

An object that specifies the System Information, ip address, software version, vdb and last rule update date. (Note: The field level constraints listed here might not cover all the constraints on the field. Additional constraints might exist.)

Supported Operations

Model Properties

Property Required Type Description
ipv4 False string A string specifying the IPv4 address of the system.
ipv6 False string A string specifying the IPv6 address of the system.
softwareVersion False string A string which specifies the version of the software running in the system.
asaVersion False string A string which specifies the version of "Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance" component in the system.
vdbVersion False object An object which specifies the current VDB version, last success date, current build and release date.
sruVersion False object An object which specifies the current Rule Update version and last success date. For Snort 2, this represents current SRU version. For Snort 3, this represents current LSP version.
snortVersion False object The current snort version.
databaseInfo False object Database Info, includes various versions related to the current config.
platformModel False string A string which specifies the platform model of the system.
currentTime False integer An integer which specifies the current time of the system in milliseconds.
serialNumber False string A string which specifies the Serial Number of the system.
geolocationVersion False object An object which specifies the current Geo Location DB version, last success date and country code map version.
securityIntelligenceFeedsInfo False object An object which specifies the last security intelligence download success date.
modelId False string A string which specifies the model id of the system.
modelNumber False string A string which specifies the model number of the system.
applianceUuid False string A string which specifies the uuid of the system.
managementInterfaceName False string A string which specifies the Management Interface name.
systemUptime False integer A long integer object which specifies the device uptime.
chassisSerialNumber False string A String which specifies the chassis serial number where applicable.
fxosVersion False string On Firepower 4100 and 9000 series devices, A string which specifies the FXOS Version
hotFixes False [object] An object which specifies all the hotfixes installed since the last Major Release and if they have been patched over.
patchHistory False [string] An object which lists all the upgrades installed on the box since deployment.
id False string A read only string with a value of "default" assigned to SystemInformation object. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to retrieve SystemInformation.
Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist)
type True string A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name.