- This page describes how to use the docker tooling to develop a python application which
is using the python modules containing C/C++ components.
- The application uses the python module 'psutils' to retrieve the information about the currently running processes.
- It displays the information about the active processes in the container - pid, start time and status - in a tabular format.
- Demonstrate how to install/build a platform dependent python module (module which contains C/C++ component) using pip in natively
running docker container.
- Show how to copy built python module and create python runtime environment in base docker image for the python application
Sample Code
This sample application code is maintained here.
Clone this repo and use branch master
. Find the application under directory 'python-c-app'
Some parts of the code may be reproduced in this document to give more context. But always use the above git repo and branch for the latest code.
Procedure Overview
- Implementing a python application which is using platform dependent python module
- Creating a docker image to setup the build environment for installing/building python module
- Run a docker container from the image created in previous step and build the python module
- Creating a docker image with application, built module and its required runtime environment
- Testing the application locally using docker tools
- Creating an IOx application package from the docker image
- Deploying and testing on the target platform
This section describes above steps with more details.
Before going through the tutorial, get familiar with cisco provided artifacts for an IOx app development.
Note that the application examples are demonstrated for IR800 platform, but the same procedure will be applicable
for all other supported IOx platforms. Developer needs to use the right docker base image as per the IOx platform. Refer for images supported platforms & corresponding base images
The workspace (directory structure) for this application is looks as shown below
Here, we have used 2 Dockerfiles for developing the python application:
- Dockerfile under python-c-app/dev/ pulls a docker base image and installs the toolchain, python pip and python development package.
This is used for building a platform dependent python module.
- Dockerfile under python-c-app pulls a docker base image, copies the python application, built module and installs runtime required packages
for the application.
Implementing a python application
Write an application which prints the information about the active processes in the container - pid, start time and status - in a tabular format.
Creating a project directory
Writing a python application
Here is the python code:
Writing a loop application
- Docker type applications are not based on /sbin/init to make the container alive and to start the init scripts.
- We need to use some loop application which will run in the background to make the container alive.
- This will be used in a Dockerfile as an application entry point. You will understand more details in the
subsequent sections how to use this loop application.
Here is a simple loop application:
Note: Use this method only if you want to keep the container alive. If it is not required, skip this.
Creating a docker image to build the python module
Write a Dockerfile
This Dockerfile does the following tasks:
- Pulls the docker base image
- Install the build environment for C/C++
- Install the python pip and python development packages
- Build the 'psutil' module using pip
Here is a Dockerfile:
Creating a docker image
Login to the devhub using docker daemon before building a docker image. Instructions for devhub login
Now let us build an image from this Dockerfile
Check if the image is successfully created using following command:
Run the image locally to test the built python module
So far we have built the python module 'psutil' and it is contain in the new image python-dev.
Let us run that image locally to test the built python module.
At this stage we are sharing host volume with the container to copy the built python module to the host.
$ cd python-c-app/
$ ls
app dev Dockerfile
$ docker run -v pwd
/app:/opt/share -it python-dev /bin/sh
sh-4.3# cd opt/share/
sh-4.3# ls
python-c-app.py python_modules
sh-4.3# ./python-c-app.py
Proc Name Proc ID Start Time Status
sh 1 2016-10-28 06:03:49 sleeping
python 8 2016-10-28 06:03:57 running
sh-4.3# cp /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil
psutil/ psutil-4.4.2-py2.7.egg-info/
sh-4.3# cp -r /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/psutil* python_modules/
sh-4.3# exit
$ ls
app dev Dockerfile
$ cat Dockerfile
FROM devhub-docker.cisco.com/iox-docker/ir800/base-rootfs
RUN opkg update
RUN opkg install python
RUN opkg install python-modules
RUN opkg install python-misc
COPY app/python_modules/ /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/
COPY app/python-c-app.py /opt/app/
COPY app/loop.sh /opt/app/
CMD ["/opt/app/loop.sh"]
$ docker build -t python-app .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.176 MB
Sending build context to Docker daemon
Step 0 : FROM devhub-docker.cisco.com/iox-docker/ir800/base-rootfs
---> 7b091cf2423f
Step 1 : RUN opkg update
Step 8 : CMD /opt/apps/loop.sh
---> Running in ba6a18daebe5
---> 81e797509c9a
Removing intermediate container ba6a18daebe5
Successfully built 81e797509c9a
$ docker run -it python-app /bin/sh
/ # cd opt/app/
/opt/app # ls
loop.sh python-c-app.py
/opt/app # ./python-c-app.py
Proc Name Proc ID Start Time Status
sh 1 2016-10-28 17:13:53 sleeping
python 14 2016-10-28 17:14:00 running
/opt/app #
$ cat package.yaml
descriptor-schema-version: "2.2"
name: PythonCapp
description: "Python application with platform dependent python module"
version: "1.0"
author-link: "http://www.cisco.com"
author-name: "Cisco Systems"
Indicate app type (vm, paas, lxc etc.,)
cpuarch: "x86_64"
type: docker
profile: c1.small
Specify runtime and startup
rootfs: rootfs.tar
target: ["/opt/app/loop.sh"]
$ cd python-cpp-app/
$ mkdir app_package
$ cd app_package/
$ ioxclient docker package -a python-app .
Currently active profile : default
Command Name: docker-package
No package type specified, but auto flag is set
cpu arch is x86, generating docker app x86_64
Generating docker style app
The Image is better left in it's pristine state
Warning: package.yaml not present in project folder. Will attempt to generate one.
Generation complete. Validating generated descriptor file.
Validating descriptor file /tmp/desc651221242 with package schema definitions
Parsing descriptor file..
Found schema version 2.2
Loading schema file for version 2.2
Validating package descriptor file..
File /tmp/desc651221242 is valid under schema version 2.2
Package MetaData file was not found at /home//projects/test_sde/python-cpp-app/app_package/.package.metadata
Wrote package metadata file : /home//projects/test_sde/python-cpp-app/app_package/.package.metadata
Checking if package descriptor file is present..
Validating descriptor file /home//projects/test_sde/python-cpp-app/app_package/package.yaml with package schema definitions
Parsing descriptor file..
Found schema version 2.2
Loading schema file for version 2.2
Validating package descriptor file..
File /home//projects/test_sde/python-cpp-app/app_package/package.yaml is valid under schema version 2.2
Created Staging directory at : /tmp/615645201
Copying contents to staging directory
Checking for application runtime type
Couldn't detect application runtime type
Creating an inner envelope for application artifacts
Generated /tmp/615645201/artifacts.tar.gz
Calculating SHA1 checksum for package contents..
Parsing Package Metadata file : /tmp/615645201/.package.metadata
Wrote package metadata file : /tmp/615645201/.package.metadata
Root Directory : /tmp/615645201
Output file: /tmp/789110844
Path: .package.metadata
SHA1 : 98b31ec7867f810671f792f00fc0319776b2c140
Path: artifacts.tar.gz
SHA1 : f2b717837753a6cfe925d1c46a73fcd64763a6a2
Path: package.yaml
SHA1 : 399233104067f5b6ca6687364106d30f46af77d0
Generated package manifest at package.mf
Generating IOx Package..
Package docker image python-app at /home//projects/test_sde/python-cpp-app/app_package/package.tar
$ ioxclient profiles activate default
Active Profile : default
Activating Profile default
Saving current configuration
$ ioxclient app install python_app ./app_package/package.tar
Currently active profile : default
Command Name: application-install
Installation Successful. App is available at :
Successfully deployed
$ ioxclient app activate python_app
Currently active profile : default
Command Name: application-activate
App python_app is Activated
$ ioxclient app start python_app
Currently active profile : default
Command Name: application-start
App python_app is Started
$ ioxclient app console python_app
Currently active profile : default
Command Name: application-console
Console setup is complete..
Running command : [ssh -p 2022 -i python_app.pem appconsole@]
SSH client is not present on the platform.
Attempting to connect using native SSH implementation..., press Ctrl+C to exit
Connecting to appconsole@ using pem file python_app.pem
/ # cd opt/app
/opt/app # ls
loop.sh python-c-app.py
/opt/app # ./python-c-app.py
Proc Name Proc ID Start Time Status
startcontainer. 1 2016-10-28 18:56:01 sleeping
loop.sh 15 2016-10-28 18:56:08 sleeping
sleep 16 2016-10-28 18:56:08 sleeping
sh 17 2016-10-28 18:56:10 sleeping
python 19 2016-10-28 18:56:24 running
/opt/app #