Infrastructure setup (x1):
- Start and configure the DHCP infrastructure
- Optional: Configure and enable infrastructure services such as AAA servers, SNMP servers, syslog server
- Install and configure Ignite
- Create IP/VLAN pools
- Design the configuration templates for the leaf and spine switches
- One single template is needed per switch category (such as leaf, spine, core)
- Design the topology for the fabric
- Assign image version and configuration templates to the switches
- Configure the DHCP server to redirect DHCP requests from the switches to Ignite
Sample DHCP-Server configuration for POAP (Linux dhcpd):
Design Pools of Resources:
Design Configuration Template Leaf Switches with Ignite:
Design Topology for the Fabric with Ignite:
Assigning Configuration Templates to Switches:
Switch setup (x100):
- Rack the switch
- Connect the management (in-band or out-of-band) interfaces
- Connect a console connection to a terminal server (Optional)
- Power-on the switch
Each switch, upon being booted, completes the following steps automatically:
- Issues a DHCP request and receives an IP address
- Contacts the Ignite server and downloads the assigned image and configuration
- Ignite generates configurations based on the defined configuration templates and pools
- Reboots with the proper image and configuration, see the figure Switch Booting Up with POAP
- Installs and configures the configuration agents (Puppet, Chef, Splunk Forwarder)
Switch Booting Up with POAP
[7:51:26] - INFO: Get serial number: ABC1234ab
[7:51:26]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: device type is n9k
[7:51:26]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: device os version is 7.0(3)I1(2)
[7:51:26]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: device system image is n9000-dk9.7.0.3.I1.2.bin
[7:51:26]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: check free space
[7:51:26]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: free space is 3881536 kB
[7:51:26]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Ready to copy protocol scp, host, source /server-list.cfg
[7:51:29]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Get Device Image Config File
[7:51:29]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: removing tmp file /bootflash/server-list.cfg
[7:51:29]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Ready to copy protocol scp host recipe.cfg
[7:51:33]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Get Device Recipe
[7:51:33]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: removing tmp file /bootflash/recipe.cfg
[7:51:35]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Download CA Certificate
[7:51:35]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Ready to copy protocol scp, host, source /cacert.pem
[7:51:38]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: create_image_conf
[7:51:51]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Ready to copy protocol scp, host, source /n9000-dk9.7.0.3.I2.1.bin
[7:53:13]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Completed Copy of System Image
[7:53:35]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Ready to copy protocol scp, host, source /ABC1234ab/device-config
[7:53:38]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Completed Copy of Config File
[7:53:38]S/N[ABC1234ab] - INFO: Split config invoked....
Fabric Wide (x1):
Validate node-to-node and end-to-end configuration and connectivity
- (Future) Trigger a validation in Ignite to verify configuration and connectivity