ts(epoch) |
This field provides the time stamp in seconds elapsed from January 1, 1970, i.e., in epoch time. |
overall_cpu_usage(%) |
This section displays the percentage of the load that each processor core can handle when running different applications by completing IOX. |
cpu_load_avg_1_min |
This field provides the CPU's average load over a 1-minute period for the whole IOX. |
cpu_load_avg_5_min |
This field provides the CPU's average load over a 5-minute period for the whole IOX. |
cpu_load_avg_10_min |
This field provides the CPU's average load over a 10-minute period for the whole IOX. |
azure_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the azure process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if Azure process opens 10 different files. |
broker_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the broker process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if broker process opens 10 different files. |
normalization_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the normalization process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if normalization process opens 10 different files. |
mqtt_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the MQTT process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if MQTT process opens 10 different files. |
opcua_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the OPCUA process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if OPCUA process opens 10 different files. |
modbus_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the modbus process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if modbus process opens 10 different files. |
serial_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the serial process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if serial process opens 10 different files. |
rsu_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the RSU process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if RSU process opens 10 different files. |
eip_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the EIP process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if EIP process opens 10 different files. |
ntcip_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the NTCIP process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if NTCIP process opens 10 different files. |
metrics_fd_cnt |
This field is a non-negative integer, displays how many files the metrics process is currently utilising. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. For example, fd_cnt would be 10 if metrics process opens 10 different files. |
azure_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an Azure process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to Azure. |
broker_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an broker process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to broker. |
normalization_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an normalization process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to normalization. |
mqtt_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an MQTT process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to MQTT. |
opcua_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an OPCUA process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to OPCUA. |
modbus_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an modbus process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to modbus. |
serial_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an serial process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to serial. |
rsu_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an RSU process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to RSU. |
eip_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an EIP process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to EIP. |
ntcip_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an NTCIP process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to NTCIP. |
metrics_pid |
PID is a process ID in general. This field indicates an metrics process and is an unique, non-negative integer. The developers will use this field to understand operational aspects of processes related to metrics. |
azure_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the Azure process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
broker_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the broker process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
normalization_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the normalization process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
mqtt_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the MQTT process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
opcua_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the OPCUA process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
modbus_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the modbus process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
serial_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the serial process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
rsu_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the RSU process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
eip_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the EIP process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
nctip_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the NTCIP process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
metrics_res(kB) |
This field provides the actual RAM size that the metrics process allotted in kilobytes out of the total IOX RAM. |
azure_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the Azure process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
broker_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the broker process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
normalization_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the normalization process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
mqtt_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the MQTT process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
opcua_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the OPCUA process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
modbus_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the modbus process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
serial_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the serial process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
rsu_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the RSU process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
eip_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the EIP process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
nctip_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the NTCIP process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
metrics_vss(kB) |
The virtual memory size allotted to the metrics process is specified in this field in kilobytes. It represents the total amount of memory that a process could possibly access. The developers will use this field to understand system performance. |
azure_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that Azure processes are utilising. |
broker_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that broker processes are utilising. |
normalization_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that normalization processes are utilising. |
mqtt_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that MQTT processes are utilising. |
opcua_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that OPCUA processes are utilising. |
modbus_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that modbus processes are utilising. |
serial_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that seial processes are utilising. |
rsu_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that RSU processes are utilising. |
eip_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that EIP processes are utilising. |
ntcip_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that NTCIP processes are utilising. |
metrics_cpu(%) |
This field provides the percentage of the IOX's CPU that metrics processes are utilising. |
rx(bytes/s) |
This field shows the total number of bytes the EI agent application received each second via the network. |
tx(bytes/s) |
This field shows the total number of bytes the EI agent application transmitted each second via the network. |
iowait(%) |
This field provides the total wait time of CPU in percentage for whole IOX. This field will be used by the developers to understand system performance. |
read_per_second(Blk_read/s) |
This field provides the total blocks read per second for the EI application data-mounted drive. |
write_per_second(Blk_wrtn/s) |
This field provides the total blocks read per second for EI application data-mounted drive. |
available_memory(kB) |
This field provides the total RAM memory available in kilobytes out of IOX's entire RAM. |
available_diskspace(kB) |
This field provides the total disc space available for the root ("/") directory in kilobytes for IOX. |
cpu_cores |
This field will provide the total CPU cores present in the IOX. |
cpu_usage_per_core0..n |
This field will provide the CPU utilization per core present in IOX. There will be different entries for each CPU core utilization. |