Alert: Cisco has made the end-of-life (EOL) announcement for the Cisco Edge Device Manager (EDM).

General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) is used with sensors, diodes, displays, and System-on-Chip modules. To utilize GPIO capability, use the IRM-1100-SPMI expansion module.


  • Functionality is available on Cisco IOS-XE release 16.12.1 and above.
  • GPIO pins are not supported when attached to the Bottom Module side of IR1101 device.
  • There are no SMNP Traps for alarms on the GPIO.
  • GPIO events will be entered into the syslog

Field Descriptions (For GPIO Pin Slots 1-4)

  • GPIO #: Enable/Disable. Disabled is default. When enabled, there are five fields that open on the interface.

    • GPIO Status: Input, Output. Input is default.

    • Output: Open or closed. 0 for low or 1 for high. Default is 0.

    • Termination: For devices with either internal or external power sources. This defines the type of method is used to connect to the terminal.

      • Wet contact: Primary contact. Wet contacts are commonly used in solid-state switching devices such as sensors and are used to energize something such as a solenoid or light.
      • Dry contact:(Default setting, Volt free. It is not "wetted" by a voltage source. A dry contact can refer to a secondary set of contacts of a relay circuit which does not make or break the primary current being controlled by the relay.
    • Severity: If you have enabled the alarm logging on the module, you can define events and designate a severity level to each. The level can user are: None (Default), Minor, Major, and Critical.

    • Description: Relevant description of the GPIO port contact pin.

    • Threshold: Millivolt value with range between 1600-2700 mV that generates alarm messages. Default is 2000.

    • Trigger: Open or Closed. Default is Closed. Setting that triggers the event handler code.

    • Output Level: For GPIO Status set to Output. 1=High, 3.3 V, 0=Low, 0V. Default is 1. When the GPIO port is enabled, high (1), set the pin to Pull-up/Pull-down. Pull-up is 3.3 V to the VCC line and Pull-down (to the ground) or floating.

    • Description: (Required) A value for a specific device. Provide "gpio1Description" per device.


  • If the port status is enabled, all fields are required for the GPIO pins to function correctly. Perform these steps for each module port utilized.
  • Steps 1-7 are for a GPIO Status set to Input, steps 8-9 are for a GPIO Status set to Output.

To configure one or more GPIO pin settings:

  1. Select Enable.
  2. Set the Status. (For Input status follow steps 3-7.)
  3. Set the Termination contact type.
  4. (Optional) Type in an appropriate description of the port contact for reference.
  5. Select the Severity.
  6. Select the Threshold.
  7. Set the Trigger type (Open/Closed.)

Note: If a trigger is not configured, the alarm is triggered when the circuit is closed.

  1. (For GPIO Status set to Output) Enter an Output Level.
  2. (For GPIO Status set to Output) Enter Description.
  3. When done, click Save. A success notice opens in the bottom right.

GPIO screen: GPIO 1 Status Input, GPIO 2 status Output

GPIO Config screen

Click here to return to Base Configuration.