Executing Ping NVE, Traceroute NVE, and Path Trace NVE
An oDN must be created before executing ping NVE, traceroute NVE, or path trace NVE.
Creating an oDn
Creating an oDn
POST http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json
"actionLSubj": {
"attributes": {
"oDn": ""
This example demonstrates how to create an oDn to enable executing ping NVE, traceroute NVE, or path trace NVE.
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
actionLSubj | sys/action/lsubj-{[oDn]} |
actionLSubj Properties
The following table contains information about the actionLSubj properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
oDn | reference:BinRef | Target Object's Subject DN |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Executing Ping NVE
Executing Ping NVE
POST http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json
"ngoamPingNve": {
"attributes": {
"session": ""
"dstIp": ""
"vni": "31000"
"profileId": "1"
"adminSt": "1"
"count": "10000"
The following NGOAM commands are the executable commands; these actions will start once POST request is issued. Results for these executable commands are stored as children objects and can be retrieved by a GET request. To start an executable command, a POST must be issued with these mandatory fields:
- session - A character string to identify the unique execution.
- adminSt - Set to 1 to activate the session and specify one of the destination fields such as dstIp, dstIpv6, and dstMAC.
The rest of the fields are optional and need to be specified for a given use case. Different session names create a different instance of the objects with result objects as children. If any other property is changed, it creates new exec request in the backend and results are appended to the the same exec object.
Note: The POST fields are optional. See the GET request for all available fields.
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right.
ping nve ip profile 1 vni 31000 count 10000
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
ngoamPingNve | sys/action/lsubj-{[oDn]}/pingnve-{session} |
ngoamPingNve Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamPingNve properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
session | string:Basic | session | A sequence of characters |
dstIp | address:IPv4 | Destination Node ID | Value must match ipv4 format |
vni | ngoam:Vnid (scalar:Uint32) | VNI | RANGE: [1 , 16777215] |
profileId | ngoam:ProfId (scalar:Uint16) | Ngoam profile ID | RANGE: [1 , 1023] |
adminSt | action:AdminSt (scalar:Enum8) | The administrative state of the object or policy. | SELECTION: 0 - unknown 1 - start 2 - stop 3 - suspend DEFAULT: unknown |
count | ngoam:NumPkt (scalar:Uint16) | Number of packets | RANGE: [1 , 0xffff] DEFAULT: 5 |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Querying the Ping NVE
Querying the Ping NVE
GET http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json?rsp-subtree=full
"ngoamPingNveRslt": {
"attributes": {
"ack": "no",
"avgRtt": "4",
"descr": "",
"endTs": "never",
"errorCode": "",
"failReason": "",
"maxRtt": "4",
"minRtt": "4",
"notSentPkts": "0",
"operSt": "scheduled",
"packetSz": "46",
"peerClassId": "unspecified",
"qual": "",
"rSz": "0",
"rTm": "00:00:00:00.000",
"rcvdPkts": "1",
"replyIp": "",
"replyIpv6": "",
"rn": "pingnverslt-[8]",
"sPort": "54123",
"sentPkts": "1",
"sessionId": "8",
"startTs": "never",
"totalRtt": "5",
"type": "0"
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
ngoamPingNveRslt Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamPingNveRslt properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ack | scalar:Bool | The acknowledgement status of the fault. If a fault is acknowledged and cleared, it is immediately deleted. If a fault is not acknowledged and cleared, it is deleted after the retention interval. | SELECTION: true or false |
avgRtt | ngoam:Rtt (scalar:Uint32) | Average Round Trip Time | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
descr | action:Descr (naming:Descr) | Description | RANGE: [0 , 128] |
endTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) | The date and time when the task ended. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
errorCode | string:CharBuffer | Error Code String | |
failReason | string:CharBuffer | Failure Reason | |
maxRtt | ngoam:Rtt (scalar:Uint32) | Maximum Round Trip Time | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
minRtt | ngoam:Rtt (scalar:Uint32) | Minimum Round Trip Time | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
notSentPkts | ngoam:Counter (scalar:Uint32) | Not Sent Packets | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
operSt | action:OperSt (scalar:Enum8) | The runtime state of the object or policy. | SELECTION: 0 - scheduled 1 - processing 2 - completed 3 - cancelled 4 - failed 5 - indeterminate 6 - suspended 7 - crashsuspect DEFAULT: scheduled |
packetSz | ngoam:PktSz (scalar:Uint16) | Packet Size | RANGE: [1 , 9500] DEFAULT: 56 |
peerClassId | mo:MoClassId | The BGP neighbor. | DEFAULT: unspecified |
qual | action:Qual (string:Basic) | The qualifier for the component status. | A sequence of characters |
rSz | action:RetentionSize (scalar:Uint16) | The retention size of the task results. | RANGE: [1 , 1024] DEFAULT: 100 |
rTm | action:RetentionTime (scalar:Time) | The retention time of the task results. | TIME FORMAT: %H:%M:%S 54:05:07:26.000 |
rcvdPkts | ngoam:Counter (scalar:Uint32) | Received Packets | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
replyIp | address:IPv4 | IPv4 Address | Value must match ipv4 format |
replyIpv6 | address:IPv6 | IPv6 Address | Value must match ipv6 format |
rn | reference:BinRN | Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names. | |
sPort | ngoam:SrcPort (scalar:Uint16) | VxLAN outer UDP Source Port -- Will be deprecated. Please use verbose | RANGE: [0 , 0xffff] DEFAULT: 0 |
sentPkts | ngoam:Counter (scalar:Uint32) | Sent Packets | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
sessionId | ngoam:SessionId (scalar:Uint16) | Name | RANGE: [0 , 0xffff] |
startTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) | The date and time when the task began. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
totalRtt | ngoam:Rtt (scalar:Uint32) | Total Round Trip Time | RANGE: [0, 4294967295] |
type | action:Type (scalar:Enum8) | The specific type of the object or component. | SELECTION: 1 - clear 2 - reset 3 - reload 4 - locate 5 - install 6 - test 7 - collect 8 - interface-in-service DEFAULT: clear |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Executing Traceroute NVE
Executing Traceroute NVE
POST http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json
"ngoamTraceRtNve": {
"attributes": {
"session": ""
"dstIp": ""
"srcIp": ""
"vrf": "vni-31000"
"adminSt": "1"
The POST fields are optional. See the GET request for all available fields.
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right.
traceroute nve ip vrf vni-31000 src
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
ngoamTraceRtNve | sys/action/lsubj-{[oDn]}/tracertnve-{session} |
ngoamTraceRtNve Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamTraceRtNve properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
session | string:Basic | session | A sequence of characters |
dstIp | address:IPv4 | Destination Node ID | Value must match ipv4 format |
srcIp | address:IPv4 | Source IP | Value must match ipv4 format |
vrf | ngoam:Vrf (l3:VrfName) | VRF | |
adminSt | action:AdminSt (scalar:Enum8) | The administrative state of the object or policy. | SELECTION: 0 - unknown 1 - start 2 - stop 3 - suspend DEFAULT: unknown |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Querying the Traceroute NVE
Querying the Traceroute NVE
GET http://<mgmt0_IP>//api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json?rsp-subtree=full
"ngoamTraceRtNveRslt": {
"attributes": {
"ack": "no",
"descr": "",
"dstIp": "",
"dstIpv6": "",
"endTs": "never",
"errorCode": "",
"failReason": "",
"maxHops": "3",
"operSt": "scheduled",
"peerClassId": "unspecified",
"qual": "",
"rSz": "0",
"rTm": "00:00:00:00.000",
"rn": "trnverslt-[4]",
"sessionId": "4",
"startTs": "never",
"type": "0"
"children": [
"ngoamPathTr": {
"attributes": {
"id": "1",
"rn": "pathtr-1"
"children": [
{ "ngoamNodeTr": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"elapsedTime": "00:00:00:00.006",
"order": "1",
"rn": "nodetr-1",
"v6addr": "::"
"ngoamNodeTr": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"elapsedTime": "00:00:00:00.002",
"order": "3",
"rn": "nodetr-3",
"v6addr": "::"
"ngoamNodeTr": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"elapsedTime": "00:00:00:00.002",
"order": "2",
"rn": "nodetr-2",
"v6addr": "::"
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
ngoamTraceRtNveRslt Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamTraceRtNveRslt properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ack | scalar:Bool | The acknowledgement status of the fault. If a fault is acknowledged and cleared, it is immediately deleted. If a fault is not acknowledged and cleared, it is deleted after the retention interval. | SELECTION: true or false |
descr | action:Descr (naming:Descr) | Description | RANGE: [0 , 128] |
dstIp | address:IPv4 | Destination Node ID | Value must match ipv4 format |
dstIpv6 | address:IPv6 | Destination Ipv6 addr | |
endTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) | The date and time when the task ended. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
errorCode | string:CharBuffer | Error Code String | |
failReason | string:CharBuffer | Failure Reason | |
maxHops | ngoam:Hops (scalar:UByte) | Max Hops | RANGE: [1 , 255] DEFAULT: 32 |
operSt | action:OperSt (scalar:Enum8) | The runtime state of the object or policy. | SELECTION: 0 - scheduled 1 - processing 2 - completed 3 - cancelled 4 - failed 5 - indeterminate 6 - suspended 7 - crashsuspect DEFAULT: scheduled |
peerClassId | mo:MoClassId | The BGP neighbor. | DEFAULT: unspecified |
qual | action:Qual (string:Basic) | The qualifier for the component status. | A sequence of characters |
rSz | action:RetentionSize (scalar:Uint16) | The retention size of the task results. | RANGE: [1 , 1024] DEFAULT: 100 |
rTm | action:RetentionTime (scalar:Time) | The retention time of the task results. | TIME FORMAT: %H:%M:%S 54:05:07:26.000 |
rn | reference:BinRN | Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names. | |
sessionId | ngoam:SessionId (scalar:Uint16) | Name | RANGE: [0 , 0xffff] |
startTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) | The date and time when the task began. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
type | action:Type (scalar:Enum8) | The specific type of the object or component. | SELECTION: 1 - clear 2 - reset 3 - reload 4 - locate 5 - install 6 - test 7 - collect 8 - interface-in-service DEFAULT: clear |
ngoamPathTr Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamPathTr properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
id | ngoam:PathId (scalar:UByte) | ID | RANGE: [0, 255] |
rn | reference:BinRN | Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names. |
ngoamNodeTr Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamNodeTr properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:IPv4 | IPv4 Address | Value must match ipv4 format |
elapsedTime | scalar:Time | Elapsed Time | TIME FORMAT: %H:%M:%S 54:05:07:26.000 |
order | ngoam:Order (scalar:UByte) | Order | RANGE: [0, 255] |
rn | reference:BinRN | Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names. | |
v6addr | address:IPv6 | IPv6 Address | Value must match ipv6 format |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Executing Path Trace NVE
Executing Path Trace NVE
POST http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json
"ngoamPathTraceNve": {
"attributes": {
"session": ""
"dstIp": ""
"vni": "31000"
"reqStats": "yes"
"adminSt": "1"
The POST fields are optional. See the GET request for all available fields.
CLI Commands
The CLI commands are equivalent to the payload examples displayed in the pane on the right.
pathtrace nve ip vni 31000 req-stats
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
Verifying a DME Configuration
The following table contains the distinguished name (DN) for each managed object (MO) in the DME payload. Issue a GET request using the DN to verify the configuration was posted or to get information about the configured properties of a particular object.
MO | DN |
ngoamPathTraceNve | sys/action/lsubj-{[oDn]}/pathtracenve-{session} |
ngoamPathTraceNve Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamPathTraceNve properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
session | string:Basic | session | A sequence of characters |
dstIp | address:IPv4 | Destination Node ID | Value must match ipv4 format |
vni | ngoam:Vnid (scalar:Uint32) | VNI | RANGE: [1 , 16777215] |
reqStats | scalar:Bool | Request Stats | SELECTION: true or false |
adminSt | action:AdminSt (scalar:Enum8) | The administrative state of the object or policy. | SELECTION: 0 - unknown 1 - start 2 - stop 3 - suspend DEFAULT: unknown |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Querying the Path Trace NVE
Querying the Path Trace NVE
GET http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json?rsp-subtree=full
"ngoamPathTraceNveRslt": {
"attributes": {
"ack": "no",
"descr": "",
"dstIp": "",
"dstIpv6": "",
"endTs": "never",
"errorCode": "",
"failReason": "",
"maxHops": "2",
"operSt": "scheduled",
"peerClassId": "unspecified",
"qual": "",
"rSz": "0",
"rTm": "00:00:00:00.000",
"rn": "ptrnverslt-[6]",
"sessionId": "6",
"startTs": "never",
"type": "0"
"children": [
"ngoamPathPtr": {
"attributes": {
"id": "1",
"rn": "pathptr-1"
}, "children": [
"ngoamNodePtr": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"ngoamPathTraceNveRslt": {
"attributes": {
"ack": "no",
"descr": "",
"dstIp": "",
"dstIpv6": "",
"endTs": "never",
"errorCode": "",
"failReason": "",
"maxHops": "2",
"operSt": "scheduled",
"peerClassId": "unspecified",
"qual": "",
"rSz": "0",
"rTm": "00:00:00:00.000",
"rn": "ptrnverslt-[6]",
"sessionId": "6",
"startTs": "never",
"type": "0"
"children": [
"ngoamPathPtr": {
"attributes": {
"id": "1",
"rn": "pathptr-1"
}, "children": [
"ngoamNodePtr": {
"attributes": {
"addr": "",
"egressIf": "Eth5/7/3",
"egressIfState": "UP",
"elapsedTime": "00:00:00:00.013",
"ingressIf": "Eth5/7/1",
"ingressIfState": "UP",
"order": "1",
"rn": "nodeptr-1",
"rxBandwidth": "10000000",
"rxBcast": "11",
"rxByteRate": "0",
"rxBytes": "26696076",
"rxDiscards": "0",
"rxErrors": "1",
"rxLen": "84",
"rxLoad": "0",
"rxMcast": "24222",
"rxPktRate": "0",
"rxUcast": "384",
"rxUnknown": "0",
"txBandwidth": "10000000",
"txBcast": "9",
"txByteRate": "0",
"txBytes": "26731567",
"txDiscards": "0",
"txErrors": "18",
"txLen": "84",
"txLoad": "0",
"txMcast": "24179",
"txPktRate": "0",
"txUcast": "940",
"v6addr": "::”
Note: The property information for this example was added in Release 9.3(3).
ngoamPathTraceNveRslt Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamPathTraceNveRslt properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
ack | scalar:Bool | The acknowledgement status of the fault. If a fault is acknowledged and cleared, it is immediately deleted. If a fault is not acknowledged and cleared, it is deleted after the retention interval. | SELECTION: true or false |
descr | action:Descr (naming:Descr) | Description | RANGE: [0 , 128] |
dstIp | address:IPv4 | Destination Node ID | Value must match ipv4 format |
dstIpv6 | address:IPv6 | Destination Ipv6 addr | |
endTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) | The date and time when the task ended. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
errorCode | string:CharBuffer | Error Code String | |
failReason | string:CharBuffer | Failure Reason | |
maxHops | ngoam:Hops (scalar:UByte) | Max Hops | RANGE: [1 , 255] DEFAULT: 32 |
operSt | action:OperSt (scalar:Enum8) | The runtime state of the object or policy. | SELECTION: 0 - scheduled 1 - processing 2 - completed 3 - cancelled 4 - failed 5 - indeterminate 6 - suspended 7 - crashsuspect DEFAULT: scheduled |
peerClassId | mo:MoClassId | The BGP neighbor. | DEFAULT: unspecified |
qual | action:Qual (string:Basic) | The qualifier for the component status. | A sequence of characters |
rSz | action:RetentionSize (scalar:Uint16) | The retention size of the task results. | RANGE: [1 , 1024] DEFAULT: 100 |
rTm | action:RetentionTime (scalar:Time) | The retention time of the task results. | TIME FORMAT: %H:%M:%S 54:05:07:26.000 |
rn | reference:BinRN | Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names. | |
sessionId | ngoam:SessionId (scalar:Uint16) | Name | RANGE: [0 , 0xffff] |
startTs | mo:TStamp (scalar:Date) | The date and time when the task began. | SELECTION: 0 - never DEFAULT: never |
type | action:Type (scalar:Enum8) | The specific type of the object or component. | SELECTION: 1 - clear 2 - reset 3 - reload 4 - locate 5 - install 6 - test 7 - collect 8 - interface-in-service DEFAULT: clear |
ngoamPathPtr Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamPathPtr properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
id | ngoam:PathId (scalar:UByte) | ID | RANGE: [0, 255] |
rn | reference:BinRN | Identifies an object from its siblings within the context of its parent object. The distinguished name contains a sequence of relative names. |
ngoamNodePtr Properties
The following table contains information about the ngoamNodePtr properties in the DME payload. For more information about the properties and MOs, see the NX-API DME Model Reference linked in the Related Documentation section below.
Property Name | Data Type | Description | Values |
addr | address:IPv4 | IPv4 Address | Value must match ipv4 format |
Related Documentation
For other CLI options, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Command Reference:
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload:
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide:
Clearing a Session
Clearing a Session
DELETE http://<mgmt0_IP>/api/node/mo/sys/action/lsubj-[].json
Issue a DELETE oDn request to clear sessions created using the REST API.
See the NX-API DME Model Reference for detailed information about classes and attributes described in the payload: https://developer.cisco.com/site/nx-os/docs/nexus-model-reference/
For information about using the payloads, see the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series NX-OS Programmability Guide https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/switches/nexus-9000-series-switches/products-programming-reference-guides-list.html