Changing Global Console Settings

You can configure several Console settings that apply to the console for all nodes in the UI.


In the Workbench, right-click the node for which you want to open a console.

The Node right-click menu is opened.

Click the Console menu item.

The node’s Console tab in the Panes pane is opened.

Right-click the Console tab’s title bar.

The Console menu is opened.

Select Global Console Settings menu item.

The Global Console Settings dialog is opened.

Change the desired console settings in the dialog.

These global settings apply to the Console for all nodes in all labs.




Console Size: Columns

Specifies the number of columns to use for consoles


Console Size: Rows

Specifies the number of rows to use for consoles


History: load on connect

Load the console history into the console when connecting


History: lines to load

Number of lines of history to load into the console


General: Auto-connect

Automatically open the console connection when navigating to the console


General: Theme

Sets the background and foreground colors for the console


General: Font Size

Changes the console font size


Click Save to save the settings and return to the Console.

The dialog closes. The settings are applied to the Console pane and saved to the web browser’s cache.