The editCloudConfig operation handles configuration related to CloudConfig model.
This API call is not allowed on the standby unit in an HA pair.
Data Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |||
version | False | string | A unique string version assigned by the system when the object is created or modified. No assumption can be made on the format or content of this identifier. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to modify/delete an existing object. As the version will change every time the object is modified, the value provided in this identifier must match exactly what is present in the system or the request will be rejected. | |||
enableAutomaticUpdates | False | boolean | A Boolean value, TRUE or FALSE (the default). The TRUE value indicates that the device will automatically download URL category and reputation updates. | |||
queryCloudUnknown | False | boolean | A Boolean value, TRUE or FALSE (the default). The TRUE value indicates that the device will query Cisco Collective Security Intelligence for unknown URLs. | |||
urlCacheReloadTTL | False | string | An enum value that specifies how long to cache the category and reputation lookup values for a given URL When the time to live expires, the next attempted access of the URL results in a fresh category/reputation lookup. Value can be one of the following: NEVER (default) TWO_HRS FOUR_HRS EIGHT_HRS TWELVE_HRS TWENTY_FOUR_HRS FOURTY_EIGHT_HRS ONE_WEEK |
id | False | string | A unique string identifier assigned by the system when the object is created. No assumption can be made on the format or content of this identifier. The identifier must be provided whenever attempting to modify/delete (or reference) an existing object. Field level constraints: must match pattern ^((?!;).)*$. (Note: Additional constraints might exist) |
type | True | string | A UTF8 string, all letters lower-case, that represents the class-type. This corresponds to the class name. |
Path Parameters
Parameter | Required | Type | Description | |||
objId | True | string |
- name: Execute 'editCloudConfig' operation
operation: "editCloudConfig"
version: "{{ version }}"
enableAutomaticUpdates: "{{ enable_automatic_updates }}"
queryCloudUnknown: "{{ query_cloud_unknown }}"
urlCacheReloadTTL: "{{ url_cache_reload_ttl }}"
id: "{{ id }}"
type: "{{ type }}"
objId: "{{ obj_id }}"