Cisco Modeling Labs - Free
The CML-Free is a no-cost, single-user offering of Cisco Modeling Labs. With CML-Free, you get the latest CML product
features for individual learners. This offering does not require a license subscription, and there's nothing to buy.
This page collects information specific to CML-Free in one place. If you have any question when using CML-Free, check
the information on this page first.
If you have not done so already, visit the CML-Free Sign-up Page to register for
access to CML-Free.
CML-Free Features and Limitations
CML-Free includes all of the latest features and functionality of the other single-user CML offerings, such as
CML-Personal. This section explains the product features or limitations in CML-Free compared to other CML products.
Your CML-Free instance should behave the same as a CML-Personal instance, as described in the rest of the CML
documentation, except for the specific limitations documented in this section.
All CML products include access to a collection of VM images (also called reference platforms) for the devices in your
network simulations in CML. CML-Free provides the set of VM images most useful for users just getting started with
network simulation and CML. The refplat ISO image for CML-Free includes images for IOLv, IOLvL2, and ASAv. It also
includes a variety of host VM images, including Ubuntu Linux, Alpine Linux, and a Desktop image with a graphical image.
Attention: The Cisco VM images that are provided for download with Cisco Modeling Labs or as
part of the CML refplat ISO file are only licensed for use within Cisco Modeling Labs. Downloading these VM images and
using them outside Cisco Modeling Labs without a proper license is prohibited.
Node Count
A CML-Free instance can run up to 5 nodes simultaneously. Unmanaged Switch nodes and External Connector nodes
are not counted against the node count limit. All other nodes are counted against the node count limit in CML-Free.
That is, you can start any 5 nodes plus an unlimited number of Unmanaged Switches and/or External Connectors. You may
import or create labs in CML that have more nodes than your node limit, but if the number of nodes in your lab exceeds
the node limit, you will only be able to run a subset of your lab at any one time.
Telemetry Collection
CML Telemetry sends anonymized usage data from your CML-Free instance to Cisco Systems, Inc. We aggregate the usage
data to gain a better understanding of which features our CML customers are using. The collected user data never
includes personally identifiable information. No user names, passwords, device configurations, simulation traffic, or
CLI usage is collected. Your labs are not transmitted other than simple lists of features used and aggregate counts
of simulation elements, including nodes, node types, interfaces, and links.
When you're running a CML-Free instance, the usage data collection is always enabled. We appreciate your collaboration
and allowing us to collect anonymized usage data to help us understand our users better and improve the product.
Disabling telemetry is not possible when running CML-Free. Once you apply a license for any active CML subscription,
you can disable CML telemetry collection from the Tools > System Administration pages.
Downloading CML-Free
Download the files for CML-Free from Cisco's Software Central (SWC) site.
You do not need to download all of the files from a CML-Free release. CML-Free supports multiple installation options,
and some of the files are only for specific installation options. There is more information in the next section and in
the installation guide about which files you need to download based on your selected deployment option. Once you know
which files you need to download for the CML-Free release, return to this section for important information on accessing
those files.
Before you can download any files, you must have an active account on If you do not have a account
yet, you can create one at Your Cisco ID is often referred to as your
CCO (Cisco Connect Online) ID or CCO profile. Follow these guidelines when creating your account on
- Ensure that there are no blank fields in your CCO profile.
- Even if you do not work for a company, you must enter Your Company Details.
- Because of U.S. Export Controls, you must enter your company address in your CCO profile.
- If you do not work for a company:
- you may enter Self for the Company field.
- enter your home address for the company address.
- Ensure that the company address is a valid address and that the street address includes a zip code or post code.
Otherwise, SWC may report that your CCO profile is incomplete.
- The e-mail address in your CCO profile must use an existing and recognizable domain.
- If you work for a company and provide your company e-mail address, the domain name should be valid,
publicly-recognizable domain.
- If you do not work for company, then enter a personal e-mail address. If you still have trouble with the download,
ensure that the e-mail address that you provide uses one of the popular e-mail domains, such as or
Once your CCO profile is complete, you may download the file for your selected deployment type from the CML-Free
page. The SWC site sometimes holds
onto stale information. If you still encounter download errors from SWC after creating a valid CCO profile, try these
- Clear your web browser cache and then refresh the SWC page.
- Try using a different web browser than the one you used to create the CCO profile.
- Try using your web browser's private browsing or incognito mode to visit the SWC site.
Installing CML-Free
You will use the same installation instructions for CML-Free as for any other CML offering. Because CML supports a
variety of installation options, you only need to follow the instructions for your selected type of installation. For
simplicity, the relevant pages for installing CML-Free are listed here:
- Start with the first page of the CML Installation Guide.
- That page describes the different installation options.
- Decide whether you want to deploy CML-Free bare metal or as a virtual machine (VM).
- For Bare Metal installation, follow the instructions on these pages:
- For VM installation on a VMware hypervisor, follow the instructions on these pages:
CML-Free Licensing
With CML-Free, there's no license to apply. You do not need a Cisco Smart Licensing account to run CML-Free. When
you install CML-Free, you can skip the Licensing steps in
the CML Installation Guide.
While running CML-Free, the status bar will indicate OK (FREE-TIER). The Tools > Licensing page will show:
- Registration Status: Unregistered
- License Authorization State: Evaluation Mode or Evaluation Expired
When the authorization state indicates Evaluation Mode, it will also show a number of "days remaining." You can
ignore the countdown of remaining days in evaluation mode. Your CML-Free instance has no time limit, and it will
continue to operate the same after the days remaining reaches 0 and the authorization state changes to Evaluation
CML Training
New CML users may be interested in the Introduction to Network Simulations with CML, a
free learning path on Cisco U. With this introductory learning path, you will learn the
foundational skills needed to build and interact with network simulations by learning to add nodes to a topology in CML
and link their interfaces together. You will learn how to start, stop, and manage the lifecycle of the simulations
while you configure routers, switches, and hosts using the many options CML includes. You will also learn how to share
your simulations with others and leverage community resources in your own simulations.
Support for CML-Free
CML-Free is a community-supported offering. If you are using CML-Free, please post any questions on the CLN Community
Forum for CML.
You can register to be notified about upcoming Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) releases, webinars, and other announcements,
and learn the latest tips and tricks for CML users. Visit and submit the form to register to
receive e-mail communications about the Cisco Modeling Labs product.
Converting CML-Free to CML-Personal
Your CML-Free instance is running the same software as CML-Personal users. If you like the functionality of CML-Free
and want access to additional VM images and a higher node limit, you can purchase CML-Personal or CML-Personal Plus.
Since the software is the same for all CML offerings, migration from CML-Free to CML-Personal, for example, is simple.
Just follow the Licensing instructions to select the
CML-Personal product configuration and register your existing CML-Free instance as a CML-Personal instance. In a few
minutes, your existing CML instance will register with the Cisco Smart Licensing back end and authorize your license.
Your existing CML instance will now operate as a CML-Personal instance. All of your existing labs and node state will
be preserved after the license change, and the node limit will be updated according to the new license configuration.
When you purchase CML-Personal, you will also gain access to additional types of nodes and VM images for running those
nodes. To add those additional node and image definitions to your CML instance, first download the refplat ISO file
for CML-Personal. Note that the download location for
CML-Personal is different from the page where you downloaded CML-Free. Once you have the refplat ISO file on your local
machine where you run CML, make the ISO available to CML as a CD/DVD drive. If you deployed CML to VMware, power down
the CML VM, edit the CML VM to attach the ISO file as a CD/DVD drive, and restart the CML VM. If you have a bare metal
CML deployment, you can burn the refplat ISO to a DVD disc and insert it in your CML server's drive. (Alternatively, if
you have sufficient disk space on your CML server, you may scp
the refplat ISO file itself to the CML server.)
Finally, follow the Copy Refplat ISO to Disk instructions to
copy the contents of the refplat ISO to your CML server.
CML-Free is simply the mode that CML uses when you have not registered the CML instance with Smart Licensing. To return
a licensed CML instance to CML-Free mode, an administrator must use the Deregister action on the Tools >
Licensing page in the CML UI.