How to install WlanPoller on Windows
Download the wlan poller bundle, update the config.ini & necessary cmdlist, run wlanpoller.exe.
Old Approach Below:
Create a folder where the .tar.gz file can be executed from. Go to the directory as shown below.

Install the script by using the command 'pip install'

Run the command "wlanpoller --generate-config" command to create the setup variables and configuration files
needed for the script to run.

Open the config.ini file and make sure to setup the following information on that file:
- wlc_user, and wlc_pasw
- ap_user, ap_pasw, and ap_enable
- tftp_addr, and tftp_path (with the IP address of a TFTP server or self if you want the computer to be the server)
- ftp_addr, ftp_user, ftp_pasw, and ftp_path (with the IP address and setting of a FTP server or self if you want the computer to be the server)
- poller_enable, and ap_md5_check must be set to True
- [WLC-1] ipaddr must be set to the IP address of the controller that is administrating the APs.

Go back to the Windows command line and run the wlanpoller command to run the script, this may
take a while since it will analyze all of the APs using an SSH console. Once the script
finishes it would display an output similar to this one: