

Represents the neighbors configured for this process (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)

Model Properties

Property Required Type Description
remoteAs True string Represents remote Autonomous number for BGP neighbor.
Field level constraints: cannot be null, must match pattern ^(([1-9]\d{0,8}|[1-3]\d{1,9}|4([0-1]\d{8}|2([0-8]\d{7}|9([0-3]\d{6}|4([0-8]\d{5}|9([0-5]\d{4}|6([0-6]\d{3}|7([0-1]\d{2}|2([0-8]\d{1}|9[0-5]{1})))))))))$)|(^(?:(?:(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{1,3}|[1-9])).(?:(6553[0-5]|655[0-2]\d|65[0-4]\d{2}|6[0-4]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|[1-9]\d{1,3}|\d)))$). (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
activate True boolean If true, exchange information with a BGP neighbor. Default value is false.
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
neighborGeneral False object Represents settings of type NeighborGeneral such as BFD support for fall-over
neighborAdvanced False object Represents settings of type NeighborAdvanced such as NeighborHops support for neighborTtlSecurityHops, maxHopCount and disableConnectedCheck
neighborRoutes False object Represents settings of type NeighborRoutes such as Neighbor Default Originate, Neighbor Advertise Map
neighborRouteMap True [object] Represents neighbor route-maps for applying a route map to incoming or outgoing routes.
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
neighborFilterList True [object] Represents neighbor filter-list for establishing BGP filters.
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
neighborMaximumPrefix False object Controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor.
haModeGracefulRestart True boolean If true, enables the graceful restart configuration when the system is configured in HA mode. Default value is false.
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
neighborTimers False object An instance of type NeighborTimers that sets the timers for a specific BGP peer or peer group.
neighborLocalAs False object An instance of type NeighborLocalAs that customizes the AS_PATH attribute for routes received from an external Border Gateway Protocol (eBGP) neighbor.
ipv6Address False string Represents neighbor ipv6 address.
Field level constraints: must be a valid IP address, must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
ipv6Prefix False integer Represents prefix of the IPv6 address.
ipv6PrefixListFilter True [object] Represents neighbor distribute-lists for distributing BGP neighbor information as specified in an prefix list.
Field level constraints: cannot be null. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.