Configuring ISE for pxGrid

The self-signed ISE Identity Certificate will be used to enable pxGrid services.

Note: In ISE 1.3 and ISE 1.4, the self-signed ISE identity certificate had to be exported and imported into the Trusted System Certificate Store to start the pxGrid service. This is no longer the case.

  1. Select Administration > Certificates. Note the default self-signed certificate.

Configuring ISE for pxGrid

  1. Enable pxGrid persona.

Select Administration > System Deployment > Enable pxGrid node.

Configuring ISE for pxGrid

  1. You should see ISE published topics of information from the MNT node.

Configuring ISE for pxGrid

Note: This may take a few minutes to display.

  1. You should see ISE published topics of information from the Admin node.

Configuring ISE for pxGrid