- Start
- What's New
- Getting Started
- User Guide
- About
- Basic Operations
- Network Element Drivers and Adding Devices
- Managing Network Services
- The NSO Device Manager
- SSH Key Management
- Alarm Manager
- Plug-and-play Scripting
- Compliance reporting
- NSO Packages
- Life-cycle Operations - Manipulating Existing Services and Devices
- Web User Interface
- Network Simulator
- Administration Guide
- Northbound APIs
- Development Guide
- Preface
- Development Environment and Resources
- The Configuration Database and YANG
- Basic Automation with Python
- Developing a Simple Service
- Applications in NSO
- Implementing Services
- Templates
- Services Deep Dive
- The NSO Java VM
- The NSO Python VM
- Embedded Erlang applications
- The YANG Data Modeling Language
- Using CDB
- Java API Overview
- Python API Overview
- NSO Packages
- Package Development
- Service Development Using Java
- NED Development
- NED Upgrades and Migration
- Service Handling of Ambiguous Device Models
- Scaling and Performance Optimization
- NSO Concurrency Model
- Developing Alarm Applications
- SNMP Notification Receiver
- The web server
- Kicker
- Scheduler
- Progress Trace
- Nano Services for Staged Provisioning
- Encryption Keys
- External Logging
- NSO Developer Studio
- Web UI
- Layered Service Architecture
- Manual Pages
- NSO Documentation Home
- NSO SDK API Reference
- NSO Change Log Explorer
- NSO NED Change Log Explorer
- NSO NED Capabilities Explorer
- NSO on DevNet
- Get Support
This documentation corresponds to an older version of the product, is no longer updated, and may contain outdated information.
Please access the latest versions from https://cisco-tailf.gitbook.io/nso-docs and update your bookmarks. OK
This section shows how to develop and deploy a simple NSO nano
service for managing the provisioning of SSH public keys for authentication.
For more details on nano services, see
Nano Services for Staged Provisioning
in Development Guide. The
example showcasing development is available under
In addition, there is a reference from the README
the example's directory to the deployment version of the example.
After installing NSO with the local-install option, development
often begins with either retrieving an existing YANG model representing
what the the managed network element (a virtual or physical device, such
as a router) can do or constructing a new YANG model that at least covers
the configuration of interest to an NSO service. To enable
NSO service development, the network element's YANG model can be
used with NSO's netsim tool that uses ConfD (Configuration Daemon)
to simulate the network elements and their management interfaces like
NETCONF. Read more about netsim in
Network Simulator
in User Guide.
The simple network element YANG model used for this example is available
under packages/ne/src/yang/ssh-authkey.yang
. The
model implements a list of SSH
public keys for identifying a user. The list of keys augments a list of
users in the ConfD built-in tailf-aaa.yang
that ConfD uses to authenticate users.
module ssh-authkey { yang-version 1.1; namespace "http://example.com/ssh-authkey"; prefix sa; import tailf-common { prefix tailf; } import tailf-aaa { prefix aaa; } description "List of SSH authorized public keys"; revision 2023-02-02 { description "Initial revision."; } augment "/aaa:aaa/aaa:authentication/aaa:users/aaa:user" { list authkey { key pubkey-data; leaf pubkey-data { type string; } } } }
On the network element, a Python application subscribes to ConfD to be
notified of configuration changes to the user's public keys and updates
the user's authorized_keys file accordingly. See
for details.
The first step is to create an NSO package from the network element YANG model. Since NSO will use NETCONF over SSH to communicate with the device, the package will be a NETCONF NED. The package can be created using the ncs-make-package command or the NETCONF NED builder tool. The ncs-make-package command is typically used when the YANG models used by the network element are available. Hence, the packages/ne package for this example was generated using the ncs-make-package command.
As the ssh-authkey.yang
model augments the users
list in the ConfD built-in tailf-aaa.yang
NSO needs a representation of that YANG model too to build the NED.
However, the service will only configure the user's public keys, so only
a subset of the tailf-aaa.yang
model that only
includes the user list is sufficient. To compare, see the
in the example
vs. the network element's version under
Now that the network element package is defined, next up is the service package, beginning with finding out what steps are required for NSO to authenticate with the network element using SSH public key authentication:
First, generate private and public keys using, for example, the ssh-keygen OpenSSH authentication key utility.
Distribute the public keys to the ConfD-enabled network element's list of authorized keys.
Configure NSO to use public key authentication with the network element.
Finally, test the public key authentication by connecting NSO with the network element.
The outline above indicates that the service will benefit from implementing several smaller (nano) steps:
The first step only generates private and public key files with no configuration. Thus the first step should be implemented by an action before the second step runs, not as part of the second step transaction
callback code configuring the network elements. Thecreate()
callback runs multiple times, for example, for service configuration changes, re-deploy, or commit dry-run. Therefore, generating keys should only happen when creating the service instance. -
The third step cannot execute before the second step is complete, as NSO cannot use the public key for authenticating with the network element before the network element has it in its list of authorized keys.
The fourth step uses the NSO built-in
action and should run after the third step finishes.
What configuration input do the above steps need?
The name of the network element that will authenticate a user with an SSH public key.
The name of the local NSO user that maps to the remote network element user the public key authenticates.
The name of the remote network element user.
A passphrase used for encrypting the private key, guarding its privacy. The passphrase should be encrypted when storing it in the CDB, just like any other password.
The name of the NSO authentication group to configure for public-key authentication with the NSO-managed network element.
A service YANG model that implements the above configuration:
container pubkey-dist { list key-auth { key "ne-name local-user"; uses ncs:nano-plan-data; uses ncs:service-data; ncs:servicepoint "distkey-servicepoint"; leaf ne-name { type leafref { path "/ncs:devices/ncs:device/ncs:name"; } } leaf local-user { type leafref { path "/ncs:devices/ncs:authgroups/ncs:group/ncs:umap/ncs:local-user"; require-instance false; } } leaf remote-name { type leafref { path "/ncs:devices/ncs:authgroups/ncs:group/ncs:umap/ncs:remote-name"; require-instance false; } mandatory true; } leaf authgroup-name { type leafref { path "/ncs:devices/ncs:authgroups/ncs:group/ncs:name"; require-instance false; } mandatory true; } leaf passphrase { // Leave unset for no passphrase tailf:suppress-echo true; type tailf:aes-256-cfb-128-encrypted-string { length "10..max" { error-message "The passphrase must be at least 10 characters long"; } pattern ".*[a-z]+.*" { error-message "The passphrase must have at least one lower case alpha"; } pattern ".*[A-Z]+.*" { error-message "The passphrase must have at least one upper case alpha"; } pattern ".*[0-9]+.*" { error-message "The passphrase must have at least one digit"; } pattern ".*[<>~;:!@#/$%^&*=-]+.*" { error-message "The passphrase must have at least one of these" + " symbols: [<>~;:!@#/$%^&*=-]+"; } pattern ".* .*" { modifier invert-match; error-message "The passphrase must have no spaces"; } } } ... } }
For details on the YANG statements used by the YANG model, such as
, container
, list
, mandatory
, length
, etc., see the
that documents the YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language. The
are YANG extension statements documented by
tailf_yang_extensions(5) in Manual Pages
The service configuration is implemented in YANG by a key-auth
list where the network element and local user names are the list keys.
In addition, the list has a distkey-servicepoint
point YANG extension statement to enable the list parameters used by the
Python service callbacks that this example implements. Finally, the used
and nano-plan-data
groupings add
the common definitions for a service and the plan data needed when the
service is a nano service.
For the nano service YANG part, an NSO YANG nano service behavior tree extension that references a plan outline extension implements the above steps for setting up SSH public key authentication with a network element:
ncs:plan-outline distkey-plan { description "Plan for distributing a public key"; ncs:component-type "dk:ne" { ncs:state "ncs:init"; ncs:state "dk:generated" { ncs:create { // Request the generate-keys action ncs:post-action-node "$SERVICE" { ncs:action-name "generate-keys"; ncs:result-expr "result = 'true'"; ncs:sync; } } ncs:delete { // Request the delete-keys action ncs:post-action-node "$SERVICE" { ncs:action-name "delete-keys"; ncs:result-expr "result = 'true'"; } } } ncs:state "dk:distributed" { ncs:create { // Invoke a Python program to distribute the authorized public key to // the network element ncs:nano-callback; ncs:force-commit; } } ncs:state "dk:configured" { ncs:create { // Invoke a Python program that in turn invokes a service template to // configure NSO to use public key authentication with the network // element ncs:nano-callback; // Request the connect action to test the public key authentication ncs:post-action-node "/ncs:devices/device[name=$NE-NAME]" { ncs:action-name "connect"; ncs:result-expr "result = 'true'"; } } } ncs:state "ncs:ready"; } } ncs:service-behavior-tree distkey-servicepoint { description "One component per distkey behavior tree"; ncs:plan-outline-ref "dk:distkey-plan"; ncs:selector { // The network element name used with this component ncs:variable "NE-NAME" { ncs:value-expr "current()/ne-name"; } // The unique component name ncs:variable "NAME" { ncs:value-expr "concat(current()/ne-name, '-', current()/local-user)"; } // Component for setting up public key authentication ncs:create-component "$NAME" { ncs:component-type-ref "dk:ne"; } } }
The nano service-behavior-tree
for the service point creates
a nano service component for each list entry in the key-auth
The last connection verification step of the nano service, the
state, uses the NE-NAME
variable concatenates the ne-name
keys from the key-auth
list to
create a unique nano service component name.
The only step that requires both a create and delete part is the
state action that generates the SSH keys. If a
user deletes a service instance and another network element does not
currently use the generated keys, this deletes the keys too. NSO
will revert the configuration automatically as part of the FASTMAP
algorithm. Hence, the service list instances also need actions for
generating and deleting keys.
container pubkey-dist { list key-auth { key "ne-name local-user"; ... action generate-keys { tailf:actionpoint generate-keys; output { leaf result { type boolean; } } } action delete-keys { tailf:actionpoint delete-keys; output { leaf result { type boolean; } } } } }
The actions have no input statements, as the input is the configuration in the service instance list entry.
The generated
state uses the ncs:sync
to ensure that the keys exist before the distributed
state runs. Similarly, the distributed
state uses the
statement to commit the configuration to the
NSO CDB and the network elements before the configured
state runs.
See the packages/distkey/src/yang/distkey.yang
model for the nano service behavior tree, plan outline, and service
configuration implementation.
Next, handling the key generation, distributing keys to the network
element, and configuring NSO to authenticate using the keys with the
network element requires some code, here written in Python, implemented
by the packages/distkey/python/distkey/distkey-app.py
script application.
The Python script application defines a Python DistKeyApp
class specified in the packages/distkey/package-meta-data.xml
file that NSO starts in a Python thread. This Python class inherits
the ncs.application.Application
and implement the
and teardown()
methods. The
method registers the nano service
callbacks and the action handlers for generating
and deleting the key files. Using the nano service state to separate the
two nano service create()
callbacks for the distribution and
NSO configuration of keys, only one Python class, the
class, is needed to implement them.
class DistKeyApp(ncs.application.Application): def setup(self): # Nano service callbacks require a registration for a service point, # component, and state, as specified in the corresponding data model # and plan outline. self.register_nano_service('distkey-servicepoint', # Service point 'dk:ne', # Component 'dk:distributed', # State DistKeyServiceCallbacks) self.register_nano_service('distkey-servicepoint', # Service point 'dk:ne', # Component 'dk:configured', # State DistKeyServiceCallbacks) # Side effect action that uses ssh-keygen to create the keyfiles self.register_action('generate-keys', GenerateActionHandler) # Action to delete the keys created by the generate keys action self.register_action('delete-keys', DeleteActionHandler) def teardown(self): self.log.info('DistKeyApp FINISHED')
The action for generating keys calls the OpenSSH
ssh-keygen command to generate the private and
public key files. Calling ssh-keygen is kept out of
the service create()
callback to avoid the key generation
running multiple times, for example, for service changes, re-deploy or
dry-run commits.
Also, NSO encrypts the passphrase used when generating the keys for
added security, see the YANG model, so the Python code decrypts it
before using it with the ssh-keygen command.
class GenerateActionHandler(Action):
def cb_action(self, uinfo, name, keypath, ainput, aoutput, trans):
'''Action callback'''
service = ncs.maagic.get_node(trans, keypath)
# Install the crypto keys used to decrypt the service passphrase leaf
# as input to the key generation.
with ncs.maapi.Maapi() as maapi:
# Decrypt the passphrase leaf for use when generating the keys
encrypted_passphrase = service.passphrase
decrypted_passphrase = _ncs.decrypt(str(encrypted_passphrase))
aoutput = True
# If it does not exist already, generate a private and public key
if os.path.isfile(f'./{service.local_user}_ed25519') == False:
result = subprocess.run(['ssh-keygen', '-N',
f'{decrypted_passphrase}', '-t', 'ed25519',
'-f', f'./{service.local_user}_ed25519'],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True,
if "has been saved" not in result.stdout:
aoutput = False
The DeleteActionHandler
action deletes the key files if no
more network elements use the user's keys:
class DeleteActionHandler(Action): @Action.action def cb_action(self, uinfo, name, keypath, ainput, aoutput, trans): '''Action callback''' service = ncs.maagic.get_node(trans, keypath) # Only delete the key files if no more network elements use this # user's keys cur = trans.cursor('/pubkey-dist/key-auth') remove_key = True while True: try: value = next(cur) if value[0] != service.ne_name and value[1] == service.local_user: remove_key = False break except StopIteration: break aoutput = True if remove_key is True: try: os.remove(f'./{service.local_user}_ed25519.pub') os.remove(f'./{service.local_user}_ed25519') except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: aoutput = False
The Python class for the nano service create()
handles both the distribution and NSO configuration of the keys.
The dk:distributed
state create()
code adds the public key data to the network element's list of
authorized keys. For the create()
call for the
state, a template is used to configure
NSO to use public key authentication with the network element.
The template can be called directly from the nano service, but in this
case, it needs to be called from the Python code to input the current
working directory to the template:
class DistKeyServiceCallbacks(NanoService):
def cb_nano_create(self, tctx, root, service, plan, component, state,
proplist, component_proplist):
'''Nano service create callback'''
if state == 'dk:distributed':
# Distribute the public key to the network element's authorized
# keys list
with open(f'./{service.local_user}_ed25519.pub', 'r') as f:
pubkey_data = f.read()
config = root.devices.device[service.ne_name].config
users = config.aaa.authentication.users
elif state == 'dk:configured':
# Configure NSO to use a public key for authentication with
# the network element
template_vars = ncs.template.Variables()
template_vars.add('CWD', os.getcwd())
template = ncs.template.Template(service)
template.apply('distkey-configured', template_vars)
The template to configure NSO to use public key authentication with
the network element is available under
<config-template xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/config/1.0"> <devices xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/ncs" tags="merge"> <authgroups> <group> <name>{authgroup-name}</name> <umap> <local-user>{local-user}</local-user> <remote-name>{remote-name}</remote-name> <public-key> <private-key> <file> <name>{$CWD}/{local-user}_ed25519</name> <passphrase>{passphrase}</passphrase> </file> </private-key> </public-key> </umap> </group> </authgroups> <device> <name>{ne-name}</name> <authgroup>{authgroup-name}</authgroup> </device> </devices> </config-template>}
The example uses three scripts to showcase the nano service:
A shell script,
, that uses the ncs_cli program to run CLI commands via the NSO IPC port. -
A Python script,
, that uses therequests
package for RESTCONF edit operations and receiving event notifications. -
A Python script that uses NSO MAAPI,
, via the NSO IPC port.
The ncs_cli program identifies itself with NSO as the
admin user without authentication, and the
RESTCONF client uses plain HTTP and basic user password
authentication. All three scripts demonstrate the service by generating
keys, distributing the public key, and configuring NSO for public
key authentication with the network elements. To run the example, see
the instructions in the README
file of the example.
See the README
in the
example's directory for a reference to
an NSO system installation in a container deployment variant.
The deployment variant differs from the development example by:
Installing NSO with a system installation for deployment instead of a local installation suitable for development
Addressing NSO security by running NSO as the admin user and authenticating using public key and token.
Rotating NSO logs to avoid running out of disk space
Installing the
service package andne
NED package at startup -
The NSO CLI showcase script uses SSH with public key authentication instead of the ncs_cli program over unsecured IPC
There is no Python MAAPI showcase script. Use RESTCONF over HTTPS with Python instead of Python MAAPI over unsecured IPC.
Having NSO and the network elements (simulated by the ConfD subscriber application) run in separate containers
NSO is either pre-installed in the NSO production container image or installed in a generic Linux container.
The deployment example sets up a minimal production installation where the NSO process runs as the admin OS user, relying on PAM authentication for the admin and oper NSO users. The admin user is authenticated over SSH using a public key for CLI and NETCONF access and over RESTCONF HTTPS using a token. The read-only oper user uses password authentication. The oper user can access the NSO WebUI over HTTPS port 443 from the container host.
A modified version of the NSO configuration file
from the example running with a local
install NSO is located in the $NCS_CONFIG_DIR
) directory. The
, ncs-cdb
, and scripts
are now under the $NCS_RUN_DIR
) directory. The log directory is now
directory. Finally, the $NCS_DIR
variable points
to /opt/ncs/current
Two scripts showcase the nano service:
A shell script that runs NSO CLI commands over SSH.
A Python script that uses the
package to perform edit operations and receive event notifications.
As with the development version, both scripts will demo the service by generating keys, distributing the public key, and configuring NSO for public key authentication with the network elements.
To run the example and for more details, see the instructions in the
file of the deployment example.