The NX-API CLI Developer Sandbox is an excellent transition tool which can be enabled from the NX-OS command line. After enabling feature nxapi, an nginx web server is started on the switch which allows developers or administrators the ability to transcode traditional Nexus command line inputs to REST-based operations via HTTP/HTTPS. It also includes the ability to generate Python code, and supports different message formats like XML or JSON.

Enabling the NX-API CLI Developer Sandbox:

  n9k-sw-1(config)# exit  
  n9k-sw-1# conf t  
  Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.  
  n9k-sw-1(config)# feature nxapi  
  n9k-sw-1(config)# show feature | inc nxapi  
  nxapi                  1          enabled  

Accessing the NX-API CLI Developer Sandbox is accomplished by pointing a web browser to the hostname or IP address of the switch. This functionality is supported on any in-band and out-of-band management IP address.

https://<ip or hostname>

Enter access credentials to the switch and the NX-API CLI Developer Sandbox will appear.

NX-API CLI Developer Sandbox

NX-API CLI Developer Sandbox