Use the Cisco Network Plug and Play
Solution (PnP) to provision Cisco IR 1101 routers for use with Cisco GMM gateways. PnP applies the required GMM certificates and bootstrap configuration to make the IR1101 router a GMM gateway. Once provisioned, the gateway can register and be claimed on GMM by your organization.
PnP is used to provision IR1101 gateways that are ordered with GMM on Cisco
Commerce Workspace (CCW). PnP can also
be used to provision existing and RMA replacement IR1101 gateways.
Note: Although Cisco PnP is the preferred method to provision an IR 11101
gateway, you can also use the Cisco Gateway Provisioning Tool (GPT) for all supported gateways.
Background: The PnP process
The following illustration shows what happens when you use PnP to provision a
gateway so it can be claimed by GMM.
Note: Most of these steps offer in the background. Your task is to order the
gateway for the right Smart Account, connect it to the network, and claim it
using GMM.

When ordering a gateway, associate the order with your Smart Account (and
optionally with the correct Virtual Account).
The IR1101 device serial number is automatically added to the Smart Account.
The Smart Account and device serial number are added to PnP Connect.
The PnP gateways are entitled on GMM, based on serial number. This allows
you to claim the device for your organization.
Power up the gateway, which will auto-discover PnP Connect with "devicehelper.cisco.com”.
PnP Connect will push the GMM security certificate added to your PnP
Profile and redirect the gateway to the PnP Server.
The PnP Server will push the correct GMM base configuration
to the gateway.
The gateway will call home to GMM and wait to be claimed.
Summary steps
Create a Cisco Smart Account.
Create a PnP Controller Profile that provisions your devices for use with Cisco GMM.
Provision your 1101 gateways using one of the following options:
Order gateways according to the GMM ordering guide.
Manually enter the serial numbers for existing or non-registered gateways in the PnP Controller Profile.
Claim the gateways using Cisco GMM.
Create a Cisco Smart Account
A Cisco Smart Account is required to use GMM PnP.
Go to Cisco Software Central at software.cisco.com.
Click Get a Smart Account
and enter your information.

Learn more about Smart Accounts.
Create a PnP Controller Profile
Create a Controller Profile that redirects (provisions) your devices for use
with Cisco GMM.
Go to https://software.cisco.com.
Click Plug and Play Connect.
Select your Cisco Smart Account or Virtual Smart Account (top right).
Click the Controller Profiles tab, then click Add Profile.
Next to Controller Type, select PNP SERVER, then click Next.
Enter the following information:
Profile Name—A meaningful name.
Default Profile—Select Yes if this Smart Account is only used for
Cisco GMM. This profile will be used any time you order a gateway.
Host Name—Enter gateway.ciscokinetic.io.
SSL Certificate—Copy and paste the following COMODO certificate in it’s entirety:
- and select Save Link As… to download the Cisco GMM COMODO security certificate.
- Click Browse and select the security certificate from the download location.
Click Next.
Review the profile details and click Submit > Done.

Learn more about Controller Profiles.
Order IR1101 gateways using PnP
When ordering a new IR1101, associate your order to your Smart Account/Virtual
Account. The gateway serial number will then be added to your Smart Account, and
PnP will use the profile created in the previous section to provision the device
for GMM.
Create a Cisco Smart Account and PnP Controller Profile.
Go to Cisco Commerce Workspace (CCW).
Order gateways according to the GMM ordering guide.
Select your Cisco Smart Account or Virtual Smart Account (top right) for the organization where the gateways will be claimed.
Select a Controller Profile, if necessary.
When you receive the gateways, connect the device to power and to the
cellular or Ethernet network.
Claim the gateways using Cisco GMM.
Wait approximately 30 minutes for the conversion and registration process to complete.
Manually add existing gateway serial numbers
You can also provision existing gateways, and RMA replacement gateway, for use with GMM.
- The gateway cannot have an existing configuration.
- See Factory reset a gateway to erase the gateway's configuration.
- Remove the startup-config using erase nvram:
- Remove any .cfg files in flash.
- Reboot the gateway without saving the config.
- The device must be running Cisco IOS v16.12.1 or higher. Upgrade the gateway, if necessary, before adding it to Cisco PnP.
Complete the requirements above.
Go to https://software.cisco.com.
Click Plug and Play Connect.
Select your Cisco Smart Account or Virtual Smart Account (top right).
Click the Devices tab, then click Request Add Devices.
Accept the agreement if prompted.
Under Identify Source, select Enter device info manually and click Next.
Click Identify Device.
Enter the following information:
Serial number—The gateway that will be added to GMM.
Base PID—Enter IR1101-K9.
Controller Profile—Select the profile you just created.
Enter an optional description and click Next.
The devices are added to your profile and waiting for redirection to Cisco GMM.
Connect the device to power and to the cellular or Ethernet network.
Claim the gateways using Cisco GMM.
Wait approximately 30 minutes for the conversion and registration process to