Firmware upgrades are made available online, and are uploaded and installed directly to the gateways using the Cisco GMM Cloud Application. You can upload and install the firmware image in a single operation, or upload the image only and then install upgrade at a later time. You might want to do this since the install process can take up to 2 1/2 hours, during which the gateway will be down and unavailable for data delivery. The upload can be performed without impacting gateway operation, allowing you to schedule the installation during a planned maintenance time when when impact will be minimal.
Firmware upload and install actions can be performed manually or scheduled for a future time. If an upgrade fails, for example, due to a network outage, you can also configure a time to retry the upgrade, or skip that version.
Note: Factory resetting a gateway restores the gateway to it's original firmware version. Use these instructions to upgrade the gateway to the latest version.
Firmware availability
Click notifications
in the top right to view available upgrades. Click an Upgrade option, if available, and complete the following instructions.
Available firmware is also shown in a gateway's Summary page. See "Upgrade a single gateway" (below) for instructions.

Tip: You can also go to Tools > Firmware Upgrade to schedule upgrades and view job status.
Upgrade a single gateway
- Select Gateway > Gateways and select the Monitor tab.
- Under the Summary tab, next to Software Version, Upgrade Available appears if a new version is available for the device model. Click the icon.
- Enter the following settings and click Run.
If the firmware was uploaded only, schedule a new job, or you can manually install the upgrade.
- To manually install an uploaded firmware image:
- Go to Tools > Firmware Upgrade.
- Click the Most Recent tab.
- Select the box next to the Upload only job.
- Click Install.
Setting |
Description |
Software version |
Select a firmware version, if available. If no items are displayed, an upgrade is not currently available. |
Select Upgrade Type |
Upload Only—Upload the firmware image to the gateway(s) but do not install. Gateways will remain up.
Install Only—Install a previously uploaded firmware image. Gateways will be down during the installation and unavailable for data delivery.
Upload & Install—Complete the entire process. During the install period, gateways will be down and unavailable for data delivery |
Time to perform the upgrade |
Now—Perform the upgrade immediately.
Later—Select the day and time when the upgrade will begin. The firmware will be uploaded and/or installed according to the Upgrade Type selection. |
Alerts Delivery Format |
To receive alerts regarding the upgrade status, select:
Email—Enter and enter a valid address.
Text—Enter a valid countr code and phone number. |
Policy for failed uploads |
If the upload fails, you can choose to retry the upload until a specified time.
On failure retry the upload until—The upload will be retried multiple times until it succeeds or until the selected time. We recommend a time that is at least 12 hours after the "Time to perform the upgrade ".
Stop upload after first failure—Do not re-attempt the upload. |
Upgrade multiple gateways
Two options are available to upgrade multiple gateways:
Click notifications
in the top right and click an Upgrade option, if available.
Go to Tools > Firmware Upgrade and click Schedule Upgrades.
Enter the following settings and click Run.
If the firmware was uploaded only, schedule an additional install job. Or you can manually install the upgrade.
Go to Tools > Firmware Upgrade.
Click the Most Recent tab.
Select the box next to the Upload only job.
Click Install.
Setting |
Description |
Name |
Describe the upgrade job. |
Description |
If the gateway uses a cellular connection, the data usage and signal strength are displayed as graphs. |
Model |
Select the gateway model that will be upgraded. |
Gateways |
Click the entry field to select a group of gateways or search for a gateway.
Click + to expand a group name and select a specific device. |
Software version |
Select a firmware version, if available. If no items are displayed, an upgrade is not currently available. |
Select Upgrade Type |
Upload Only—Upload the firmware image to the gateway(s) but do not install. Gateways will remain up.
Install Only—Install a previously uploaded firmware image. Gateways will be down during the installation and unavailable for data delivery.
Upload & Install—Complete the entire process. During the install period, gateways will be down and unavailable for data delivery |
Time to perform the upgrade |
Now—Perform the upgrade immediately.
Later—Select the day and time when the upgrade will begin. The firmware will be uploaded and/or installed according to the Upgrade Type selection. |
Alerts Delivery Format |
To receive alerts regarding the upgrade status, select:
Email—Enter and enter a valid address.
Text—Enter a valid countr code and phone number. |
Policy for failed uploads |
If the upload fails, you can choose to retry the upload until a specified time.
On failure retry the upload until—The upload will be retried multiple times until it succeeds or until the selected time. We recommend a time that is at least 12 hours after the "Time to perform the upgrade ".
Stop upload after first failure—Do not re-attempt the upload. |

View upgrade status
- Go to Tools > Firmware Upgrade.
- The Scheduled Changes tab displays when the scheduled upgrades will occur, the current status and other information.
- Click Most Recent Jobs to view information about completed upgrades, including the new firmware version.
- Click the Gateways/Groups to view information for the individual devices in that upgrade job.
- The Type column shows if the job was to upload only, install only, or both.
Tip: To quickly install uploaded images, select the box next to the "Upload only" job and click Install.