An audit event which represents entity creation. (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)
Model Properties
Property | Required | Type | Description | |||
sourceIp | False | string | An IP address from which the action was performed, SYSTEM for system events. | |||
userName | False | string | A Username of the user performing the action, SYSTEM for system events. | |||
timeStamp | False | integer | A number of milliseconds since the POSIX Epoch event took place at. | |||
entityId | False | string | An event target entity identifier. | |||
entityName | False | string | An event target entity name. | |||
entityType | False | string | An event target entity type. | |||
sqliteBackedChanges | False | [object] | ||||
id | False | string | Event identifier. Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
type | True | string | Event type. |