_source_port }}"
translatedDestinationPort: "{{ translated_destination_port }}"
unidirectional: "{{ unidirectional }}"
rulePosition: "{{ rule_position }}"
type: "{{ type }}"
parentId: "{{ parent_id }}"
at: "{{ at }}"