An object that specifies the System Information, ip address, software version, vdb and last rule update date. (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)
Supported Operations
Model Properties
Property | Required | Type | Description | |||
ipv4 | False | string | A string specifying the IPv4 address of the system. | |||
ipv6 | False | string | A string specifying the IPv6 address of the system. | |||
softwareVersion | False | string | A string which specifies the version of the software running in the system. | |||
asaVersion | False | string | A string which specifies the version of "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance" component in the system. | |||
vdbVersion | False | object | An object which specifies the current VDB version, last success date, current build and release date. | |||
sruVersion | False | object | An object which specifies the current Rule Update version and last success date. For Snort 2, this represents current SRU version. For Snort 3, this represents current LSP version. | |||
snortVersion | False | object | The current snort version. | |||
databaseInfo | False | object | Database Info, includes various versions related to the current config. | |||
platformModel | False | string | A string which specifies the platform model of the system. | |||
currentTime | False | integer | An integer which specifies the current time of the system in milliseconds. | |||
serialNumber | False | string | A string which specifies the Serial Number of the system. | |||
geolocationVersion | False | object | An object which specifies the current Geo Location DB version, last success date and country code map version. | |||
securityIntelligenceFeedsInfo | False | object | An object which specifies the last security intelligence download success date. | |||
modelId | False | string | A string which specifies the model id of the system. | |||
modelNumber | False | string | A string which specifies the model number of the system. | |||
applianceUuid | False | string | A string which specifies the uuid of the system. | |||
managementInterfaceName | False | string | A string which specifies the Management Interface name. | |||
systemUptime | False | integer | A long integer object which specifies the device uptime. | |||
chassisSerialNumber | False | string | A String which specifies the chassis serial number where applicable. | |||
fxosVersion | False | string | On Firepower 4100 and 9000 series devices, A string which specifies the FXOS Version | |||
hotFixes | False | [object] | An object which specifies all the hotfixes installed since the last Major Release and if they have been patched over. | |||
patchHistory | False | [string] | An object which lists all the upgrades installed on the box since deployment. | |||
id | False | string | A read only string with a value of "default" assigned to SystemInformation object. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to retrieve SystemInformation. Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
type | True | string | A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name. |