
The upsertHitCount operation handles configuration related to HitCount model. 


This API call is not allowed on the standby unit in an HA pair.

Data Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
hitCount False integer Number of hits for specific Access rule
rule False object Hits are counted for this rule
firstHitTimeStamp False string Time when this rule got hit first time
lastHitTimeStamp False string Time when this rule got hit last time
lastFetchTimeStamp False string Time when FDM has updated number of hits in database
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.

Path Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
parentId True string

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
filter True string The criteria used to filter the models you are requesting. It should have the following format: {key}{operator}{value}[;{key}{operator}{value}]. Supported operators are: "!"(not equals), ":"(equals), "~"(similar). Supported keys are: "ids", "fetchZeroHitCount".


- name: Execute 'upsertHitCount' operation
    operation: "upsertHitCount"
        hitCount: "{{ hit_count }}"
        rule: "{{ rule }}"
        firstHitTimeStamp: "{{ first_hit_time_stamp }}"
        lastHitTimeStamp: "{{ last_hit_time_stamp }}"
        lastFetchTimeStamp: "{{ last_fetch_time_stamp }}"
        type: "{{ type }}"
        parentId: "{{ parent_id }}"
        filter: "{{ filter }}"