
The addTestIdentityServicesEngineConnectivity operation handles configuration related to TestIdentityServicesEngineConnectivity model. 


This API call is not allowed on the standby unit in an HA pair.

Data Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
ftdCertificateUUID True string The internal certificate that the system must provide to Identity Services Engine (ISE) when connecting to ISE or when performing bulk downloads
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
pxGridCertificateUUID True string The trusted CA certificate for the pxGrid framework. If your deployment includes a primary and a secondary pxGrid node, the CA certificates for both nodes must be signed by the same certificate authority
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
mntCertificateUUID True string The trusted CA certificate for the MNT server in the Identity Services Engine (ISE) deployment. If your deployment includes a primary and a secondary MNT node, the CA certificates for both nodes must be signed by the same certificate authority
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
subscribeToSessionDirectoryTopic True boolean Toggles subscription to SessionDirectory pxGrid topic, handling user sessions. If no value is given, the subscription will be enabled by default
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
subscribeToSxpTopic True boolean Toggles subscription to SXP pxGrid topic, handling SGT bindings. If no value is given, the subscription will be disabled by default
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
statusCode False string The ISE connection test error or success code returned by the ADI process
statusMessage False string The ISE connection test error or success message returned by the ADI process
iseLogMessage False string The detailed log message returned by the ADI process
primaryStatusCode False string The ISE connection test error or success code returned by the ADI process for the primary ISE server
primaryStatusMessage False string The ISE connection test error or success message returned by the ADI process for the primary ISE server
secondaryStatusCode False string The ISE connection test error or success code returned by the ADI process for the secondary ISE server
secondaryStatusMessage False string The ISE connection test error or success message returned by the ADI process for the secondary ISE server
secondaryIseServer False string The address of the optional secondary Identity Services Engine (ISE) server
primaryIseServer False string The address of the primary Identity Services Engine (ISE) server
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.


- name: Execute 'addTestIdentityServicesEngineConnectivity' operation
    operation: "addTestIdentityServicesEngineConnectivity"
        ftdCertificateUUID: "{{ ftd_certificate_uuid }}"
        pxGridCertificateUUID: "{{ px_grid_certificate_uuid }}"
        mntCertificateUUID: "{{ mnt_certificate_uuid }}"
        subscribeToSessionDirectoryTopic: "{{ subscribe_to_session_directory_topic }}"
        subscribeToSxpTopic: "{{ subscribe_to_sxp_topic }}"
        statusCode: "{{ status_code }}"
        statusMessage: "{{ status_message }}"
        iseLogMessage: "{{ ise_log_message }}"
        primaryStatusCode: "{{ primary_status_code }}"
        primaryStatusMessage: "{{ primary_status_message }}"
        secondaryStatusCode: "{{ secondary_status_code }}"
        secondaryStatusMessage: "{{ secondary_status_message }}"
        secondaryIseServer: "{{ secondary_ise_server }}"
        primaryIseServer: "{{ primary_ise_server }}"
        type: "{{ type }}"