Using the Managed Object Browser

The Managed Object Browser, or Visore, is a utility built into the NX-OS that provides a graphical view of the managed objects (MOs) using a browser. The Visore utility uses query methods to browse MOs active in the NX-OS data store, allowing you to see the query that was used to obtain the information. The Visore utility cannot be used to perform configuration operations.

Accessing the Visore Browser

  1. Open a supported browser and enter the URL of the Nexus 3000 or 9000 Series device, 	 followed by /visore.html.


  2. When prompted, log in using the same credentials you would use to log in to the NX-OS CLI.  

    You can use a read-only account.

Visore Browser Page

Filter Area

The filter form is case sensitive. This area supports all simple NX-API REST API query operations.

The filter form contains the following elements:

Name Description
Class or DN field Object class name or fully distinguished name of a managed object.
Property field The property of the managed object on which you want to filter the results. If you leave the Property field empty, the search returns all instances of the specific class.
Op drop-down list Operator for the values of the property on which you want to filter the results. The following are valid operators: == (equal to) ; != (not equal to) ;< (less than) ; > (greater than) ; ≤ (less than or equal to); ≥ (greater than or equal to) ; between; wildcard ; anybit ; allbits
Val1 field The first value for the property on which you want to filter.
Val2 field The second value on which you want to filter.

The Display XML of last query link displays the full NX-API REST API translation of the most recent query run in Visore.

Results Area

You can bookmark any query results page in your browser to view the results again because the query is encoded in the URL.

Name Description
Pink background Separates individual managed object instances and displays the class name of the object below it.
Blue or green backgroun Indicates the property names of the managed object.
Yellow or beige background Indicates the value of a property name.
dn property Absolute address of each managed object in the object model.
dn link When clicked, displays all managed objects with that dn.
Class name link When clicked, displays all managed objects of that class.
Left arrow When clicked, takes you to the parent object of the managed object.
Right arrow When clicked, takes you to the child objects of the managed object.
Question mark Links you to the XML API documentation for the managed object.

Running a Query in Visore

Follow these steps to run a query:

  • Step 1 Enter a class or DN name of the MO in the Class or DN text box.

  • Step 2 (Optional) You can filter the query by entering a property of the MO in the Property text box, an operator in the Op text box, and one or two values in the Val1 and Val2 text boxes.

  • Step 3 Click Run Query. Visore sends a query to the NX-OS and the requested MO is displayed in a tabular format.

  • Step 4 (Optional) Click the Display URI of last query link to display the API call that executed the query.

  • Step 5 (Optional) Click the Display last response link to display the API response data structure from the query.

  • Step 6 (Optional) In the dn field of the MO description table, click the <** and **> arrows to navigate to the parent and child classes of the displayed MO.

    • Clicking > sends a query to the NX-OS for the children of the MO.
    • Clicking < sends a query for the parent of the MO.
  • Step 7 (Optional) In the dn field of the MO description table, click the additional icons to display statistics, faults, or health information for the MO.