IR Device Configuration and Initiating Connection to OD (17.13.1)

Configuring devices managed by CLI/Local Manager

IMPORTANT: When you manage an IR device, ensure that the configuration necessary for the DNS resolution of the IoT OD URL is set in the CLI. You can use either the IP name server or the static IP host config. This feature will not operate without proper DNS resolution. Execute the required CLI command to configure the IoT OD Services on the IR device.


  • Ensure that the router has a minimum version of IOS XE 17.13.1 installed.
  • Add a single externally-managed device in IoT OD Application Manager using the UI. For details see section, To add a single externally managed device.


A. Prepare the device.

  1. Attach the required networking cables.
  2. Power up the device.

B. Configure and enable IOx: IOx is a container hosting platform that runs on Cisco IOS XE, and it is used to install and execute a number of services that Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard can deliver such as Edge Intelligence (EI), Secure Equipment Access (SEA) or third party applications packaged as IOx Apps. As a first step, we will now configure and enable IOx.

  1. Configure DHCP Pool, VPG Interface and NAT Rules on the device for IOx Network.

    1. The virtual interface that connects IOx Apps to IOS XE is called VirtualPortGroup0. These Apps will require an IP address to connect through this interface. Please set up this interface and assign an IP address. Below is an example, but feel free to change the IP address to suit your requirements. You will need to enter these configuration commands in config mode on the router console.
      ! Example
      conf t
      interface VirtualPortGroup0
      description IOx Interface
          ip address
          ip nat inside
          ipv6 enable
    1. When the IOx Apps start, they will request an IP address via DHCP. Therefore, it is necessary to configure a DHCP pool for IOx Apps. Below is an example of IP pool and DNS server but these can be customized for your own requirements. Ensure that the default-router IP address must be the IP address previously configured for the VirtualPortGroup0 interface.
      ! Example
      conf t
      ip dhcp pool ioxpool
    1. Since the IOx Apps will use private IP addresses obtained from the DHCP, they require Network Address Translation (NAT) to access the internet. Add NAT Rules for the DHCP pool to enable IOx App traffic to access the internet.

      In the example below, we assume that the connection to the internet will be through Cellular 0/3/0. Make sure to change/adjust the interface if it is not Cellular 0/3/0. For example, it could be GigabitEthernet 0/0/0 or Cellular 0/1/0.

      ! Example of a NAT rule for using Cellular0/3/0 as an uplink:
      conf t
      interface Cellular0/3/0
       ip nat outside
      ip access-list extended NAT_ACL
       10 permit ip any
      route-map RM_WAN_ACL2 permit 10
       match ip address NAT_ACL
       match interface Cellular0/3/0
      ip nat inside source route-map RM_WAN_ACL2 interface Cellular0/3/0 overload
  2. Enable IOx.

    conf t
  3. Verify that IOx is running correctly.

    show iox-service
    Example : IOx is up and running
    Router#sh iox-service
    IOx Infrastructure Summary:
    IOx service (CAF)              : Running
    IOx service (HA)               : Not Supported
    IOx service (IOxman)           : Running
    IOx service (Sec storage)      : Running
    Libvirtd 5.5.0                 : Running
    Dockerd v19.03.13-ce           : Running    

C. Configure the IR device to connect to IoT OD.

  1. We are now going to execute a set of IOS commands on the device's CLI to establish a connection to the IoT OD. The Device Profile in the IoT Operations Dashboard is associated with devices such as routers, with a set of username / password for managing them. To manage the IOx Apps, the Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard requires valid level 15 user credentials in IOS XE. If such a user is currently not present on the device, the following configuration should be applied to create a privilege 15 user.

    conf t
    username <DEVICE PROFILE USERNAME> privilege 15 algorithm-type scrypt secret <DEVICE PROFILE PASSWORD>
  2. Configure the authentication-related settings and WSMA settings.

    IMPORTANT: Usage of the WSMA service relies on http, therefore "ip http server" is required to be enabled in the configuration. To deploy applications securely, add “ip http secure-server” as well.

    Note: Please review running-config on the device first. Some related configurations might be available out of the box.

      conf t
      aaa new-model
      aaa authentication login default local
      aaa authorization exec default local
      ip http secure-server
      ip http server
      ip http authentication local
      wsma agent exec
      profile exec
      wsma profile listener exec
      transport http path /wsma/exec
      cgna gzip
  3. This step is applicable for IR1101 devices only. You must enter IoT OD certificate manually on the IR1101 devices.

      conf t
      crypto pki trustpoint iotod-cert
        revocation-check none
      crypto pki certificate chain iotod-cert
       certificate ca 7D5B5126B476BA11DB74160BBC530DA7
       30820613 308203FB A0030201 0202107D 5B5126B4 76BA11DB 74160BBC 530DA730 
       0D06092A 864886F7 0D01010C 05003081 88310B30 09060355 04061302 55533113 
       30110603 55040813 0A4E6577 204A6572 73657931 14301206 03550407 130B4A65 
       72736579 20436974 79311E30 1C060355 040A1315 54686520 55534552 54525553 
       54204E65 74776F72 6B312E30 2C060355 04031325 55534552 54727573 74205253 
       41204365 72746966 69636174 696F6E20 41757468 6F726974 79301E17 0D313831 
       31303230 30303030 305A170D 33303132 33313233 35393539 5A30818F 310B3009 
       06035504 06130247 42311B30 19060355 04081312 47726561 74657220 4D616E63 
       68657374 65723110 300E0603 55040713 0753616C 666F7264 31183016 06035504 
       0A130F53 65637469 676F204C 696D6974 65643137 30350603 55040313 2E536563 
       7469676F 20525341 20446F6D 61696E20 56616C69 64617469 6F6E2053 65637572 
       65205365 72766572 20434130 82012230 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000382 
       010F0030 82010A02 82010100 D67333D6 D73C20D0 00D21745 B8D63E07 A23FC741 
       EE3230C9 B06CFDF4 9FCB1298 0F2D3F8D 4D010C82 0F177F62 2EE9B848 79FB1683 
       4EADD732 2593B707 BFB9503F A94CC340 2AE939FF D981CA1F 163241DA 8026B923 
       7A87201E E3FF209A 3C95446F 87750690 40B43293 16091008 233ED2DD 870F6F5D 
       51146A0A 69C54F01 7269CFD3 934C6D04 A0A31B82 7EB19AB9 EDC59EC5 37789F9A 
       0834FB56 2E58C409 0E06645B BC37DCF1 9F2868A8 56B092A3 5C9FBB88 98081B24 
       1DAB3085 AEAFB02E 9E7A9DC1 C0421CE2 02F0EAE0 4AD2EF90 0EB4C140 16F06F85 
       424A64F7 A430A0FE BF2EA327 5A8E8B58 B8ADC319 178463ED 6F56FD83 CB6034C4 
       74BEE69D DBE1E4E5 CA0C5F15 02030100 01A38201 6E308201 6A301F06 03551D23 
       04183016 80145379 BF5AAA2B 4ACF5480 E1D89BC0 9DF2B203 66CB301D 0603551D 
       0E041604 148D8C5E C454AD8A E177E99B F99B05E1 B8018D61 E1300E06 03551D0F 
       0101FF04 04030201 86301206 03551D13 0101FF04 08300601 01FF0201 00301D06 
       03551D25 04163014 06082B06 01050507 03010608 2B060105 05070302 301B0603 
       551D2004 14301230 06060455 1D200030 08060667 810C0102 01305006 03551D1F 
       04493047 3045A043 A041863F 68747470 3A2F2F63 726C2E75 73657274 72757374 
       2E636F6D 2F555345 52547275 73745253 41436572 74696669 63617469 6F6E4175 
       74686F72 6974792E 63726C30 7606082B 06010505 07010104 6A306830 3F06082B 
       06010505 07300286 33687474 703A2F2F 6372742E 75736572 74727573 742E636F 
       6D2F5553 45525472 75737452 53414164 64547275 73744341 2E637274 30250608 
       2B060105 05073001 86196874 74703A2F 2F6F6373 702E7573 65727472 7573742E 
       636F6D30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D01010C 05000382 02010032 BF61BD0E 48C34FC7 
       BA474DF8 9C781901 DC131D80 6FFCC370 B4529A31 339A5752 FB319E6B A4EF54AA 
       898D4017 68F81110 7CD2CAB1 F15586C7 EEB33691 86F63951 BF46BF0F A0BAB4F7 
       7E49C42A 36179EE4 68397AAF 944E566F B27B3BBF 0A86BDCD C5771C03 B838B1A2 
       1F5F7EDB 8ADC4648 B6680ACF B2B5B4E2 34E467A9 3866095E D2B8FC9D 283A1740 
       27C2724E 29FD213C 7CCF13FB 962CC531 44FD13ED D59BA969 68777CEE E1FFA4F9 
       36380853 39A28434 9C19F3BE 0EACD524 37EB23A8 78D0D3E7 EF924764 623922EF 
       C6F711BE 2285C666 4424268E 10328DC8 93AE079E 833E2FD9 F9F5468E 63BEC1E6 
       B4DCA6CD 21A8860A 95D92E85 261AFDFC B1B65742 6D95D133 F6391406 824138F5 
       8F58DC80 5BA4D57D 9578FDA7 9BFFFDC5 A869AB26 E7A7A405 875BA9B7 B8A3200B 
       97A94585 DDB38BE5 89378E29 0DFC0617 F638400E 42E41206 FB7BF3C6 116862DF 
       E398F413 D8154F8B B169D910 60BC642A EA31B7E4 B5A33A14 9B26E30B 7BFD028E 
       B699C138 975936F6 A874A286 B65EEBC6 64EACFA0 A3F96E9E BA2D11B6 86980858 
       2DC9AC25 64F25E75 B438C1AE 7F5A4683 EA51CAB6 F1991135 6BA56A7B C600B0E7 
       F8BE64B2 ADC8C2F1 ACE351EA A493E079 C8E18140 C90A5BE1 123CC160 2AE397C0 
       8942CA94 CF469812 69BB98D0 C2D30D72 4B476EE5 93C43228 638743E4 B0323E0A 
       D34BBF23 9B142941 2B9A041F 932DF1C7 39483CAD 5A127F
  4. Configure the IDA transport profile for your Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard cluster (EU or US). This configuration will enable a secure TLS connection using WebSocket to Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard and will initiate an outgoing connection to the cluster using TLS with port TCP 443. This connection is used as a transport for the rest of the Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard functions and APIs.

    • Configure IDA with the virtualportgroup 0 interface IP as the execution URL.
        ! For US Cluster:
        conf t
        ida transport-profile wst
        callhome-url wss://
        remote-trustpoint iotod-cert
        ! For EU Cluster::
        conf t
        ida transport-profile wst
        callhome-url wss://
        remote-trustpoint iotod-cert
  5. Now that we have configured a secure connection, we need to configure the CGNA registration profile. This will initiate a router registration to the Cisco IoT Operations Dashboard cloud, leveraging the previously configured transport profile.

      conf t
      cgna profile cg-nms-register
      transport-profile wst
      add-command show version | format flash:/managed/odm/cg-nms.odm
      add-command show inventory | format flash:/managed/odm/cg-nms.odm
      interval 3
      url https://localhost/cgna/ios/registration

    Once the configuration is done, the device will connect to IoT OD and trigger the onboarding process.

  6. (Optional) Enable DNS on the router, if it is not already acquired through DHCP server.

    Note: This is important if the router is configured with static IP and the static default gateway and not explicitly given a DNS server to use. In this example, we use a Cisco DNS. Use any DNS server.

      conf t
      ip name-server

D. Verify the configuration: Use the following commands to verify if the device is configured correctly inorder to connect to IoT OD.

  • Show ida transport-profile name wst

       ! This is an example output for the above command
       ! Verify that IDA status is connected
       ! Notice the line "IDA Status: Connected" in the show command out below.  Router#sh ida transport-profile-state all
       Transport Profile 1:
       Profile Name: wst
       Activated at: Wed Dec 13 02:11:55 2023
       Reconnect Interval: 30 seconds
       keepalive timer Interval: 50 seconds
       Source interface: [not configured]
       callhome-url: wss://
       Local TrustPoint: CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI
       Remote TrustPoint: iotod-cert
       Proxy-Addr: [not configured]
       IDA Status: Connected
       State: Wait for activation
       Last successful response at Wed Dec 13 02:14:25 2023
       Last failed response at Wed Dec 13 02:13:25 2023
       Last failed reason: Closed before conn
  • Show cgna profile name cg-nms-register

       ! This is an example output for the above command
       ! That is the expected state after successful registration 
       Router# sh cgna profile-state all
       Profile 1:
       Profile Name: cg-nms-register
       Activated at: Wed Dec 13 01:05:07 2023
       Transport-profile: wst
       Payload content type: xml
       Interval: 3 minutes
       Transfer count: 7
       gzip: deactivated
       Profile command:
       show version | format flash:/managed/odm/cg-nms.odm
       show inventory | format flash:/managed/odm/cg-nms.odm
       State: Wait for timer for next action
       Timer started at Wed Dec 13 01:26:36 2023
       Next update will be sent in 1 minute 55 seconds
       Last successful response not found
       Last failed response not found

E. Verifying the Device Status in the IoT OD.

After successful registration on IoT OD, the IR device will be automatically moved from Devices > Staged tab to Registered tab in your IoT OD Organization.


  1. The IR device will move to Devices > Registered with Up status if the device registration is finished successfully.
  2. If IoT OD received a registration attempt but had some issues, (e.g., incorrect credentials), the IR device will move to Devices > Staged with Config Failure status.
  3. If IoT OD didn't receive any registration attempt, the IR device will stay in the Devices > Staged list.