

Represents detailed data of Entity that was updated compared to its other state. (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)

Model Properties

Property Required Type Description
entityId False string An identifier of entity which does not change with time.
entityType False string An Entity type type that has been modified.
entityName False string Optional. A name field value of modified Entity.
referencesDeleted False [object] References that were deleted compared to its other state.
It is relevant for both ConfigEntity and NestedEntity.
It includes removal references from the collections.
referencesAdded False [object] References that were added compared to its other state.
It is relevant for both ConfigEntity and NestedEntity.
It includes adding references to the collections.
For example, replacing an element in collection results in adding item(a new one) to this field and in adding item(the old one) to referencesDeleted.
valuesDeleted False [object] Values that were deleted (the value is null) compared to its other state.
valuesAdded False [object] Values that were added (the value was null) compared to its other state.
valuesUpdated False [object] Values that were changed compared to its other state.
mapUpdated False [object] Map entries where each entry is a pair of key and value, that were changed compared to its other state. This structure is deprecated and may change in the future.
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.