Add and monitor Meraki cameras
Alert: Cisco has made the end-of-life (EOL) announcement for the Cisco Edge Device Manager (EDM).
Meraki cameras can be added to your IoT Dashboard where they can generate alerts based on threshold settings such as vehicle count, people count, and motion detection events.
- Add your Meraki cloud account credentials to the IoT Dashboard organization settings:
- Click the "people icon" in the far right of the header. Click Organization Settings.
- Scroll down to Meraki and click Connect.
- Enter the API key for your Meraki cloud account.
- The API key allows your IoT Dashboard account to communicate with your Meraki cameras.
- To obtain the Meraki API key, log into your Meraki dashboard, go to your account profile > Organization Settings > API Dashboard Access, and copy the API key.
- Click Validate.
- Add the Meraki camera to the connected clients for the network device.
- Click Inventory and select a device name.
- Click the Connected Clients tab.
- Click Add Clients. 4.Enter the MAC address and IP address of the Meraki camera. 5.Under Connectivity Check, select Port to verify the physical connection of the client to the network device.
- Under Type, select Meraki camera.
- Under Video Alert Threshold Settings, select the threshold settings that will generate an alert.
- Select Check Vehicle Count or Check People Count and enter the number of vehicles or people that will generate an alert.
- Select Check Motion Detection to generate an alert when motion is detected.
- Click Save.
To view alerts for the camera threshold settings, including video from the camera, see View Events and Alerts and View device info on a map.
To generate email notifications when the camera threshold alerts occur, see Receive device alert notifications.