Account |
Admin or operator account that provides access to the Cisco GMM Cloud Application. |
AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) is a messaging protocol. Messaging brokers receive messages from publishers (applications that publish them, also known as producers) and route them to consumers (applications that process them). |
The Access Point Name (APN) is the network name provided by your cellular carrier. The APN is entered in the gateways network configuration if a cellular connection is used. |
AnyConnect |
A VPN client used to establish a remote connection between a computer and devices behind a gateway. See Remote Access. |
Application lifecycle manager |
Deploy, start, stop, uninstall, and upgrade edge/fog applications. |
Assets (devices) |
Sensors or devices at the network edge that have useful data to report. |
Cellular connectivity usage management |
Gain real-time visibility into cellular signal strength and aggregated cellular data usage for the past 24 hours. Set rules to prioritize which network to use when managing a gateway’s dual SIM usage (when dual SIMs and cellular contracts are in place). |
Cisco GMM Cloud Application |
The web-based user interface for managing gateways, fog apps, and data delivery. |
Cisco Gateway Management Module (GMM) |
A cloud platform used to deploy and manage gateways. |
Claim |
"Claim" a gateway to securely reserve the device for your organization's use. Gateways must be provisioned for use with Cisco GMM and associated with your organization's account. The gateway is available for use after it is claimed and installed on your network. |
Cloud-based gateway management |
Use the Cisco GMM Cloud Application to instantly provision remote Cisco 8x9 Industrial Integrated Services Routers (IR8x9) gateways. Monitor and maintain health on an ongoing basis. Manage Cisco IOx application environment configuration and software at scale from a single pane of glass. Deploy micro-services to Cisco containers on Cisco gateways and manage application lifecycle, bulk updating when needed. |
Configuration |
A gateway template that defines the network settings for the device. Configurations are applied when the gateway is claimed. Changes to the Configuration do not affect previously claimed devices. |
Custom Fields |
Allows you to add fields to gateways, such as engine size or robot model. This allows you to group gateways for data routing or other requirements. For example, create a "Engine Size" field, with options for 2000cc and 5000cc. The custom field appears in all gateways, or you can select the field definition in a configuration template. |
Data consumer |
A system used to visualize and manage the data from your Cisco GMM devices. For example, Microsoft Azure (AMQP 1.0) or Freeboard (AMQP 0.91). |
Data controls |
Enable you to define data flow policies – which data goes to which apps at which time. |
Data destination |
The data destination is the service where data is sent, such as an AMQP data broker. |
Data models |
Enable you to define structure for various data types and collections of data you want to share. |
Data threshold |
When data crosses a threshold, send it to a destination. For example, if the sensor temperature is greater than 100o, send the data to a desired application. |
Data routing |
Route data from IoT devices to cloud applications supporting AMQP 0.9, AMQP 1.0 and destinations in IBM Watson IoT (MQTT). Set up and manage your data destinations with no programming via an intuitive user interface, eliminating the need for additional training for IT and OT staff. |
Data transformer |
Converts data from disparate sources to a common format and precision to simplify the construction of and ingestion by applications. |
Devices (assets) |
Sensors or devices at the network edge that have useful data to report. |
Edge & fog processing |
Performs complex rules on data in motion to intelligently reduce, compress, and transmit data in an optimal way. Also adds compute power anywhere in the network (both at the edge, and consolidating and processing data from multiple edge nodes to further reduce it before sending it on to next destination, for example.) Enables critical decisions to be made and appropriate actions taken without the expense and delay involved in processing everything at a higher location in the data flow topology. |
End-to-end security |
Ensures your data is protected with Cisco security at many levels. Benefits include: 1) Enable an encrypted IPSEC tunnel between gateways and the Cisco GMM cloud. 2) Require certificate-based authentication during the gateway claiming process. 3) Support for Flex VPN to establish IPSEC tunnels over IKEv2 to the customer headend, to secure the channel between the gateways and the headend. |
Fog app |
See IOx fog apps. |
Gateway |
A Cisco industrial routers used as a gateway to manage devices and host fog applications. See supported gateways. |
Gateways equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) antenna can display the device GPS coordinates on the Cisco GMM Cloud Application's dashboard map. This provides accurate and real time tracking of mobile high value assets to help improve the efficiency and accuracy of dispatch operations. |
IOx fog apps |
Applications hosted on the IR8x9 routers. |
IR8x9 gateway |
Cisco's industrial routers used as a gateway to manage devices and host fog applications. See supported gateways. |
Northbound application connectors |
Allows for subscription to data by authorized applications and services. |
Private subnet |
A private subnet range that allows all DHCP devices connected to the gateway to receive an IP address from the address space you specify. A private subnet can be used on a gateway instead of the default subnet assigned by the Cisco device. |
Provisioning |
The process of re-imaging and preparing a supported gateway for use as a Cisco's GMM gateway. Installation technician powers the gateway and ensures it has connectivity, so it can “phone home” to your cloud-hosted instance of GMM for onboarding and configuration. An intuitive UI enables you to create groups and apply customized policy-based configuration templates with bulk operations. It makes configuration of gateways fast, reliable and scalable across complex IT and OT environments. |
Remote Access |
Remote access via AnyConnect as a method to remotely manage and maintain devices behind a gateway.For example, you can avoid costly truck rolls by enabling operations and maintenance staff to remotely find and fix device issues. |
Rule set |
Rule sets allow you to filter, throttle, or transform the data from gateways to one or more destinations. For example, if a sensor temperature exceeds 100º, send the data to a specific destination. You can create rules based on device data or specific processes to: 1) Proactively spot anomalies and abnormal behavior. 2) Filter and throttle data to reduce system bandwidth and overages, and minimize processing and storing unneeded data. |
SIM card |
Enables a cellular connection for Cisco's GMM gateways. The SIM card is typically provided by your cellular network carrier, along with an APN. |
Software connectors |
Extract data from disparate sources using wide variety of protocol adapters. |
Throttle or filter data |
Limit or define how often data is sent. For example, if the asset sends data every 5 seconds, only send it once every 5 minutes instead. |
Transform data |
Data can be converted or changed. For example, if a sensor sends temperature data in Celsius, convert it to Fahrenheit. |
A virtual private network (VPN) can be used to securely connect to a gateway from a remote location. You can also configure a separate VPN tunnel on your gateways to connect with your organization's VPN HeadEnd. |
Work Group Bridge (WGB) |
If configured on a gateway, a WGB allows the gateway to connect to an existing WiFi network for Internet connectivity and communication with the Cisco GMM cloud. The benefits include: 1) Reduce cellular data costs with quick, reliable automatic Wi-Fi offloading for high-bandwidth video and confidential files 2) Maximize uptime for field/remote employees with fast, touchless transfer of high-bandwidth data over Wi-Fi, with strict privacy protection. 3) Enable WGB very easily through UI-based template creation. |