Configuring a VPNv4 Unicast Subaddress Family for a Peer Template with Peer Template Inheritance
Configuring a Peering Address as Nexthop
Note: This example was added in Release 9.2(3).
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right. Click the DME tab in the top-left corner of the right pane to view the JSON payload. Click the YANG tab to view the XML payload.
router bgp 100
template peer
address-family vpnv4 unicast
send-community extend
inherit peer PEER
address-family vpnv4 unicast
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
topSystem |
sys |
bgpEntity |
sys/bgp |
bgpInst |
sys/bgp/inst |
bgpDom |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name} |
bgpPeer |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peer-{[addr]} |
bgpPeerAf |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peerif-{[id]}/af-{[type]} |
bgpPeerCont |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peercont-{name} |
bgpInst Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpInst properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
asn | bgp:AsnNum (string:Basic) | Autonomous system number | A sequence of characters |
bgpDom Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpDom properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
bgpPeer Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeer properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:Ip
| Peer address | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
peerImp | string:Basic
| Peer Template To Import From | A sequence of characters |
bgpPeerAf Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerAf properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ctrl | bgp:PeerAfControl (scalar:Bitmask16) | Peer address-family control | SELECTION: 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - allow-self-as 64 - default-originate 128 - advertisement-interval 256 - suppress-inactive 512 - nh-self-all |
inheritContPeerPolicyCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerPolicyCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer policy parameters | SELECTION: 1 - allow-as-in 2 - send-com-std 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - soft-reconfig-in 64 - max-prefix 128 - route-map-in 256 - route-map-out 512 - prefix-map-in 1024 - prefix-map-out 2048 - fltr-map-in 4096 - fltr-map-out 8192 - unsuppr-map 16384 - default-originate 32768 - advertisement-interval 65536 - addl-paths-send-cap 131072 - addl-paths-recv-cap 262144 - send-com-ext 524288 - suppress-inactive 1048576 - as-override 2097152 - next-hop-third-party 4194304 - wght 8388608 - soo 16777216 - advt-map 33554432 - encap-mpls 67108864 - rewrite-rt-asn 134217728 - adv-gw-ip 268435456 - adv-loc-lbl-rt 536870912 - nh-self-all 1073741824 - import-vpn-unicast 2147483648 - import-l2vpn-evpn |
nhSelfAll | scalar:Bool
| Set address as next-hop for all routes | SELECTION: true or false |
type | bgp:AfT (scalar:Enum8) | Type | SELECTION: 1 - ipv4-ucast 2 - ipv4-mcast 3 - vpnv4-ucast 5 - ipv6-ucast 6 - ipv6-mcast 7 - vpnv6-ucast 8 - vpnv6-mcast 9 - l2vpn-evpn 10 - ipv4-lucast 11 - ipv6-lucast 12 - lnkstate 13 - ipv4-mvpn 14 - ipv6-mvpn 15 - l2vpn-vpls 16 - ipv4-mdt DEFAULT: ipv4-ucast |
bgpPeerCont Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerCont properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Deleting a Peering Address as Nexthop
Note: This example was added in Release 9.2(3).
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right. Click the DME tab in the top-left corner of the right pane to view the JSON payload. Click the YANG tab to view the XML payload.
router bgp 100
template peer
address-family vpnv4 unicast
send-community extend
inherit peer PEER
address-family vpnv4 unicast
no next-hop-self
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
topSystem |
sys |
bgpEntity |
sys/bgp |
bgpInst |
sys/bgp/inst |
bgpDom |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name} |
bgpPeer |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peer-{[addr]} |
bgpPeerAf |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peerif-{[id]}/af-{[type]} |
bgpPeerCont |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peercont-{name} |
bgpInst Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpInst properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
asn | bgp:AsnNum (string:Basic) | Autonomous system number | A sequence of characters |
bgpDom Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpDom properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
bgpPeer Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeer properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:Ip
| Peer address | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
peerImp | string:Basic
| Peer Template To Import From | A sequence of characters |
bgpPeerAf Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerAf properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ctrl | bgp:PeerAfControl (scalar:Bitmask16) | Peer address-family control | SELECTION: 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - allow-self-as 64 - default-originate 128 - advertisement-interval 256 - suppress-inactive 512 - nh-self-all |
inheritContPeerPolicyCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerPolicyCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer policy parameters | SELECTION: 1 - allow-as-in 2 - send-com-std 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - soft-reconfig-in 64 - max-prefix 128 - route-map-in 256 - route-map-out 512 - prefix-map-in 1024 - prefix-map-out 2048 - fltr-map-in 4096 - fltr-map-out 8192 - unsuppr-map 16384 - default-originate 32768 - advertisement-interval 65536 - addl-paths-send-cap 131072 - addl-paths-recv-cap 262144 - send-com-ext 524288 - suppress-inactive 1048576 - as-override 2097152 - next-hop-third-party 4194304 - wght 8388608 - soo 16777216 - advt-map 33554432 - encap-mpls 67108864 - rewrite-rt-asn 134217728 - adv-gw-ip 268435456 - adv-loc-lbl-rt 536870912 - nh-self-all 1073741824 - import-vpn-unicast 2147483648 - import-l2vpn-evpn |
nhSelfAll | scalar:Bool
| Set address as next-hop for all routes | SELECTION: true or false |
type | bgp:AfT (scalar:Enum8) | Type | SELECTION: 1 - ipv4-ucast 2 - ipv4-mcast 3 - vpnv4-ucast 5 - ipv6-ucast 6 - ipv6-mcast 7 - vpnv6-ucast 8 - vpnv6-mcast 9 - l2vpn-evpn 10 - ipv4-lucast 11 - ipv6-lucast 12 - lnkstate 13 - ipv4-mvpn 14 - ipv6-mvpn 15 - l2vpn-vpls 16 - ipv4-mdt DEFAULT: ipv4-ucast |
bgpPeerCont Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerCont properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Configuring the Address as Nexthop for All Routes
Note: This example was added in Release 9.2(3).
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right. Click the DME tab in the top-left corner of the right pane to view the JSON payload. Click the YANG tab to view the XML payload.
router bgp 100
template peer
address-family vpnv4 unicast
send-community extend
inherit peer PEER
address-family vpnv4 unicast
next-hop-self all
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
topSystem |
sys |
bgpEntity |
sys/bgp |
bgpInst |
sys/bgp/inst |
bgpDom |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name} |
bgpPeer |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peer-{[addr]} |
bgpPeerAf |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peerif-{[id]}/af-{[type]} |
bgpPeerCont |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peercont-{name} |
bgpInst Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpInst properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
asn | bgp:AsnNum (string:Basic) | Autonomous system number | A sequence of characters |
bgpDom Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpDom properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
bgpPeer Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeer properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:Ip
| Peer address | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
peerImp | string:Basic
| Peer Template To Import From | A sequence of characters |
bgpPeerAf Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerAf properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ctrl | bgp:PeerAfControl (scalar:Bitmask16) | Peer address-family control | SELECTION: 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - allow-self-as 64 - default-originate 128 - advertisement-interval 256 - suppress-inactive 512 - nh-self-all |
inheritContPeerPolicyCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerPolicyCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer policy parameters | SELECTION: 1 - allow-as-in 2 - send-com-std 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - soft-reconfig-in 64 - max-prefix 128 - route-map-in 256 - route-map-out 512 - prefix-map-in 1024 - prefix-map-out 2048 - fltr-map-in 4096 - fltr-map-out 8192 - unsuppr-map 16384 - default-originate 32768 - advertisement-interval 65536 - addl-paths-send-cap 131072 - addl-paths-recv-cap 262144 - send-com-ext 524288 - suppress-inactive 1048576 - as-override 2097152 - next-hop-third-party 4194304 - wght 8388608 - soo 16777216 - advt-map 33554432 - encap-mpls 67108864 - rewrite-rt-asn 134217728 - adv-gw-ip 268435456 - adv-loc-lbl-rt 536870912 - nh-self-all 1073741824 - import-vpn-unicast 2147483648 - import-l2vpn-evpn |
nhSelfAll | scalar:Bool
| Set address as next-hop for all routes | SELECTION: true or false |
type | bgp:AfT (scalar:Enum8) | Type | SELECTION: 1 - ipv4-ucast 2 - ipv4-mcast 3 - vpnv4-ucast 5 - ipv6-ucast 6 - ipv6-mcast 7 - vpnv6-ucast 8 - vpnv6-mcast 9 - l2vpn-evpn 10 - ipv4-lucast 11 - ipv6-lucast 12 - lnkstate 13 - ipv4-mvpn 14 - ipv6-mvpn 15 - l2vpn-vpls 16 - ipv4-mdt DEFAULT: ipv4-ucast |
bgpPeerCont Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerCont properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Deleting the Address as Nexthop for All Routes
Note: This example was added in Release 9.2(3).
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right. Click the DME tab in the top-left corner of the right pane to view the JSON payload. Click the YANG tab to view the XML payload.
router bgp 100
template peer
address-family vpnv4 unicast
send-community extend
inherit peer PEER
address-family vpnv4 unicast
no next-hop-self all
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
topSystem |
sys |
bgpEntity |
sys/bgp |
bgpInst |
sys/bgp/inst |
bgpDom |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name} |
bgpPeer |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peer-{[addr]} |
bgpPeerAf |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peerif-{[id]}/af-{[type]} |
bgpPeerCont |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peercont-{name} |
bgpInst Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpInst properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
asn | bgp:AsnNum (string:Basic) | Autonomous system number | A sequence of characters |
bgpDom Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpDom properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
bgpPeer Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeer properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:Ip
| Peer address | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
peerImp | string:Basic
| Peer Template To Import From | A sequence of characters |
bgpPeerAf Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerAf properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ctrl | bgp:PeerAfControl (scalar:Bitmask16) | Peer address-family control | SELECTION: 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - allow-self-as 64 - default-originate 128 - advertisement-interval 256 - suppress-inactive 512 - nh-self-all |
inheritContPeerPolicyCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerPolicyCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer policy parameters | SELECTION: 1 - allow-as-in 2 - send-com-std 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - soft-reconfig-in 64 - max-prefix 128 - route-map-in 256 - route-map-out 512 - prefix-map-in 1024 - prefix-map-out 2048 - fltr-map-in 4096 - fltr-map-out 8192 - unsuppr-map 16384 - default-originate 32768 - advertisement-interval 65536 - addl-paths-send-cap 131072 - addl-paths-recv-cap 262144 - send-com-ext 524288 - suppress-inactive 1048576 - as-override 2097152 - next-hop-third-party 4194304 - wght 8388608 - soo 16777216 - advt-map 33554432 - encap-mpls 67108864 - rewrite-rt-asn 134217728 - adv-gw-ip 268435456 - adv-loc-lbl-rt 536870912 - nh-self-all 1073741824 - import-vpn-unicast 2147483648 - import-l2vpn-evpn |
nhSelfAll | scalar:Bool
| Set address as next-hop for all routes | SELECTION: true or false |
type | bgp:AfT (scalar:Enum8) | Type | SELECTION: 1 - ipv4-ucast 2 - ipv4-mcast 3 - vpnv4-ucast 5 - ipv6-ucast 6 - ipv6-mcast 7 - vpnv6-ucast 8 - vpnv6-mcast 9 - l2vpn-evpn 10 - ipv4-lucast 11 - ipv6-lucast 12 - lnkstate 13 - ipv4-mvpn 14 - ipv6-mvpn 15 - l2vpn-vpls 16 - ipv4-mdt DEFAULT: ipv4-ucast |
bgpPeerCont Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerCont properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Configuring the Minimum Interval Between Sending BGP Routing Updates
Note: This example was added in Release 9.2(3).
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right. Click the DME tab in the top-left corner of the right pane to view the JSON payload. Click the YANG tab to view the XML payload.
router bgp 100
template peer
address-family vpnv4 unicast
send-community extend
inherit peer PEER
address-family vpnv4 unicast
advertisement-interval 9
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
topSystem |
sys |
bgpEntity |
sys/bgp |
bgpInst |
sys/bgp/inst |
bgpDom |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name} |
bgpPeer |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peer-{[addr]} |
bgpPeerAf |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peerif-{[id]}/af-{[type]} |
bgpPeerCont |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peercont-{name} |
bgpInst Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpInst properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
asn | bgp:AsnNum (string:Basic) | Autonomous system number | A sequence of characters |
bgpDom Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpDom properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
bgpPeer Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeer properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:Ip
| Peer address | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
peerImp | string:Basic
| Peer Template To Import From | A sequence of characters |
bgpPeerAf Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerAf properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
advIntvl | bgp:AdvInterval (scalar:Uint16) | Neighbor advertisement interval | RANGE: [0 , 600] |
inheritContPeerPolicyCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerPolicyCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer policy parameters | SELECTION: 1 - allow-as-in 2 - send-com-std 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - soft-reconfig-in 64 - max-prefix 128 - route-map-in 256 - route-map-out 512 - prefix-map-in 1024 - prefix-map-out 2048 - fltr-map-in 4096 - fltr-map-out 8192 - unsuppr-map 16384 - default-originate 32768 - advertisement-interval 65536 - addl-paths-send-cap 131072 - addl-paths-recv-cap 262144 - send-com-ext 524288 - suppress-inactive 1048576 - as-override 2097152 - next-hop-third-party 4194304 - wght 8388608 - soo 16777216 - advt-map 33554432 - encap-mpls 67108864 - rewrite-rt-asn 134217728 - adv-gw-ip 268435456 - adv-loc-lbl-rt 536870912 - nh-self-all 1073741824 - import-vpn-unicast 2147483648 - import-l2vpn-evpn |
type | bgp:AfT (scalar:Enum8) | Type | SELECTION: 1 - ipv4-ucast 2 - ipv4-mcast 3 - vpnv4-ucast 5 - ipv6-ucast 6 - ipv6-mcast 7 - vpnv6-ucast 8 - vpnv6-mcast 9 - l2vpn-evpn 10 - ipv4-lucast 11 - ipv6-lucast 12 - lnkstate 13 - ipv4-mvpn 14 - ipv6-mvpn 15 - l2vpn-vpls 16 - ipv4-mdt DEFAULT: ipv4-ucast |
bgpPeerCont Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerCont properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Deleting the Minimum Interval Between Sending BGP Routing Updates
Note: This example was added in Release 9.2(3).
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right. Click the DME tab in the top-left corner of the right pane to view the JSON payload. Click the YANG tab to view the XML payload.
router bgp 100
template peer
address-family vpnv4 unicast
send-community extend
inherit peer PEER
address-family vpnv4 unicast
no advertisement-interval 9
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
topSystem |
sys |
bgpEntity |
sys/bgp |
bgpInst |
sys/bgp/inst |
bgpDom |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name} |
bgpPeer |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peer-{[addr]} |
bgpPeerAf |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peerif-{[id]}/af-{[type]} |
bgpPeerCont |
sys/bgp/inst/dom-{name}/peercont-{name} |
bgpInst Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpInst properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
asn | bgp:AsnNum (string:Basic) | Autonomous system number | A sequence of characters |
bgpDom Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpDom properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
bgpPeer Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeer properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:Ip
| Peer address | Value must match ipv4 or ipv6 known format |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
peerImp | string:Basic
| Peer Template To Import From | A sequence of characters |
bgpPeerAf Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerAf properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
advIntvl | bgp:AdvInterval (scalar:Uint16) | Neighbor advertisement interval | RANGE: [0 , 600] |
inheritContPeerPolicyCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerPolicyCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer policy parameters | SELECTION: 1 - allow-as-in 2 - send-com-std 4 - rr-client 8 - nh-self 16 - dis-peer-as-check 32 - soft-reconfig-in 64 - max-prefix 128 - route-map-in 256 - route-map-out 512 - prefix-map-in 1024 - prefix-map-out 2048 - fltr-map-in 4096 - fltr-map-out 8192 - unsuppr-map 16384 - default-originate 32768 - advertisement-interval 65536 - addl-paths-send-cap 131072 - addl-paths-recv-cap 262144 - send-com-ext 524288 - suppress-inactive 1048576 - as-override 2097152 - next-hop-third-party 4194304 - wght 8388608 - soo 16777216 - advt-map 33554432 - encap-mpls 67108864 - rewrite-rt-asn 134217728 - adv-gw-ip 268435456 - adv-loc-lbl-rt 536870912 - nh-self-all 1073741824 - import-vpn-unicast 2147483648 - import-l2vpn-evpn |
type | bgp:AfT (scalar:Enum8) | Type | SELECTION: 1 - ipv4-ucast 2 - ipv4-mcast 3 - vpnv4-ucast 5 - ipv6-ucast 6 - ipv6-mcast 7 - vpnv6-ucast 8 - vpnv6-mcast 9 - l2vpn-evpn 10 - ipv4-lucast 11 - ipv6-lucast 12 - lnkstate 13 - ipv4-mvpn 14 - ipv6-mvpn 15 - l2vpn-vpls 16 - ipv4-mdt DEFAULT: ipv4-ucast |
bgpPeerCont Properties
The following table contains information about the bgpPeerCont properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
inheritContPeerCtrl | bgp:InheritContPeerCtrlType (scalar:Bitmask64) | Inherit control of peer parameters | SELECTION: 1 - shutdown 2 - remote-as 4 - conn-mode 8 - bfd 16 - dis-conn-check 32 - cap-neg-off 64 - description 128 - timer 256 - password 512 - source-interface 1024 - ttl 2048 - ipv4-ucast 4096 - ipv4-mcast 8192 - epe 16384 - ipv6-ucast 32768 - ipv6-mcast 65536 - no-dyn-cap 131072 - local-as 262144 - remove-private-as 524288 - ipv4-lucast 1048576 - ipv6-lucast 2097152 - lnkstate 4194304 - log-nbr-chgs 8388608 - peer-type 16777216 - ipv4-mvpn 33554432 - ipv6-mvpn 67108864 - low-memory-exempt 134217728 - cap-suppr-4-byte-as 268435456 - l2vpn-evpn 536870912 - aff-grp 2147483648 - vpnv4-ucast 8589934592 - vpnv6-ucast 34359738368 - security-hops 137438953472 - bmp-activate-server-1 274877906944 - bmp-activate-server-2 549755813888 - dscp 1099511627776 - gshut-activate 2199023255552 - ipv4-mdt 4398046511104 - mhop-intvl 8796093022208 - mhop-auth |
name | naming:Name256 (string:Basic) | The name of the object. | MAX SIZE: 63 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide: