Alert: Cisco has made the end-of-life (EOL) announcement for the Cisco Edge Device Manager (EDM).
General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) is used with sensors, diodes, displays, and System-on-Chip modules. To utilize GPIO capability, use the IRM-1100-SPMI expansion module.
- Functionality is available on Cisco IOS-XE release 16.12.1 and above.
- GPIO pins are not supported when attached to the Bottom Module side of IR1101 device.
- There are no SMNP Traps for alarms on the GPIO.
- GPIO events will be entered into the syslog
Field Descriptions (For GPIO Pin Slots 1-4)
GPIO #: Enable/Disable. Disabled is default. When enabled, there are five fields that open on the interface.
GPIO Status: Input, Output. Input is default.
Output: Open or closed. 0 for low or 1 for high. Default is 0.
Termination: For devices with either internal or external power sources. This defines the type of method is used to connect to the terminal.
- Wet contact: Primary contact. Wet contacts are commonly used in solid-state switching devices such as sensors and are used to energize something such as a solenoid or light.
- Dry contact:(Default setting, Volt free. It is not "wetted" by a voltage source. A dry contact can refer to a secondary set of contacts of a relay circuit which does not make or break the primary current being controlled by the relay.
Severity: If you have enabled the alarm logging on the module, you can define events and designate a severity level to each. The level can user are: None (Default), Minor, Major, and Critical.
Description: Relevant description of the GPIO port contact pin.
Threshold: Millivolt value with range between 1600-2700 mV that generates alarm messages. Default is 2000.
Trigger: Open or Closed. Default is Closed. Setting that triggers the event handler code.
Output Level: For GPIO Status set to Output. 1=High, 3.3 V, 0=Low, 0V. Default is 1. When the GPIO port is enabled, high (1), set the pin to Pull-up/Pull-down. Pull-up is 3.3 V to the VCC line and Pull-down (to the ground) or floating.
Description: (Required) A value for a specific device. Provide "gpio1Description" per device.
- If the port status is enabled, all fields are required for the GPIO pins to function correctly. Perform these steps for each module port utilized.
- Steps 1-7 are for a GPIO Status set to Input, steps 8-9 are for a GPIO Status set to Output.
To configure one or more GPIO pin settings:
- Select Enable.
- Set the Status. (For Input status follow steps 3-7.)
- Set the Termination contact type.
- (Optional) Type in an appropriate description of the port contact for reference.
- Select the Severity.
- Select the Threshold.
- Set the Trigger type (Open/Closed.)
Note: If a trigger is not configured, the alarm is triggered when the circuit is closed.
- (For GPIO Status set to Output) Enter an Output Level.
- (For GPIO Status set to Output) Enter Description.
- When done, click Save. A success notice opens in the bottom right.
GPIO screen: GPIO 1 Status Input, GPIO 2 status Output