EI 1.16.6 - May 06, 2024

New and Revised features

  • New left navigation support GA - The new screen of IoT Operation Dashboard (IoT OD) allows you to view all IoT OD supported services on the left navigation pane of the dashboard, irrespective of whether procured or not procured for your organization.
  • New landing page support for all services - The new IoT OD landing page support, allows you to view information pertaining to any service you wish to know.
  • From this release, EI has deprecated support for IBM Watson as a Data Destination. The IBM Watson Destination will no longer be maintained or updated with Cisco EI, and users are advised to transition to alternative solutions.
  • EI installation on a SD-WAN managed box, using local manager.

EI 1.16.6 - Mar 07, 2024

Resolved Caveats

Caveat ID Descripition
CSCwi26361 CIAM: Vulnerabilities in busybox 1.35.0 in EI 1.16.0
CSCwi26364 CIAM: Vulnerabilities in openssl 1.1.1w in EI 1.16.0
CSCwi26349 CIAM: Vulnerabilities in openssl 3.0.10 CVE-2023-4807 and others v1.16.0
BEMS01711632 Edge Intelligence internal agent certificates expired
BEMS01707741 Cisco Edge Intelligence Visual Studio Code Plugin Unable to Login for Development


EI 1.16.4 - Feb 12, 2024

New and Revised features

  • Authentication for VS Code plugin requires API key Id, API Key Secret, and Organisation Id. Username and password will no longer be supported for authentication. For more information, refer Log in to CISCO EI from VS Code.