Node Resources

You have the capability to adjust the RAM, CPUs, CPU Limit, Data Disk Size, and Boot Disk Size for a node, which tailors the virtual resources the CML server allocates to the node’s VM during lab simulations. Modifying these settings can either improve node performance or allow for the operation of larger labs without requiring additional hardware resources.

  • Setting RAM specifies the amount of RAM (in MiB) allocated to the node.

  • Adjusting CPUs determines the number of virtual CPUs provided to the node.

  • Changing CPU Limit configures the fraction of vCPUs that the node can utilize.

  • Configuring Data Disk Size sets the size of the node’s data disk partition (in GiB).

  • Altering Boot Disk Size defines the size of the node’s boot disk partition (in GiB).

Every node comes with preset default values defined in the Node Definition.

Exercise caution while modifying these parameters, as selecting inappropriate values can disrupt the initiation of nodes. Typically, nodes require a minimum number of virtual CPUs (vCPUs) and a certain quantity of RAM to initialize properly. Setting these values excessively low will prevent the node from operating as intended. Conversely, allocating an overly large amount of resources may exceed your hardware’s capacity, resulting in the node failing to launch. Likewise, if the Boot Disk Size is configured too small, the node will be incapable of loading the image file, leading to a failure to start.

CPU Limit will set the limit for CPU usage. For more information, refer to Setting the CPU Limit on a Node.

For real-time data on resource utilization, consult Simulation Statistics.

Open the lab with the node you wish to modify in the Workbench by clicking its tile on the Dashboard page. Ensure the node is wiped before adjusting its resources.


Select the node.

Access the node’s resource Settings:

  • Under the Compute section, you will find settings for RAM, CPUs, and CPU Limit.

  • Within the Storage section, you will see options for Data Disk Size and Boot Disk Size.

Enter the desired values in the appropriate fields for the resources you wish to adjust.

Confirm your new settings to ensure the changes take effect.