Connect GMM with the Cisco Control Center
If you are using Cisco Control Center to manage the SIM cards installed in your gateways, you access some of the Cisco Control Center features directly from GMM.
- Go to Admin > Cisco Control Center.
- Enter the Control Center connection settings provided by your Control Center admin.
- Control Center UI URL
- Username
- api-key
- Click Save.

Manage gateway SIMs
Go to Gateways > Gateways and click the Monitor tab.
Click a gateway name.
In the Summary tab, scroll down to the cellular information, such as Cellular Rate Plan.
Click Cisco Control Center to launch the Control Center UI in a separate browser tab. The Devices page displays and shows information about the gateway's SIM card. This displayed information auto-filtered based on the ICCID of the SIM card. Note: You may have to login to Control Center.
Tip: The gateway's SIM card ICCID is also displayed in the Summary tab in GMM.
In Control Center, click the down arrow under the Action column to select an available option, such as Run Diagnostics or Change SIM Status.

Deactivate or Activate a Gateway SIM card
If a SIM card is managed by the Control Center, you can either deactivate, or activate, it from the Networking menu.
Select Gateway > Gateways and select the Monitor tab.
Select a gateway checkbox.
Click the Networking tab __> Cisco Control Center.
The SIM card status is displayed. Click Activate or Deactivate.
Note: Deactivating a SIM card ends network connectivity on that card and the gateway cannot be managed in GMM. To resume gateway management, reactivate the SIM card.
(Optional) Click Cisco Control Center to launch Control Center UI.

Deactivate a SIM card when deleting a gateway
When you delete a gateway, you can also deactivate the SIM card if it is managed by Control Center.
Go to Gateway > Gateways
Click the Monitor tab and select a gateway checkbox.
Click Delete (in the upper right).
Select the Deactivate SIM card.
Important: The SIM card can be reactivated after the gateway delete operation in Control Center only.
Click Delete.